When You’re Buying Furs, Get The Best

Published on: 13 April 2017 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019

The history of furs is at least as old as mankind, minus perhaps a hundred years or so. If you really want to go into the oldest records, you can look in the Bible, where God himself sacrifices animals for the sins of Adam and Eve and makes them “skins” as coverings out of some unfortunate creature.

Whether or not you believe the Biblical narrative, what is beyond question is that mankind has made clothing from the skin and/or fur of animals for thousands of years. As a result, there are many different kinds of furs available. Some are more high-quality than others. For example, wool isn’t like mink, but it’s technically the fur of an animal.

The difference is that you can kind of “farm” wool, shearing sheep on a yearly basis. When it comes to mink, fox, bear, and other furs, it’s not quite as easy to get the kind of coat you’re looking for. This is one of the reasons those furs have a higher quotient of value than that of the lamb.

And value is definitely key. Because any old “fur trapper” can get a beaver pelt and make a hat out of it. But whether or not the resulting garment is worthy of high society or not has much to do with the quality of manufacture and skill. If you managed to bag a rabbit, skin it, and cure a pair of mittens or a hat from its pelt, you could do an OK job.

But would your amateurish efforts be worthy of high-society prices? Probably not; especially considering the long history behind modern furs. When there is a longevity in the provision of services, stylistic integrity benefits from a technique that has developed through trial and error.

Lessons From Edison

Remember Thomas Edison? He’s largely responsible for some of modern society’s most innovative technological advances. When developing the lightbulb, he went through many different iterations of housing and filament before he found the right combination.

When asked about the many failures he underwent, he replied: “I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Since Edison, the technology of the lightbulb has expanded quite a bit. It has even gotten beyond conventional filaments. Now you’ve got halogens, LEDs, lasers, and more.

What those lightbulbs are to modern lighting options, modern coats are to older options. Now perhaps God cured some downright dandy fur solutions for Adam and Eve in times of yore; perhaps he gave them a basic outfit to remind them of their shame. Who knows, there aren’t any specifics. But it’s easy to see today’s options are greater than those!

If you’re going to buy furs for a loved one in your life, or someone otherwise special, you want to get them from a quality provider who has figured out the true tricks of the trade. This will allow you to source more value at less cost, ultimately achieving a better result.

High Standards And Fine Furs

According to RosendorfEvansFurs.com, fur provider Rosendorf Evans has for generations “…been known for its high standard of customer service, quality furs, and fair prices.” That’s the triumvirate you’re looking for right there: customer service, quality, and fair pricing. Craftsmanship deserves remuneration, but not exploitation.

You should look for the highest quality in craftsmanship, but the highest value as well, and the kind of representation requisite to that which is being bought or sold. The people you speak to about furs you’re considering the purchase of should work with you, not despite you or against you. Expect elegance from every part of the process.

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Top 3 Factors While Selecting Mismatched Dresses for your Bridesmaids

Focusing on the bridesmaids should be one of the top priorities of would-be brides while planning their nuptials. After the bridesmaids have been chosen, you just need to think about their dresses. If you have been to a few wedding ceremonies before, then by now you probably know that most of the time, young bridesmaids of the wedding party wear gorgeous bridesmaid dresses with more or less the similar style. However, it is true that all your bridesmaids won’t have the same body shape and style when it comes to clothing. In such a case, your bridesmaids must wear the bridesmaid dress of their choice following a few rules. For instance- you need to make sure that the dresses of your bridesmaids are more or less of the same color scheme and also in accordance with your wedding theme. Now, if you want to learn more about allowing your bridesmaid's sports mismatching bridesmaid dresses to make them feel the best, here is a brief list of a few do’s and don’ts to have your mind on: Do conduct your research thoroughly: Just like in most other cases; it is very significant to do some research work before picking out the dresses for your bridesmaids. For instance, ask your professional photographers to ascertain which color and style will go best with photos. You can even have a look at the wedding photos in your family album or surf the internet for real wedding pictures in order to gain inspiration for organizing your wardrobe as well as planning the most special day in your life. Always remember that your wedding photos will last for an endless time, so never hesitate to express your imagination about the bridesmaid dresses with your bridesmaids for your bridal party before going out for shopping. Do set a few restrictions or limitations on your bridesmaids: In order to avoid any hassles and awful wedding photos, be extremely clear-cut while explaining to your bridesmaids the way you want their dresses to look like on your wedding ceremony. Don’t hesitate to tell your bridesmaids that you have some specific clothing stores in your mind where you would like them to go for shopping at or a particular fashion designer's creation that you would like them to buy for your wedding. You should see to it that all your bridesmaids try on their respective dresses prior to getting it purchased together so as to gain your approval. Finally, to help clarify your vision you can have your bridesmaids lined up wearing their dresses on together. This is just to envision the way how they will look on your big day. Never hesitate to say No to something you do not like: Certainly, it is really tough to say no to your near and dear ones but in case you do not want to communicate with your bridesmaids on something you do not like, it is indispensable that you put your foot down. It is only you who very well know what your wedding dream is supposed to look like. This also includes the bridal party apparels for your bridesmaids. Therefore, in case you are not extremely enthusiastic about any particular wedding outfit, do ask your bridesmaids to opt for some other dresses that will look good on them. These are a few things that you should discuss with your bridesmaids before getting their dresses purchased. Whatever you say, it is eventually the only one that matters a lot for this big occasion since it is your wedding, your day and of course, you are the most imperative person at this event. Jane Wang, a regular blogger has brought into the limelight about the increasing demand for mismatched bridesmaid dresses and why is it a great choice for bridesmaids these days.


