Why Server Colocation Hosting in India is becoming more popular than Dedicated Servers?

Published on: 03 March 2016 Last Updated on: 29 May 2021

Dedicated server hosting has been there for a long time and has become a preferred choice for large enterprises because of the control they get out of it. In fact, the security of data achieved in a dedicated environment is much more than shared or VPS hosting. However, dedicated hosting is very costly in nature. This is the reason why server colocation hosting in India has become so popular. It also gives you full control of your hardware and software resources of the server. But it can be availed at a far lesser price. This is possible because you are only buying rack space to put your server machinery. In another popular colocation arrangement solution, businesses rent server and rack space from a data center that provides server colocation services.

One of the important features of server colocation hosting in India is that you as a business entity retain complete ownership of the IT hardware, thereby having full control of the same. In a sense, it provides you dedicated control of server resources. It is preferable to dedicated hosting because colocation is available at least possible price.

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However, in case of a dedicated hosting solution, the data center from which you are getting the service is the sole owner of the hardware system and other IT resources. Though the client gets full control of the server, the infrastructure, build, and content, ownership rights remain with the data center. Though you have dedicated control, you don’t really have ownership rights.

When to choose Dedicated Hosting and when Colocation Server?

If there is a huge traffic inflow into your site or group of websites and there are some mission-critical missions that require dedicated hosting environment, dedicated hosting is preferred. This is because of the high level of security provided to the stored data. However, to avail this service you have to shell out a lot of money, which may not be always possible.

In the case of server colocation hosting in India, you get increased security, enhanced scalability, enhanced connectivity, and extremely high availability. This is especially suitable for companies or businesses that don’t have the means of creating in-house hosting solutions (which are outrightly costly).

Let’s dig more into Colocation Services

In this kind of hosting solution, both software and hardware are purchased and owned by the business entity itself. In fact, the onus of properly setting up and configuring the hardware IT of the server rests with the business itself. For effectively managing inflow and outflow of traffic, the business entity can also buy one or more network devices such as VPN appliance, firewall, router, switch, and others. The combination of network devices a business wants to choose rests with that business itself. The server colocation hosting in India has no role in deciding on these factors. Therefore, the control and flexibility one gets in colocation are even much more than in the case of dedicated servers. Moreover, colocation comes at a far lesser price.

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Lucia Patterson is the woman behind TheLegalGuides, a blog solely focused on legal guides, tips, and advice. Lucia loves essay writing and blogs at EssayWritingGuides from her college days.

