Four Ways to Help Others and Bring about a Social Change

Published on: 17 May 2021 Last Updated on: 18 May 2021
Ways to Help Others and Bring about a Social Change

Social change is the transformation of cultures and institutions through human interactions and relationships. It is an ever-evolving process and has an overwhelming long-term impact on society.

Unfortunately, many people and influential forces try to resist change in the status quo. But, change is constant.

Three things trigger change:

Three things trigger change:


Conflict is a constructive force as it prompts required adjustments by indicating the presence of an issue.

Inequalities, racism, failure to provide justice, religious intolerance, and status quo give rise to anger and anarchy. People come forward to address the issues raised due to conflicts. Governments get overthrown or restructured because of these conflicts.

Demographic Change:

Demographic change refers to the transition from high to low birth and death rates. When society’s demographic composition shifts, change becomes inevitable. A larger population affects the quality and quantity of resources. The demographic change occurs either by the variations in birth and death rates or migration and immigration.

Cultural Change:

Cultural change takes place by adding new elements to the existing culture. It opens up new ways, inventions, discoveries, and ideas of living. Innovation and interaction with other societies also contribute to cultural change. It is essential because it helps in modernization and acceptance of new and better ways of life.

Ways to bring Social Change:

To bring social change, one must have adequate knowledge and understanding to address societal issues that create differences.

It is also fitting to understand the role of social work and workers in the larger scheme of things. If you are interested in contributing, consider enrolling in accredited masters in social work programs to gain skills and create positive change for better well-being.

These programs enable students and professionals to learn ways to help in adult mental health, child protective care services, and formulating social policies.

With that said, the following are some commonly raised issues to be sorted out to help the ones in need.

1. Increase literacy:

1. Increase literacy:

Access to primary education is the right of every human. The role of education is significant in healthy and democratic societies.

The Social Change model combines learning and community development by teaching literacy skills, cultural expressions, and analytical thinking to the individuals and collective group. Many changes happen in the social sector, but they are unsuccessful in practice because of a lack of education.

Thus, education is required to bridge this gap. It is supposed to change people’s attitudes and beliefs and instill a desire for success in them.

Education helps in awareness, problem-solving, and decision-making. Increasing access to primary education in poverty-stricken areas has proven beneficial in raising living standards and growing employment opportunities.

Thus, social work efforts must focus on expanding opportunities to meet the needs of those who have limited access to quality education with minimal barriers. As an educated individual, consider taking out time to teach others and spread your knowledge. And this brings us to the next point.

2. Volunteer in your community:

Volunteering is an act of virtue, per se. Volunteering in your community expands equitability in society. It helps a person learn new skills, enhance connectivity in the community, and advance their career.

It provides a sense of achievement and allows one to have self-confidence. We often think volunteering requires a lot of time and energy. But that is not the case. You can dedicate as much or as little of your time as you wish. No matter the differences, volunteerism in your community is always beneficial and gratifying.

You can support NGOs and other charitable organizations by volunteering your time. By serving meals, planting trees, tutoring children, or caring for aged and terminally ill patients – you can volunteer in numerous ways. These simple acts can make a profound impact on society.

3. Donate for a cause:

1. Increase literacy:

People usually look for charitable causes and then give money. It seldom happens that people become desensitized towards such initiatives.

However, donations do not necessarily have to come in monetary form. Clothes, shelter, food, books, and even organs are all forms of contribution.

Donations allow the donor to have an increased sense of self-worth. Philanthropists worldwide help promote social change by providing funds or advocating reforms.

It significantly helps in the efficiency of non-profit organizations. By maximizing the resources available, philanthropy helps in strengthening the economy and encourages social innovation. It helps boost employee morale and customers’ brand loyalty in the long run.

4. Encourage kindness:

Acts of kindness and altruism will help you feel good. Small random acts of kindness have a substantial impact on social change.

Smiling and greeting people, picking stones from the way, a caring attitude, spreading positivity and hope, and complementing are examples of kind gestures that require little to no effort. One can practice kindness by performing small selfless acts. Consider how you can construct explicit mappings in the world to improve the actions of people around you.

People are more likely to support strangers if they previously have been observed acting kindly. It has positive psychological effects on well-being. Helping others not only feels good, but it also has health benefits. Even helping others via donations is an act of kindness. Kindness begins with the ability to empathize with others, to put yourself in their shoes, and understand the challenges they face.


