5 Easy Ways to Detect a Water Leak in Your Home

Published on: 19 July 2018 Last Updated on: 03 July 2021
Water Leak

Water leaks are one of the major problems for many homeowners. What makes them dangerous is that they’re not always obvious to spot until it’s too late. Water leaks can be caused by natural disasters such as earthquakes, broken appliances or simply due to outdated plumbing.

Water leaks are a fairly common issue and can cause severe damage to your home. They can damage your furniture and appliances, they can ruin the walls and if paired with faulty wiring, can lead to a tragic outcome.

As water leaks are not always apparent, many homeowners don’t bother to check whether there could be an issue with the water inside their home. Acting too late may result in serious repair and restoration costs and extensive water damage cannot be handled without professional companies such as KIC Restoration.

In this article, we’ll give you a few easy tips on how to spot water damage before it becomes an issue.

Keep Tabs on Your Water Bill:

One of the first signs hinting that there might be a hidden leak inside a home is a significantly increased water bill for your household. If you did not change your habits but have noticed an increase in your water bill, you might want to look for leaks inside your home. You can monitor your monthly spending online and see if there are any anomalies.

Consult with the Water Meter:

If you do notice something’s wrong with your water bill, the first thing you want to check is the water meter. To see if there are any hidden leaks, turn off any appliances that use water as the dishwasher, washing machine and close all the faucets. If the water meter is still detecting water being used, there’s a high chance you might have a leak. If there are no visible leaks in your home, perhaps you are dealing with an issue such as slab leak.

Use Food Color to Detect Leaks in the Toilet:

Of course, a leak may not be as severe as a slab leak. In fact, in most cases, water leaks come from the toilet. Toilets use a lot of water compared to other appliances and elements and it’s a good idea to test them first. You can do this easily by adding some food coloring into the tank. If you don’t flush the toilet but the color appears, you’ve found the sneaky leak.

Inspect Your Home Frequently:

Make sure to perform a visual inspection under the cabinets and vanities to see if there’s excess water there. Since leaks usually attract mold, sensing unpleasant odors or finding mold throughout your home may indicate a leak. In fact, you should check the areas where mold appeared first.

Look for Stains on the Walls:

If the leak is within your walls and caused by faulty plumbing, wet spots on the wall or on the ceiling are sure signs there’s something going on behind them. If there’s a water stain on your walls, the leak will probably be close by. Make sure to react immediately, as stains can quickly lead to serious property damage.

These are just some of the ways you can check for leaks inside your home. However, since a lot of times water leaks are hidden underground or inside the walls, if you cannot manage to find the source and keep seeing signs like an increased water bill, your best choice is to call a professional to look for leaks with a special set of tools. Call a professional leak detection company in Miami.


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Remodeling Tips for New Homeowners

Remodeling Tips for New Homeowners

Everyone has their reason for embarking on a home remodeling project, but the thrill remains the same, especially as a new homeowner. Perhaps, you want to improve the value of your home or want it to fit your style? Regardless, it's an exciting project that comes with a lot of work— sometimes more than bargained. It can be devastating to embark on a remodeling project only to realize halfway that it's unachievable. So, whether you will be getting the assistance of a remodeling company or you'll be handling this project alone, here are five tips you should know before starting. 1. Try to ask for help: It takes more than a pair of jeans and a well-equipped toolbox to produce quality work on a renovation project. First off, as an amateur, certain tools aren't suitable for you. Secondly, YouTube tutorials may not always have all the answers and solutions you need. So, except remodeling is something you have years of experience in, don't shy away from asking for help. A simple Google search should come in handy in this respect. For example, if you live in Houston, Texas, a quick search for Houston, Tx remodeling company should deliver some viable results. 2. Make a priority list: While some people can afford to stay in hotels during home renovations, you may not have that luxury and will have to keep living in your home during the renovation. The best way to avoid feeling overwhelmed by the home renovation process is to tackle time-sensitive projects first, like water damage or a leaking roof. Additionally, areas of the house you use frequently should be a top priority. That way, you can still go about your daily life even though your home is under renovation. 3. Set a budget: Contrary to what some TV shows make us believe, remodeling a house can run your account dry, especially if you don't have an accurate budget. So, the next step after drawing out a plan would be to determine your budget and financing. Although budgeting isn't the most fun thing to do (as it requires you to find a balance between the available finance and your dream design), it's an essential part of the remodeling process because it helps you gauge your expectations. Your budget should ideally include everything from the costs for permits to building materials, labor, painting, and cosmetic touch. It's easier to stick to your budget if it's accurate. So, make sure you get a contractor to review it or request cost estimates from professionals. You can look up companies in the Houston area that offer free estimate and consultation services to save costs here. 4. Remember the big picture: When taking up a remodel project, it's essential always to keep the big picture in mind. Remember that energy costs, water bills, and repair expenses can add up quickly in the future. So, make sure you include them all in your plan. Furthermore, since you're remodeling, you may want to invest in sustainable appliances that respect resources and support sustainable living. This is especially vital for a bathroom renovation. This area of the home can spike up your future heating and water costs. In a nutshell, you need to consider ways to save money both now and in the future; your bank account will thank you for these decisions in years to come. 5. Don't focus solely on design: Sure, many of us have a design that fits our style in mind before embarking on a remodel project. Perhaps, it's your kitchen, bedroom, or study that concerns you. However, you'll have to find a balance between getting the design you want and maintaining functionality. Many contemporary homes now blend functionality with design. For instance, if you have a small kitchen space, you may want to consider forfeiting some fixtures like the planning desk that no one really uses. That way, you save on space and maintain functionality. Read Also: Home Improvement Hacks to Add to Your Space Ideas for Modern Flooring Designs for Home Improvement Plans 6 Interior Design Tips to Make Your House a Home

