What You Need to Know Before Buying Property with a Tax Lien


05 April 2019


Property Tax Lien

You find the house of your dreams but are told by the realtor that the home comes with a property tax lien. Do you give up on that house and find one that doesn’t have a lien? Even though friends and family might suggest you move on, it’s better to have a deeper understanding of property tax liens before making a decision.

What Is a Property Tax Lien?

When homeowners have a financial setback, they often have problems making their mortgage payments. In many cases, they are also unable to pay their property taxes. When a homeowner doesn’t pay property taxes, their property becomes tax delinquent. A property tax lien prevents this property from being sold or refinanced. Depending upon the state they live in, after a certain period of time, the municipality can repossess, seize, and foreclose on the property. When this happens, the town or county that is owed the taxes issues a property-tax lien certificate against the property. The lien includes the owed taxes, penalties, and interest. Once there is a foreclosure, this certificate is then made available for sale, usually in an auction.

There are two types of sales based on unpaid property taxes.

Tax Deed Sale:

A tax deed is a legal document that transfers property ownership from the homeowner who didn’t pay the taxes and the municipal governmental entity owed the taxes. In turn, the government then has the authority to sell the property, collect the owed taxes, and transfer ownership to the purchaser. In this case, the property is sold at auction and includes unpaid taxes. Buying a foreclosed property gives you complete ownership of the property. The price may start low but is often driven up by competing bidders. Once the property is purchased by the highest bidder, it is owned clear and free of all mortgages and liens against it.

Tax Lien Sale:

In this type of sale, the lien is auctioned off to the highest bidder. It includes the interest incurred. If the liens are not paid, the new owner can foreclose on the property. Many states will utilize a tax lien sale in an attempt to get their unpaid taxes from the homeowner. They usually come with high penalty fees. The process and time period associated with tax lien sales depends upon the state where the property is located. Homeowners whose property is sold in a tax lien sale are given a period of time— a redemption period—to pay their taxes plus interest to the holder of the lien.

The owner of the lien may not end up owning the property should the homeowner pay back the taxes plus interest. However, there is an opportunity to make money from the accrued interest. Interest rates vary by state, for example:

  • In Florida, the maximum interest rate is 18 percent with a guaranteed minimum of 5 percent on liens redeemed early.
  • The Mississippi tax lien rate is 18 percent—1.5 percent per month—and must be repaid in two years.
  • Iowa’s interest rate is on the lower side, at 2 percent.

The interest rates and sales process are structured by local jurisdictions and are also dependent upon the auction. Be sure to check with the municipality before making decisions. Because of low interest rates and the volatile stock market, many people are looking for other ways to get a return on their investment. With more than$14 billion in unpaid property taxes, purchasing properties with liens, for some, is a viable investment opportunity.

It is important to understand what you are buying before you make an offer. When you purchase a tax lien certificate, you are not attaining ownership of a piece of property. You are purchasing the lien on the property. The delinquent homeowner still owns the property. When you buy a tax deed, you take ownership of the property in its entirety.

