Property Investment Success Stories

Published on: 12 December 2018 Last Updated on: 19 July 2019
Property Investment Success Stories

Many people have chosen the buy to let property investment route and though the market has had some recent knocks, investing in property continues to be a lucrative option. There are a number of property investment success stories out there, and we take a look at why choosing to invest in property can be such a great option.

In the UK there are more than a million buy to let property investors, most of who have a couple of properties earning rental income for them. Sometimes it can be a property they have inherited or bought when they were single, earning them the title of ‘amateur buy to letters’. However, there are a considerable number of people who have taken buy to let property investments to another level, becoming ‘megalandlords’ like Judith and Fergus Wilson who had a 1000 strong property empire worth around £200 million.

In a Daily Telegraph article looking at buy to let gurus, investors like Jim Haliburton who owns 160 properties in the West Midlands and is currently buying at least one property a month, is passionate about the benefits of buying to let. With a strategy of doubling his money by purchasing a two/three-bed terrace in 2012 for £80,000, spending £32,000 on converting it into a five-bedroom property and then letting for a total annual rent of £18,000, the current market value of the same property in 2014 was £180,000. This style of property investment was also popular with Steve Bolton, who owned 20 properties around Bournemouth and Poole, buying under-priced property and converting it to accommodate more tenants.

However, that kind of property investment isn’t the only option available. For many, buying property nearby and doing it up by themselves isn’t a possibility, but there are far more hands-off property investment strategies available. Property investment company RW Invest has a long list of successful property developments, where buy to let investors have gained substantially on their investment. Through monthly rents, guaranteed yields and below market value property prices, it can be an incredibly lucrative option to invest with a specialist company like this.

In general, UK property has proved to be an excellent investment, with price rises across the country. Property prices in the UK have risen by an incredible 281% since 1996, and in London, where house prices are now incredibly high – they have risen by 501%. The Nationwide house price index showed that buy to let property investors typically earned £14,987 for every £1000 that was invested twenty years ago. Further success stories include one property investor who purchased a £80,000 terraced house in Oxford with a £4,000 deposit which is now worthy £525,000. Another property success was a 1996 purchase of a 1500 square ft apartment in central London which was bought for £218,000 with a £25,000 deposit and is now worth £1.5 million.

Property investment continues to be one of the best investments out there, with huge price rises in the UK. As rents continue to rise across the country, buy to let property also ensures an increasing income for potential investors too. Though becoming the next property success story isn’t as far away from you as you might have thought, with lucrative property investments available in affordable cities in the UK.

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estate planning tips

5 Easy Estate Planning Tips to Help You Plan for the Future

Whether your estate is worth $10,000 or 1 million dollars, you'll want to have an estate plan in place to make sure your assets go to the right people. If you die unexpectedly without a will, much of your estate will get eaten up in taxes and lawyer fees to settle the estate and the money may not end up where you intend it to. Keep reading for 5 easy estate planning tips to make sure your affairs are in order should anything happen. 5 Estate Planning Tips You Should Take Now: Did you know that more than half of all Americans don't have a will? As unpleasant as it may be to think about planning for your death, it's necessary to protect your assets and your family. Take steps now to make sure your family doesn't have to stress about dealing with your assets upon your death. Here are some estate planning tips to make the process easy and painless. 1. Determine What Assets You Have: Before writing your will, going to an attorney, or planning your estate, you need to know what you have. Take an inventory of all of your assets and liabilities to determine what you are worth. Property, retirement accounts, bank accounts, investments, and life insurance policies. You'll need to list all of your assets to determine who gets what and how much of it they get. Some assets, such as a business, will require special consideration in your will or estate plan. 2. Decide Who Gets What and How It's Distributed: Now that you know what you have, you'll need to decide who (or what) your beneficiaries will be. Spouses, children, other family members, charitable organizations, etc. who get any part of your estate will be designated. Not only do you need to decide who gets your assets, but you will also need to specify how much or what percentage they get. If you have life insurance through your employer or another policy or other retirement accounts with designated beneficiaries, make sure you keep those updated. If you get married, divorced, or have more children, you may want to modify the stated beneficiaries on those policies. 3. Take Steps to Minimize Estate Taxes: If there might be significant taxes that your beneficiaries will owe, you can take steps to minimize these taxes ahead of time. You could leave taxable assets to charities or other non-profit organizations, take out life insurance policies to cover any estate taxes, or gift money to your beneficiaries before your death. 4. Choose Who Will Run the Estate: You'll need to choose an executor of your will. This could be a family member or an attorney, depending on the complexity of your estate. Choose someone whom you trust. You also will want to select someone to have the power of attorney if you become incapacitated. A health care directive is also smart to have, as this will allow your designee to make major medical decisions on your behalf should you be unable to. 5. Consider Hiring an Estate Planning Expert: Consider hiring a probate attorney to handle all of this for you. They will walk you through the process, advise you on the best course of action, and then handle any issues with the estate after your passing. The Bottom Line: Although no one wants to think about their death, making sure your assets are protected and that your beneficiaries are taken care of is a smart move to make. Use these estate planning tips to get yourself started. For more lifestyle tips and resources, explore some of our other blog posts. Read Also: The Best Strategies For Retirement Funds Distribution How Do Law Firms Help Companies With Their Real Estate Issues?

