9 Feng Shui Tips for a Calmer Kitchen

Published on: 04 May 2018 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019
Calmer Kitchen

Everybody wants a little more health and prosperity in their lives.

Kitchen feng shui is one of the ways to do it and it isn’t as difficult as you might think.

In feng shui, the kitchen symbolizes wealth and prosperity. As the place where your food is prepared, it also symbolizes nourishing and sustaining life.

Try incorporating these 9 kitchen feng shui tips into your home. With good Chi energy flowing, things just might take a turn for the better.

1. Location :

If your house is already built, you can’t do much about the location of your kitchen. But if you’re building a new home or planning to remodel, keep these location-related kitchen feng shui tips in mind. If you’re remodeling in anticipation of a sale, read this blog for more ideas.

The best location for the kitchen is not the same in every home. Feng shui principles consider the age of the home and the direction (on the compass) that the house is facing. They even consider astrological elements at the time of the home’s construction.

Because of this complexity, choosing the right location can be very difficult. It is best to ask for the recommendation of a reputable feng shui practitioner.

2. Colors :

Feng shui has something to say about the color scheme that you choose for your kitchen. You want your kitchen to have a warm, inviting feel and good energy to it. An easy way to accomplish that is to pick the right colors.

Yellow is an excellent kitchen feng shui color as it is thought to be good for digestion. Choose a shade anywhere from soft butter to vibrant squash.

Many people like the freshness of a white kitchen. You can do it, but make sure you balance it with something warm, like warm wood tones.

Earth tones make great, soothing kitchen colors as well. For an energetic pop, try combining earth tones with a gentle sky blue. It’s easy to overdo the blue, though so take care.

In an existing kitchen, it’s easy to repaint the walls. And something as simple as adding your own tile splashback (in the right color, of course) can really change how the room looks.

3. Balance the Elements :

The materials that you use when building your kitchen are important. In most kitchens, 4 of the 5 Chinese elements will appear naturally. These are:

  • Fire
  • Earth
  • Metal
  • Water
  • Wood

The stove brings fire and granite or tile countertops bring the earth. Many appliances are made of metal and there’s water running from the sink.

If you have real wood cabinets, you’ve got all 5. If you don’t, it’s as simple as bringing in a potted plant to balance them all.

4. Keep Things Working :

The golden rule of feng shui is to ensure that Chi energy is flowing well. This is the universal life force and it is the power behind feng shui.

In order to keep the energy flowing well in your kitchen, keep things working. If you have a leaky faucet, fix it. Check to make sure cabinet doors swing open properly.

You should even take it so far as to throw out chipped bowls or cracked dishes. Plus, make sure your knives are sharpened. Taking care of your things helps good energy flow and helps you take care of yourself.

5. Keep it Clean :

Along the same vein, you should keep your kitchen clean. There are several important tasks you should do every day.

Keep the counters cleared off and clean. Only store appliances you use every day on the counter.

We’ll talk more about this in a minute, but your stove is important in feng shui, so keep it spotless. Wash the sink often and keep the fridge clean.

On occasion, you’ll need to do a deep clean. Pull everything out of your cabinets and clean out the back corners. You may even want to put down new shelf liners if necessary.

6. Keep it Orderly and Organized :

As you put everything back, organize it. Put similar things together. For example, put sweet spices together on one side of the cupboard and savory on the other.

Adjust the shelves to make the most of your storage space. Put taller items together in a tall space and fill a short space with little items.

If you don’t already have them, add some space savers. Lazy susans, stacking shelves and tray racks are all helpful items.

Toss out items that you don’t use any more. What is the point of cluttering up your cupboards with unnecessary stuff?

7. Fill It Up with Healthy Food :

Promote health and wellness by filling your kitchen with healthy food. Organic, fresh fruits and vegetables are excellent choices.

Not only is the nutrition good for you, but also they bring healthy healing vibrations from the earth. This type of energy is very good for your body.

8. Add Some Life :

Bring life into your kitchen by setting out something living. This helps to bring positive energy into the mix. A petite potted plant, a vase of fresh blooms, or a bowl of fruit all work nicely.

9. Use a Mirror Over the Stove :

In feng shui, the stove is a very strong symbol. Not only does it represent fire, but is a very powerful symbol of wealth. Treat your stove with respect by keeping it clean. Promote the flow of Chi energy by using all of your burners.

To further magnify the effect, hang a mirror over your stove. This is a great way to effectively “double” your store’s presence in the kitchen.

