Bathroom Upgrades You Should Consider

Published on: 09 May 2018 Last Updated on: 10 June 2021
bathroom upgrades

Whether you’ve just moved into your home or have been there for some time, odds are you need bathroom upgrades.

If you’ve recently moved into a new home, the bathroom probably showcases an outdated style or a look that just doesn’t suit you. Or, if you’ve been in your home for a while, the wear and tear of everyday life have taken their toll.

Either way, making upgrades to your bathroom will have a positive effect on how you feel about your home and, if you’re considering selling, will increase resale value.

Your renovation projects may fall into one of three categories.

Let’s take a look!

Cosmetic New Look :

This is often the remodel that many homeowners tackle themselves.

It gives a very functional bathroom an updated image with minimal expertise and inconvenience. Think paint, pictures/wall decor, new window coverings, new shower curtain, new mirror, new towels.

Switching Out/Switching Up :

Usually, this involves replacing some or all of the bathroom fixtures – toilet, sink/vanity, tub, lighting, faucets, and hardware.

It may also tie into a cosmetic update too once this has been accomplished.

Switching a dated vanity to a modern unit with glass sink and new sleek faucets can really change the look and feel of a bathroom.

Include an upgrade to one of today’s one-piece water-conserving toilets and you’re moving your bathroom into the 21st century.

At the same time, consider the lighting as it may be a good time to replace vintage light fixtures with LED fittings that will give a nice bright look and save you money on your electric bill too.

Another small but easy change is adding a curved shower rod to your tub or a European style shower door – both can be a great addition if your tub is in good shape.

At the same time consider switching bath faucet and shower fixtures to complement any other fixtures you are replacing.

Total Renovation :

Redoing the whole bathroom can be overwhelming. So many choices, so many styles. What will work, what won’t?

For this, you may need professional help to give you some great ideas and guidance that will help you choose just the right elements for your new space based on your lifestyle and today’s current trends.

Is your bathroom in need of a quick pick-me-up well here are some easy bathroom upgrades you need to look into.

Lighting Fixtures :

Nothing dates a home quite like its lighting fixtures. If your bathroom feels like a time warp to the past, find new ideas to revamp it.
Whether you’re going for a more modern or rustic style, browsing through pictures of what others have done can give some inspiration.

Faucets :

Truth be told, the faucet in your bathroom should be a statement piece. Depending on the look you’re going for, the sky’s the limit when it comes to available options.

As long as it ties in with the lighting fixtures and the theme, a unique faucet adds character.

Bathroom Floors :

Outdated and plain can be given a new look by simply installing innovative vinyl plank flooring which is resistant to water and wear. It sits atop an underlying cushion that fits perfectly above any existing floor.

Shelving and Vanity :

These can quickly become outdated and worn, so updating the shelving and vanity in your bathroom is a must.

While the purpose of shelves and vanities is completely utilitarian, it is important that they tie in with the rest of the features in the bathroom to complete the desired look and style you are going for.

Toilet :

If you think a toilet is just a toilet, think again. Do your research and you’ll quickly notice the variety of styles available.

If you’re going with a theme for your bathroom, don’t exclude the toilet. For professional help, read more.

Get Your Bathroom Upgrades Today :

Ready to upgrade your bathroom?

Give your bathroom a new look by installing your lighting fixtures, toilets, faucets, and new flooring.

If you need help make sure to get in touch with the right people to make your vision into a reality. For more information, contact us today.

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Fixer-Upper Improvement Ideas

