The Different Kinds of Toilets

Published on: 21 February 2018 Last Updated on: 17 January 2020
Kinds of Toilets

One of the efficient and convenient offerings of civilization is having the convenience to simply sit down or squat and answer the call of nature without worrying about modesty or potentially dangerous creatures slithering on the ground. The invention of the toilet was a mark of progress for mankind.

Some may think that there is only one kind of toilet. But the market has an abundance of toilets in any shape and form that it can be a headache to choose which one will suit one’s needs best. Technology makes it possible to equip something as simple as a toilet with innovative functions like automatic flushing and bidets—a fascinating change from what humans were used to centuries ago.

For families and homeowners who are planning to do a bathroom upgrade or thinking of one to add to their new homes, picking the most suitable toilet for their needs is not only a priority but also a sensible step before going through with the installation. Here are the different toilets one can choose from.

Different Kinds of Toilets:

1. The Two-Piece Toilet:

Two-Piece Toilet

The toilet and the ceramic tank are created separately and only connected with bolts during installation. It is mounted on the floor, making it ideal for adults because of its suitable height. It can also be easily transported because the tank and the bowl are separate. The two-piece toilet is probably the most commonly used type of toilet in US households.

2. The One-Piece Toilet:

One-Piece Toilet

Unlike the former, one-piece toilets have an integrated tank and bowl, giving it a seamless, functional look. It is also slightly heavier; thus, it is not advisable if one is looking for a wall-hung model. Because of the absence of a gap between the tank and the body, the one-piece toilet is more manageable to clean and maintain.

3. Eco-Friendly Toilet:

Eco-Friendly Toilet

For those are who are concerned about the environment, eco-friendly toilets are the trend. There are toilets that minimize the use of water for flushing. One example is the Sanicompact toilet, a self-contained system that includes a china toilet bowl and macerator pump built into one compact unit. It can save water since it only requires a smaller amount than most toilets do in order to function. Others, like the composting toilets, break down waste into nutrient-rich soil. It is powered by electricity or batteries.

4. The Smart Toilet:

Some toilets are made for comfort but without compromising their functionality. Intelligent upgrades include heated seats, automatic flushers, self-cleaning wands, and deodorizing seats. Some are equipped with sensors that automatically open the toilet seat when someone approaches. This type of toilet allows homeowners to keep up with the trend while attending to their needs.

5. The Squat Toilet:

Squat Toilet

Prevalent in the Middle East, this toilet type is made of a pan on the floor level that requires one to squat when doing the business. It may be equipped with a water cistern for flushing, or it can also make use of a bucket of water.

There Are Lots Out There:

There are many more toilet types that can fascinate and expand one’s knowledge of toilet evolution. Some have intriguing histories, like the portable toilet developed during World War II by shipbuilders who wanted to make the most of their employees’ services by cutting down their need for toilet trek from the ships to the docks. Others are a reflection of the culture where they were birthed. People can learn a lot just by following the evolution of toilets.

There are many more toilet types that can fascinate and expand one’s knowledge of toilet evolution. Some have intriguing histories, like the portable toilet for construction sites developed during World War II by shipbuilders who wanted to make the most of their employees’ services by cutting down their need for toilet trek from the ships to the docks. Others are a reflection of the culture where they were birthed. People can learn a lot just by following the evolution of toilets.

Read More :

