5 Ways to Become a Profitable Landlord

Published on: 12 July 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
Profitable Landlord

Becoming a landlord is an appealing prospect to many, with the opportunity to make long-term investments. However, there is also a common belief that becoming a landlord is a way to get rich quick, but this is rarely the case. In fact, being a landlord can be a lot of hard work, requiring dedication, knowledge, and skill to turn a profit.

To help boost your earnings, here are 5 ways to become a more profitable landlord.

Treat Being a Landlord as a Business :

Firstly, in order to boost profit, you need to know your figures. This means more than calculating how much you can afford when looking to buy property, but also fully understanding the actual return on investment. This is where rental yield is essential.

Calculated as a percentage of the property’s value, yield shows yearly rental income compared to the investment price. The higher the percentage, the higher the yield and therefore, the bigger the income. Read here to find out more about rental yield.

Stick to Areas You Know :

When investing in property, it may be tempting to buy in another location that offers more attractive rental yields, or an area has been deemed as up and coming. However, this may mean buying in the property market that you are unfamiliar with, which can pose a larger risk.

As such, it may be a good idea to stick to areas you know. This is particularly true for early investments, as securing a profit is essential to building a successful portfolio.

Invest in Property Upkeep :

In order to boost the profitability of your portfolio, you may want to spend as little money as possible. While this works in theory, properties require continual upkeep and investment.

Often, this required some simple DIY, such as repainting a property before a new tenant moves in. Although this is an additional expense, a clean and modern interior could make your property more attractive to prospective tenants and boost rental value.

Ensure Tenants are Happy :

There is one thing that landlords dread: a vacant property. Not only does this mean zero income – while the mortgage, council tax and insurance must still be paid – but an empty property is also at a higher risk of being broken into.

When aiming to keep a property leased, think about the needs of your tenants. After all, happy tenants are likely to stay for a longer period, reducing turnover. To do this, in addition to property upkeep, thoroughly screen applications and address maintenance issues in a timely manner.

Consider Letting Through an Agent :

Lastly, in order to increase your profit margin, you could consider letting as a private landlord. However, this can be time-consuming, meaning you would be responsible for dealing with tenant screening and repairs. In this instance, it may be a good idea to let through an agent. While this will carry a monthly fee, it can save you a lot of time – especially if you own multiple properties – allowing you to build your property portfolio or continue to work.

Being a landlord can be difficult, but it can also be rewarding, both personally and financially. To help you get more out of your portfolio, you could consider these tips. However, these suggestions alone are not enough – it is also important to thoroughly research every potential investment.


I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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How to Protect Your Property as a First Time Landlord?

No matter what route you take to the rental market, you’re making an exciting step in life. Many people believe that becoming a landlord is fail-proof. However, although the process can be both financially and mentally rewarding, there are downsides and potential pitfalls. Renting out a second property is ideally an investment and, as such, several risks come with it. As a result, you need to protect your investment and mitigate against risk. Here’s how you can do just that to make sure that you are getting returns for your investment. 1. Take Out Insurance Being The Landlord: Traditional insurance doesn’t usually cover rental properties. As a result, you should take out specialist landlord insurance. As well as protecting your home in the same way traditional home insurance would, landlord insurance can protect you against other problems, such as unpaid rent or a tenant injuring themselves at your property. Get a company that offers the best insurance deals to landlords and insure your property with them. 2. Draw Up the Correct Contract: The correct tenancy agreement can help you in case you need to evict a tenant or take action against them. The vast majority of rental agreements come to an amicable end, but there may be times when you need to evict your tenant. A correct tenancy agreement will provide you with the framework to issue either a Section 21 notice (giving them two months’ notice) or a Section 8 notice, which allows the person to seek possession under particular grounds such as rent regions and anti-social behaviour (more information on both of these notices can be found here). Make sure that the tenancy agreement that you craft will protect you under all circumstances. 3. Take A Security Deposit: Taking a security deposit or a damage deposit (usually a month’s rent) allows you to protect you and your property against any breakages or damages. It is important to put these measures in place if you want to be sure that you are on the safe side. You must place the deposit in a concern that is regulated by a government deposit scheme, such as the Deposit Protection Service, MyDeposits or the Tenancy Deposit Scheme. The deposit is then returned to the tenant at the end of the tenancy unless they fail to meet the terms of a tenancy agreement, cause damage to the property or fail to pay rent and bills. 4. Ensure There’s an Inventory: Before your tenant moves in, you should complete an inventory of everything currently in the property. As well as listing everything currently in the property, you should also list its current state, including any dents, scratches or stains. Once this is complete, you should have a walk around the property with the tenant. Then you can both confirm everything listed is present and the condition described is accurate. When this process has been completed, you should both sign and date the inventory. 5. Have a Financial Buffer: Finally, you should ensure you have a financial buffer, in case you have to pay for running repairs. The costs for running a rental property can quickly stack up. Although you could take out an installment loan to finance any major payments, it’s advisable to have a pot of savings before you begin, in case you need to finance any running repairs. Read Also: Is Property Investment Still A Good Way To Make Money? 6 Expert Tips For Finding The Right Home To Buy

