The Different Kinds of Toilets

Published on: 21 February 2018 Last Updated on: 17 January 2020
Kinds of Toilets

One of the efficient and convenient offerings of civilization is having the convenience to simply sit down or squat and answer the call of nature without worrying about modesty or potentially dangerous creatures slithering on the ground. The invention of the toilet was a mark of progress for mankind.

Some may think that there is only one kind of toilet. But the market has an abundance of toilets in any shape and form that it can be a headache to choose which one will suit one’s needs best. Technology makes it possible to equip something as simple as a toilet with innovative functions like automatic flushing and bidets—a fascinating change from what humans were used to centuries ago.

For families and homeowners who are planning to do a bathroom upgrade or thinking of one to add to their new homes, picking the most suitable toilet for their needs is not only a priority but also a sensible step before going through with the installation. Here are the different toilets one can choose from.

Different Kinds of Toilets:

1. The Two-Piece Toilet:

Two-Piece Toilet

The toilet and the ceramic tank are created separately and only connected with bolts during installation. It is mounted on the floor, making it ideal for adults because of its suitable height. It can also be easily transported because the tank and the bowl are separate. The two-piece toilet is probably the most commonly used type of toilet in US households.

2. The One-Piece Toilet:

One-Piece Toilet

Unlike the former, one-piece toilets have an integrated tank and bowl, giving it a seamless, functional look. It is also slightly heavier; thus, it is not advisable if one is looking for a wall-hung model. Because of the absence of a gap between the tank and the body, the one-piece toilet is more manageable to clean and maintain.

3. Eco-Friendly Toilet:

Eco-Friendly Toilet

For those are who are concerned about the environment, eco-friendly toilets are the trend. There are toilets that minimize the use of water for flushing. One example is the Sanicompact toilet, a self-contained system that includes a china toilet bowl and macerator pump built into one compact unit. It can save water since it only requires a smaller amount than most toilets do in order to function. Others, like the composting toilets, break down waste into nutrient-rich soil. It is powered by electricity or batteries.

4. The Smart Toilet:

Some toilets are made for comfort but without compromising their functionality. Intelligent upgrades include heated seats, automatic flushers, self-cleaning wands, and deodorizing seats. Some are equipped with sensors that automatically open the toilet seat when someone approaches. This type of toilet allows homeowners to keep up with the trend while attending to their needs.

5. The Squat Toilet:

Squat Toilet

Prevalent in the Middle East, this toilet type is made of a pan on the floor level that requires one to squat when doing the business. It may be equipped with a water cistern for flushing, or it can also make use of a bucket of water.

There Are Lots Out There:

There are many more toilet types that can fascinate and expand one’s knowledge of toilet evolution. Some have intriguing histories, like the portable toilet developed during World War II by shipbuilders who wanted to make the most of their employees’ services by cutting down their need for toilet trek from the ships to the docks. Others are a reflection of the culture where they were birthed. People can learn a lot just by following the evolution of toilets.

There are many more toilet types that can fascinate and expand one’s knowledge of toilet evolution. Some have intriguing histories, like the portable toilet for construction sites developed during World War II by shipbuilders who wanted to make the most of their employees’ services by cutting down their need for toilet trek from the ships to the docks. Others are a reflection of the culture where they were birthed. People can learn a lot just by following the evolution of toilets.

Read More :

1. Pack And Move Without The Hassle

2. Using Feng Shui In Your Bathroom Design

3. Home Hacks: Stuff You Can Clean In One Hour Or Less

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What These People Did Wrong in Using Pesticides

