What Do Criminal Defense Attorneys Do?

Published on: 19 September 2020 Last Updated on: 28 April 2021
Criminal Defense Attorneys

Criminal defense attorneys play the most important role during a criminal case. Starting from the assignment to the interview, investigation, evidence analysis, and more. They defend the person who is charged with a crime. The defense attorneys defend on behalf of the accused person.

A criminal defense attorney investigates different facts and deals with the case for the accused person.  They also deal with the prosecutors to defend the clients.  In this article, you will clearly understand what do criminal defense attorneys do.

Work of Criminal Defense Attorneys:

A criminal defense lawyer gathers facts and theories to deal with the case on behalf of the defendant. If you want any legal advice for any criminal case, you can consult the Patrick Griffin criminal lawyer.

1. Case Assignment

A defendant may directly contact a criminal defense lawyer, or the court can also assign a lawyer. Some criminal defense lawyers are also public defenders appointed by the courts, and the government pays them their fees. There are many private criminal defense lawyers who work independently or under a private legal firm.

Private defense lawyers get more salary than public lawyers. Public lawyers get more cases than private lawyers because of referral processes. Sometimes courts also appoint private lawyers for some specific cases.

2. Interview the Client About the Case

The criminal defense lawyers try to get more details about the case from the client. The lawyer asks some specific questions to the client to learn about the case and figure out the defenses and strengths of the case. The lawyer also identifies the weaknesses of the case. It is possible through questioning the defendant.

3. Investigation of the Case

After asking the questions, the criminal defense lawyers also investigate the case for finding any possible defenses. The lawyer also questions the police about the procedures followed in the case. In addition to that, the lawyers may also talk to the witnesses who have some information about the case.

The criminal defense lawyers also have the rights to review the case submitted by the prosecutor to the jury. This may help the lawyer to find some holes which can save their clients.

4. Evidence Analysis

The criminal defense lawyers also analyze the evidence. This helps the lawyer to figure out different facts of the case. The lawyer can also test the evidence independently. Furthermore, the lawyer can also examine the evidence that may help him/her to determine if the legal theories working against the accused.

5. Communicate With the Client

The criminal defense lawyers also stay in continuous contact with the client to offer the developments about the case and inform about the case. It’s important to keep the conversations confidential both for the lawyer and client. The lawyer also explains every possible consequence of the case that gives a better understanding of the client.

6. Assists Jury Selection Process

The defense lawyers also assist with the jury selection process. If there is any biased feeling against the defendant of the jurors, the lawyers may try to remove them.

7. Trial Participation

The criminal defense lawyers try to prove wrong the allegations made on the client. They participate in the trial process and fight against the case made by the prosecutor.

The criminal defense lawyers also deal with the prosecutors for a plea bargain. More importantly, the criminal defense lawyers also convince the jury to reduce the sentence.


Hopefully, the above information has helped you to understand what is a criminal defense lawyer. The defense lawyer works on behalf of the accused person and defends the allegations or cases made on him/her. The lawyer works closely with the client to help them out of the case. If you have any queries, you can ask in the comment box.

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Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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Facing Foreclosure

What to Do If You Facing Foreclosure?