Property Tax Lien

What You Need to Know Before Buying Property with a Tax Lien

You find the house of your dreams but are told by the realtor that the home comes with a property tax lien. Do you give up on that house and find one that doesn’t have a lien? Even though friends and family might suggest you move on, it's better to have a deeper understanding of property tax liens before making a decision. What Is a Property Tax Lien? When homeowners have a financial setback, they often have problems making their mortgage payments. In many cases, they are also unable to pay their property taxes. When a homeowner doesn’t pay property taxes, their property becomes tax delinquent. A property tax lien prevents this property from being sold or refinanced. Depending upon the state they live in, after a certain period of time, the municipality can repossess, seize, and foreclose on the property. When this happens, the town or county that is owed the taxes issues a property-tax lien certificate against the property. The lien includes the owed taxes, penalties, and interest. Once there is a foreclosure, this certificate is then made available for sale, usually in an auction. There are two types of sales based on unpaid property taxes. Tax Deed Sale: A tax deed is a legal document that transfers property ownership from the homeowner who didn't pay the taxes and the municipal governmental entity owed the taxes. In turn, the government then has the authority to sell the property, collect the owed taxes, and transfer ownership to the purchaser. In this case, the property is sold at auction and includes unpaid taxes. Buying a foreclosed property gives you complete ownership of the property. The price may start low but is often driven up by competing bidders. Once the property is purchased by the highest bidder, it is owned clear and free of all mortgages and liens against it. Tax Lien Sale: In this type of sale, the lien is auctioned off to the highest bidder. It includes the interest incurred. If the liens are not paid, the new owner can foreclose on the property. Many states will utilize a tax lien sale in an attempt to get their unpaid taxes from the homeowner. They usually come with high penalty fees. The process and time period associated with tax lien sales depends upon the state where the property is located. Homeowners whose property is sold in a tax lien sale are given a period of time— a redemption period—to pay their taxes plus interest to the holder of the lien. The owner of the lien may not end up owning the property should the homeowner pay back the taxes plus interest. However, there is an opportunity to make money from the accrued interest. Interest rates vary by state, for example: In Florida, the maximum interest rate is 18 percent with a guaranteed minimum of 5 percent on liens redeemed early. The Mississippi tax lien rate is 18 percent—1.5 percent per month—and must be repaid in two years. Iowa’s interest rate is on the lower side, at 2 percent. The interest rates and sales process are structured by local jurisdictions and are also dependent upon the auction. Be sure to check with the municipality before making decisions. Because of low interest rates and the volatile stock market, many people are looking for other ways to get a return on their investment. With more than$14 billion in unpaid property taxes, purchasing properties with liens, for some, is a viable investment opportunity. It is important to understand what you are buying before you make an offer. When you purchase a tax lien certificate, you are not attaining ownership of a piece of property. You are purchasing the lien on the property. The delinquent homeowner still owns the property. When you buy a tax deed, you take ownership of the property in its entirety. Read Also: Property Investment Success Stories 6 Tips On How To Pay Off Your Tax Debt Investing In Property Is Investing In Your Future A Quick Guide To The Legal Steps Of Buying A House Why Off-Plan Investment Is Beneficial For Expats 5 Easy Estate Planning Tips To Help You Plan For The Future

Preschool Franchise

Key Advantages Of Investing In A Preschool Franchise: The Comprehensive Guide!