Pesticides serve a very important purpose in our world, but they must be used safely and by people and organizations who know what they are, how to use them safely, and with care. The Pest Company and other businesses have the expert knowledge to use pesticides how and for what they were intended without harming the environment or other people who might not have the same knowledge of these chemicals. Novice users of pesticides often make serious mistakes when applying and using pesticides in general, causing great harm. Here are a few of the worst cases of people incorrectly using pesticides. What These People Did Wrong in Using Pesticides: 1. Spray System: How a person sets up a system for spraying pesticides can be the difference between them being effective and them unevenly protecting the areas they're supposed to protect. Careful setup of something like a crop sprayer is vital if the pesticides are going to do their job. Farmers and other people who use such systems need to carefully decide whether they are capable of doing the job themselves or whether they should call a company that can do it for them. 2. The Wrong Pest: Pesticides only work if you use the proper pesticide for the proper pest. The initial trouble is often determining what pest is interfering with your property. If you misidentify, you can completely fail to control the pests that might be destroying crops or other growing things. Make sure to identify the pest before heading to the store for a pesticide. Read more: DIY Ways To Control Pests In Your Garden 3. The Wrong Mix: Pesticides often have to be mixed, and if you get an improper quantity of mixture, things can become very ugly very quickly, damaging crops or even causing harm to the person who is doing the mixing. These are extremely powerful chemicals, and they can cause harm to the human body when you don't follow the directions for mixing them with other substances. The best way to get the write mixture is to ask a professional to do the job for you. This can save crops and other living things from destruction and even save a person from being injured. 4. When It's Too Late: There is a certain time when it's right to apply a pesticide. Sometimes people may wait until it's too late for the pesticide to do any good. Things like weeds can sometimes grow so much that a pesticide isn't going to do a lot of good at that stage, or you may need a stronger pesticide to cope with the problems. Professionals know exactly what stage of growth a particular crop is at and just when a certain pesticide will be useful or useless. 5. Misjudging The Environment: Temperature counts on certain pesticides, as well as other environmental conditions that you might not be aware of. There's nothing more frustrating than putting a lot of money toward a certain pesticide and finding out that it's ineffective because the rainfall was too great or the temperature in your area was too hot. Temperature and rain affect the effectiveness of pesticides, so it's important to read the labels and know exactly what conditions will make that specific pesticide useful. If you don't, you might waste a lot of time, money, and effort spraying a completely useless pesticide. 6. Dirty Spray Systems: When spray systems sit, they often become the victim of environmental residue, dirt, and other debris that can get in the tanks. This debris may even harm crops or other living things that you're trying to protect, so it's vital to make sure that you have a clean spray system before you start spraying your pesticides. Professionals are the people to call when you need your spray system cleaned spotlessly. People make these mistakes about pesticides every day. The majority of folks don't know a heck of a lot about pesticides, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's for this reason that pesticide companies are so useful to the world. They make sure that spray systems are clean, pesticides are used properly and on the right pests, and used safely so that no harm comes to the environment or the people who might be exposed to the pesticides. If you're not sure how to use pesticides, call a pro. Read Also: What You Should Expect From A Pest Control Visit 10 Pest Control Tips To Keep Pests Away This Summer 9 Signs You Have A Pest Infestation In Your House (And What To Do About It)