Are you Facing  foreclosure problems for your home? If you buy a home on loan and you are unable to make payments to your lender on the right time generally for consecutive 3 months, then you need to face Foreclosure. It’s a legal process that is used by the lender and takes a long time and effort. There are plenty of things to know if you really want to get rid of Foreclosure. Most people look for an alternative way to foreclosure, and in order to fix the issue, they negotiate with their lenders, often with the assistance of foreclosure counselors. Calling your lender is the best way to get the solution. Most of the lenders give you options to help you resolve the issue, which include loan modification, forbearance, or a short sale. Facing foreclosure is literally scary in today’s scenario. However, receiving a Notice within the mail does not actually mean that you are going to lose your home. There are things that you simply will do to slow down the process of foreclosure, to leave your monetary record within the best form potential. Keep reading this article to avoid a foreclosure and to learn more about your best options. What do you mean by foreclosure? By rule, signing a mortgage means that you have to pay a certain amount to the lender back within a certain period of time in full, for the loan and you have got agreed to as per their terms. Once you stop making payments to the lender it means you broken that contract. Consequently, the lender possess right to take back your home and take a look at to recoup the investment. the method of repossessing your house is called foreclosure. If you are unable to make payment of your home loan on time and you got late for a few days, then don’t worry and be relaxed as the bank will not visit your house immediately. In most of the cases, you are given a 15-day grace, in that case, you don’t have to pay a late fee. If you haven't paid your mortgage for 90 days then after foreclosure will begin. From there, the process might take from 2 to 12 months, betting on wherever you reside. The process of proceedings is quite long, so, you've got time to make things in your favor and you can stay in your home. How can you slow down the process?   There are different ways you can slow down the process of foreclosure to improve your brand image in the correct direction. Work out the plans that can work well in your favor. 1. Educate yourself When you have gotten closer to legal proceedings, you just need to educate yourself about foreclosure. If you don’t know the rule of the game, then how would you be able to play the game as an effective player? So, you need to conceive each and every aspect of foreclosure. Take a deep breath and start reading over everything you've got from the lender. You may get several initial notices regarding the payment which may contain info about the foreclosure process and pending legal actions against you. in spite of what it says and you don’t have to be compelled to worry regarding this info mentioned within the documents.   Next, you need to teach yourself on how to handle these notices and get rid of this situation what you are facing. Some states are judicial legal proceeding states, there in the case; the lender needs to file a proceeding against you before moving forward with the proceedings. In other, non-judicial legal proceeding states, this cannot be a procedure, depending upon the state rules. Knowing which type of state you reside in will assist you to work out what proportion of time you've got to search out a solution? 2. Call Your Lender Next, you should contact with your lender as shortly as possible to make the situation in your favor. The very fact is that proceeding is quite a time consuming quite a costly process so, most lenders want to settle it with the help of mutual understanding and talk. They actually want a solution without repossess your home. Honest communication can go a long way and in most of the cases, it’s been seen that both the parties settle this issue without legal proceedings. There are four main choices that the lender could offer you. They are: 3. Refinancing In this case, a borrower gets a new loan with new interest rates in order to cover the missed payments, and what you owe on the house. This does not influence your credit negatively and will assist lower your monthly payments. 4. Repayment Plan when both parties agree on a plan that works in your budget, therefore you'll restart making payments. This is considered to be the best way to get rid of your loan quickly. When you are facing foreclosure. 5. Forbearance Forbearance means that once the mortgage company briefly suspends your mortgage payments for a certain period of time. These postponed payments are adjusted at the end of your loan. 6. Loan Modification during this case, the mortgage company changes the terms of your existing loan - rate, amount due, length - to create your monthly payment in a manageable way. People are in concern of losing their homes. Here, we wish to help you to get started by telling you regarding some choices and wherever you'll be able to get additional help or consultation. You wish to be persistent. Saving your home will take an extended time and also the whole method is frustrating. However, there could also be an inexpensive resolution for this. Several firms promise to prevent foreclosures and acquire loan modifications for a fee. Several of those firms get money and then disappear. So, be conscious while you choose someone to help you get rid of this issue as most of the times people get cheated or scammed. Think about doing a short sale If you're not able to repay your mortgage - even with a reimbursement plan or loan modification then - A short sale is the best choice for you. You'd need to raise your lender for permission as a result of, not like a conventional sale, during a short selling the lender agrees to resolve for less than the house is value. During this case, you'd ultimately lose your home, however, you'd be ready to do this while not having a legal proceeding of your record. Summary: There are many ways the bank can assist you if you fall behind on your mortgage or are having a real problem making your mortgage payment. In the above-given article, you will know the method through which you can handle foreclosure. Read Also: Lining Up For A Loan – How To Secure A Good Loan 6 Expert Tips For Finding The Right Home To Buy