Proper Kitchen Feng Shui :

Proper kitchen feng shui is an important element in feng shui for your home as a whole.

Thankfully, just following these simple tips will help Chi energy to flow more freely, enriching your home and your life.

Try a few and let us know how it works out in the comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Don’t forget to check out our home and garden section for more great tips!

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Cheap and Simple Tips to Give Your Bedroom a Makeover

We should invest in our bedroom. After all, this is our retreat after a long day, our haven. It’s where we can relax and meditate. You don’t have to break the bank to have a cozy bedroom. Whether you have a small space or a big and spacious bedroom, you can revamp your area at an affordable price. You can go ahead and search the net for whatever blog feels appropriate to your DIY bedroom makeover! Here are cheap and simple tips to give your bedroom a new look: Clean Your Room:   It’s free! If you've been the busy type, you may find old receipts scattered on your dresser, expired products, clothes you no longer use, trinkets, and knick-knacks that are just gathering dust. Some tips when cleaning your room include: Throw away things that no longer give value to you. Donate items that are still in good condition but you no longer need. Pass off items to friends and family that you may feel would better serve them than you. No matter how you style your room, a messy one will destroy its overall look and feel. Want to know why hotel rooms always have a very comfortable feeling? No unnecessary things are lingering around. Organize Your Products, Cosmetics, and Clothes: Bins, bins, and even more bins! Use one color and style of containers, and each one should store one category of products. Clear and transparent drawers give a sleek and polished look and let you see what’s inside. Your motto should be: Everything always has its place. Clothing pieces that are "loose" and "awkward" on hangers (like underwear, socks, ties, scarves) will look neat if you store them in organizers specifically made for them. Other ways you can organize your products, cosmetics, and clothes include: Start by decluttering and throwing away expired products and by donating clothing pieces that you haven’t used in the last six (6) months. Put your makeup brushes all in one cup holder, mug, or whatever you can find lying around your home that you haven’t necessarily been using anymore. If you have boxes that are unused, wrap and decorate these boxes so you can use them to store makeup by kind: blush, foundation, eyeshadows - all in their place. Sort and divide your clothes by kind: jackets all in one place, jeans, shirts, blouses, dresses, and so on. Sorting will help have all your clothes in plain sight. Maintain the organization system that you have created (so when you get an item, put it back to where it belongs - don’t mix and match again!) If you can use the space under your bed, do so. You can keep shoes hidden from sight to minimize clutter. Clean Those Sheets or Buy a New Set! Maybe you've put off cleaning your sheets in a long time. Now is the time to do it! A fresh, crisp, and clean set of sheets or colourful decorative bedding will significantly change the look of your room – and the feel of it, too. If you haven't already done so, now could also be the time to take advantage of that ongoing homeware sale. Making a big switch from your all-white set to being more adventurous and going for decorative bedding will totally revamp the look of your room! Buy new sheets to replace your dying, old ones. On this note, too, make sure your set of sheets match the overall theme and color scheme of your bedroom. Mismatched sheets will blotch the look of your room. The Floor Matters, Too: If replacing your flooring isn't on the budget right now, rugs can do just the trick. If your existing carpets are dirty and too old looking, then maybe like your sheets, it's about time to get new ones as well. A good trick is to use dark-colored rugs for high-traffic places like your bedroom door so that dirt isn't readily visible. For accent rugs, go bright or printed. Other tips when selecting a rug for your bedroom include: Study your floor plan and choose the rug