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WiFi Security

WiFi Security: Mediocrity To Excellence

Every internet user or cyber citizen out there aims to avoid WiFi Security utter and complete ignorance and even mediocrity. The goal is to go from mediocrity to excellence, and this goal is not so complicated and very attainable indeed. Let’s go over some of the essentials needed to reach WiFi Security excellence and be a source of knowledge and inspiration to your friends, family, and even co-workers. Many reading this article have already asked or are asking the question; what does WiFi stand for, while others have many other fundamental questions regarding this topic. Many may think that their perception of a secure WiFi reality is accurate when in reality, it needs an end-to-end adjustment. The Story Behind The Term WiFi  WiFi is a much more user-friendly and memorable alternative to the standard officially known on the books as IEEE 802.11. A consultancy company came up with ten different names, including WiFi which sounds like HiFi, better known as Hi-Fi, which stands for high fidelity.  The idea was to switch with a much catchier name than IEEE 802.11b, and this is precise; what took place. Have you heard the name of Phil Belanger? He is a founding member of the WI-Fi Alliance. The term Wifi started when the company was presented with ten potential words invented by the Interbrand. IEEE is a separate company. But as their product is related. They have first started the name of the WIFi.The Wifi is the short name for Wireless Fidelity. The Interbrand also created the Wifi logo, which can be used with the name. So from that day, people are starting to use the term WIFI. WiFi Knowledge  Now that we have some closure regarding the origin and purpose behind the term WiFi let’s focus on WiFi security essentials to get you started on a solid path to success. Knowledge is a fantastic start, and the more you read about WiFi and all related aspects to where it was, where it is, and where it is going, including terms and technical details from reception, to bandwidth to security standards and options, the more you will move away from mediocrity and move towards excellence. WiFi Awareness  WiFi awareness is directly tied into and is dependent on WiFi knowledge. The more you will know, the more aware you will be, and the more you will likely avoid WiFi security blunders. First, when people are starting to use WIFi, they are only using a single time password to protect the security of the Wifi. Malware: Keyloggers  Malware keyloggers are directly related to WiFi security in a powerful way. When a laptop, desktop, or other device is infected with a keylogger, the hacker will typically be able to collect all keystrokes. The hacker’s goal is maybe to access your companies’ or home’s WiFi network and even access the router as part of a bigger cyberattack plan. All the hacker has to do is wait for you to change your WiFi password. They will be able to get a log of those keystrokes and VOILA; the hacker can connect to your WiFi network and use your private network as a conduit for potentially a multitude of malicious purposes. The first step in preventing a malware infection in general, not just a keylogger, is to purchase an anti-malware cyber security solution with a strong reputation and countless satisfied clients—a solution with “real-time” protection. VPN A VPN will constantly scramble or encrypt your traffic in a very sophisticated way, even if you are using a non-secure public WiFi network such as in a Café and browsing a website with 0 security. Some other items you should delve into as part of your WiFi security knowledge journey are WiFi encryption protocols, firewalls, social engineering, and some of the built-in security your OS may have in place. Conclusion: WiFi security is one of the burning problems. Hence if you do not maintain the safety of Wifi, third parties can peep into your system. As a result, your privacy is going to face a challenge. Therefore, it is always better to take precautions and maintain your WIFI security and block third-party interference. Read Also: Moviesda 2021: Download Tamil Movies Online For Free How To Delete A Page In Google Docs How To Fix android.process.acore Has Stopped Error? 2021 Guide How To Use A Captive Portal As A Beginner -Be Everything You Need To Know!


The Basic Principles of Blockchain Fund Administration and E-Wallet

The topic of blockchain has received a lot of media attention in the past years. Thus, it is no wonder that this technology has completely transformed how firms and industries are running their businesses. Most industries have so far shown interest in blockchain fund administration and would want to explore how incorporating the technology would benefit their daily operations. When viewed at first glance, the technology of storing and recording transactions seems to be similar to the traditional database or ledger. Yet, in this case, the so-called blocks are unified cryptographically. This is the main way in which cases of fraud and corruption are kept at bay because of the formation of a secure and tight system. How The Blockchain Fund Administration Functions There is a set of information found on each block. This may include a transaction of proof of contract. A digital signature connects this information with the rest of the chain. Users can conduct virtual transactions which lack the presence of a middleman through blockchain fund administration. This technology is not so new in the financial space. It was first introduced in 2008 and the term Bitcoin gained popular recognition in 2009. It was not so widely embraced and it was finally used as part of many business practices almost a decade later. There is no need for a central authority and that is what makes this technology interesting. Transactions occur with complete transparency. It could have a real impact on the daily lives of people if it was applied in the following situations: Politics: incidences of corruption or discrepancies when counting the number of votes could be totally eliminated using this technology to run political elections. Fight against illicit activity: a permanent ledger in the system ensures accurate tracking of information. This would ensure no one would engage in the black market or fraudulent activity such as money laundering Financial services: with the elimination of transaction fees, customers and businesses could save a lot of money. It would also result in speedy transactions and greater This technology is benefiting both commercial and financial transactions. Since it could still be a new concept to interested parties and investors, there needs to be active engagement with the key players within the community of digital currencies. A firm that offers such services to its clients should be well equipped with a team of attorneys who will provide legal advice to clients on the basics principles of this technology. It is also important for clients to be aware of the legal issues that are likely to arise for companies who wish to incorporate the technology into their operations. A competent company will be ready to offer cutting-edge knowledge and guidance to clients. They should be guided from the first stage of exploration in which there are people who want to know more about the basic principles of the technology, to the ones who want to master all the insights for the integration of this technology. Clients can be advised in the following areas: Business compliance on the money services platforms it may wish to utilize Proactive insurance coverage Advice on artificial intelligence technologies Fund formation in Bitcoin Cybersecurity and other issues related to digital currency Money transmitting licensees Functions Of a Blockchain Wallet This e-wallet makes it possible for users to manage their digital currencies. They allow a user to store Cryptocurrencies and also manage their balance on digital currencies such as Bitcoin and ether. Creating a wallet is free and a user can quickly set up an online account. An individual will be asked to provide a working email address and a password. He will sue these details when logging into the account. The system will then send the account holder and automated email. He will click on the link provided in order to activate the account. Once the e-wallet has been created, a user will be provided with a wallet ID. It is similar to a bank account number. Wherever a user wants to access the wallet, they will log in to the blockchain website. Alternatively, a person can download the app and log it through their mobile phones. A user can be able to view his current balances; the most recent transactions and even make a request to the third party for a specific amount of Bitcoin. In case of a request, the system will generate a unique address to be viewed by the third party. The address is generated every time a user makes such a request. The interface has been actively used by users to buy and sell Bitcoin. A user can transfer the funds from his personal bank account or use a credit or debit card when making a purchase. The exchange rates are valid for only a short period of time. There is a small payment fee in case of bank transfers and the waiting period may be up to several days. In the case of debit or credit cards, there is immediate access to the Bitcoins although there is a large convenience fee. Wallet security is undoubtedly one of the main concerns for users. This is because when unauthorized persons access a user’s account, he may lose the Cryptocurrency. In view of this, there are three main levels of security provided: Level 1: it is designed to stop users from losing their accounts. A verification process is required whereby a user provides his email address and then set up a password hint. He will also need to create a password recovery phrase that will be used to access his account in case he forgets the original password. Level 2: it is mainly targeted at protecting a user’s wallet from others. A user is expected to link a phone number and wait for a follow-up text message that has a one-time password. Level 3: it allows users to block Tor requests. Read More: Securing Mobile App Development with Blockchain Technology The Profit Revolution: The Best Bitcoin Trading And Investing Platform Hiring a Blockchain Developer  

