Procedure To Download West Bengal Join Entrance Examination Admit Card

Published on: 24 May 2016 Last Updated on: 29 May 2021

The WBJEE is the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination which can be conducted for the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board. Every year May month the WBJEE can be conducted. The first step the candidates can get the application form in the specified center of the WEBJEE. After getting the application the candidate can fill all the details in the application form. The details are present in the true form if any problem created the candidates are not allowed to attend for the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations. If the candidates fill all the details in the application form and then submit the application form in the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board. You can get an alert to your mobile or the email to download the hall ticket on the specified site of the WBJEE. Some of the procedure available to download the hall ticket on the specified site of the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board. Every year the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board can conduct the WBJEE exam successfully. This will be the main popularity of the exam. The wbjee admit card was released on May 3. You can collect the admit card in the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board site.

The West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board (WBJEEB) was developed in the year 1962. This can be mainly established for the purpose of entrance exam for the UG (Under Graduate) admission. This entrance exam will be common for all the types of UG courses such as the Medical, Dental, Pharmacy, Architecture, Engineering, and Technology. This can be conducted for both the self-financing colleges and the government colleges in the West Bengal. The West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination is conducted in the sensible form. So, the students carefully attend the exam. The West Bengal Join Entrance Examinations Board can send the alert for the online exam on the Internet on December month. You can collect all the details in the exam. The entrance exam is included for all the type of admissions. Every year there are lots of candidates can attend the exams. They can get a better result for the exam.

Dates To Be RemindsFor WBJEE Examination:

  1. The wbjee admit card can be released on the April 4 and May 5 for every year at the  30
  2. Date of West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination is conducted on 17-05-2016
  3. Date of West Bengal Join Entrance Examination Result Declaration on 05-06-2016

These are the important dates the candidates keep in mind. This will help to attend the West Bengal Join Entrance Examination properly with any kind of problems.

Download West Bengal Join Entrance Examination Admit Card:

The admit card is the entrance ticket for the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination. If the candidates cannot bring the admit card to the examination, they are not allowed to attend the exam. The candidates can download the hall tickets on the West Bengal Join Entrance Examination Board official site, before the last of downloading the application.

Step 1: Visit the official link of the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board

Step 2: On the home page of the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board site can display the hall ticket download option.

Step 3: You can click the cursor on the download option.

Step 4: Now you can fill the required details to download the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination admit cards such as roll number, password and some of the other type of details.

Step 5: You will see the West Bengal Join Entrance Examination admit card in the screen.

Step 6: Download the hall tick to take one printout of the admit card. If you can take a soft copy, this can be used for emergency purpose.

Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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MAT Registration

MAT Registration for February Session Started

The All India Management Institution (AIMA) has commenced the registration for the Management Aptitude Test (MAT 2019). The application form for MAT 2019 February Session is available for candidates on the official website of AIMA. This national level examination is a management entrance test which is conducted for MBA aspirants across the country. MAT 2019 will be conducted four times in a year i.e. in February, May, September, and December. Candidates are advised to check the eligibility criteria prescribed by the examination authority before applying to this national level examination. The scores obtained by the candidates in the MAT exam are valid only for a period of 12 months. Candidates who wish to pursue an MBA program in the management institutes across India can apply for MAT 2019 application form on the official website of AIMA. The entrance examination will be conducted in two modes namely Computer Based Test (CBT) mode and in Pen-Paper Based Test (PBT) mode. Candidates can appear for the examination in any of the modes. If an applicant selects both PBT and CBT mode, he/ she will have the option to choose seven management institutes instead of five. The application fee to apply for one mode of examination is INR 1550 and INR 2650 for both the modes. Students applying for MAT 2019 must remember that the exam schedule for PBT and CBT mode is different. The last date to apply for the PBT mode is February 8, 2019, whereas, for CBT mode, the last date to apply for the examination is February 12, 2019. Candidates are advised to apply for the examination well in advance and don’t wait for the last date to fill the application form. Exam Schedule for MAT 2019 For the February session of MAT 2019, the PBT mode of the entrance examination is likely to be conducted on February 17, 2019, only in one slot i.e. from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM. AIMA will conduct this examination in 54 cities across India. However, the CBT mode of MAT 2019 will be conducted on February 23 in 31 cities across India. Depending on the number of registrations, AIMA is likely to conduct CBT mode of MAT 2019 in more than one slot in a day. Exam Pattern for MAT 2019 The exam pattern of this management entrance examination i.e. MAT 2019 is somewhat similar to the other national-level management entrance tests. The question paper comprises of five sections namely Language Comprehension, Intelligence, and Critical Reasoning, Mathematical Skills, Data Analysis, and Sufficiency and Indian and Global Environment. Don’t forget that there is also negative marking in the entrance examination. For each incorrect answer -0.25 marks will be deducted. The Mathematical section of the exam usually consists of questions for Arithmetic section. Among Data Analysis and Sufficiency, questions are asked mainly from Data Interpretation (DI). The level of Analytical Reasoning is usually moderate and the English section comprises a mix of Verbal and RC questions. To excel in the entrance examination, candidates are advised to practice previous year question papers. The past papers will provide a concrete idea about the examination pattern and the level of questions likely to come in the entrance test. For complete details regarding the registration process of MAT 2019, candidates can refer to the official website of AIMA. Candidates must remember that merely qualifying MAT 2019 doesn’t guarantee admission to a management institute. For admission to management institutes, candidates need to apply for each of the institutes they wish to apply for separately. The examination conducting body just sends the score to the management institutes selected by the student. Only those candidates will receive the call for the interview who clear the cut off of MAT 2019. Before applying for the management institutes, candidates need to check the eligibility criteria and the selection procedure of the particular institute.


