How Uttering Threats Can Get You in Trouble with the Law


10 May 2021


Uttering Threats Can Get You in Trouble with the Law

Most people are familiar with the old saying that “sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” The truth, of course, is that words actually can do a significant amount of damage, both to the person they are directed at and, under Canadian law, to the person who utters them.

We tend to think of assault as involving physical harm to a person, but according to the Criminal Code of Canada, threats are considered a type of assault — even when they are delivered via text, email, social media, or simply an aggressive gesture. If the receiver chooses to contact the police, the sender can be charged with a criminal offence.

In this article, we’ll explore the real-world consequences of words said in anger, and look at the options available to people who have unwittingly found themselves in legal trouble for uttering threats.

What is a Threat?

In the heat of the moment, people’s words can get away from them. But saying “you’re going to get what’s coming to you!” or “if you don’t shut that dog up, I will!” are actually considered a type of assault if the person you are directing your comments to receives them as a threat.

All of the following are considered to be threats under Canadian law:

  • Saying you will kill or cause bodily harm to a person
  • Saying you will damage their property
  • Saying you will injure, poison, or kill an animal owned by another person

Even if you have no intention or means of doing anything, as long as you knowingly said the words and the person you said them to felt threatened by them, they can file a police report. This may lead to charges being laid, in which case you will need to hire a Toronto criminal defence lawyer to represent you in court.

What are the Consequences of Uttering Threats?

What are the Consequences of Uttering Threats?

Being charged with an offence does not necessarily mean you will be found guilty. The prosecution will need to prove not only that you uttered threats, but that you did so with the intent to create a sense of fear in the alleged victim, and that the alleged victim received your words or actions as a threat.

In order to mount a successful defence, you will need to prove either that your accuser did not actually feel threatened by your words, or that you did not say them with intent.

For example, Toronto criminal lawyers who have experience with threat-related assault cases may try to show that the alleged victim did not actually feel threatened by your words, but has made their claim as a way of inflicting harm for other reasons.

In some cases, assault charges involving threats are accompanied by harassment charges or domestic assault charges, so if you have been charged with this kind of offence, you should talk to a lawyer before deciding how to plead. Uttering threats can be punished by up to two years in jail and a $5,000 fine, leaving you with a lifelong criminal record.

Words have power, and loose talk about inflicting violence on others is taken very seriously by the legal system. While a good criminal defence lawyer can help you navigate such charges, the best defence is simply to watch what you say.

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Personal Injury Attorneys For Your Case

Choosing The Right Personal Injury Attorneys For Your Case

Injuries from accidents can impose an enormous burden on injured parties. These include medical expenses, property damage, and pain and suffering. These damages may be recoverable even if the victim is partially at fault. Compensation for other losses may be sought, including loss of consortium in a wrongful death case. A Vero Beach personal injury attorney can help victims understand their legal rights and options. Experience If you have sustained an injury, attorneys in Vero Beach can help you file a claim with the responsible party's insurance company and negotiate a fair settlement offer. An attorney with an excellent track record can make all the difference in getting you the due compensation. They will take the time to analyze your case, discuss all available options with you, and fight insurance companies on your behalf. Car accidents may be the most prevalent form of a personal injury claim; however, other incidents resulting in serious injuries - such as bike or pedestrian collisions, motorcycle incidents, slip and fall incidents, medical malpractice lawsuits, cruise ship injuries, or wrongful deaths can all qualify as claims for personal injuries as well. Injury from accidents can have long-term repercussions and significantly diminish the quality of life; in such instances, consulting a personal injury attorney can be extremely helpful in seeking compensation for expenses such as pain and suffering, lost wages, and property damage. They may even assist you in filing a claim against your employer to obtain more damages than just by filing an ordinary claim against them. Costs If you have been injured in a car accident, compensation could be available for expenses associated with medical treatment, lost income, and vehicle repair. Furthermore, if your injuries require ongoing care or permanent disability treatment, compensation for future medical expenses could also be available; furthermore, if it has caused harm to relationships such as marriage, then loss of consortium compensation could also apply. Filing a personal injury suit can help recover losses if another's negligence led to your injuries. A qualified Vero Beach personal injury attorney can guide you through this legal process and negotiate with insurers on your behalf. Compassion Many people need to know they have a personal injury case, but an attorney can help you get the compensation you deserve. The attorneys can explain complicated legalese in simple terms and determine the best strategy for your case. They can also negotiate with the insurance company so you can focus on healing and getting your life back to normal. What Are The Benefits Of The Personal Injury Attorney? Personal injury attorneys are experts and know the twists and turns of the court to extract the right compensation from the jaws of the defendants and the insurance providers. However, we discuss some of the benefits of the personal injury attorney in this section. So, let us get started with the discussion here. Negotiation Skills  The personal injury attorneys have the right negotiation skills. When it comes to getting the right compensation. The defendant's lawyers and the insurance company play all the tricks to ensure they provide minimal monetary compensation. However, personal injury employs countermeasures so that the client receives the maximum possible compensation. Prevention Of Critical Errors  The insurance companies contact the victims of the accident and collect the information regarding the accident. The adjuster might seem like a caring individual, but they have all the tricks in their quiver to negate the maximum sum as compensation. They consider it a loss for their business. The adjuster is considered not loyal to the interests of the employees. If you agree with the statement, then it will enable the insurance providers to play smart on their periphery. There, you must not make a statement to the defendant's vehicle insurance provider. Let your hired attorney handle the charges. It can cause critical errors that could harm your potential claim. The Playing Field  The parties who are at fault (here, the defendant) will try all their means to defend their cases aggressively. If you try to represent yourself, then you may have to face the attorney of the defense. So, knowing the imminent challenge and difficulty you must face, you must defend all. The personal injury attorney has all the tricks to fight your case. They are advanced enough, and they can provide you with the best support against the damages. Expediting Your  Claim The claim process includes extensive court cases. First, you must prove you are a victim and establish your case with the judges. Only then will you get your claim. It requires extensive paperwork, buying the time, and framing the strategies. Bank on the experts as they will manage to move the process quickly so that you receive your claim fast. The lawyers can help you facilitate the claims. Accessing The Medal Care  One of the advantages that you can reap with the help of an experienced and successful personal injury attorney is accessing medical care. The attorneys talk to the doctors and collect information on the recovery and treatment. This information is crucial from the point of view of extracting the maximum claim. The be-all and end-all of the entire case is to get both justice and compensation, and the attorneys are experienced enough to provide for their clients. Relief From Stress The court procedures are extremely tiresome procedure, and they involve their flow. Fighting the cases alone may not fetch you justice. You may suffer from stress; therefore, you must understand the attorney's role in keeping you free from stress. This is where the role of the attorney becomes crucial. Conclusion A personal injury can cause various losses, from medical expenses to lost wages. A Vero Beach personal injury lawyer can fight to get you the compensation you need for your financial recovery. Victims of accidents can seek damages not only for financial losses but also for non-financial losses such as pain and suffering. In the most severe cases, victims can claim compensation for the impact of the accident on their relationship with their spouse or partner, which is known as loss of consortium. Negligent parties can also face wrongful death lawsuits. Additional: Top 10 Colorado Springs Personal Injury Attorneys Red Flags To Avoid When Hiring A Personal Injury Lawyer What Are The Effective Ways To Communicate With A Personal Injury Lawyer