Yard Work Basics A Beginner’s Guide

Yard Work Basics: A Beginner’s Guide

Digging your hands into the soil is both therapeutic and satisfying; it provides a wonderful way to release tension while getting some much-needed Vitamin D. Start by clearing away trash, debris and unwanted plants such as invasive species from your garden; discard rotten furniture and fire pits; rake leaves as needed depending on the season; all these tasks will help your lawn thrive! Pruning Pruning refers to the practice of trimming woody plants like trees and shrubs to achieve aesthetic, healthful results that protect them against disease, insects, or mechanical damage. Pruning should take place during the late dormant season for maximum effectiveness. Yard work can also provide valuable "me-time." Immersing yourself in your garden can help you focus on the tasks at hand and forget about stressors; physical activity has been shown to reduce chronic health conditions as well as improve overall wellness, providing full-body workouts that build flexibility while simultaneously relieving back pain and muscle stiffness. You can click here to learn more. Tree Care Tips Trees are an integral part of our landscapes, offering shade, beauty, and fruit. Unfortunately, trees can be fragile creatures that need regular care such as trimming and pruning, mulching, watering and fertilization to thrive. Furthermore, it's also important to monitor for pests or diseases which might impact them. It may be necessary to contact a professional who provides tree services when necessary for treatment. They can help determine the cause of your tree’s problem. When vetting tree services companies, always inquire into their qualifications and credentials. You can do this by asking about what kind of training and education their lead employees have received; an ideal tree company will have certified arborists on staff who work full-time for them. Furthermore, make sure the firm offers liability insurance just in case something goes amiss during their work on your property. While some tasks can be completed independently, hiring a certified arborist for more complex or risky tasks like tree removal and stump grinding is essential to ensure it is completed in an accurate and safe manner. After planting, it's essential to water and fertilize your new tree on an ongoing basis to help it overcome shock and become established. Fertilizers should also be applied once annually using an all-purpose fertilizer designed specifically for that type of tree. Weeding Weeds may not seem like the worst problem, but when left to their own devices they can impede the growth of desirable plants, depriving them of water, nutrients, sunlight and air that they need for growth. Removing weeds not only improves soil health but can reduce the chances of plant diseases as well. Regularly weeding your garden or lawn will ensure everything continues to flourish more abundantly. You can click the link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weed to learn more. When pulling a weed, it is best to extract its entire root system to prevent reseeding. Doing this when the weed is still young makes removal much simpler. Ideally, the optimal time and conditions for weeding are early spring or late fall when temperatures are mild. At these times, weeds tend to be smaller with shallow roots that make pulling out easier with either your hands or hand tool. Furthermore, you should weed when the soil is damp to minimize compaction and increase the chances of extracting all weeds at once. Remember that weeds may emerge later in the season. Therefore, it's essential to monitor for new growth regularly, particularly as they flower. Regular lawnmowing will remove their seed heads while sowing desirable grasses around planting beds can prevent spillover into fertile garden soil. Also add layers of well-rotted manure, garden compost or bark mulch onto topsoil to deprive light to weeds and slow their regrowth before eventually smothering them out completely. Watering Yard work involves both light and heavy tasks. Lighter projects might include mowing the grass, pulling weeds from flower beds, watering the lawn and keeping up with any necessary pruning of shrubbery or removing invasive plants that don't belong, raking leaves and repairing or replacing garden furniture. Working in your garden can provide an incredible full-body workout, from squatting and bending to digging and lifting, which all improve muscle strength and flexibility. Even without access to a garden space of your own, taking regular strolls through local parks or green spaces will reap similar rewards. Regular watering of your yard promotes deep root growth, leading to drought resistance. Spending time in your garden also exposes you to sunlight, which helps relieve stress and anxiety, while meeting gardening goals gives a sense of pride and accomplishment. Gardeners depend on watering to give perennial flowers, trees, shrubs and grass the vital nutrients they require for healthy growth and survival. However finding out when and how much water can be challenging during hot, dry summer conditions. Watering efficiently increases root growth, reduces disease and fungus infestation and conserves your precious water supply - plus it is environmentally friendly as your garden and lawn consume the same water that supplies your home. To ensure you're not overwatering or underwatering your landscape, regularly monitor soil moisture. Plants need soil that's dry down to several inches in order to absorb water effectively; in the heat of summer, it's easy to forget this requirement. When watering, make sure you water at the base of each plant rather than on or around its foliage as water that lands there won't reach its roots and instead causes fungal disease outbreaks. To properly water your lawn, soak the ground deeply rather than spreading a light mist across it. For best results, it is best to water in the early morning when sun exposure is lower and air temperatures are cooler - this helps minimize evaporation. Cleaning Yard work is a wonderful way to gain fresh air and sunshine while simultaneously working your entire body in all directions. Cleaning tasks may include collecting trash and debris, clearing away invasive plants, trimming and pulling weeds as well as repairing fences or structures - projects which often make an immediate and visible difference to a yard's aesthetics. Read Also: Garden Edging for Beginners 5 Summer Garden Maintenance Tips and Tactics You Have To Know Grow these flowering plants in your home garden