Top Fixer-Upper Improvement Ideas That Make A Huge Impact

Real estate investors understand that fixer-upper properties carry huge potential. Yes, they may look bad initially, but their property value will steadily increase with the right improvements and renovations. Buyers know this and take advantage by acquiring such properties for less and investing enough in the renovations to increase the value.  Renovating a fixer-upper is a huge financial endeavor. It’s labor-intensive, and it might take some time before things look good as envisioned. Homeowners who want to improve their fixer-uppers must work with a reputable and experienced contractor to address issues that may crop up during the project. They must also look for a good skip-hire company to help eliminate the waste produced by the project. If you’re looking for such a company, you can check out to determine how they can assist you. They can provide adequate-sized skips at reasonable rates, so you wouldn’t have to worry about waste disposal.  Checkout Top Six Fixer-Upper Improvement Ideas That Make A Huge Impact Here are some home improvement ideas that can make a huge impact. 1. Replace the front door If your front door isn't stable and the door frame isn't secure enough, it's time to replace them. A good front door will help you save energy costs and improve security and kerb appeal. You can also repaint the door with a suitable colored paint that will reflect your personality.  2. Paint the exterior Chipped, peeling, or faded exterior paint doesn’t look good and will greatly affect the property value. Potential buyers look into such details and will be discerning when it comes to that. It will be best to paint the exterior walls with good weather-proof paint to ensure durability and better kerb appeal. It will take a bit of change to finish the job, but it will be worth it.  3. Light up the property One of the best ways to improve a fixer-upper is to ensure that it has adequate lighting fixtures inside and outside the house. For example, you can use strings of LED lights or strips for the front and back yard. You can also use solar-powered lamps to illuminate pathways. Inside the house, make sure that you have enough lighting fixtures in every room to guarantee safety. 4. Repaint the cabinets If your budget doesn't accommodate new cabinetry, you can repaint the existing ones with a color scheme that would make them pop. It will help improve the design cohesion and will also define the area. Bright-colored paint will brighten up the space and energize people.  5. Install a backsplash  Backsplashes may be a minor installation, but they can help make the kitchen area look better. When cooking, these backsplashes will also protect the walls from messy and greasy splashes. Install ones that complement the countertops or tiles for design unity.  6. Install better windows Another way to improve property valuation is to install more secure windows. Typically windows in fixer-uppers have rotted frames and aren't properly secured from theft, so it would be better if you had a professional window installer replace them with newer ones. Endnotes If you buy a fixer-upper house, you will spend some money getting them into shape. You might spend a lot, but the results will be worth it in the long run.  Read Also: Ideas for Modern Flooring Designs for Home Improvement Plans Important Things to Know Before Starting a Home Improvement Project Home Sweet Home Improvement: How to Find the Best Home Improvement Loans


5 Reasons Why You Absolutely Must Have Houseplants In Your Life

You won’t find more comfort and beauty in your home or office than when having foliage and lush flowers in your vases. Houseplants can do well in all spaces, either in the kitchens, bathrooms, or bedrooms. It isn’t hard to manage houseplants, but you only have to provide them with enough water and light in your room. Plants are aesthetically amazing and pleasing in your home because they have many real-life health benefits. According to research, indoor plants bring happiness and keep you healthier in your home. Before going any further, you should download the Lilia app on your device. This app is the best app for plant innovative intelligence. The Lilia app can identify every plant type by simply scanning. This plant identifier app can also give you more suggestions and information about the plant. The plant app gives you the best ideas to simplify your database on the best plants you would like. This app for iPhone is compatible and works well with apple devices. Plant your favorite houseplants and download the Lilia app to help you in monitoring their nature. If you love green nature, you can simply install Plant Identification app on your device, which will work for you well.  This is one of the must-have apps for you to understand nature well. It is absolutely free to use this app, therefore, you won’t incur any charges. Here Are Seven Important Reasons Why You Absolutely Must Have Houseplants In Your Life Below are the reasons why you must have houseplants in your life. 1. Working Near Plants May Help Your Productivity How are indoor plants useful to us? According to experts, green plants in the office results in higher job satisfaction and better productivity. On the other hand, another study in the past had the same findings. Therefore, there will be fewer sick leaves and high productivity. This proves that including indoor plants in our workplaces is much beneficial. 2. Working With Plants Can Be Therapeutic Indoor plants can be greatly helpful to those people who are experiencing mental illness. Experts have tried using horticultural therapy to boost positive feelings for those people with anxiety, depression, dementia, and other related conditions. Although horticultural therapy has been there for a long time, doctors are now recommending potted plants to patients experiencing anxiety and depression symptoms. 3. They Bring Color And Vibrance To Our Worlds How do plants impact my life? An empty environment can be very boring, but the presence of colored flowers can improve your mood. Houseplants with cheery flowers are known to boost positive moods because individuals' minds take plant life as a comforting and motivating realm of nature. Experts did research and found out that the color green makes the body calm and gives it a sense of comfort and positivity. On the other hand, yellow and red create an added dose of happiness. 4. Plants Improve Our Environment Knowing more about how plants elevate our mood and improve our feelings, we know they are also important in keeping our environment tidy. Houseplants can make your living space more beautiful to live in, they can also boost other factors we can't see, like the quality of air in our living rooms. Houseplants can boost the quality of air in our houses in many ways. Plants release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide through the process of photosynthesis. This is possible through evapotranspiration and transpiration, which results in a higher humidity by plants releasing moisture vapor. 5. Real Plants May Sharpen Your Attention Have you ever known that plastics won't help you pass exams? But have you ever asked yourself, ‘how are indoor plants useful to us?’ A study involving 23 individuals was carried out. Participants were classified; others were put in classrooms with a fake plant, others in a real plant, and others in a room with no plant. A brain scan was done on all students, and results show that students who studied in classrooms with real houseplants were better able to concentrate and were more attentive in class than the other groups of students. 6. Indoor Plants May Help Reduce Stress Levels According to research done and published in the Psychological Journal of anthropology, plants in your surroundings make you feel soothed, natural, and more comfortable, relieving stress levels. Each individual in the research was given a computer task. After completing each task, each individual was examined, and stress, including blood pressure and heartache, was measured. The final result shows that individuals in a room with plants were more relieved from stress. 7. Plants Improve General Work Outlook Working beside the city park increases the job satisfaction of every individual; you could also be surprised that a potted plant could have the same effect. Experts approached 440 individuals who are employees at Amazon. in two countries. Even though the research was done in different locations at different times, the results show that employees who had indoor plants in their offices were more committed to work and had more job satisfaction than others who worked without natural elements in their surroundings.   Have you been wondering how plants make your life better? With all these benefits, this is your time to motivate yourself and plant houseplants in your living rooms. For better recommendations on handling plants, visit the experts in plant stores or shops so you can know what plants are more suitable for your home. We hope that all the information we have mentioned in the article was helpful. Read Also: What Are Trailing Plants? – What Are The Types Of Trailing Plants? Top Useful Tips On How To Make Your Home Allergy-Free 10 Best Spiky Plants To Decorate Outside Your House

