10 Unique Kitchen Hacks to Save your Time in Kitchen and Cooking

Published on: 02 May 2018 Last Updated on: 02 June 2021
Kitchen Hacks

Not all mothers have the time to spend countless hours cooking meals for their families. This is why a lot of moms resort to ordering take-out or prepared food as doing it themselves can occupy a big slot on their schedule. There are, however, ways to still be hands-on with cooking for your family.

10 Unique Kitchen Hacks to Save your Time in Kitchen and Cooking

These ten are proven kitchen hacks that can cut back the time you spend on cooking and preparing meals:

1. Keep A List for Grocery Shopping

Let us admit it: shopping can be incredibly time-consuming. Remembering all the things that you need at home can be difficult especially with your busy schedule. This is why keeping a shopping list is a smart thing to do. To save more time with shopping lists, come up with the most important items that you buy every week. This will form the core of your reusable shopping list. Just customize the list on a weekly basis by adding some special items that you may want for a particular period.

This will also help you ensure that you are able to buy all the things you need. You will no longer have to go back to the grocery store just because you forgot something.

2. Make A Meal Plan


It may seem like meal planning is a boring thing to do but it actually helps you save time. To make sure that you do not spend too much time on it, it would be best if you do it along with your shopping list.

Not only is meal planning helpful in cutting back on the money and time spent on food, but it also assists you in ensuring that the food your family is eating is healthy. Through meal planning, you can balance the nutrients that your children are receiving.

3. Organize Your Cabinets Well

Sometimes, one of the reasons why moms take too much time in the kitchen is because of how disorderly the area is. This is especially true when you do not know where you put your ingredients and kitchen utensils.

By becoming more organized in the kitchen, not only will you be able to allocate more hours on other matters, but you can also easily detect if it is already time to stock up on some items.

4. Keep Your Pantry Well-Stocked

Unexpected trips to the grocery store can be such a hassle for mothers. This is why as much as possible; moms should make sure that the kitchen is well-stocked with the items that they always use. You no longer have to go out just to buy a single item missing from your recipe.

Another advantage of a well-stocked kitchen is it gives you the flexibility to change your mind about what meal to cook. Since you already have everything you may need, you can just do a different meal on a whim.

5. Prepare Your Ingredients In Advance

To make cooking much faster, it would be best if you juice, chop or peel your ingredients before you start cooking. You can even wash and cut vegetables days ahead so you can just get the portion you need when you are already cooking. Having the best spice grinder can help you prepare your ingredients nicely and quickly without much effort.

6. Cook Simple Meals

It may be tempting to cook complex meals to impress your family. But that will take up much of your time for sure. As much as possible, cook meals that have six ingredients or less.

Even better: choose dishes with ingredients that are already in your cabinets or fridge. This will make your life so much easier.

7. Do Not Hesitate To Use Leftovers

Do Not Hesitate To Use Leftovers

Leftover food is a blessing for moms. There are a lot of things you can do with leftovers. In fact, if you can, make enough food so that there will still be leftovers for the next day. Put the leftovers in the refrigerator.

You can just reheat the leftover food if someone is hungry. For example, leftover fried chicken can be re-used in so many ways. You can use it to make the sandwich filling. Or you can add it to some greens and vegetables to make a salad.

8. Use A Slow Cooker

Slow cookers are a gift from mom heaven. You can just put the ingredients for your meal early in the morning and attend to your other tasks. You can even start slow cooking in the evening!

9. Get Some Easy Snacks Ready On The Fridge

Feel like you are going to have a busy week? Prepare easy snacks and put them in the fridge so your family will just get some if they are hungry.

10. Cook Breakfast The Night Before

Do not want to wake up too early in the morning to cook? Cook what you can in the evening so that you will have less to do for breakfast. Bring some fruits and milk into the blender. Once done, store it in the fridge so that you will just take it out in the morning. Of course, this does not work for all types of food. But if there are meals that can be prepared beforehand, which you can just reheat for breakfast, this is definitely a good tip.


These are some very useful kitchen hacks that can help you prepare food without much effort. But you always need the best kitchen tools and appliances to ensure everything goes as planned.

Read More :