1. Pack And Move Without The Hassle

2. Using Feng Shui In Your Bathroom Design

3. Home Hacks: Stuff You Can Clean In One Hour Or Less

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Deadheading Petunias

Interesting Facts about Celery and Deadheading Petunias

How long does celery last? Do you know about Deadheading Petunias? Celery lasts for as long as any other quick expiring ingredient in the recipe. Many individuals consume celery stalks, but the leaves are also beneficial and edible. They make an excellent addition to soups and stir-fries. You can find celery seeds either in extract form, whole seed form, or ground up, with its impressive health benefits. In many parts of the universe, people grow this plant because of its beneficial seeds. When you crash them, you can use the seeds as a spice because it contains a unique oily compound called apiol. The spice is good for providing flavor and also has medicinal benefits. Celery facts: Celery has a cholesterol-lowering power that makes it useful for maintaining heart health. The seeds contain a unique compound called BuPh that has lipid-lowering properties. However, researchers believe that this plant contains many other beneficial compounds that are still under research. In a recent study, rats feeding on celery continuously for eight weeks recorded lower lipid levels in their blood compared to those that did not feed on celery. This group of rats also experienced reduced serum cholesterol, triglyceride concentrations, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Celery also contains polysaccharides and antioxidants that act as anti-inflammatories, especially polyphenol and flavonoid antioxidants. They support the overall health of individuals as they age by fighting free radical damage that causes inflammation. Inflammation causes chronic diseases like heart disease, arthritis, cancer, and much more. Researchers have come up with several antioxidant types from celery which is beneficial like ferulic acid, caffeic acid, and phenolic acid, as well as flavors like quercetin. These acids make celery the right solution for treating inflammatory conditions like joint pain, liver and kidney infection, gout, irritable bowel syndrome, skin disorders, and urinary tract infection. When you consume celery, and you have high blood pressure, the risk of high blood pressure reduces. These seeds help in controlling the chronic levels of blood pressure. The seeds contain aqueous ethanolic, methanolic, and hexane extracts that lower inflammation improves blood circulation, and help in controlling blood pressure. These seeds also help in reducing bloating and boosting digestion with the aid of the NBP oily compound that contributes to detoxifying the body. The digestive benefits result from its diuretic effect. If you want to lose weight, consuming celery is vital because it has vital nutrients that help in regulating lipid metabolism. How do you prune Deadheading petunias blooms? Many garden tips will guide you on how to deadhead petunia. You need to allow your flowers to start blooming. You need to wait until the plant spends about six hours in the sun and are full of blooms. Once the flower starts dying, it is the right time to deadhead. You will also have to get a sharp pair of scissors and pruning shears. Give the plant a sharp cut when you use scissors. You will then have to pick the petunia stem gently with many blooms. You need to aim at the area that contains the most spent blooms and cut with your shears. Even though you need to cut back healthy sections of the plant to encourage new growth of Deadheading Petunias, pruning your plant extends your season of growth and helps produce more blooms. It is recommended that you prune one stem per week on a small plant and eight stems for the large hanging basket. Regular pruning will help you avoid pruning the whole plant at once. On some occasions, you will have to prune a healthy-looking bloom so that the plant looks healthy for an extended period. If you cannot do it on a weekly basis, it is advisable to wait for the mid-summer season to make it bloom for long. You need to keep fertilizing Deadheading Petunias every two weeks. Read also: Smart Fun Gardening: How To Take Care Of A Money Tree 5 Good Luck Plants That Deserves A Place In Your Home