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SBA Loan

5 Questions to ask when deciding on an SBA Loan

Capital is to a business what oxygen is to a plant. Without it, the business cannot grow and will very likely starve and die. Businesses find their capital in a variety of ways. Some simply have wealthy owners or investors who are willing to take the risk and provide the business the funding it needs to get started up and to take on major projects. Others sell stocks or bonds in the hopes of raising enough cash. While this may be the ideal situation for most businesses, it is not what most end up doing. For most businesses, the standard way to raise money is to get a business loan from a bank. The government knows this and has created a number of programs trying to help American small business succeed. For instance, the Small Business Administration, or SBA, has several different types of loans that are meant to privilege small businesses and help them grow. These are usually a great option for most small businesses. Is an SBA loan right for your business? Here are a few questions you should ask yourself. 1. Do I have all the information the bank will need? Since SBA loans are secured by the government, they have a standardized set of required information that must be sent into the bank. A few highlights from this list are: A well thought out business plan A business license A business credit report Business tax returns Resumes of key personnel Personal tax returns Personal financial statements from stakeholders with more than 20% of the business As you can see, the requirements here are rather extensive. The SBA is trying to minimize the default risk on these loans that they are ensuring. 2. Is my business eligible? SBA loans are meant to be accessible, but that doesn’t mean that everyone will be able to get one. The program does not rely on taxpayer money, so it takes steps to remain solvent. To be eligible, your business must be based and operate out of the United States. It must also work within an approved (though very large) list of industries. You must show that you are not able to get the same credit at reasonable terms through other means and also be below size requirements, typically meaning less than $15,000,000 in annual revenue. 3. Why am I seeking a loan? This is a good question to ask whether it is a personal or business loan. When seeking business credit, you must make sure your motivation is correct. Too many business owners get stuck financing vanity projects or trying to keep up cash flows with borrowed money when they really need to fix the root problem. It is always a good idea to speak with an accountant or financial professional before taking on business debt. Not only can they advise you if it is the best course of action, but they can also help you structure the business and the debt itself in the best way for your company. 4. Should I get an SBA Express loan? Knowing what kind of loan you need is just as important as knowing whether you need a loan or not. The SBA has six major categories of loans, so you will need to do your research before deciding which is right for you. For instance, there are options for businesses that need money quickly. The SBA Express loan program can get you approved for a loan in as little as 36 hours, much faster than the standard three months for most loans. If you need money now, it is there for you, but only if you are financing for the right reasons. 5. How will I pay it back? Loans are a normal part of business, and many businesses would not be where they are today without the financial help they received early on. That said, having a repayment plan is just as critical as every other step of the process. The bank you take your SBA loan out with will be more than happy to help you plan out how to repay them. It is worth noting that SBA loans do have an extra fee attached, anywhere from below 1% to around 3.5%. This is to make sure the program can stay solvent going forward since it does not receive taxpayer money, as previously mentioned. This fee is amortized over the life of the loan and is simply added into the payments you already have to make, so it is not even an out of pocket expense you need to budget for. This is certainly not an exhaustive list of questions. Anytime you are considering borrowing money, you need to do a tremendous amount of research and make sure that it is really the right decision for your business. Ultimately, you are the only one that will know whether or not this is the right course of action. Some business owners cite their gut feeling on this, others have methodologies for deciding. Regardless of your process speak to an expert about your financing options. Your business will thank you! Read Also: What Are The Alternatives For Small Business Startup Loans? Using Short-Term Loans To Help Rebuild Your Credit Score Why You Should Choose To Have An Asset Protection For Your Business

Employee Retention Tax Credit

Commonly Misunderstood Facts About The Employee Retention Tax Credit

The ERC, employee retention tax credit, or employee retention credit, is a hot topic regarding business taxes. However, it is often overlooked because it originated with the PPP or Paycheck Protection Program. Additionally, as more people are talking about it, it seems that many misunderstandings have caused business owners to believe that they don't qualify for it when they do.  Some of these misunderstandings stem from prior laws that have since changed, while others are based on the fact that some methods of getting ERC money are more popular than others. Additionally, there are other misunderstandings stemming from scams and confusion about the ERC. Here Are Four Common Misunderstood Facts About The Employee Retention Tax Credit Here are some frequent misconceptions regarding the ERC and the truth around them.  1. Two Eligibility Tests The most notable misconception is that a business must have a decrease in revenue to be eligible for the ERTC. This stems from the eligibility facet that states that companies must have a gross receipts decline compared to their pre-pandemic numbers to be eligible. This is one of the tests used to determine ERC eligibility and is the more popular option. However, some areas of confusion within this test include: An increase in revenue doesn't disqualify you if you still have a decrease in gross receipts.  This test is based on quarters, so failing to meet it in one quarter doesn't disqualify you from others.  There are multiple methods to apply a gross receipt test.  PPP loan money is not included in the amount you claim for the ERC.  While this is one test, there is also another. Although often overlooked, a full or partial suspension of operation due to government orders can also qualify your business without a decrease in gross receipts. Despite popular belief, you can still be eligible for the credit if you meet this requirement, even if you have an increase in revenue and do not have to shut down your business.  2. Credit Amount Employers who qualify can receive up to $7,000 per quarter per employee for the first three quarters of the year. Small businesses that opened during the COVID-19 pandemic can receive an extra $7,000 per employee. However, most companies will cap out at $21,000 per employee per year. If you have 100 employees meeting the salary requirements, you could receive $2,100,000.  The ERC is refundable, which means it will be a refund credit for these employers. That means you can still write off other expenses on your taxes and get a return. That can make it more desirable than other tax credits, which must be taken immediately or forfeited.  3. PPP Loan Disqualification Another common misconception is that receiving funds through the PPP disqualifies employers from ERC eligibility. While that was initially true, recent legislation has changed this. You can now receive PPP loans and an ERC, but you cannot use the same wage money towards both programs. That means that if you take out a loan, the money from it doesn't count towards your ERC. Instead, the money that you spend on paychecks in addition to your PPP loan is what matters toward your ERC.  4. Third-Party Assistance This is more of a warning about issues that have caused concern among business owners. Due to the potential for significant credits, many scams have been established to help business owners file for ERC money. While some small businesses are qualified to help individuals analyze the ERC laws and apply them for you, there are still scams out there. If you file with third-party help, ensure your chosen company is appropriately qualified.  These misunderstandings have kept many small business owners from applying for the ERC when they were eligible—small business owners who have previously missed out need to consider whether they qualify for the ERC. If you are eligible, you can receive thousands of dollars in tax credits. That can help your business recover from the recent pandemic and stay afloat amid future financially challenging times. Read Also: Five Ways an Employee Recognition Can Help Employees Perform Better The Role of Communication in Employee Retainment The Best Ways To Successfully Fund Our Dreams