that best fits the area that you’re going to fill. Focus on the style that suits your bedroom: floral, Persian, classic, geometric, monochromatic. See what your room needs. Choose the right material. For bedrooms, rugs made out of light elements are acceptable. Most importantly, pick a rug that you can maintain. Change Old Knobs, Hooks, Locks, and Hardware: Switching from silver to gold hardware or from gold to rose gold will do wonders. Just make sure that you stick to one hardware color! It’s not the right area for you to mix and match. Cabinet knobs and handles of different styles and materials are available in hardware stores and online, and installing them is as easy as one, two, three! Here are some tips on how to choose the perfect style and colour for your bedroom: Always stick to your theme. Don’t forget about functionality! Pick the kind of hardware that you’re comfortable using. Have the same finish throughout either glossy, nickel, matte, brass, etc. Remember the quality. Don’t settle for hardware with decorative purposes only. Make sure your chosen one will last you for years. You’re trying to stay cheap - not to remodel every year. Buy Brand New Lights and Lamps: Manufacturers usually come up with new and innovative lights and lamps each season. Having one statement piece will move your room from boring and dull to creative and soothing. (Bonus tip: yellow lights in your bedroom will set the mood for relaxation. Imagine yourself being in a hotel room in the comfort of your own home every night! Here are some tips when choosing the perfect light: Go for LED lights. You want to be an eco-warrior, too. Dimmer switches are perfect for your bedroom! Here you can control the brightness, which makes your overall ambiance more relaxing. Keep your lamps close to your bed - so you can have the convenience of not having to stand up each time you want to switch on (or off) a lamp. Make sure the lighting you choose is easy to maintain. Install a Headboard or Hang an Art Piece: A headboard can instantly bring elegance into your room. You don’t even have to buy a new bed at all. Hanging up a piece of art or a portrait on top of your headboard will also make your room look well put together. Wall clocks can be a good option as well, aim to choose the best wall clock to complement your bedroom. Wall clocks are artistic and modern which is the perfect piece for a room makeover. Go Green! Add in plants that require little to no sun exposure at all. If you can, however, go for fresh plants. Plastic plants cost more and will also collect dust and dirt. Certain plants can even cleanse and purify the air in your room naturally. Plant baskets have also become quite popular with so many beautiful options. Use Only One Color of Hangers: Hang all your clothes in a uniform direction and use only one color for all your hangers. Doing this will instantly reduce eyestrain. Black is a great color option as it neutralizes the various shapes and styles of clothing pieces that you may have. Repaint Your Room: Even if this is all you’ll focus on, a fresh new paint color will improve and change the overall look of your room. If you can do it yourself or ask a friend to help you out, then the better! You’ll be able to save more money. Try incorporating in an accent wall with prints or one with a different color. Some tips when choosing the right paint color includes: Choose your inspiration and know your theme. Be sure your paint color will match your theme. Make sure your paint color will look good when the lighting is either on or off. If you’re still confused, go for neutrals. Don’t be afraid to use testers first. Don't Forget the Details: Make your small room look bigger by installing a mirror. Increase height by using vertical blinds or curtains. Add in photo frames. Buy an alarm clock that can also serve as a decoration. If you’re going for a boho-chic look, you can put up string lights or fairy lights. Overall: Use these ideas to get started. Take a quick look at your room and see where and how you can apply any of these tips! A brand new place is now at the tip of your hands. Get those creative juices flowing and sleep sound and well tonight. Read Also: 5 Ways To Make A Big Statement In Small Bedroom 5 Innovative Ideas To Lend Your Bedroom With More Space