8 Steps to Move in Your New House

Moving, according to many, is a stressful process. They do not even know where to begin, which makes them more anxious. Apart from direct costs, there are some hidden costs of buying a home too that you need to plan for. Read to get an insight into such costs and make your plans accordingly. If you are also planning to move, and do not know how to start, don’t worry. This article will guide you in the right direction. Following are 8 steps to move in your new house: 1. Opt for a Place to Live Look for a place that is near your workplace or your children’s school. This will reduce the hassle of traveling long distances every day. 2. Notify Your Family about Your Move Moving is a nerve-racking task, especially when it is long distances. It can be difficult for both – the adults and the children of the family. Telling the kids that they need to goodbye to their classmates and school is difficult. Therefore, you should find a way to break the news positively. 3. Hire a Mover Many people plan to move on their own. However, this takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, it is better to hire a mover, especially the one who does not have a hidden-fee. One such company is Atlant Movers: Moving Services in Sacramento, CA.  The company provides a wide range of services to move locally, long-distance, and even for piano and office moving. They securely store the stuff by packing it themselves for their customers. If you are planning to move under a budget, this company is just right for you. 4. Set up a Budget Set up a budget to keep track financially and to know how much moving can eventually cost you. 5. Start Packing up If you do your own packing, make sure you have at least 6 weeks before your moving date. A careful plan will save you a lot of money, time, and hair-tearing. 6. Pack Room by Room Start from one room. Pack the stuff completely and then go for the other room. This way, you will know how much is packed and how much is left. This will help you pack all your stuff in no time. 7. Save Money If you are like other people, you cannot resist a garage sale. No matter what the reason is, a garage sale is something that people won’t see. This way, you will make money by getting rid of the bunch you have been willing to throw for a long time. 8. Finally, You have moved in! Once the moving truck is gone and you are at your home, start unpacking the boxes. Get your mail, newspaper, magazines, and milk, all delivered to your home. Connect your telephone and broadband. Be ready to live a new life. Moving can sometimes be a difficult process. However, once you have moved into your new place, you will feel different and will enjoy the new home. So, bid a goodbye to all the hassle and just think about the wonderful experience that you will have after you have shifted. Read Also: Moving House? Here’s The Ultimate Checklist Signs That It Is Time To Sell Your House Finally Motivational Tips To Kick Start Your Packing Process For The House Move

Rug Layering

Tasteful Or Messy? How To Nail The Rug Layering Trend In Your Home

Rug layering, a trend that has gained popularity in interior design, can be perceived as both artsy and deliberate or, alternatively, as a bit sloppy, depending on the execution and context. When done with care and a discerning eye, rug layering can add depth, texture, and visual interest to a space, elevating it to a more eclectic and personalized level.  The key to artful layers Artful layering involves combining rugs of varying patterns, textures, or sizes in a way that complements the overall design scheme, creating a harmonious and intentional aesthetic. Starting with a Large selection of stylish rugs is the best way to move forward in a stylish and purposeful way by allowing for a dynamic interplay of colors and materials, contributing to a space that feels curated and thoughtfully designed. While a good rug collection is the best way to nail this trend, some thought and artistic design is still required in the process. If not executed thoughtfully, rug layering runs the risk of appearing haphazard or messy. The key to avoiding a sloppy look lies in keeping a sense of cohesion and balance. It's essential to consider the color palette, scale, and patterns of the layered rugs, making sure they work together rather than clash.  Proper placement is also crucial; overlapping rugs in a purposeful manner can create zones within a room, defining different functional areas and enhancing the overall design. Without this intentional approach, however, rug layering may come across as disorganized and lacking in visual harmony.  If you would like to add additional warmth to your home, and perhaps find a way to tie your rooms and decor together, then blankets are a great way to do that. They blend in easily and provide both aesthetic and practical value. Why add warmth with rugs and blankets?  Rugs and blankets play crucial roles in enhancing the comfort, aesthetics, and functionality of a home. Rugs, with their diverse textures and patterns, serve as versatile decor elements that can tie together various design elements within a room. They not only add warmth to hard flooring surfaces but also define and delineate living spaces. Whether it's a luxurious Persian rug in the living room or a cozy sheepskin rug in the bedroom, these floor coverings contribute to the overall ambiance of a home. Similarly, blankets are multifunctional essentials that go beyond providing warmth. They introduce layers to interior design, allowing homeowners to infuse colors and textures that complement their style. Blankets draped over sofas or neatly folded beds serve as both decorative and functional accessories. In addition to their aesthetic value, blankets offer a sense of coziness, inviting individuals to snuggle up during chilly evenings. Together, rugs and blankets contribute to a home's atmosphere, creating a welcoming and personalized space where style meets comfort. Ultimately, the method of rug layering chosen is really dependent on individual taste. For those who appreciate a more eclectic and bohemian look, carefully layered rugs may be considered artsy and avant-garde. The key here is to strike a balance that aligns with the overall design vision and the desired atmosphere of the space. Read Also: Home Decoration At Its Best: 7 Key Ideas To Recreate Your Home Top Home Remedies To Make A Floor Non-Slip Ideas for Modern Flooring Designs for Home Improvement Plans