5 Best Stimulant-Free Fat Burners

Published on: 25 June 2017 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019
Fat Burners

Every year, millions of people start off with a resolution to lose weight and achieve the body that they have always dreamed of. However, by mid-year, a lot of people have already gone back to their usual less-than-healthy routine.

With summer approaching though, some people start scrambling to get their body ready for the beach, and so they try fat burner supplements to complement their diet and exercise. It’s not easy to find one that works, and it’s even more difficult to find one that is free of side effects.

There are two types of fat burners that you can choose from depending on their effects on your nervous system. The stimulant fat burners contain ingredients that can affect your heart rate and stimulate the nervous system. The non-stimulant fat burners do not have any effect on the nervous system and are usually free of those types of side effects.

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Many stimulant fat burners are reported to have negative effects on its users. This type of fat burners typically contains caffeine in large amounts. This ingredient can cause insomnia and anxiety when consumed in excess. Many popular fat burners also contain ephedrine, which is potentially dangerous in large amounts and can increase blood pressure and heart rate. Another side effect is the increased levels of cortisol that can eventually result in anxiety disorders and chronic stress.

This is why non-stimulant fat burners can be a better option compared to stimulant based ones. To give you an overview of the benefits of non-stimulant fat burners, take a look at the ingredients usually found in them:

  • Carnitine

Carnitine is an amino acid that is usually called L-carnitine or acetyl l-carnitine. The body produces carnitine with the use of lysine and methionine to help in transferring fatty acids to the mitochondria. These fatty acids like triglycerides will undergo the process of oxidation to produce energy. It can also help in storing less fat and burning more calories. Some foods such as animal foods contain this amino acid but supplements have higher amounts of carnitine more beneficial for weight loss.

  • Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is a natural fatty acid derived from omega-6 fatty acids and linoleic acid. It is commonly found in dairy products as well as meat. But the supplemental CLA is created from safflower or sunflower oil. Due to the presence of linoleic acid, CLA is an essential ingredient when it comes to suppressing the appetite, decreasing body fat mass, and preventing fat production.

  • Sesamin

Sesamin is also called lignin. It is a compound that is mostly found in sesame seed. Oats, flax, and other grain-based products are also good sources of sesamin. Lignin reduces fat storage by increasing the activities related to the metabolism of fat. It is also a known ingredient in many antioxidant supplements. Apart from that, it is also an estrogen receptor modulator that men can consume to maintain higher levels of testosterone.

  • Seaweeds

Seaweed may be one of the last things that you will think of when it comes to fat loss. It is not only an ingredient to the food that you eat such as sushi. The carotenoid siphonaxanthin is a xanthophyll present in green algae that can reduce fat. It controls adipogenesis, the process of cell differentiation. This stops fat development in tissues and can reduce appetite.

  • Exogenous Ketones

Exogenous Ketone is a nutritional supplement that contains ketones. This main ingredient is a compound that is naturally created by the body to produce energy for the mitochondria from fats. Ketones have a small molecular structure that is considered to be a more efficient fuel than glucose. Aside from fat reduction, some of its other benefits include lower heart rate, oxygen consumption and increased levels of cardiovascular endurance.

Your choice in the type of fat burner you should use depends on your needs and preferences. You must look at the benefits and downsides of both types. Picking the wrong supplement could cause more problems than expected. Since the non-stimulant fat burners have more advantages than disadvantages for those who are sensitive to caffeine or those with anxiety disorders, it is recommended that you choose these if you have such problems. There is an effective fat burner for everyone!