  1.  Home Hacks: Stuff You Can Clean in One Hour or Less.
  2.  Kitchen Renovations Must be Done at Regular Intervals.

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Balanced Diet

Bed, Treadmill, and Balanced Diet – Things Needed to Achieve Fitness

To be able to live life to its fullest potential, having good health and physical fitness is essential. Health is a person’s greatest resource. It is what allows individuals to do what they please to do. Bed, Treadmill, and Balanced diet are needed to achieve fitness. Being healthy is vital in every aspect of people’s lives. ‘Health is wealth’, so to speak. No material wealth could equal the value of one’s health. You can have all the wealth in the world but it would not mean a thing if you have a poor health condition. Bad health holds people back from doing the things that they truly desire. It could even hinder people from achieving their dreams. It is imperative that people should take good care of their health. Click here, to know more about the importance of health. Good well-being does not simply mean having no illnesses. There’s actually more to it than the absence of diseases. In looking at health, the complete state of mental, physical, emotional, and social conditions should be taken into account. The aforementioned factors that makeup health are all equally important, however, in this article the focus will just be on taking care of the physical aspect of well-being. Although they are all interconnected in the sense that the state of one can affect the state of others, the discourse will simply revolve on ways to promote health as far as the physical condition is concerned. Physical fitness is the ability to carry out a task and other daily activities efficiently and without undue fatigue. A physically fit person is able to accomplish all that he needs to and still have the energy to do extra activities like playing sports and other leisure. Physical fitness is achieved by having sufficient rest, getting the right nutrition, and doing regular exercises. It may sound easy but it definitely is not. Attaining physical fitness requires a lot of dedication and commitment to live a healthy lifestyle. To get a better understanding of physical fitness, its parts, and other pertinent subjects, visit the following link: https://us.humankinetics.com/blogs/excerpt/what- is-physical-fitness. Sufficient Rest Among the three things required to achieve physical fitness, getting sufficient rest seems like the easiest to achieve. It may be difficult for people who have hectic schedules but unlike the two requirements, it does not demand a lot from people. Having sufficient rest allows people to have the energy to get by the day. It helps maintain a person’s optimal health. Studies have shown that getting adequate sleep betters calorie regulation, thereby helping in managing weight. Getting enough rest can help strengthen the immune system. It helps fight infections and reduce the risk of heart disease. Resting basically is for repair, regenerate, and recover. Balanced Diet To be physically fit, people need to get the right nutrition. Getting the right nutrition is important because the tissues in the body need them to be able to work effectively. Without the right nutrition, a person is prone to viruses, infections, and diseases. Poor performance is also a product of not getting the right nutrition. Eating a balanced diet is the only way to get the nutrition that your body needs. If you want your body to function correctly, having a balanced diet is necessary. Eating a balanced diet requires discipline and the ability to say no to the temptation of yielding to fatty foods. Regular Exercise One of the most basic needs of the body is to have regular exercise. Being physically active provides a lot of benefits to the body. It helps fight various diseases and infections. It also strengthens bones, muscles, and joints which help improve a person’s mobility. Lowering blood pressure and sugar levels is another benefit of having regular exercise. There are a lot of things that people could do to stay physically active. Doing aerobic exercises such as walking, running, or jogging is an effective way to stay active. For people who don’t want to go outside to do these things, using treadmills is a good idea. Dancing, swimming, and playing sports are also good ways to be active. Taking care of your health is paramount. Life becomes so much better when you have a healthy body. You have the freedom to do anything you want to do. Taking care of your health may not be easy. It may demand a lot from you but its returns make it all worth it. Read Also: Boxing Workouts That Go Beyond Fitness 5 Tips to Kick Start Your Fitness Routine How Do I Get Back In Shape? Fitness Experts Share Their Tips!