Financial Advisor

6 Vital Reasons Why You Need A Financial Advisor

Having a financial advisor is one thing that can help you manage your finances and make the right business decisions. Many are times when we make financial decisions; we end up messing hence the need for someone who can help us. Here are the essential reasons why you need a financial advisor. 1. Financial Training: Most of us do not even have a rough idea on why we need to manage our finances and the in and see it of our investments hence the need for us to undergo through some financial training. Most financial advisor Atlanta GA will first start by training you on what finance is all about. Such financial training is vital for it will open you up to the field of finance hence empowering you with business knowledge that is essential even when the financial advisor is not available. 2. Gain from the Financial Advisor's Experience: Many financial advisors have helped so many people manage their finances hence they know the best ways to manage personal finances and get fruitful results. With a financial advisor, you can tap into their commercial experience and exposure. This enables you to learn better ways of handling your finances. Such disclosure will help you wisely do your financial dealings, avoiding financial pitfalls that have trapped many. 3. Get Financial Advise: A good financial advisor is knowledgeable and knows the various elements of the financial industry; hence, can offer you helpful financial advice. With a financial advisor Atlanta GA, you get to know the best places to invest in. Also, the financial planner can show you the various industries that are risky and the ones that are not risky, helping you not to invest blindly. 4. Offering You Tax Advise: Taxation is one key topic that has remained misunderstood by many, yet it has a significant impact on our finances. By working with a financial advisor, you will get advice on how to manage your tax liability, making you avoid pursuits from the taxman and their associated penalties. With proper tax management, you can even make some tax savings that will help you get some extra money that you can use elsewhere. 5. Research: Most financial advisors will do intensive research regarding the various fields of finances. By working with such financial advisors, you will get to benefit from their study making you understand the area of funds. You will, therefore, avoid making the wrong financial decisions. 6. Receive Investment Advise: A good financial advisor will teach you about Investments and advise you on what industries you should consider investing. With such knowledge, you will invest in Investments that will give you returns and not cause you to suffer losses. By investing right, you will get good performances that will lead to a significant increase in your income, the desire of everybody. 7. Leads to Your Financial Growth: Economic growth comes as a result of knowing what you should invest in, how to manage your outflows, and how to manage your inflows. Working with a financial advisor will expose you to all these areas. You will, therefore, grow financially and you can, as a result, make wise financial decisions. Conclusion: Having a financial advisor in your economic life is of great benefit. You will grow financially and get to know how to make wise Investments decisions. You need to get yourself a financial advisor. Read Also: DiversyFund Details 5 Steps To Protect Your Portfolio In A Difficult Environment Getting Your Personal Finances In Order With A Proper Budget Strategy How Digital Advisors Have Transformed The Investment Sector