If you’re passionate about working with children in a diverse, energetic environment while securing a solid income, you’ve come to the right place! Preschool franchise opportunities offer investors the best chance at success in this competitive economic landscape. As a franchisee, you’ll be able to gain an established brand name, which will assist you in finding the best training materials you need to thrive. When you decide to invest in this type of business, you’ll gain a loyal following while receiving the tools to reach more supporters and showcase your services to the general public. This blog article will explore the main benefits of investing in preschool franchise establishments. Let’s embark on this journey together. All The Tools Needed To Flourish In This Space Kickstarting a preschool franchise from scratch is no walk in the park! You’ll need to focus on a million moving parts while also trying to ensure that the children are taken care of and that their parents are happy with your service delivery. This is where franchising comes into play! Buying a franchise gives you the tools, training, and mechanisms to flourish and thrive in this industry. Your employees will receive the best training to help them take excellent care of the children, understand primary emergency medical care, and find the best resources to inspire them to provide the best quality services. As an owner, you’ll also gain the best plans and strategies to lead your team and take the establishment to the next level. This is where you’ll be able to acquire specialized tools and information about this dynamic, nuanced industry. The childcare and preschool industries are challenging to navigate! You’ll need excellent tools and plans to understand the environment and industry. Help In Standing Out From Other Preschool Franchises To make it in this cut-throat industry, you’ll need to stand out from the competition in the sector. This is where advertising and marketing come into play.  When you run a franchise business, you will need specialized, unique marketing and advertising strategies to help your business grow and develop! Franchisors offer these strategies to their owners. As a franchisee, you’ll acquire perfected digital marketing processes, SEO campaigns, and social media plans to increase engagement and find new clients. Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook are excellent platforms to contact your audience members. This is where you’ll gain valuable information about your customers, find out what they like, and how they will make it in this unique field. You’ll also gain the best SEO principles and information to grow your brand online and expand your digital footprint! You’re Not Alone On This Journey! Another very important aspect of investing in this field is that you’re never alone. When you invest in a trademarked business, you can join a thriving community of like-minded individuals working towards the same goal. This means that as an owner, you will form part of a group you can rely on to receive advice and essential tips when operating this type of business. These other franchisees will provide you with expert knowledge and critical factors that you can use to advance your business. This means you’ll learn how to run your franchise effectively while gaining valuable insights into the sector. Another important aspect is that this community will always be there for you. They’re only a phone call away from you should you need help or assistance handling a particular situation. Clients Will Only Support A Brand That They Trust It’s essential to understand that consumers will only support and use businesses and brands they trust and are aware of. This is where you’re going to need to come up with creative ways to promote your business. Luckily, when you invest in a franchise company, you gain an established brand name. This means that the franchisor has taken the time and effort to grow the business and stand out from the competition in your field. This means the business already has a loyal following and supportive consumer, so you can focus on other elements and aspects of your business! It’s Less Of A Financial Risk! Another crucial reason you should invest in this type of franchise is that you’ll be assured that this business will survive and flourish. It’s well-known that most businesses fail within the first few years of opening their doors. Most owners don’t know how to run a business and are unsure about the skills needed to flourish. Regarding trademarked companies, the franchisor has taken the time and energy to set up the business in the market. There are specific processes and strategies in place that will help you thrive and grow your business from strength to strength. This means you can rest assured knowing that your business is in good hands and can sustain the different stages of running a business. The Ability To Enter An Evolving Industry Buying into the franchise education space comes with many advantages and benefits that will propel your finances into the future. The fantastic thing about these establishments is that they’ve been booming in recent years, and more entrepreneurs are deciding to invest in these businesses. What makes this landscape so lucrative is the fact that there's a massive demand for these services. Parents don’t have time to home-school their little ones, which means it’s an essential service being rendered. This is amazing because it means that there will always be a need for preschool services. Let’s Wrap Up! Investing in a franchise business could be your best decision! It allows you to gain an established brand name and following. As a franchisee, you’re also gaining specialized training and education to ensure your leadership skills are current while figuring out what business moves need to be made. You’ll also learn the best marketing and advertising strategies to grow your company and stand out from competitors. If you want to ensure your mark is in the childcare preschool industry, franchising is the way to go! Read Also: Franchise Digital Marketing: 4 Effective Techniques 4 Considerations Before Investing in an Oil Change Franchise Under 100k Are Franchise Crossovers An Effective Way For Mobile Games To Grow Their User Base?