big leaf plants

10 Best Aesthetic Big Leaf Plants To Buy In 2022

Big leaf plants can add an aesthetic touch to your home. If you are an admirer of home decoration, you cannot miss indoor plants as a part of your decoration.  Indoor plants require very minimum sunlight, and they are pretty easy to take care of. But, most important of all– they keep your indoor environment refreshed and fill it with fresh oxygen.  So, if you want to decorate your sweet home with beautiful big leaf aesthetic plants, you need to check out the few recommendations I have here in this article. 10 Best Big Leaf Plants For Indoors If you are looking for recommendations for indoor plants with big leaves, please check out the ten recommendations I have here.  1. Swiss Cheese Plant The botanical name of the Swiss Cheese Plant is Monstera deliciosa. This tropical beauty is enough to add a green touch to your indoors. It has big heart-shaped leaves to adorn your indoors. They do well if you keep them in indirect sunlight.  The heart-shaped leaves can grow up to 36 inches in length, and they are healthy for your indoor environment. ☀ Sun: They need bright but indirect sunlight. 🌡️Temperature: They are tropical plants, so you need to keep them in warm places. A temperature between 20°C - 30°C is ideal 💦Watering: You need to keep the soil wet most of the time. Watering them ⅔ times every week is enough.  🌷Type Of Soil: The soil needs to be moist and adequate fertilizers. A pH level of 5.5 to 7.5 works the best. 2. Dwarf Banana Plant You can keep a large banana plant indoors. They are also big leaf plants. This is a tropical foliage plant that you can plant in a large plant. The leaves have quick growth, and the leaves are harmless to children and animals. ☀Sun: You can keep your Dwarf Banana Plant in full sunlight or in light shade. 🌡️ Temperature: They are big leaf tropical plants, so they enjoy a warm atmosphere. You can keep them at a temperature between 10°C to 33°C. 💦Watering: They need regular Watering– twice/ thrice every week in the warm season water them. Once every week is enough for the cold weather. 🌷Type Of Soil: The soil needs moisture. They need regular fertilizers. 3. Bird Of Paradise If you want some flowers to highlight the big leaf plants you have indoors, then Bird Of Paradise is just the right plant to choose. These plants have long-lasting flowers and waxy leaves that add extra beauty to your indoors. ☀ Sun: Keep them in semi-shade or in full Sun. 🌡️ Temperature: Medium Temperature between 18°C to 22°C is just fine. 💦Watering: Keep the soil moist. The soil should not get completely dry. 🌷Type Of Soil: They need fertilizers in spring. Well-drained soil is better. 4. Elephant Ear Plant These are the cheapest big leaf house plants. You can pull them from anywhere and plant them indoors. You can find these plants growing outdoors. These plants are toxic for small children and animals, so if you want to keep them, you need to be very careful. ☀Sun: They don't need full sunlight. Indirect bright sunlight is the best. 🌡️ Temperature: A temperature between 20°C to 30°C is best.  💦 Watering: The soil needs consistent moisture. 🌷Type Of Soil: Acidic, moist soil is the best. 5. Pinstripe Houseplant Not many tabletop plants look as pretty as the Pinstripe Houseplant. These big leaf plants have gorgeous jungle green color with pink stripes to compliment the big leaves. They aren't too fond of direct bright sunlight. These plants are not harmful to animals and children.  ☀ Sun: Keep them in indirect sunlight. 🌡️Temperature: 18°C to 30°C temperature is good enough. 💦Watering: You need to maintain the soil moisture. 🌷Type Of Soil: You peat and pebbles to balance the moisture. You May Like To Read This: 10 Best Trailing Indoor Plants To Buy In 2022 6. African Mask Plant These big leaf plants are native plants of the Philippines. They get their name from their resemblance to an African mask. The large dark leaves can grow up to 18 inches. The silvery-white veins of the leaves make them even more attractive. ☀ Sun: Avoid direct sunlight. They love diffused sunlight. 🌡️Temperature: 15°C to 30°C is ideal for them. 💦Watering: They need regular watering during growth. Keep the pot moist and well-drained.  🌷Type Of Soil: Keep the soil well-drained using pebbles. Fertilize frequently after ⅔ months. 7. Majesty Palm If you are looking for long leaf plants or big leaf indoor plants, the Majesty Palm is the one. They grow ten feet tall indoors. The leaves are toxic for animals and children, so you need to be careful if you are planting them indoors. ☀ Sun: Bright indirect sunlight is best. 🌡️Temperature: 18°C to 30°C is best. 💦 Watering: Water once after 1 or 2 weeks. Let the soil get dry before watering again. 🌷Type Of Soil: The soil is best if it is acidic. 8. Calathea Orbifolia Are you looking for low-maintenance plants that keep the indoor air purified? Then there is no better option than Calathea Orbifolia. They can remove toxins from the air while also looking pretty with big textured leaves. There are silvery-white forks in the leaves that make them appear outwardly beautiful. ☀ Sun: They love bright sunlight but not direct sunlight. 🌡️Temperature: 18°C to 30°C is enough. 💦Watering: You can water them once or twice every two weeks.  🌷Type Of Soil: Well-drained soils rich in fertilizers are the best.  9. Philodendron Gloriosum A native plant of Colombia, the Philodendron Gloriosum is a big leaf foliage plant. These plants love to crawl and climb. In humid weather, you can keep them indoors. These big leaf plants have gorgeous pink, light green, and white running across the leaves. The leaves, stems, and roots are toxic for humans and animals.  ☀ Sun: Indirect and right sunlight is best. 🌡️Temperature: 7°C to 35°C is good enough. 💦Watering: The soil needs to be damp. You can water two to three times every week.  🌷Type Of Soil: Organic soil rich in fertilizers works the best.  10. Fiddle Leaf Fig The fiddle-shaped leaves of the Fiddle Leaf Fig are large and waxy. They inhabit their pots quite well. These big leaf plants are poisonous to humans and animals. But they are aesthetic-looking bedroom plants, and they are gorgeous. ☀ Sun: These plants need bright sunlight. Do not keep them in the shade. 🌡️Temperature: 15°C to 30°C is good enough for them. 💦 Watering: Regular Watering is necessary.  🌷Type Of Soil: You need well-fertilized moist soil.  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Here are some frequently asked questions that you may find interesting. Q1. How To Care For Big Leaf Plants? Taking care of big leaf  aesthetic plants is easy. You need to keep them in medium indirect sunlight and keep the potting soil moist. They don't need frequent fertilizing; once or twice every year is enough.  Q2. How Do You Encourage A Big Leaf To Grow? The water, light, fertilizer, soil, and care are all crucial to growing your big leaf plants. Q3. Why Is My Big Leaf Plant Dying? There can be several reasons for this; excessive Watering or little Watering can cause your plant to die. Varying sunlight and bad incompatible soil can also be the reason behind your indoor plant's death. Q4. What Affects Leaf Size? The amount of Sun, water, air, and fertilizer your plant gets has an effect on the leaf size. Bottom Line If you want to grow big leaf plants indoors, then you can choose from these ten plants I have recommended here. All of these plants are low maintenance, and they are pretty in look. Aside from that, some of these plants purify your indoor environment. Did you like this list? Please let us know in the comment; also, if you purchased any of them, let us know which once was your favorite. Read Also: 10 Best Tall House Plants To Buy In 202210 Best Spiky Plants To Decorate Outside Your HouseWhat Are Trailing Plants? – What Are The Types Of Trailing Plants?