Criminal Lawyer Rockville MD

Know Your Rights: Right Reserved For A Criminal Suspect

In case the police suspect you of any criminal case, but they do not have the legal warrant to arrest you or to charge you, you have a number of rights which will keep you safe from making any mistakes that might take you to a troubling situation although you are innocent. You always should have a clear idea about these rights. Your Criminal Lawyer Rockville MD will be able to guide you with all those criminal defense rights; you can just go through this article. Major Rights To Know If The Police Suspects You Suppose you know that you are innocent and you have not committed any crime. So, you might be thinking that if you cooperate with the police, your problem will be solved. No. That is not the reality in most cases. You might find yourself being charged with a crime that you didn’t even commit. In case the police are getting in touch with you about a criminal investigation, you need to exercise the below-mentioned things. Right To Leave In case you are not under arrest and have also not been provided your Miranda rights under the Fifth Amendment, you have the right to leave. You should, actually. In case the police stop you, you might not be certain whether you are being arrested or it is for some simple questioning. It will be best if you ask the officer directly, and the police say, you are not under arrest; you must leave and immediately contact an experienced Criminal Lawyer Rockville MD. Right To Privacy It falls under the Fourth Amendment, which provides you the right to be protected from unreasonable searches and seizing of yourself and your property. Until and unless the police have search warrants, you have the right not to allow them to search your car, house, or any other property. Right To Remain Silent Under the Fifth Amendment, you hold the right to stay silent and not incriminate yourself. In case the police start questioning you, you should invoke this particular right and stay silent. You also can say to the officer, you want your lawyer to be present here during the questioning. You should never answer the questions of police officers or talk to them because they have the capability of making incriminating statements. Right To An Attorney You have the right to have a Criminal Lawyer Rockville MD, under the Sixth Amendment. In case you are a suspect or are even worrying about yourself, you should go for that right of retaining a lawyer. Here, you should contact a Criminal Lawyer Rockville MD, who will be able to guide you during the questioning and will also ensure that you are not saying anything that might bring you in danger. The Police Want To Interrogate: Things To Do In case the police bring you or ask you for questioning, you should never go there alone. You should take advantage of your ^th Amendment to retain an attorney. So, before having any further discussion with the officer, you should ask for a Criminal Lawyer Rockville MD. Being firm and not saying a single word before your attorney reaches it is truly critical. The police officers are trained to use several tactics in order to get people to talk to them. Your Criminal Lawyer Rockville MD will always be able to spot these tactics. Read Also: How to Download Game Of Thrones Putlocker Online for Free?How to Plant Grass Seed on Hard Dirt? Craigslist Seattle – Weirdest Things You Can Buy