The Clever Consumer’s Guide to Shopping Online

Over the past decade, the way in which we shop has completely changed. More of us now shop online, buying everything from our groceries, clothes, home appliances and smartphones from online stores. Statista estimates that 2.14 billion people will shop online by 2021, a huge increase from the 1.79 billion online shoppers in 2018 and the 1.32 billion who purchased goods online in 2014. Shopping online offers greater convenience as we can buy goods from the comfort of our couches instead of braving the cold weather to head to the shops. In some cases, there are also goods that can only be purchased online because of stock issues at physical stores, or because they just don’t sell that particular item. However, just because shopping online is easier than buying things in-person, that doesn’t mean that you should stop doing your due diligence when it comes to selecting products to buy and where you buy from them. You still want to get the best deals and offers and the best quality products. So, to help you achieve that, read our guide to being a clever consumer when you shop online. The Clever Consumer’s Guide to Shopping Online: Shop Around: When you shop online, it can be very easy to be tempted by the first offer that you see. If you see a price that suits your budget, or an offer of “free shipping,” you may feel inclined to order right away. But don’t just order immediately, instead, a file that product listing away in the back of your mind (or add it to your bookmarks) and begin to shop around. The beauty of online shopping is that it’s incredibly easy to compare everything say you want to purchase luxury soft towel online, you can look for tips before buying. Unlike shopping in-person where you would have to call different stores on the phone or visit them in person, a quick Google search will allow you to pull up a list of retailers that sell what you’re looking for. From then, you can quickly compare the prices, the cost of shipping the product, and bonuses (e.g loyalty offers and extra rewards) in order to find the offer that suits you best. Do Your Research: It’s always important to do your research when shopping, but especially online. You don’t want to be stuck with a product that wasn’t as you expected, leaving you feeling disappointed. You just want to be sure that what you’re ordering will be of high quality. The first step in doing your research is to read reviews of that retailer. If the retailer sells brand new products, what do people say about those brands online? Some retailers list customer reviews directly under the products listings, or you could search for the brand name on social media to see what people are saying in real-time (try searching for the URL if there’s nothing recent for the brand name). Doing your research when buying used or refurbished goods, such as refurbished phones and laptops will look a little bit different. You’ll need to learn what seller refurbished means and how that differs from manufacturer refurbished (and vice versa) in order to understand who has refurbished a product and how it has been tested. These terms are commonly found in product listings on online retailers (including Amazon) and so finding out more about refurbished testing processes and how technicians have been trained can be key to getting quality refurbished goods. Double-Check the Returns Policy: Sometimes, even when you’ve done your due diligence and have researched the retailer and have confirmed that it is trustworthy, things still go wrong. This may be due to mistakes during shipping or the manufacturing process. These things happen and they’re unfortunate and disappointing, but if a store has a good returns policy, then you don’t have to worry. Always double-check the returns policy before buying because you’ll want to know that you’re covered in the event that anything goes wrong. Some of the stores with the best return policies include IKEA which is famous for its 365 returns policy which lets you return something for a full refund within a year if you are unsatisfied. Bath & Body Works is also a standout as it has a 100% satisfaction guarantee, offering no limit on when you can return a product. In fact, it even has a price adjustment policy, letting you get some money back if the price of the product is lowered within 14 days of your purchase. Review the Security: Safety is paramount when shopping online. You’re placing a significant amount of trust in an online retailer because you’re showing them personal details such as your name, your address and your credit card info. Any time you spend money, you just want to know that your personal and confidential data is protected and will not fall into the wrong hands or be used for anything other than what you’ve consented too. Reading reviews of retailers and doing your research as mentioned above can be a useful tool in this, but you may want to get even more technical given that this is the Internet. Something you can do in that case is to check the retailer’s SSL certificate. An SSL certificate is something that confirms that a website encrypts its data and that it cannot be intercepted by any malicious actors. You’ll know if a site has SSL because you’ll see a padlocked sign next to the URL (website) in the address bar at the top of your browser. The website will also start with the phrase “https” to let you know that it’s secure. Armed with these top online shopping tips, you will be able to find the best prices and deals from the most trusted retailers. So enjoy your shopping and all of your new products. Read Also: How To Save Money When Shopping Online 5 Tips For Finding The Best Web Host For A Fast-Growing Online Store

