Reasons to Support Nonprofit Organizations That Help Save the Environment 

Published on: 15 May 2021 Last Updated on: 30 October 2024
Support Nonprofit Organizations That Help Save the Environment

Nonprofit organizations deserve your support. If you have enough time and resources, you should support them. Look for organizations that take steps to save the environment. These are the reasons why your support will go a long way.

They have clear goals:

They have clear goals:

Not all groups that protect the environment have the same goals. Some of them focus on animal conservation. Others are about preventing water pollution.

You can even find organizations that help train future leaders who will challenge people in authority. Choose whatever is closest to your heart and help in whatever way you can. Look at the mission of these organizations and see how you can be of help.

You can start from home:

If you don’t see yourself helping these organizations yet, you should start from home. Some practices will make you understand the value of environmental protection even more.

For instance, you can partner with reputable recycling companies like to dispose of used materials. The items you let go of will be recycled. Considering the many benefits of recycling, you’re doing the right thing.

Eventually, if you see the value of environmental protection, you will consider supporting these organizations. If you don’t want to go alone, convince your friends to be with you. You might know people who share the same concern.

There are results:

If you believe the steps you take at home bear no results, it’s understandable. You can help environmental groups in addition to what you do at home. If you join these organizations, you will see drastic changes. It motivates you to do more since you know that your actions have positive results.

It’s a wise use of your time:

When you have free time, and you wish to relax, it’s good for you. Everyone deserves time to be alone and not worry about anything.

However, if you have more time in your hands, use it properly. Taking steps to protect the environment is one of them. It feels satisfying since you’re doing something not just for yourself. Environmental protection helps create a better world for the future generation. If you have children, you will understand its value even more.

These people volunteer their time and resources:

Most people running these nonprofit organizations don’t get paid well. They’re doing the right thing out of their love for the cause. They’re also passionate about protecting the environment.

If some of them can devote their entire time and resources to keep the organization going, you can do the same. You don’t have to be there full-time, but there are ways to support.

Nonprofit organizations succeed because of people who are willing to lend a hand. Besides, there are different ways to lend a hand. If you have enough financial resources, you can donate.

If you have skills in promoting the organization, you can use them. Ask these organizations how you can be of help and volunteer whenever you’re free. The people running them will appreciate whatever you can offer.

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Prefer Patient-Centered Care For Older Adults