COVID-19 has brought disastrous changes to the world. Under the haze of anxiety, fear, we are inundated with tales of compassion, voluntary action, and daily heroism. By helping others, we build a strong society. The pointers mentioned earlier will help you decide how to help others and bring radical changes to the community.

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.303 British

Over A Century Later, The Historic .303 British Is Still In Production

First adopted in the British service around 1902 and used across both World Wars, the .303 short magazine rifle cartridge was extensively used by many countries. Being the productive endeavor of the War Office Small Arms Committee, this entity even had the privilege of being called the ‘Universal’ component short rifle, as it swiftly replaced the pre-existing Lee Enfield designs in the infantry and cavalry. It also had the added advantage of features like charger loading and much more. Owing to how it was seen as a movement in the field of arms, popular manufacturers still seem to keep adding on features and tend to stick on to this gem of a design. Current standing Over the period of time, this sturdy piece of equipment was subject to several changes, mostly good but occasionally unnecessary. One could see that the list is quite extensive, but it would be more relevant to study the advantages which allowed such exponential growth. You can still find the .303 British being in common use and is manufactured in several units spread around the world by renowned producers like The Castle Arms. The fact that you still find this design standing speaks volumes for its own quality and fame. This critically-acclaimed cartridge has also been a forerunner for many of the new pieces you see in the current market. Basic dimensions Before getting into further technicalities, you should be familiar with the basic dimensions and details of the ammo. In simple terms for you to understand, the .303 British, also called the 7.7x56mmR, is a rimmed, bottleneck rifle cartridge. The .303 represents the bore of the unit, measured in inches. With a cartridge case capacity of 3.64 ml, this cartridge with the tapering exterior was designed with the goal of reliable case feeding and extraction. This was eventually satisfied, thanks to experts from different countries' repeated recommendations and experiments. Introduction in history Upon introduction, this British service rookie has termed a powder Mark, as it was initially designed by the British as a stop-gap round with black powder. This, combined with a boxer primer and full metal jacket, together with the round, was only used for a year. Introduced into service rifles in the year 1888, this addition was mainly to aid the Lee-Metford rifle, to be exact. Starting here, the rifle was constantly subject to improvements and the addition of features over time. In the year 1891, you would find that the cartridges were directed toward the usage of smokeless powder. This variant was made the standard cartridge for both British as well as Commonwealth military systems until the late 1950s when the 7.62 NATO sniper rifle type replaced it. Advantages based on popular opinion 1. The versatile nature of the rifle allows it to be customized. You can easily alter the Buttstock length by simply replacing it with another one you deem fit. You can even make a couple of changes to produce sniper variants, simply with a suitable scope mount. This is why you still find it classified as an assault weapon in a few states.2. The cost factor is definitely worth a mention. The .303 British is easily available and mostly at a price that is easy on your wallet.3. The detachable magazine with the possibility of loading 5-round chargers could be all you look for with your short rifle. This also allows you to use your rifle without worrying about rim jams. The .303 British in Hunting Thanks to its high praise and availability, this rifle cartridge was one of the most common components used for hunting all medium-sized games. If you look closely enough, you will still find that these cartridges are being used for hunting whitetail deer and black bears, especially in countries like Canada. This is due to the previous history of these cartridges being sold at low prices as it was part of the military surplus. Practical Usage The .303 was even named the standard hunting equipment for quite a while and has also been a popular component of the Canadian Rangers. This was mainly for its ability to fire long and heavy bullets with its unbelievably fast twist rate, paired with the lengths of measurements of the cartridge itself. The Canadians used it mainly for survival and polar bear protection. In Conclusion The .303 British can now be found in different variants, thanks to the amount of improvement and research that has been put in. A few of the most popular and outstanding upgrades would be the full metal jacket bullet, soft point, hollow point, boat tails, etc. The best part is that all these are still highly appreciated by professionals worldwide, and these cartridges remain one of the most widely used equipment of all time. Additionals: The Impact of Power and Politics Why Leadership Is A Great Skill To Have Within The Workplace? What Is the Nickname Of The Only U.S. President Born On The 4th Of July?

Single-Use Plastic

Are Major Sectors Minimizing Single-Use Plastic Waste Enough?