Tracking Device

Shopping for a Personal Tracking Device

Technological advancements have led to several innovations that are very useful to human beings. Various gadgets have been manufactured to improve efficiency and make our work easier. A tracking device is one such gadget that is being widely used today. It can be used to monitor a person’s whereabouts, track a lost item, or even keep a record of various routes and places that are of interest. They are of different sorts to be able to meet the diverse requirements of users. To be able to choose the best GPS trackers, here are some things that you ought to consider. How it works Although they are all based on the principle of being able to identify the location and then relaying the information, they still work differently. Some can only connect to a few satellites hence won’t relay accurate information in some cases. Others connect to many satellites and so they are able to relay accurate information and do so fast. Also, some will only transmit the location at certain intervals while others transmit the exact current location hence allows real-time tracking. Even if you choose to buy the ones that only transmit at set intervals make sure that the intervals are short if you plan on tracking recent locations. Features The features can vary based on the model. Some of the most important features that you should consider include battery life, memory capacity, and design capabilities. It would be very unfortunate if you were tracking someone or an item only for the battery to die. To avoid this you should buy the ones with a long battery life that can go for at least five days without requiring a recharge. The memory capacity should also be large enough to store a considerable amount of records. As for the design, make sure that the material used is durable and that the whole gadget is resistant to water and is tamper-proof. The more it is able to withstand hostile conditions the better. Your needs The first step should be to determine what exactly you need it for. This will help you pick the right one that will effectively meet your needs. If, for example, you want to keep track of your child’s whereabouts then you need to go for a simple one with the relevant features. It should have an emergency button that they can use to communicate when they need help. Generally, the device should be easy to use. Take the necessary precautions like attaching it to their backpack so that it doesn’t get lost. See this link to know why you might want to use a GPS tracker https://businesscloud.co.uk/how-important-is-it-to-have-a-gps-tracker/. Means of monitoring Most of them allow monitoring on a range of devices for convenience purposes. You should be able to do the monitoring from your desktop PC and portable devices like smartphones, iPad, and tablets. You can either log into your online portal on the official website or do the monitoring using an app on one of your devices. The latter is more convenient since most of the time you will be having your smartphone nearby and so you can get urgent notifications. For instance, when geofencing is enabled you will get notified if the tracker crosses a set boundary. You can use this option to define a safe zone for your child so that you get notified if they move out of it. Technical assistance The devices are straightforward to use but still, you should be able to ask for help and get it when you need it. Also, malfunctions tend to occur from time to time. This can be due to a bug in the software or the performance of the hardware components. If this happens then it should be resolved quickly to avert more damages. The service provider ought to provide a platform where you can air your issue and get the appropriate assistance. For emergencies, you should be able to call them and the response time should be good. Avoid those who have a reputation of ignoring customers’ needs or taking long to respond. Price This mostly depends on the features of the device. A gadget with highly advanced features will cost more than a standard one. Although the price doesn’t determine how accurate the product will be, a gadget having Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) capabilities is more accurate than the regular ones. Therefore, when considering the price you should not just go for the cheapest tracker available, consider its functionality too. You can still get an effective tracker that perfectly suits your needs at an affordable price. Compare the different prices and performance capabilities of several trackers before you settle on one of them. Also, you can take advantage of discounted prices and special offers. Keep in mind that there is also a subscription fee that you will be required to pay since the products use SIM cards. Click here for more tips. Conclusion A personal tracker is a valuable device to have. If you decide to get one you should take your time to deliberate on key aspects such as your specific needs, its features & performance, means of monitoring, and price among other things. Go for a tracker that best suits your intended use and is affordable. You should be keen to avoid overlooking the subscription fees. Most sellers usually don’t clearly state that there is a monthly or annual fee that you will be required to pay. Remember to also ensure that it has a warranty. Read Also: 3 steps to successful online shopping