Insurance Broking

UAE Insurance Authority Sets New Regulations for Insurance Broking

The UAE Insurance Authority has rolled out new draft regulations for insurance brokerage and online transactions. This draft has 13 chapters and 38 articles that explain insurance broking like governance, registration and licensing, the insurance broker and insurance company roles to the broker, insurance broker’s roles, solvency, mergers, financial reports and disclosures, supervisions, dispute settlements, and penalties. Who is an Insurance Broker? The new draft law defines an insurance broker as a juridical individual who intervenes in insurance or reinsurance activities between the insurance/reinsurance proposer and an insurance/reinsurance company and receives a commission from the insurance/reinsurance company. The provisions of the new draft apply to distribution channels, companies, and any other insurance-related business approved by the authority. These regulations focus on shielding policyholders and guarantee that they receive value for their money by purchasing various products. The New Insurance Law Provisions The new insurance law requires an insurance broker to adhere to these regulations for electronic transactions. Criteria for Insurance Brokerage Licensing A company must be established in the United Arab Emirates and registered based on the Commercial Companies Law. The company should own a share capital of AED 3 million or more. You need to pay AED 10 million or more and register with the UAE Commercial Law if you run a branch of a financial Free Zone or a Foreign Company. You can consult a law firm in Dubai to help you with these procedures. It is mandatory to submit an unconditional Letter of Guarantee from a bank; this is paid on demand to the Insurance Authority chairman board of directors. This can be fully or partially liquidated to guarantee the broker’s settlement of transactions and obligations. You must obtain an insurance policy to cover your profession at a value of AED 2 million for UAE companies and a minimum of AED 3 million for a financial Free Zone or a Foreign Company branch in the UAE. You must appoint the administrative and technical staff continually. You need convenient headquarters, software, and technical systems for your profession. It is also mandatory to have an internal control system to govern applications of laws, regulations, resolutions, and circulars in adherence to the Insurance Authority regulations. The next step is to submit the agreement between you and the bank, pay the full fees, and comply with any extra regulations. The Insurance Authority approves or rejects the application within 20 working days. Technical and Administrative Staff The technical staff of an insurance broker has specific regulations. It is a requirement to appoint at least 1 General Manager, Internal Auditor, Operation Manager, and 1 qualified worker for each type of insurance. Below are the qualifications for the appointment of technical and administrative staff; A natural individual enjoying full capacity An individual of good conduct; never been sentenced for freedom restricting punishment in a moral decadency crime without rehabilitation. Pays his commercial debts even if not declared bankruptcy. You need to notify the Insurance Authority of appointments, transfers, terminations, or modifications within 60 days. Roles of the Insurance Broker You must make internal by-laws and submit a copy to the Insurance Authority Dubai offices within 3 months after obtaining a license. You must review and update the internal control system continually; this ensures that you have proper laws, regulations, resolutions, and circulars. It is necessary to design an Operations Guide for periodical updates, risk management, and review it according to the rules. Create a professional code of conduct for the staff and supervise and plan their duties according to the Insurance Authority (AI). Collaborate with the internal controller to enable employees to perform their tasks and report any violations to the authority. You can only dismiss the internal controller by the board of management or board of directors’ decision; this happens if you notify the internal controller and IA of the dismissal at least 30 working days before the dismissal. Penalties The IA developed penalties so that insurance brokers do not violate the instructions, regulations, laws, and circulars.  If you violate any laws, you receive a warning that compels you to remove the infringement and ensure this does not happen in the future.  The IA might suspend you from practicing for a maximum period of 1 year. The Insurance Authority cancels licenses in the following incidences; Violating any license conditions Gross breach of your obligations Failure to renew your license (delay paying fines or failure to pay renewal fees) A final bank declaration associating you with bankruptcy The dissolution and liquidation of your practice Failure to practice your licensed profession within 6 months after obtaining the license If you obtained your license through false information. The insurance sector in the United Arab Emirates is expected to rise; this is why the Insurance Authority issued new regulations to govern insurance brokerage. Brokers have to adhere to set regulations or face penalties. Technical and administrative staff also has to meet various qualifications. This allows brokers to have a set of laws to refer to. Read Also: Insurance- Need of the time 5 Top Tips to Help You Hire The Perfect Attorney

Criminal Case In Knoxville

What Happens At A Preliminary Hearing Of A Criminal Case In Knoxville?

A preliminary hearing is a court proceeding that takes place before a serious criminal trial. For offenses by minors, preliminary hearings are not acceptable. On the other hand, in the case of an adult, the criminal charge is applicable, and it may result in 14 years in prison for a serious crime like assault or murder. If you have been charged with a crime, you should immediately consult a skilled criminal defense lawyer in Knoxville. We urge you to learn more from a criminal defense lawyer in Knoxville if you are a resident there. Introduction to Preliminary Hearing A preliminary hearing allows the court to evaluate if there is enough evidence against the defendant for a reasonable jury to convict if the judge orders it. If there is insufficient evidence, the accused will be discharged. In the majority of situations, this results in the lawsuit being dismissed. A preliminary hearing is similar to a trial, except it usually takes a lot less time. By calling witnesses and presenting evidence, the Crown Prosecutor will offer evidence against the accused. The defense counsel will have the chance to question witnesses called by the Crown prosecutor. The purpose of the Crown prosecutor is to persuade the court that there is enough evidence to go to trial. Preliminary hearings allow the accused to see the evidence against them and may assist in planning defense before trial, even though a few cases are dropped at this stage. They also show the strength of the case against the accused, which might help in the case's conclusion. The Best Way to Tackle Hearing in a Criminal Case If you have been charged with an offense against which it is possible to have a preliminary hearing, it is better not to choose only one hearing. This is because you're conceding that there's enough evidence to go to trial, but you're not admitting guilt. In addition, attending a preliminary hearing carries various risks; in other cases, such as if the evidence shows a more serious accusation, you may be forced to stand trial on both charges. Does Every Criminal Case inKnoxvilleReceive a Pre-Trial Hearing? No, if you're charged with a crime in Knoxville, you won't get a preliminary hearing unless one of these three things happens: For starters, if you are charged with a misdemeanor in Municipal Court, you will not be offered a preliminary hearing. Instead, the matter will be heard right away in front of a municipal court judge. If you lose your trial and wish to appeal, you can request a new trial, and the trial transcript will be treated similarly to the preliminary hearing record. Rather than granting a defendant a preliminary hearing, the Commonwealth of Knoxville indicts a grand jury regularly. The grand jury will next decide whether or not the defendant will be charged. In cases requiring long investigations by investigative grand juries, the Commonwealth may request to forego the preliminary hearing in particular circumstances and instead rely on the grand jury's presentment. The defense commonly raises objections to this motion. However, there are just a few options for challenging the use of an indicting grand jury. First, the defendant can still file a motion to quash in this case. So, most individuals charged with a crime in Knoxville are granted a preliminary hearing; however, this is not always the case. Read Also: Civil Cases Versus Criminal Cases: What You Need To Know The Personal Effects Of A DUI Case On Individuals: By Counsellors What To Look For When Researching A Criminal Lawyer? Criminal Law Enforcement