Ideal HVAC Contractor

Tips On How To Hire The Ideal HVAC Contractor

Are you looking to hire the ideal HVAC Contractor for your heating, cooling, and other ventilation needs? Do you know how you will be able to select the best HVAC contractor from a long list of probable ones? Have you tried doing your research by looking at list directories or asking friends and family members for suggestions? Getting the best HVAC contractor for any project can get a bit overwhelming. A simple Google search can throw up hundreds of search results, making the entire selection process even more confusing. Should you look for the one, which is the cheapest, or should you go for someone with a higher price but more experience? Thankfully, we have done all the hard work for you by speaking to some of the leading experts in the industry. We asked them to help us with tips on how to hire the ideal HVAC contractor for home and office purposes. What is an HVAC Contractor? First things first. HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. The task of an HVAC contractor is to install, maintain, and service the ventilation facilities in your home or on a commercial property. If it’s a workplace, you do not want the employees to be working in biting cold conditions or terrible heated environments. An HVAC contractor's first task is to look after the heating and cooling parts of your system. They need to check out whether the machinery is helping warm or cool down the room effectively according to your expectations or not. If they spot an issue, they will either repair the same or ask you to get the parts changed. This will simply create inhuman conditions of living, along with decreased levels of productivity. The same goes for home conditions. In addition to creating comfortable conditions of living, proper airflow ensures that diseases, infections, and viruses are also taken care of in a proper fashion. The air we breathe has an effect on our health, our work, and ten other different things inside the human body. In the past few years, many families and offices are employing the best HVAC contractors to ensure that these issues are taken care of. Lately, the demands for HVAC techs have also been increasing by the day. We would suggest you visit this website if you are searching for the best HVAC schools around Indiana as Indiana has many fantastic HVAC schools. List of 5 Tips to Hire the Ideal HVAC Contractor Check for Experience: The first thing you need to do research on is the number of years of experience of an HVAC contractor. This is especially important because the work requires specialization and a certain level of skill. The more experienced the HVAC contractor, the better will be the output. Experience matters a lot as the servicing of such systems does not allow for errors. Look for Certifications: You need to understand that the rising demand for HVAC contractors has made many people get into this field, without being officially licensed. This means that it is important you check for licenses and certifications. If you do not, you can get into a lot of problems later on. HVAC contractors need to get their work and registration permits before they can start to operate. Providing all Three Services: You will be surprised to know that most of the HVAC contractors do not provide all three services- Installation, Maintenance, and Repairs. This means that if there is an issue with your system and you want to get it repaired you will have to seek out someone who specializes in just repairs. If you are an office, you would not have the time to deal with multiple people. Get Estimates in Writing: Maintaining and servicing HVAC systems can get expensive. A small leak can result in ten different problems being thrown up during the inspection process. HVAC contracting firms always look to run up bills, especially in labor hours. Ensure that you are able to get everything in writing before the work starts. This will ensure you are not getting exploited. Take Multiple Quotations at one go: You cannot select the first HVAC contractor, which comes your way. You need to understand that it is only when you are able to talk to and engage with multiple contractors, will you know what you are looking at. Taking multiple quotations can help you compare the prices and see the levels of experience. Go for the one, which is the best balance of price and experience. The Final Word In this article, we have tried to offer tips to help you hire the ideal HVAC contractor. Looking at levels of experience, evaluating options, checking for legal certifications, etc. can help you land on the best and most ideal HVAC contractor for all your air conditioning needs. Read Also: 5 Tips for Marketing Your HVAC Business That Actually Work Things to Consider Before Relocating the Outdoor AC Unit DIY vs Professional Heaters Installation in Fairfax VA Removing Air Conditioner Filters: A Guide AC Repair Austin: Tips on How to Choose an AC Unit