Landlord-Tenant Laws

How Did COVID Change Landlord-Tenant Laws

The COVID-19 pandemic did a number on every industry across the globe. Even the real estate sector, well known for its relative stability, was not immune to its effects. In some instances, the battle was between lives and livelihood as many tenants lost their jobs. And with it, the ability to pay their bills, including their rent. These unfortunate circumstances necessitated changes to the usual landlord-tenant laws practically overnight. Due to these changes, landlords have had to suspend their home renovation plans to fully grasp these new laws and avoid legal suits. Read on for an overview of how exactly COVID changed landlord-tenant rules. Rent suspension One of the most impactful changes to the landlord-tenant laws is rent suspensions. In the heat of the pandemic, the government was forced to suspend rent collection in specific locations and for particular demographics, as the lockdown dealt many citizens a heavy financial blow. Of course, this decision pushed most of the weight onto the landlords who could not rely on getting their regular passive income. But in August 2020, the external control of rent was partially lifted, allowing landlords to charge full rent and increase it. However, this comes with the condition that COVID-19 has not heavily impacted your tenants. So, for the most part, limits on rent increases are still in place. Rent arrears Rent arrears refers to the unpaid rent a tenant owes their landlord. Under normal circumstances, property owners reserve the right to evict an occupant who doesn't comply with their payments, but such laws were suspended amid the pandemic. Policies such as the COVID-19 Tenant Relief Act of 2020 were set up to protect tenants from losing their homes. Following the signing of that Act in February 2021, it became illegal for landlords in California to evict renters with longer than 12 months' tenancy. So rather than issue eviction requests, landlords owed rent, or the tenants themselves need to seek relocation assistance payments from relief bodies. Dispute resolutions The sudden changes to landlord-tenant laws in the wake of the coronavirus make disputes inevitable. Despite the effort of government policies to protect both parties, there are still a lot of grey areas that leave room for conflict and require mediation. However, to curb the spread of COVID-19, the suspension of the routine procedure has left people confused about where to bear their grievances. If you're a landlord having trouble with your tenant, you may appeal at court where an adjudicator will deliberate over your case and try to help you reach an amicable decision. If the mediator cannot help you get a consensus, you may take up the case to a hearing by a 3-person Tenancy Tribunal. Many of these adjudications and hearings take place over the phone or virtually, so you may not have to leave the safety of your house. Protection for landlords It's clear to anyone that real estate policies often defer to the side of the tenant. But that doesn't mean the law has left all landlords in the cold. After all, COVID-19 marked everyone, so there are laws to protect landlords from going bankrupt. Despite the policies pushing rent suspensions and eviction bans, the landlord can take steps to refute their tenant's protection under these laws based on certain conditions. You'll have to go through the trouble of filing an eviction notice, which will receive approval if: The tenant still owes rent as of August 2021 The tenant violated their landlord-tenant agreement. The tenant did not seek relief assistance after you issued a rent arrears warning notice. The withholding of rent would cause the landlord undue financial hardship How do Landlords protect themselves? Familiarize yourself with the current laws As a landlord, the best way to protect yourself from a lawsuit or other legal pitfalls is to familiarize yourself with the current landlord-tenant laws. Of course, keeping up with both national and state laws can be a challenging task. The effort could save you more trouble in the future. Alternatively, to err on the side of caution, you should contact an expert before taking any legal steps. Seek external aid for your tenants Most investors are in real estate for the money. Still, it's essential to remember to be kind. Everyone is having a tough time because of COVID, and it's more likely your tenant genuinely can't meet up with the rent because of financial constraints rather than harboring their money out of malice. Extend a fig leaf by offering a more flexible payment scheme or helping them look for rent relief programs that can assist. Seek external aid for yourself Alternatively, you can also look out for your interests by seeking external aid for homeowners. Banks and other lending institutions are also offering handouts during this trying period in the way of waiving late fees or offering refinancing options for your mortgage. There are also a few tax breaks and deductions applicable to landlords to make up for the rent freezes and eviction moratoriums. Keep your records Since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issue to stop evictions expired in August 2021, there have been evictions in large numbers in many states. Despite this trend, policies and legal aids to protect tenants are still in place. So if you're bent on removing an occupant from your property, ensure you have all written records of your correspondence with the tenant. These documents serve as proof you did your due diligence and may absolve you from a potential suit. Conclusion If you're a landlord finding it hard to keep up with the recent changes to landlord-tenant laws, you're not alone. Still, rather than remaining aloof, you could contact a professional who understands the rental market more than you do. Hiring an experienced property manager could be an excellent investment, as they can steer you away from hefty fines and lawsuits. They can also help maximize your rental property's income as you weather through the effects of COVID. Read Also: 10 Rights You Have as a Tenant That Your Landlord Won’t Tell You About How to Protect Your Property as a First Time Landlord? 5 Unexpected Expenses of First-Time Renters