For a number of years now, businesses around the world have been aligning themselves with a common goal: to minimize their contribution to the devastating levels of single-use plastics being sent out into the environment. While it remains the case that many of the world’s leading culprits for plastic waste are not yet doing as much as they could in order to reduce the levels they contribute to landfill and oceans each year, the path forward is not quite as simple as it may seem to those on the outside. Read more below. Marrying Sustainability with What is Sustainable is its Own Challenge: Sustainable practices must prioritize the environment, but that is only half the story. By definition, pursuing sustainability means pursuing practices that can feasibly become the norm. It would be futile to pursue practices that are, on the face of it, ‘sustainable’, but which cannot last us for the next year, decade, century, etc. In other words, we need to be selective about where we focus our efforts. One prime example of this lies in the medical world – in particular, in the field of surgery, where single-use plastic and unrecyclable by-products are par for the course on any given day. Metal cannot replace the strong and flexible medical grade plastic used in the indispensable surgical retractor, just as eco-friendly fabrics will prove costly – and inefficient – replacements for disposable PPE. The same goes for any other sector, although the medical world represents one of the most extreme examples, where sustainability cannot be achieved at the expense of patient safety, or individual hospital budgets. Identifying Areas Where Progress is Possible – and Maintaining Focus on Them: For many industries, identifying areas where progress is possible – and ensuring that progress is being made – is proving to be far more difficult than it may at first seem. Take, for instance, the food distribution industry. In the fight against single-use plastic, much of our attention continues to be brought to plastic packaging on perishable foods, such as vegetables, meat, and fish – whereas, just a few years ago, we were hellbent upon ridding our routines of single-use plastic bags. While it would make a considerable impact, ridding the supermarket of single-use plastic packaging is much less feasible than it may at first seem, and our distraction has derailed the initial effort against single-use plastic bags. In the UK, for instance, the leading supermarket chains sold 1.58 billion reusable plastic bags in 2019 – which equates to nigh-on sixty bags per household, and far more than the average family requires if they are reusing these bags indefinitely. While much more needs to be done in order to mitigate the impact single-use plastics are having on the environment, a distinction is made in order to ensure that our efforts are focused in the right direction. A wholesale approach to plastic reduction will only prove unsustainable, and the only way to ensure lasting change is to be a little more selective about the areas in which we attempt to instigate mass change. Read Also: Less waste – Something You Can Do for the World 5 Reasons to Take Rubbish Removal Seriously How to Organize an Eco-Friendly Wedding with Zero Waste?



Social security disability can provide the much-needed financial assistance when you suffer a disability and can no longer work or earn as you used to. You can be eligible for the benefits as long as you have paid into the social security disability insurance program. The application for SSD benefits can be complicated; needless to say, many initial applications are denied. According to social security disability administration reports, more than half of the disability claims filed are denied in the first attempt. Many applicants do not take time to familiarize themselves with the requirements and rules of filing a social security disability claim. That said, avoid these 7 costly mistakes that can ruin your social security disability claim. Submitting inaccurate information Submitting inaccurate information can lead to the denial of your social security disability (SSD) claim. All the information and documents you provide when filing your social security disability claim must be accurate and factual. In fact, most of the statements in your claim should be backed up by documentation. Ensure you are truthful and accurate in all your verbal and written statements. Waiting for too long to fie the claim Accepting that you have suffered a disability and may not be able to work for the rest of your life can be daunting. However, the more you wait before filing your social security disability claim, the more you hurt yourself. You should file the claim immediately after you become disabled. Exaggerating the extent of the disability Many SSD claimants make the mistake of exaggerating their condition in an attempt to demonstrate that they are eligible for the social security benefits. When filing an SSD claim, you must provide a medical report and other records that indicate you have a disability that meets the SSD definition of a disability. You must have suffered the disability for at least a year, or it should be expected to last a year or more or even lead to death. Giving insufficient information When filing a social security disability claim, you must provide adequate information and documentation regarding your disability, work history, and physical limitations due to the disabling injury or condition. You must provide all the supporting documents and data to support your claim. Failure to visit a doctor regularly Failure to see the doctor regularly could be used as evidence that you were not disabled at the time because you weren't seeking treatment. You can liaise with an SSD attorney to help you seek affordable medical treatment options. Failure to meet the claim appeal deadline If your initial SSD claim is denied, you have 60days to request a reconsideration. If you fail to meet the timeline, you have to start the application process afresh. Filing the claim without legal assistance Although some people manage to obtain SSD benefits by filing the claim on their own, seeking legal assistance is advisable, especially when you don't know the rules and requirements. A lawyer helps you avoid costly mistakes that could permanently impact your chances o qualifying for SSD benefits. Even if your initial claim was denied, it is never too late to seek legal assistance. Read Also: How To Replace Your Social Security Card Online Why DRM Is the New Standard for Document Security “Which Backend keys makes Social Networking Sites & Apps works smoothly?