house painting

5 Interior House Painting Tips

Owning a house which you can modify according to your personal desire, is always something permanent and something incredibly profound. A home with well-painted walls and beams should tell the story of who you are and what you love. New paint with vibrant colors can change your mood, and make your home your favorite place to live in. Interior house painting can be a very intimidating and challenging task if you decide to take it upon yourself. You have two options, to either do it by yourself or hire a professional painting company to look over the project. If you opt with the first choice, these tips and techniques will help you to paint your own home, according to your likings, within a very friendly budget. When you want to paint your Boynton Beach home, be sure to give Gustafson Painting a call. The following steps are a guide on how to paint a house to meet your expectations: 1. Self Choosing Colors: The critical step, to begin with, is to choose a color which you like. Or at least you should have a good idea of what color combination suits your home, i.e. which colors you would like to paint to your rooms and which colors to paint washrooms, kitchen, etc. Select the color palettes and plan out which color combination gives your rooms the vibrant energy. Every color has its functions, e.g. Blue, green and purple are all relaxing colors. Moreover, other deep and shocking colors such as red, pink and yellow can be used in rooms which are mostly in use during the day, giving your rooms a lively, gaudy look. 2. Gathering Tools and Equipment: After this, you have to pick all the tools and equipment which are needed for painting the house; which includes sanding and scraping tools, wire brush, respirator, paint rollers, plastic sheets to cover the carpets and your valuable stuff, work gloves, drop cloth, ladder and scotch tape. This will ensure you are ready and won't have to leave your task in between, to search for something. 3. Repairing Damaged Parts: Once you have organized everything, the next step is to remove any dirt and dust buildups from the walls by using a pressure washer. After this, you can apply epoxy filler to cracks and fractures by using a putty knife. Allow it to let it dry. Once this is done, fill the gap around windows, doors, and ceilings to ensure a better coat of paint. When this is dried up, then feel the wall with your hand to ensure if there are any uneven spots left behind. Then, apply the primer to prepare the walls for paint when all damaged parts are repaired. 4. Brush the Walls: Before painting the walls with a roller, you should brush the walls. To brush the walls, mean to paint the corner of walls, ceilings, and trims. You can choose from paintbrushes which come in many shapes and sizes. The traditional method to paint the walls through brush is by the use of metal cans, which can be very difficult for you to carry along with the brush and can result in poor results. But nowadays, there are proper paint pails which will make the whole task a lot easier for you. 5. Ready to Paint Ahead! Finally, you are ready to paint with the rollers. But wait, before this you should mix a primer with paint to give a fresh and everlasting look. If you paint without using a primer, then the paint would peel off. For this, you have to scrap all the paint away, clean the surface before applying the first coat and after that, apply the second coat of your own choice. This is one way when you do not use a primer. But if you are using a primer with paint, then it will not cause any problem even if the first coat is not applied. And the most important order of painting as suggested by the experts of house painters in San Diego is that you should paint the trim first, then ceilings, and then walls. It will provide better adhesion throughout and will enhance the ability of the topcoat. Another pro tip is that don’t forget to open the windows and doors of your house during painting, as it provides better ventilation and the paint dries off quickly and efficiently. At the end of the painting, do the cleanup. Wash all the brushes and other stuff which you have used in the process. At last, give your house a final touch by placing all of the favorite furniture in place, to give your dream house a new look! With these interior house painting tips from the most experienced of the San Diego painting company, you will get pro results for your residence! Read Also: Find The Right Painters For Your Ann Arbor Home This Painting Season 5 Factors To Consider In Choosing The Right Floor Colors Roofing Painting Contractor Leads: Four Questions To Ask Before Hiring One

Transport during a Relocation

Important Things to Transport during a Relocation

Moving to a new house means a lot of packing and transporting. If you are someone who owns a lot of items, then you are going to have to spend a considerable amount of time sorting your belongings out. Even though this process might seem a bit tedious, you need to do it properly. If you are not careful enough, your belongings can easily get damaged or misplaced. When moving these items, the following are some things that you need to pay extra attention to. Antiques and Valuables As you may already know, these kinds of items not only have a significant monetary worth but also tend to have emotional value too. So, you have to make sure that they are transported safely. It is best to keep these kind of valuable items together. Try to put them in the same boxes so that it will be easier when you unpack. If you are concerned about the safety of certain items, it is best to speak to the moving agency beforehand to raise your concerns. This way, you will know that they will be extra careful during the moving process. Vehicles If you are moving halfway across the country, then you might definitely not want to drive the vehicle to your house all by yourself. If you have to drive far, it is best to hire a professional to do it since you might be already tired and sleepy. So, you need to find companies that offer car transport from Sydney to Darwin. This way, you will be able to make sure that your vehicle will be moved to the new house by a reliable third party. This will enable you to travel to your new home in peace. Furniture When it comes to furniture, there is going to be a lot of items that you will have to sort out.  In this case, it is best to use professional help. The first thing that you need to do is to make sure that all items are packed in a proper manner. For example, the edges of the tables and other furniture need to be covered so that they will not get damaged easily. If you do not do the packing properly, they can definitely get scratched or dented. So, if you do not know how to do it, it is best to hire a professional. Moreover, when you load the furniture to the truck, make sure to position them in a safe and smart manner. Read More : What Species Of Wood Is Right For Your Wine Cellar Furniture? 5 Innovative Ideas To Lend Your Bedroom With More Space Home Decor Is An Art Itself – Things To Know 5 Perfect Ways To Create Size Illusion In Room With Home Accessories Kitchen Appliances Another important thing that is susceptible to damage is kitchenware. Things such as mugs, plates and other cutlery items can easily break or crack. So, you need to make sure that they are properly packed and placed in the truck. Do not keep them right at the bottom of the pile as they will be more susceptible to damage down there. Placing heavy items on top of such vulnerable items is not a smart thing to do. Labelling the boxes with such items will also help the moving professionals to be extra careful with them. Read More : Installing A Kitchen Tile Splashback – The Basics Apart from these, there are also other belongings that you need to be concerned about. This includes your books, office items, clothes and even your plants from the garden. Think about the individual needs of each of these categories to make sure that they will be transported in a safe and efficient manner.