Are You Ready for the GRE?

The GRE may be one of the most important tests that you take in your life. You have put in countless hours studying and taking practice tests, but the question is whether you are truly ready to take the test. As with any major exam, typically you have a strong idea of whether and when you are prepared and ready for the exam. Here are some signs that you are ready for the big day. Your Practice Scores Exceed Your Goals: Every test taker has a score in mind that is their target for the exam. Given that the best way to take the exam involves taking numerous practice exams, you should have an idea of where you are before the exam. It is a fact that the conditions of the actual exam may cause you to not perform as well as you would otherwise hope. This could be due to the pressure or the unfamiliarity of the setting. Therefore, you should have your practice scores slightly above your target. When these metrics exceed your target score, you have a good indication that you are ready for the exam. You Start Feeling Confident: When you are preparing for a clutch exam, you spend many hours in a state of panic. As you begin to get a handle on what you are doing, panic starts to be replaced with other emotions. This does not happen overnight. Instead, it takes countless long study sessions and a gradual process. It is unrealistic to expect a test taker to simply snap their fingers and change their mindset. This comes through hard work. After the extensive effort, fear gives way to confidence. When you actually believe that you can beat the exam, it comes after you have put in the necessary hard work and it means that you are prepared. Study Material Seems Rote: When studying for an exam, test takers should usually cover everything more than once. The first time that they read through the material, it seems new and there it will take some effort to gain familiarity and mastery over the material. As you begin to become more familiar with the material, it will come easier to you on each review. At a certain point, the material should be drilled into your head. At that point, when you read the material, you will have a strong sense of Deja vu. Then, you will know that the material has become second nature to you, and you are good to go to take the test. You Have Taken a Practice Course: GRE prep courses are a great way of preparing you to take the big exam, but like everything else, they cost money. When you take one of these classes, you gain the benefit of instruction and tips from experienced test takers. These classes follow and track the exams, and they will be able to tell you about recent trends with the exam. While some test-takers are certainly able to prepare themselves with a few practice exams and a study book, many people find that more is necessary. One option to accomplish this is free online GRE prep. This can save you money and give you the help you need for the exam. Read Also: 3 Amazing Online Resources For GMAT Prep 10 Tips To Memorize All Necessary Information Before Exams

Education Trends

Upcoming Educational Trends in 2017

Over the years the education industry has seen a significant amount of change and technology has played a crucial role in its development. Information technology has delivered key services including providing competitive institutional differentiation and enabling digital transformation. Classroom learning has been a part of the system since the introduction of schools and educational institutions. The world is now seeing the introduction of, one of the most advanced technological innovations that have taken learning to a whole new level. Many leading innovative companies have come up with new educational apps or trends that can help students study and learn in a whole new way. These tools can increase relevance for the students and give them a brand new experience when it comes to learning subjects like Math and other important subjects. These technological trends use mobiles, tablets, and many technological innovations to not only make learning easier but also fun. Flipped Learning This is a sort of blended learning where students do not require to step out of their homes to learn. They can simply get their daily does of knowledge sitting right at home through online content and video lectures. What is being implied is that students can learn off each other through critical problem-solving in tiny groups. An interactive classroom environment is created right at home through Wi-Fi enabling students to communicate with each other via mobiles or various other tools. With this technology, educators can measure the responses of the students and their ability both in and out of the class. Remote Learning This is a technological innovation for students who cannot physically make it to school. This trend allows them to attend classes virtually through video and by accessing content online. Other forms of technologies can be included in this program including class forums, video conferencing, social media, pre-recorded videos, and email. Like for example, students can sit right at home and learn Geometry on their mobiles or tablets. Teachers with respect to subject matters can also be introduced into the remote learning as they improve the quality of learning. This technology can reach global masses as long as there is reliable Wi-Fi networks and mobile technologies. Adaptive Learning Adaptive learning is nothing but personalizing and enhancing the learning experience. Adaptive learning helps learners in reducing the time taken to become proficient by eradicating the need to go through the content that they already understand. This improves the effectiveness of our programs because the learner only focuses on what is absolutely needed. The future success of adaptive learning is not only in the design of the technology but in the design of content. Game Based Learning The implementation of the game into learning can enhance motivations along with knowledge and engagement retention. Earlier, the implementation of gaming in learning was to enhance the classroom experience with a game. Later on, learning programs were implemented with gaming technology thereby pulling the players or students to their emotions and motivations. The gaming theory has found a way to implement storytelling in a way that can appeal to the learner's emotions and enhancing their recall. Read More: Have Assignment Problem? Try Assignment Help Online 5 Questions To Ask Yourself While Finalizing An E-Learning Platform For Quality Education Solve Assignment Problem In UK What You Need To Be A Successful Entrepreneur