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Health Tips

7 Health Tips For Medical Students

Being a med student is unquestionably difficult. Regardless of your interest in medicine, student life is stressful and overwhelming at times due to the hard work and excessive hours spent studying and attending hospital training rounds. And, despite the numerous benefits of being a doctor or any other healthcare professional, you must recognize that achieving any career in medicine is a difficult task. Given this, med students must learn to keep their cool. And do whatever they can to practice perseverance – which can only be possible through adopting a few healthy living habits. Unfortunately, many aspiring medical students ignore their diet. They do not take the necessary steps to improve their overall health - a giant flag on the play. Yes, it can be challenging to maintain healthy eating habits while in medical school. But living a healthy lifestyle can help you become a better student and doctor. Here Are 7 Health Tips For Medical Students: 1. Study smart Encourage a nurturing environment. You are, after all, studying to become a healthcare professional, so put focus on cultivating a collaborative and supportive environment now. You can start by being active in your studies - whether you take notes, draw diagrams, teach a classmate, or make flashcards. If you enjoy studying with others, find a group of friends you can trust and rely upon. Also, try to foster a growth mindset to become a life-long learner. Continuing your education can give you a leg up in your career – regardless of your specialty, but you might not find enough time to attend in-person classes. So if you aspire to become a successful nurse, enrolling in an RN-BSN program online will help you manage and study smart. 2. Sleep is essential Although medical school has erratic schedules, you should try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Sleeping is just as essential as studying – you can't function properly if you don't get enough of it. The average adult requires between 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night to function optimally. Although this is easier said than done, there are a variety of apps available and some sleeping methods that can assist you in catching up on much-needed rest. Related Resource: Top 7 Reasons the Medical Field Will Always Be In Demand 3. Eat a well-balanced diet  The food you eat affects your nutrient intake, energy level, and even your overall mood for the day. So even if you have a busy schedule that makes fast food seem like a good option, eating extremely unhealthy can adversely affect your ability to function. Even though healthy food can be more difficult for those with a hectic work schedule, meal prep guides aim to reduce the time to eat healthily massively. So get on with your research and create healthy and balanced weekly meal plans! 4. Spend some time exercising  You are probably under the impression that your schedule will not allow you to exercise; however, improving your organizational skills may provide enough time. For example, you could spend 30 minutes on a relaxing yoga or morning jog. In addition, you are probably aware of the extraordinary benefits of a few minutes of exercise, as you are likely reassuring your patients or fellows to schedule time in their schedules for physical activity. 5. Hydrate  Medical students, residents, and interns spend a lot of time lecturing their patients about staying hydrated. For them, it is easy to go for hours to the institute during a long and busy day without feeling like you have time to get a drink. However, this is one of the simplest ways to stay healthy. So please bring a water bottle with you and swig from it between patients and lectures. Know where all of the water fountains are–and use them! Also, make sure you drink during all of your breaks and work hours. If you want to keep track of how much you're drinking, there are plenty of bottles with ounce markings to ensure you're getting enough. Drink up! 6. Manage your stress Because working and studying conditions are undeniably demanding, medical students are well-known for leading haphazardly busy lives. As a result, you should have a few stress management in place to help you deal with the mental demands of your job. Meditation, breathing techniques, and even religious prayers can all relieve stress. Whatever methods you find realistic and appealing, have stress management tactics as a go-to when feeling anxious. However, you may be disheartened by your insanely chaotic work schedule when putting your newly learned stress management technologies and methodologies into practice. Even if you believe that your busy days will leave you with no time to work on stress reduction, you will be able to find a few minutes by examining your schedule. Even five minutes of relaxation can significantly affect anxiety and stress. 7. Find a schedule-friendly hobby  Even if you believe that your professional career leaves no room for a hobby or curiosity, the satisfying benefits of a hobby may amaze you. Moreover, you don't have to devote too much time to your chosen hobby because some are less time-consuming than others. Consider reuniting with your inner artist, or perhaps growing vegetables would benefit you. Finding a suitable hobby is not difficult either; consider simply reading through lists of popular hobbies. On the other hand, you most likely already have an interest or hobby in mind that you've been putting off to concentrate on your career. So dig that hobby up and make time for YOU! Conclusion These were some of the best and easy-to-follow health tips that med students can easily incorporate into their schedules. Of course, we understand that staying healthy and active during medical school is not a piece of cake, and it is tempting to take the easy way out. But in the long run, this strategy does not pay off. Thus, it is better to practice healthy habits (from day one) so that you'll never fumble. So pay heed to the above-said health tips and become the person you wish to be (a successful and affirmative healthcare professional). Read Also: Health Tips For Hard Working Men 3 Top Tips to Keep Your Eyes Healthy Health Tips For Hard Working Men