Use A Captive Portal

How To Use A Captive Portal As A Beginner -Be Everything You Need To Know!

If you are new to using certain business technologies, learning the ins and outs of the best way to prioritize your day and boost productivity is key. If you're concerned about the outreach methods to help your business, target new customers, and reach your ideal target market - things need to change. To perform these all, the internet is the predominant helper, right? Hence, you will need a secure wifi connection for sure. If you do not reach your ideal consumer and you find that your sales are plummeting, you need to change fast so you can keep your business afloat and broadcast your products and services in the right way. But how can you do this? How can you gain information about your target market to prioritize your advertising efforts and reach the most important people? We have the answer here! Use a captive portal to help your business succeed! First thing's first - what is a captive portal? Chances are you have been to a coffee shop or a museum before and you have seen that you need to input certain information so you can log onto the local Wifi network. This is usually not a problem, as it takes just a few seconds, and then bam! You are connected to the rest of your trip. You may not have realized it, but this is a captive portal. A captive portal is a login page or a loading page that requires customers and patrons to input certain information so they can move on to the next page and enjoy the free Wifi. Typically, you will find this wifi method at local business and public spaces, such as hotels, cafes, museums, retail centers, and airports. The steps to setting up a captive portal If you're new to use a captive portal for your business - like you just opened a cute cafe on the corner of the main street in your town - you need to know the steps of how to use a captive portal to offer your customers! Turn on the captive portal for your network so you can provide wifi access to your customers. You can usually start doing this by locating your access point menu. Next, make sure you customize the settings of your captive portal by going to the Profile and the Settings section so you can create a unique name for your captive portal, create the password for your captive portal, and redirect the captive portal to a web page - such as your business home page. The next step in setting up to use a captive portal is being able to customize what the users will see and what they choose to log into your wifi network. Typically, you can choose something that relates to your business, such as the logo of your business, a coffee cup or your cafe, or an important event coming up for your business. You can choose and customize all aspects of this page, such as the font size and color, the background, any logos or pictures, and the messages that will confirm they have successfully logged into your captive portal wifi. Now you have successfully enabled your captive portal and other users can use a captive portal of yours. Conclusion As you can see, to use a captive portal, the setup is easy for new businesses! By following these steps, you can offer free wifi to all of your customers. Read Also: Best Performing Routers In 2021 Maintaining Productivity: The Basics of Industrial Safety How To Reduce The Operating Cost of Your Business?