6 Reasons To Prefer Patient-Centered Care For Older Adults

When a person grows old, he/she becomes dependant on other people. Sadly, isolation can bring drastic effects on an aged patient’s wellbeing as he/she’s more susceptible to develop negative consequences. That’s why experts often pursue senior companionship programs for older people. It’s an unfortunate fact that many hospitals worldwide still do not follow a person-centric approach. This innovative model focuses on prioritizing a person’s values, desires, and preferences in making healthcare decisions. Some elements that furnish an effective patient-centric plan involve focusing on physical and emotional wellbeing and having a family member present in the care setting. This approach also concentrates on providing accessible, cooperative, and collaborative facilities to the aged patients while allowing them to make informed decisions. The elderly population in the United States is growing rapidly. It’s expected to exceed from 17% to approximately 20% by 2050. It is worth mentioning that, like every other population, senior citizens in America are also more vulnerable to isolation. These factors contribute to different challenges associated with the mental and physical wellbeing of old people. In this article, we’ll provide an extensive explanation of why aged patients must receive patient-centered care for better results. Some of its benefits include: 1. Job satisfaction: Satisfied doctors are more likely to treat their patients productively. It’s been observed that patient-centered care even motivates physicians to become more efficient at their jobs. Many medical practitioners, especially nurses, take a step ahead by enrolling in various MSN to DNP nursing education programs for excellence in their careers. This extra qualification enables healthcare professionals to focus on the strategies that can help them attain the best outcomes for aged patients. Hence, patient-centric care empowers the staff, which indirectly affects the mental/physical health of the old population. 2. Healthy environment: Hospitals implement a patient-centered model to incorporate the patient-first approach. This leads to the creation of a supportive environment where patients are provided individualized attention and personalized healthcare. This environment contributes to the patient’s emotional wellbeing. This model further streamlines the workflow, thereby enhancing the organization’s overall efficiency. Patient-centric care ensures that the staff eliminates every inefficiency and capably delivers the facilities your patients need. 3. Patient engagement: The ancient residents feel valued and respected when hospitals implement a patient-centric model. Focusing on their needs and abilities, patient-centered care enables patients to participate in decisions related to their healthcare plans actively. With a quality-based patient experience, hospitals can drive greater patient engagement. When you deliver a personalized experience to the patient community, they communicate efficiently with the medical staff. This communication leads to their well-being. When your patients feel satisfied with the healthcare they receive, it increases their life expectancy. Since the individualized care makes them feel important again, patients believe that they’re leading a purposeful life instead of living a pathetic, meaningless existence. 4. Patient profile: The patient-centric model allows the creation of a holistic patient profile for better healthcare facilities. This approach enables the medical staff to collect the patient’s information for better understanding. Now, whenever a patient engages with a medical expert, he/she will access the patient’s medical records. This practice enables doctors to understand the patient’s unique touchpoints – risk factors and medical records – to provide the right medicinal solutions. 5. Mental health: The elderly often feel helpless and secluded from their surroundings. This sense of isolation isn’t healthy at all! Boredom affects the mental health of elderly patients. However, patient-centered care allows them to engage in several activities. These actions ward off depression and cure their sense of solitude. Some of these riveting activities involve mundane tasks such as: Painting Gardening Listening to music etc. A study published by Pew Research last year showed that one-fourth of US adults aged 60+ are living alone. This means more and more adults are likely to face mental health issues, which has increased the need for quality health care in older adults. 6. Good reputation: This approach improves patients’ satisfaction since the patient-centered service aligns with the patients’ healthcare expectations. The Beryl Institute found that over 70% of patients would share their good or negative experiences at a healthcare institute, making satisfaction important for your reputation. This practice also improves your organization’s public perception. Since we live in a world where online reviews are of uttermost value, it may affect a hospital’s reputation if patients aren’t happy with the health outcomes. Patients who feel that they’re properly taken care of by the medical staff enable the organization to maintain its reputation and remain in patient’s good books. Conclusion: Patient-centered care helps them curb loneliness and escape isolation. This approach improves the healthcare outcomes in any country for the aged population. In the end, several researchers have demonstrated that patient-centered care has better results than traditional medical maneuvers for the elderly. Hospitals that implemented a patient-centered approach have reported better health outcomes since patients recover faster and don’t frequently visit ER. Read Also: 5 Best Ways For Seniors To Pass The Time Senior Staircase Safety: What You Need to Know 6 Effective Ways to Improve Your Mental Health


3 Tips For Cheaper Funerals

When planning a funeral, financial costs always comes into play because expenditure will affect most of the funeral arrangements. This includes processes like paying the funeral home, catering for guests, as well as buying necessary items like flowers and caskets. Sometimes, one may want to plan a cheap funeral because it guarantees affordability. It also means that the funeral planners or the funeral director will have an easier time making arrangements that are not as extravagant. To arrange a cheap funeral, the most important thing is finding ways to cut costs throughout the process. This will end up reducing the overall budget. Below are some suggestions on how this can be done. Find ways to raise funds Before making an allocation as to how funds can best be used to conduct an affordable funeral, it is important to actually have the funds available. There are several ways in which this can be done while still ensuring that the money spent is minimised. One suggestion is to save up for funerals and such events. Some people prefer to set up a fixed deposit account where the funds can accumulate for use on a rainy day. Others may take out funeral insurance which can be a very wise idea. The money is paid in the form of a premium to an insurance company, and the funds are paid back during the planning of the funeral to cover costs. Lastly, the planners of the funeral can hold a fundraising ceremony, where relatives, friends, and well-wishers can donate to the funeral funds. All these methods will help in greatly reducing the cost of the funeral. Creating a favourable budget Once the funds have been raised, the next step is to specify how they will be used in the funeral process. The perfect budget for a funeral is one that allocates money in a way that reduces overall costs while still ensuring that the funeral goes as planned. This can involve prioritising what the money will be spent on and using it there first, to avoid depleting the funds before doing the important things. The right budget should also pick quality over quantity. Money spent on, say, quality funeral decorations, will save money in the end, than money spent on more items that have poor quality. Save on the funeral process itself There are ways to save money on the funeral process itself, and not compromise the ceremony. For example, cremation is a much less costly process than a burial. Services that are held in church, cost less than those held in a hired-out space. Of course, planning cheap funerals does not mean overlooking all the important funeral procedures. Everything possible should be done to ensure that the wishes of whoever the funeral is being planned for are respected. Any budget cuts should be done in line with this. Also, it is important to look at multiple options before settling on one, because that will ensure there is an alternative to choosing the most affordable one. All in all, a budget funeral does not have to mean a substandard one, and there are several ways to ensure that the ceremony is still beautiful and memorable.