Garden Railings

How to Maintain Your Garden Railings?

When it comes to property maintenance, it’s not uncommon to overlook garden railings, whether they are made of wood, iron or steel. They are outdoor fixtures that are often regarded as unessential and not necessitating care. To many, nothing significant changes if they are damaged or if they become structurally weakened. This way of thinking shouldn’t be the case, though. Railings in the garden are not only installed as decorative outdoor fixtures. Treat them as fences: Just like fences, you have to make sure that their structural integrity is maintained. They may not be there to provide security, but it’s important to make sure that they are as sturdy as they should be. Railings are installed for different reasons. For one, they could be used as protection for plants from pets or people who may unwittingly step on small plants. They will not be able to serve this purpose if they are weakened. On the other hand, railings also serve as occasional support structures for those who walk around the garden. If you lose your balance while strolling around, you will likely hold on to the railing if you see one. If the rail breaks with the slightest of pressure, it will aggravate accidents. Aside from not being able to support your weight when you lean on them, they may expose some sharp parts as they break or bend. These sharp pieces can result in wounds. Maintaining wooden railings: For garden railings made of wood, remove the vines that climb on them. These vines can hasten the disintegration of wood as it keeps moisture and prevents the sun from drying the wood. They can also serve as a hiding place for vermin. If the paint has already faded or peeled off, be sure to do a new paint job. Paint does not only improve the appearance of wooden rails. It also helps protect them from the elements. Maintaining steel or iron railings: One of the most important steps for garden railing maintenance is cleaning. Make sure nothing unwanted is stuck to the rails not only to keep them looking good but also to prevent damage. You’ll be surprised how the fecal matter of birds or the nesting of insects can speed up the wear and tear of your railings. Don’t let weeds cover the rails. Locate their origin, so they don’t quickly crawl back up again. Be on the lookout for rust. If corrosion develops, it means your coat of paint protection has been scratched. Scrape the rust off and repaint the affected portion. Examine the rest of your railings to see if there are other parts that could use a new layer of protective coating. If you use lawn trimmers or grass cutters, realise that the repeated strikes against your railing’s lower sections can become a starting point for severe damage. Strive to make your railings last long. They may not be an essential part of your property, but you spent good money on them. You may not feel like you lose anything if they are taken away, but those railings in your garden are there for a reason. Read Also: 5 Tips To Keeping Animals Away From Your Garden 5 Summer Garden Maintenance Tips And Tactics You Have To Know