Archives: Stories

Is Youtube Social Media

Is Youtube Social Media? Know Your Answer Here

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Instagram Unblocked

Want To Get Instagram Unblocked? Here’s What To Do!

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Facebook Touch

What Is Facebook Touch? Everything You Need To Know About It

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facebook settlement

Facebook Settlement: What Went Down And What Was The Final Result?

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Tubi.TV/Activate: What Is It And How Does it Work?

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Everything About Theflixer: Top 10 Alternatives That You Need To Know About

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But how is the festival created each year?White LightningWhite Lightning[{"selector":"#anim-4074b917-895a-4c60-8ecf-59c1283eb2bf","keyframes":{"opacity":[0,1]},"delay":0,"duration":1000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(0.2, 0.6, 0.0, 1)","fill":"both"}][{"selector":"#anim-a680e3e2-234e-45c6-89b9-6d326089c499","keyframes":{"transform":["translate3d(-121.42857%, 0px, 0)","translate3d(0px, 0px, 0)"]},"delay":0,"duration":1000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(0.2, 0.6, 0.0, 1)","fill":"both"}]One of the first things that gets nailed down is the roster of performing artists. The headliner last year were The Bools.White Lightning[{"selector":"#anim-a8bca1ff-e152-41cc-b69b-bc1d83b332b5","keyframes":{"transform":["translate3d(114.96259%, 0px, 0)","translate3d(0px, 0px, 0)"]},"delay":0,"duration":1000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.4, 0.0, 1)","fill":"both"}][{"selector":"#anim-1cd0f8c9-9944-425a-9f55-786f55b016b8","keyframes":{"opacity":[0,1]},"delay":0,"duration":1000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.4, 0.0, 1)","fill":"both"}][{"selector":"#anim-51dbaa42-13a3-4787-afa1-2c79bd741e0b","keyframes":{"transform":["scale(0.15)","scale(1)"]},"delay":0,"duration":1000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.4, 0.0, 1)","fill":"forwards"}]Orange LightningCuration of stages and set times take months to plan and develop. There is a lot of back and forth between artists and agents about preferences and availabilities.Setting the StageTime to Prep[{"selector":"#anim-f44a96ca-c750-4c34-adb1-71c2ffeb2f20","keyframes":{"opacity":[0,1]},"delay":0,"duration":1000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(0.2, 0.6, 0.0, 1)","fill":"both"}][{"selector":"#anim-08244a3f-fe4d-48ed-94b2-6200e7adc991","keyframes":{"transform":["translate3d(-103.57145%, 0px, 0)","translate3d(0px, 0px, 0)"]},"delay":0,"duration":1000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(0.2, 0.6, 0.0, 1)","fill":"both"}][{"selector":"#anim-6ee5dc3a-7a3d-48d0-929d-daba11fe8a37 [data-leaf-element=\"true\"]","keyframes":{"transform":["translate(0%, 2.86224584662473e-7%) scale(0.9433962264150944)","translate(0%, 0%) scale(1)"]},"delay":0,"duration":3000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(.3,0,.55,1)","fill":"forwards"}]There are usually 6 stages, 2 main, and 4 smaller. Once artists are locked in, stage and set design can start planning the equipment, sound, and lighting appropriate for each artist.White Lightning[{"selector":"#anim-ccb87e73-25d2-4fb3-9edc-a67a2e4bdd30 [data-leaf-element=\"true\"]","keyframes":{"transform":["translate3d(0, 4.95495522828654%, 0)","translate3d(0, 0%, 0)"]},"delay":0,"duration":3000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(.3,0,.55,1)","fill":"both"}]Most main stage acts take 6 months or more to plan, depending on the level of theatrics and sophistication.[{"selector":"#anim-65a2ab1a-dd23-48ce-8fba-6144c12daae4 [data-leaf-element=\"true\"]","keyframes":{"transform":["translate(-2.8165657994094058e-15%, 2.7333158669762264e-7%) scale(0.9009009009009009)","translate(0%, 0%) scale(1)"]},"delay":0,"duration":3000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(.3,0,.55,1)","fill":"forwards"}]Professional grade equipment and power systems are flown in from all over Europe to prepare for the festival.White LightningWhite Lightning[{"selector":"#anim-11a73bb3-f59a-4aee-ac19-050a524dcff4","keyframes":{"opacity":[0,1]},"delay":0,"duration":1600,"easing":"cubic-bezier(0.2, 0.6, 0.0, 1)","fill":"both"}][{"selector":"#anim-324a0555-450d-4d38-9443-2d0aaa67dbce","keyframes":{"transform":["translate3d(0px, 123.11456%, 0)","translate3d(0px, 0px, 0)"]},"delay":0,"duration":1600,"easing":"cubic-bezier(0.2, 0.6, 0.0, 1)","fill":"both"}]Each of the 3 stages acts as its own little city in terms of a power system, equipment and the sound engineers that keep the stage operating at its best.[{"selector":"#anim-29835082-5f80-4158-8e73-cbfe266d0cff","keyframes":{"transform":["translate3d(68.82793%, 0px, 0)","translate3d(0px, 0px, 0)"]},"delay":0,"duration":1000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.4, 0.0, 1)","fill":"both"}][{"selector":"#anim-a9ccacd7-1943-405e-89af-0537286b5496","keyframes":{"opacity":[0,1]},"delay":0,"duration":1000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.4, 0.0, 1)","fill":"both"}][{"selector":"#anim-96c8c4a4-2129-49c5-8bf1-58aec71a34bf","keyframes":{"transform":["scale(0.15)","scale(1)"]},"delay":0,"duration":1000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.4, 0.0, 1)","fill":"forwards"}][{"selector":"#anim-7b0f435c-f935-4ad6-b3d8-0e2c059faa9f [data-leaf-element=\"true\"]","keyframes":{"transform":["translate3d(-6.462081479377746%, 0, 0)","translate3d(0%, 0, 0)"]},"delay":0,"duration":3000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(.3,0,.55,1)","fill":"both"}]With all the prep work on sound, we can’t forget about food and beverage for the festival.The ExperienceOrange Lightning[{"selector":"#anim-7bc5d02f-21e0-4896-b3ee-2b437de8829a [data-leaf-element=\"true\"]","keyframes":{"transform":["translate(0%, 2.783468610096784e-7%) scale(0.9174311926605505)","translate(0%, 0%) scale(1)"]},"delay":0,"duration":3000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(.3,0,.55,1)","fill":"forwards"}]A team of 20 festival planners coordinate with food and drink vendors to keep variety high and costs low.[{"selector":"#anim-1983d070-76a8-4742-acf8-35231896ab5b [data-leaf-element=\"true\"]","keyframes":{"transform":["translate3d(6.777573640573023%, 0, 0)","translate3d(0%, 0, 0)"]},"delay":0,"duration":3000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(.3,0,.55,1)","fill":"both"}]The festival grounds are architected to account for the food stalls, rest areas, VIP areas, and of course restrooms.[{"selector":"#anim-493cc412-1962-44d3-a5a5-0fac830e1520 [data-leaf-element=\"true\"]","keyframes":{"transform":["translate3d(-3.224857576490158%, 0, 0)","translate3d(0%, 0, 0)"]},"delay":0,"duration":3000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(.3,0,.55,1)","fill":"both"}]After a full year of planning, rock fans get to enjoy a 3-day festival of a lifetime.[{"selector":"#anim-9623470c-a248-4541-9478-a0246b80e975","keyframes":{"opacity":[0,1]},"delay":0,"duration":1000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(0.2, 0.6, 0.0, 1)","fill":"both"}][{"selector":"#anim-53018770-a390-42da-9709-821b61aa2bf0","keyframes":{"transform":["translate3d(0px, -101.28335%, 0)","translate3d(0px, 0px, 0)"]},"delay":0,"duration":1000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(0.2, 0.6, 0.0, 1)","fill":"both"}][{"selector":"#anim-241a3f73-5920-4ea8-b6c4-67d8915d7cd6","keyframes":{"opacity":[0,1]},"delay":0,"duration":1600,"easing":"cubic-bezier(0.2, 0.6, 0.0, 1)","fill":"both"}][{"selector":"#anim-ea950fd5-7465-4a37-9908-449a67869856","keyframes":{"transform":["translate3d(100.00000%, 0px, 0)","translate3d(0px, 0px, 0)"]},"delay":0,"duration":1600,"easing":"cubic-bezier(0.2, 0.6, 0.0, 1)","fill":"both"}]Orange LightningNext StoryRob la MiroAn Actor With A Thousand Faces