What Are Tarpenes? How Do They Work? – Cannabis Guide

If you smoke pot (marijuana) and proclaim yourself to be a Rastafarian stoner, you probably know what are tarpenes. In case you are not, it’s time for you to get high on some interesting facts about terpenes. To know more about this gum-like substance found in cannabis plants and many fruits as well, keep on reading. What Are Tarpenes? Terpenes are extremely fragrant substances that give many plants and herbs, including lavender and rosemary, as well as certain animals, their distinctive scents. Many commonplace goods, including meals, cosmetics, and personal care products, are flavored and scented with isolated terpenes. Terpenes are necessary to plants. Terpenes have different effects on different plants. In some, they encourage pollinators, while in others, they strongly repel predators like insects or gazing animals. Others function as a component of the plant's immune system to ward against contagious pathogens. Some terpenes perform a protective role in the plant, aiding the plant in recovering from harm. Also, erpenoids is a word that some people also use. Tarpenes and terpenoids, however, are not the same. When present in a living plant, these substances exist naturally as terpenes. Terpenes undergo oxidation and transform into terpenoids when a plant dries and cures—as in the case of cannabis manufacturing, for instance. Cannabinoids VS Tarpenes - What’s The Difference? Cannabis contains chemical substances called cannabinoids. Cannabinoids like tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) activate the body's endocannabinoid system. The "high" that cannabis users feel is brought on by this. Another cannabinoid that is gaining popularity for its therapeutic effects is cannabidiol (CBD). Although CBD interacts with some of the same receptors as THC, it does so in a different way and has no euphoric effects. Although THC and CBD are two of the most well-known cannabinoids, the cannabis plant contains over 100 other cannabinoids in total. Terpenes, which are among the most prevalent substances in the natural world, are also found in the cannabis plant. The majority of plant and certain animal molecules smell because of terpenes. However, some may also have comparable effects to cannabinoids in the body's endocannabinoid system. The primary distinction is how these substances are absorbed and used by the body. Effect Of Tarpenes Image Source Since many terpenes are bioactive, they could have an impact on the body. Depending on the terpene concentration and the user, this impact will change. Terpenes are the primary component of many essential oils. In addition, they are crucial to many alternative therapies, including aromatherapy since they give off strong scents. A person's mood and stress levels may be affected by the aromas of particular plants and essential oils when inhaled. Some individuals think that terpenes will influence or improve the high that comes from cannabis use. Marijuana terpenes increase or modify the effects of THC and CBD in the body - known as the entourage effect. Types Of Tarpenes There are various types of terpenes. Here, I have given brief descriptions of some of the most popular ones. 1. Limonene Image Source Most individuals can identify the ubiquitous terpene limonene by its aroma. The zesty scent of the rinds of fruits like lemons and oranges is due to limonene, as its name indicates. Limonene appears to alter the behavior of some immune cells, which might shield the body from a variety of diseases. People can safely use limonene as a supplement. 2. Pinene Image Source Another common terpene found in nature is pinene. A-pinene and b-pinene are the two varieties of pinene. Numerous plants, such as pine needles, rosemary, and basil, all contain pinene, which gives them their fresh, vibrant aroma. Additionally, pinene may have certain medicinal advantages. Shinrin-yoku, which translates to "forest bathing," is a Japanese treatment that entails taking slow strolls through the forest to take in the sights, sounds, and scents. There may be protective and healing benefits of Shinrin-yoku on the physiology and psychology of an individual. 3. Linalool Image Source The lavender plant produces the most linalool, which gives the bloom its distinctive aroma. One of the most crucial elements in aromatherapy is linalool, which is what gives lavender or its essential oil a relaxing effect on many individuals. Although linalool does seem to have an effect on the body, further research is needed to determine how individuals might use it to improve their health. 4. Myrcene Image Source Terpenes like myrcene are frequently found in plants including thyme, lemongrass, and hops. The cannabis plant's flowers also have Myrcene. A potent antioxidant, myrcene. According to one study conducted on mice, myrcene may aid in preventing brain oxidative damage after a stroke. Another mouse investigation has discovered a comparable protective effect of myrcene on heart tissue. Myrcene may be a helpful alternative therapy for ischemic stroke, according to the study. Myrcene appears to have an anti-inflammatory impact and may stop the destruction of certain cartilage cells in a cell model of osteoarthritis, it was reported. This could make it effective in treating osteoarthritis. 5. Beta-Caryophyllene Image Source Many plants and vegetables, including cloves and black pepper, contain beta-caryophyllene. Beta-caryophyllene, like other terpenes, may have an anti-inflammatory impact on the body that may lessen discomfort in certain people. Beta-caryophyllene decreased discomfort from inflammation and nerve pain in animal research. Because the body didn't appear to be acquiring a tolerance to these effects, the researchers speculated that this analgesic and anti-inflammatory impact would be helpful for treating long-term chronic pain. 6. Humulene Image Source A vital component of the hop plant is humulene. We might also find it in other plants like ginger and clove. Terpenes, such as humulene, may have the ability to prevent allergic responses and asthma, according to one research. Humulene decreased allergic airway inflammation in animal models. This could make it a valuable substance for future all-natural asthma therapies. According to a different study, humulene might protect certain cells. This safeguarding function could prevent cancer. To support these assertions, further research on the effects of humulene is required as this is only early data. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Many people (especially stoners) have various questions regarding the use of Tarpenes. Here are my answers to their queries. Q1. What Do Terpenes Do For You? Ans: The consumption of tarpenes has various medical and psychological effects on our bodies. Some of the most commonly observed properties are:Reduces growth of cancerous cellsIt has antihyperglycemic propertiesImproves the immunity system to fight against microbes like fungi and virusIt can act as an analgesicIt has several anti-inflammatory propertiesParasites are weak against terpenes Q2. Is Terpene A Steroid? Ans: A Tarpene is not exactly a steroid. However, many researchers have related them to steroids because of the similar chemicals present in both. These chemicals have proven to impact our metabolic system to an extent, similar to steroids. Q3. What Do Terpenes Taste Like? Ans: The taste of tarpenes differs from each strain to strain. While terpenes have the natural fragrance and taste of cannabis, the fruit it’s derived from also adds to the taste. Conclusion A tarpene is a substance or a compound that gives plants theory unique smells and flavors. Every plant has their own unique terpene. However, most people every day refer to terpenes being present in cannabis, giving it its “euphoric” properties, taste, and aroma. Read Also: Is Health Care A Good Career Path? How To Make Your Own Cannabis Topicals? 8 Awesome Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate

ovarian cancer

How Talcum Powder & Ovarian Cancer Is Related?

The latest report by the American Cancer Society states that ovarian cancer accounts for 2.5% of cancer cases in women. The risk of ovarian cancer is dependent upon a number of factors, spanning from genetics, age, lifestyle to environmental factors. But, certain studies such as the American Cancer Society have discovered a strong link between talcum powder & escalating cases of ovarian cancer worldwide. As per studies, 11.5 in every 100,000 people in the United States of America developed ovarian cancer, from 2010 to 2014. What Is Ovarian Cancer? Ovarian cancer is the rarest form of cancer that affects women’s reproductive mechanisms.  This cancer type commences in the ovaries or in the fallopian tubes, connecting the ovaries to the womb. Ovarian cancer is graded by doctors in terms of stages 1 to 4, which is further determined by tumor size or if cancer has spread outside the ovary. Finally, the doctor will examine to identify the ovarian cancer type. This depends upon how the cancer cells respond to chemotherapy treatment-how fast they are growing. The type 1 ovarian cancer grows slowly but doesn't respond to the chemotherapy sessions, whereas the type 2 ovarian cancer develop quickly with chemotherapy. How Talcum Powder Is Responsible for Ovarian Cancer? Talcum powder is a common household baby care product widely used. Generally, talc is simply a mineral composed of silicon, magnesium, and oxygen. Owing to the talc ability to absorb moisture, it can also be applied to sensitive body areas. Now, now is the million-dollar question, can talcum powder contribute to ovarian cancer? What A Recent Study Published in the journal Epidemiology Says:- To quote the study published in the medical journal Epidemiology, talcum powder can significantly increase the risk of ovarian cancer to 33%, especially when used daily. However, further research work is needed to prove the relation between baby powder and ovarian cancer. In the meantime, the American Cancer Society did a thorough study investigating the alleged statements against the use of talcum powder. The bottom line of this study suggested limiting the use of cosmetic products that are rich in talc. Although the overall risk of developing ovarian cancer is low, it is a deadly gynecological cancer. So, it is vital to recognize the symptoms of ovarian cancer for early detection & diagnosis:- Common Signs and Symptoms Lower Abdominal Pain or Pressure Weight Gain or Weight Loss Abnormal Periods Gas, Nausea, or Vomiting Talcum Powder Lawsuits In the last couple of years, talcum powder cancer lawsuits are being filled by women diagnosed with ovarian cancer worldwide. Top names of the industry such as Johnson and Johnson are already facing thousands of talcum powder lawsuits and this is expected to increase with each passing year. Final Takeaway As with any form of cancer, it is crucial to take the precautions. Avoid the daily use of talcum powder, until we come across a convincing study revealing the clear-cut relation. In addition, it is essential to understand that everyone’s experience of cancer is distinct. Anyone with concerns relating to ovarian cancer symptoms, it is a no-brainer to speak to the doctor right away. Read Also: Early Symptoms And Signs Of Breast Cancer Can Breast Augmentation Cause Cancer? How To Sleep Better When You Have Cancer