Prevent Insects

Simple Ways To Prevent Insects From Taking Over Your Kitchen

No one wants to come home to a kitchen crawling with critters. Imagine coming home and seeing ants, weevils, cockroaches, and other insects moving amongst your foodstuff and utensils. If that doesn’t make the hairs on your neck stand, we don’t know what will. Not only do these insects carry germs and other harmful substances, but they also have a distinctive odor that lingers even after they leave. Pests can chew through boxes and plastic containers; some can even chew through metal. They can also contaminate food and surfaces, and they leave droppings on drawers and pantries. These pests are a nuisance that most homemakers don't want to encounter because they know how wasteful and problematic they can become. You don’t want to throw away (but you have to) cereals, pasta, and other foodstuffs that have been crawled and nibbled upon by rodents, cockroaches, and other pests, don't you? In this case, you need to look for a reputable pest control company like Top Line Pest Control to ensure there won’t be any pests in your home fast. Here Are Four Prime Steps To Prevent Insects From Taking Over Your Kitchen If you want to keep your home pest-free, here are some things you need to consider. 1. Immediate clean-up Crumbs, leftovers, and spills always attract pests inside the house. It would be best to conduct an immediate clean-up after every meal. Remove leftovers and place them in your recycling bin or trash compactor, place your dishes and utensils in the dishwasher, and wipe down eating surfaces immediately after eating. Doing this will prevent pests from making their way to your kitchen. You can also prevent pests by wiping surfaces and problematic areas with 50% vinegar, dish soap, and water. You can also use a salt and water solution to directly wipe the surface and spray on bugs.  2. Buy and stock food in cans and glass jars When you shop for your groceries, select products that come in cans. Most pests can chew through paper, cardboard boxes, and even thin plastic containers. If you stock the pantry, it will be better to stock cans or glass jars of food because pests rarely chew through these materials.  3. Check on the kitchen pipes  Another way to prevent insects from coming into your home is to check the kitchen pipes. If the holes are bigger than the pipes, you have to cover them properly with sealant to prevent mice and other pests from using them as the entryway to your home. You can do it yourself by using caulking agents, glue, or expanding foam to cover such spaces, however, you can ask a pest control company to eliminate insects and pests professionally and safely in the long term. 4. Take out the trash If you don’t have waste disposal in your sink, you must take out the trash regularly. You also have to use top-grade trash bags to keep pests away.  Endnotes Keeping pests away from your kitchen can be challenging. However, with a few simple methods, you can ensure your kitchen is as clean as possible. Read Also: How To Choose the Right Brass Range Hood for Your Kitchen Know About The Type Of Kitchens According To Different Size Different Styles of Kitchen Cabinets