What Is Amazon’s Freevee? All You Need To Know

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6 Best Freevee Movies For You To Watch Right NOW

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Eat Your Heart Out A List Of Restaurants That Are Open On Christmas

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But just when you thought you knew it all.Here are 6 things you (probably) didn’t know.BUNKER HILLDowntown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.01.[{"selector":"#anim-0e32cbe6-3bc5-4185-88f9-69a184afbf6b","keyframes":{"opacity":[0,1]},"delay":250,"duration":2000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(0.2, 0.6, 0.0, 1)","fill":"both"}][{"selector":"#anim-925b576e-151e-41fe-8b28-13247ec03f73","keyframes":{"transform":["translate3d(-260.6557%, 0px, 0)","translate3d(0px, 0px, 0)"]},"delay":250,"duration":2000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(0.2, 0.6, 0.0, 1)","fill":"both"}]The historic home of Los Angeles mobsters & the underground elite.[{"selector":"#anim-8fa28da4-c8eb-4a5c-8de8-c0b4bc8a0cd5","keyframes":{"opacity":[0,1]},"delay":250,"duration":2000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(0.2, 0.6, 0.0, 1)","fill":"both"}][{"selector":"#anim-58cfcd86-6ff0-4cd1-a94c-0f2452a06cae","keyframes":{"transform":["translate3d(-278.68846%, 0px, 0)","translate3d(0px, 0px, 0)"]},"delay":250,"duration":2000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(0.2, 0.6, 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Answering The Most Asked: Is McDonald’s Open On Christmas?

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