Social Work

Is Social Work Getting Enough Praise In Today’s Society?

Social work is a profession that is growing by leaps and bounds, but the public does not always recognize the contributions of the many social workers who keep society running. Social work deserves more praise for its wide scope of services and achievements. However, it seems that it is not getting the recognition it deserves. This is not mere observation; it is a fact, as according to a 2020 survey by Social Work England, 76% of the people involved do not think that social work is respected by society. Social work encompasses a broad range of services with an emphasis on prevention; these include assistance with children in care, assisting with homelessness and poverty issues, developing policies that support individual rights, advocating for improved conditions in prisons, or addressing addiction problems, among many others. There are many issues that social workers face that are possibly a foundation for the lack of praise for their field. Let us take a look at them. Social Work Education The fact that many qualified social workers and practitioners find it difficult to move from the sector to other sectors is telling of social work education. A lot of people who were educated in the field ended up working in various aspects of this field, such as clinical, developmental, and health social work. These are all aspects within the same field, and that should not be a problem. The good thing is that due to the rise in awareness regarding social work, getting a degree in the field has become more accessible now. In fact, many people with bachelor’s degrees went on to pursue social work masters programs online to find places of even more influence in their fields. The issue is that society, in general, does not consider social work to be a “competent” or “competitive” degree. Social work degrees suffer the same stigma as gender studies and other social sciences degrees that people who pursue these degrees will not end up with stable jobs. In reality, social workers can find jobs in HR unions, public relations, and even in education as professors or counselors, among many other fields of work. Negative Media Coverage With the increase of negative media coverage and social problems, it makes sense that people are not respecting the field of social work. Many believe that the reason for this is due to a barrage of negative media articles. The fact is that there are hardworking social workers in all areas of the field, and they are making strides for humanity every day. However, many do not hear about these inspirational deeds. They only hear about when things go wrong, which is far too common. Most of the media coverage that social workers get is when a group, community, or NGO is found to be involved in negative areas such as bribery, corruption, spreading lies, and other matters of the ilk. In a survey by YouGov, it was revealed that 82% of the masses involved believed that the media was responsible for the negative image of social workers. Whenever the authorities instigate any action against negative matters, it becomes the most publicized headline on the news bulletin and ends up making the front page of newspapers. Disregard For The Vulnerable Although social workers toil away for everyone, they are considered a godsend for those susceptible to harm. Whether we’re talking about religious minorities, sexual minorities, marginalized communities, or victims of assault and violence, there are branches of social work readily available to help everyone. The issue arises that the general majority does not pay much attention to the issues of minorities. Unless people are activists, they do not actively take part in bringing light to the issues of marginalized communities. Since social workers are associated with minorities and marginalized communities, when the aforementioned get sidelined, so do those who work for them. Lack Of Funds The lack of adequate funding and resources is a major problem that persists in the social work field. Since social workers often belong to private organizations, their requirements to put their plans into action often go unfulfilled. Social workers have a wide range of issues that they deal with in society, and these issues cost them a lot of money to deal with. The fact that many state and local governments are cutting down on social work budgets is disheartening for the many who work hard every day to serve their communities well. Unrealistic Expectations The general public has set unrealistic expectations in the field of social work. These general expectations are the reason why social workers feel like they shouldn’t be satisfied with their jobs. The more demanding a job seems to be, the more dissatisfied they become, feeling as if they should do more and more. Often, many social workers do work for organizations, but they do so at a very low cost. Many of the causes for the lack of respect given to the field of social work lie in the history of the field. Social work is officially a recent profession despite the fact that many have unknowingly served under its banner, so its history has not been as long and glorious as other professions. But with time, society will come to realize how much social workers do and how important they truly are for their stability and betterment. Read Also: Learn More About Social Security Disability in Deland 5 Things to Consider While Medicaid Planning – Keep This In Mind! Types Of Eldercare Centers