Safety Triangle: Three Things Your Soon-To-Be House Must Have

The house is the first shelter that makes up our first institution, the family. It is the witness of whatever first we have in life, from our very first step to probably our very first word. The house that we live in is the territory of our feelings and thoughts, both unheard and unspoken. Since the house is the very place we dwell in as a place of comfort, homeowners should assure the sturdiness of the house from the very walls up to the heights of the roof. If the house is not sturdy enough to stand against the wrath of mother nature, it may not be a safe house after all. People may say that it is close to impossible to stand against a storm or a tornado, most especially. However, what most people don’t know is that they can have a home that can stand against storms and hurricanes. Methods for strengthening the structural frame of the house, from the foundations to the roofs, here are some helpful tips to help you have a sturdy house. Super Foundation Source: http://bit.ly/2u5Af7R Before you can even start building a house, you have to ensure a foundation first and foremost. It is a fundamental part of the house, and an inappropriate base can be the means of stand or break for your home. There are different types of foundations ranging from, basements, crawlspaces, and concrete slab on grade. Basements are the most common type in many homes in America. Second to its popularity is the crawlspace which elevates the level of the house higher than average. Read also: Different Types Of Conversions To Make The Most Of Spare Space In Your Homes Last but not least is the concrete slab on grade which is a solid concrete pad from which the house stands on. Basements are the most prevalent in the country because it is the strongest among the other foundations. Homeowners opting for basements are also most likely fond of having extra rooms in their house. A basement can accommodate space which can be enough for a playroom, storage room, or even a bedroom. Crawlspaces, on the other hand, are lower than the basement but is higher than the concrete slab on grade. Though in most cases, crawlspaces are vulnerable to moist cases, you can ventilate it and fix it to control the moisture level. Lastly, concrete slab on grade is the cheapest among the foundations. It is a pad of concrete planted on the ground where the house can stand. It is free from termites and also from the safety of vital water supply and drainage pipes. When problems with the pipes occur, the person doing the job has to crack the concrete open to see the pipes. However, the cost of a concrete slab on grade is more affordable compared to basements and crawlspaces. Connecting Walls Source: http://bit.ly/2tbjHIN Walls are the frame of the house, the skeletal system of the building. Most homeowners ignore the needed quality of walls from which such mindset leads to the delicate structure of the wholesome of the house. A damaged or weak wall can trigger the destruction of your whole house. Read also: Top Expert Tips For A Stunning Condo Interior! There are many methods to consider when making strong walls, one of them is called the continuous load path. It is the way that connects every bit of the house, from the floor composition to the threshold of the roof. In this connection, the walls connect the roof and the foundation from which the "path" starts. This method requires a focal point where the house meets its balance. Imposing balance in the home is acquiring connection in the building. This joint is with the bolts, metal connectors, nails and screws, and everything else that can add up to the inside of the walls. If the house has this kind of connection, the frame of the house will be like a chain on the inside that will be able to stand against calamities. Nowadays, home constructions follow the program of the continuous load path. However, not every firm in the country supports the national building standards. So as a homeowner, you should ask the construction team to use the continuous load path method, or ask them if they do. Metal Roofing Source: http://bit.ly/2vxOQGW The roof is the ozone layer of a building. It protects us from the sun, the snow, and the rain - most especially cyclones. Cyclones are the number one enemies of roofs. Cyclones can do so much to a roof and damage it a lot, but if you have the appropriate roof, you can survive them all. Read also: Professional Roofing Services And Different Decorating Styles The best shelter that can help you assure a safe house that your family can dwell in for the next 30 - 50 years is the metal roof. Metal roofing is the standard roof of Houston, especially since the city is vulnerable to cyclones due to its geographical location. Using metal for your roof is a basic necessity as it is one of the safest roofing material that can withstand fear and some harsh climate conditions. Aside from being fireproof and stormproof, if we may say, metal also reflects the heat of the sun stopping most of it from entering your house. You can save yourself from humidity and save your electricity from using air conditioners. The durability of metal roofing is also 2 - 3 times stronger than average roofs. This length can equate to 30 - 50 years lifespan, by which we can say that metal roofing can witness the adulthood transition of your kid by the least. In the maintenance of the roof, many companies do metal roof repair in Houston. As one of the advantages of metal roofing, it is quick and easy to install and can also be customizable according to the uniqueness of the house. Takeaway From the foundation to the walls to the roof, the house itself should be able to withstand any problems the homeowners can think of for the sake of the people that will live in it. It pays to be knowledgeable of the structure of the house to ensure prior safety. Home as a basic shelter is also the first institution where things for families begin. Building a house with healthy bones is protecting the family itself. A homeowner should ensure that the house is in good maintenance. Regularly clean your basements, check the walls and don't be afraid to dial up some companies of metal roofing Houston for your roof. Any bills for maintenance or necessary improvements are better than hospital bills. Precautions are always better than a cure. Know the quick knicks and knacks of your house and address them efficiently. More so, it pays if you know the fundamentals of your home.

Match Sofas With Accent Chairs

How Do You Match Sofas With Accent Chairs?

It is unarguable that decorating our own home will surely excite us. The thoughts of what color palette to use or what furniture to put or how to arrange them will get us a bit carried away for sure. The entire decoration plays a key role as it sets up the mood for the house. Whether you want a refresh or moving into a new space, it is vital to purchase durable furniture to incorporate your home. Choosing your furniture can take you a lot of time to consider its design and quality. In Chesterfield furniture, they offer a wide range of designs that will not compromise your comfort as they only intend to use the finest materials for their sofas and chairs. The most crucial spot of the house to decorate is the living room. Being the center of the house, a heart is considered a symbol for the living room. The living room is the primary room you will see upon entering a home, and it is where guests are entertained. The living room should be an area to indulge and lie on the couch as you enjoy a bowl of popcorn watching your favorite movie. Most importantly, the living room is where families should spend time together to relax and share stories. There is a long list of furniture to consider putting in the living room. The essentials are the sofa, coffee table, accent chairs, media stand, and side table. Putting together all these are overwhelming; thus, one should consider hiring an interior decorator to do the job, or if not, dig deep on Pinterest for design inspiration. One of the common mistakes in arranging your furniture is the improper incorporation of your sofa with your accent chair. If you want to create a pleasing space to the eye and a solid setup, you should consider a few tips and tricks to have a successful mix and match. What Do I Have To Put In Mind: In pairing your sofa with your accent chair, contrasting them is most crucial. You will have to make these pieces complement each other and, at the same time, can stand on their own. You shall also consider the style, color, and form of your selections. 1. Style Style is an essential element to consider. If you opt for minimal decoration, both your sofa and accent chair should embody that style. 2. Color Carefully decide on the color palette you will use for your sofa and your accent chair. Your choice can either be a monochromatic or complementary color scheme; always make sure they don’t crash with each other. 3. Form Always be mindful of the form. A skirted sofa would go along well with an accent chair that has an intricate or evident leg style. How Do I Arrange These Pieces? There are various ways to arrange your sofa and your accent chair: front and center, and section-off space. When you follow the front and center arrangement, you must consider where you will be facing as you sit down. The section-off space arrangement considers arranging the furniture in ways that can accommodate visitors and guests. There are no rules on how you should decorate your place; as being said, it is your home and your own space. However, it would help if you always put in mind that the design must go together harmoniously. Read Also:  Some Common Reason why we Use Futon Mattress Modern Home design ideas for crowded families Top 5 Trending Home Renovation Ideas For Australian Families