Invest In Oceanfront Homes

Top 5 Reasons To Invest In Oceanfront Homes

Are you thinking of investing in a home? If so, you may want to consider investing in oceanfront homes for sale in North Carolina. There are many benefits to doing so. This article will discuss five reasons why oceanfront homes are a great investment. 1. High Demand For Tourists Oceanfront homes are highly coveted and usually come with a heftier price tag. But if you're looking for a great return on investment, oceanfront homes for sale in North Carolina are worth considering – they're in high demand, after all. Across the globe, oceanfront homes for sale can guarantee to attract attention from potential buyers as soon as they're put on the market. This is because oceanfront homes provide amazing views and a distinctive way of life - you can watch the sunrise over the ocean every morning or take an afternoon stroll by its pristine shores. Additionally, oceanfront properties make ideal vacation homes as many travelers are keen to experience luxury resort-style living without breaking their bank accounts. 2. Variety Of Sporting Activities Investing in oceanfront homes for sale in North Carolina is an excellent idea for those who love physically active lifestyles and enjoy participating in various sports. Whether you’re looking for a spot to challenge yourself with swimming, kayaking, surfing, or any other ocean-related sports, oceanfront properties typically offer the perfect atmosphere to do so. These activities can be done close to home, and the oceanfront view can also increase your enjoyment. When you purchase an oceanfront property for sale nearly anywhere, you have immediate access to many of these activities. 3. Serene Environment` Oceanfront homes for sale in North Carolina offer a unique combination of peace and grandeur that cannot be matched. The sound of the ocean waves crashing against the shore, the view of white sand and crystal blue waters, and the gentle ocean breeze against your skin make oceanfront living serene. These feelings of relaxation can be a realization of freedom, allowing inhabitants to escape the stresses of work or life in general. 4. Like-Minded Neighbors Another reason to invest in oceanfront homes for sale in North Carolina is the like-minded neighbors you'll find there. Not only will these neighbors be able to share their appreciation of ocean life and oceanfront views, but they’ll also be knowledgeable about unique situations. like storms and sea level changes. With this kind of community, you’ll feel supported by those around you living in oceanfront housing. 5. Improved Health Lastly, living near ocean water has been linked with many positive benefits for physical and mental well-being. An oceanfront home allows you to enjoy the ocean air, which contains beneficial minerals. Getting out and going for a walk or swimming along the waterfront can be a great stress reliever and has been shown to boost moods and energy levels. The relaxing sound of ocean waves and the salty ocean breeze offers an environment that improves sleep quality and provides more restful nights. Find Your Oceanfront Homes For Sale In North Carolina Finding oceanfront homes for sale in North Carolina is a process that takes time and patience. However, finding your perfect dream home is well worth the effort. With the help of a real estate agent, you can easily find it for sale that meet all of your specific criteria. So, what are you waiting for? You can start searching for your new home today. Thanks for reading. Additional: Top 5 Most Expensive Beachfront Homes Interiors to Reduce the Heat Build-up in Your Homes 5 Things You Should Know About Heating and Cooling Tiny Homes


The Ultimate Moving Checklist – Things you Need to do When Moving

If you are moving to a new place, you have to wind up a long list of things. To do all the jobs peacefully and make your move flawless it is better you create a moving checklist. Making a checklist, sticking it in a place of your frequent visits to give you timely reminders, and doing the tasks defined in the list one by one will not make you feel burdened. But what should be there is the checklist? If it is your first time everything must be haphazard for you. You might be completely clueless about where to begin. Well, there is nothing to panic about. The blog below is a complete guide for you. If you follow the things in the blog you will move with ease. Effective Checklist for Smooth Relocation: The checklist can be referred to as a schedule for different things to be done while moving. You can also write when to begin a particular time and in what duration it should be complete. The first thing to be done for moving is to divide the things at your home into four parts. The first list of what you will carry with you, the second list must contain what you want to donate, the third list must be things to be sold and last but not least things to be recycled. Get rid of the list second, third and fourth. Your home must now contain the things you want to carry along. The second thing to do is to hire movers. To hire moving companies you must know the best company in your locality You can know about it either by carrying out a ground survey or online. Make sure to contact previous customers in case of the ground survey and read the reviews in case of online inspection. Compare the cost between your preferred choices along with a comparison of the services offered by them. Now check the availability of the moving company on your desired date and time. Finalize the moving company by completing the documentation. Now, comes the packing part. Decide if you want to do it yourself or hire packers. Start with the packing process at least a month before your move or you can decide it based on the size of your home. If you are going for a long-distance move you must pack the things much before in comparison to a local move. Begin with packing starting from a single room. Once you complete with a place, then shift to another. Label each box that is packed and keep it in a single place. All the packed things must be locked in one place. Make sure you pack the most used place in the last. The kitchen would be last in the series. Change your address at all the important places like shopping websites, with friends and acquaintances on your important documents, and wherever you feel it's necessary. Put all your important documents and bills intact in a file. The file should be kept along with you in your car and not the loading truck. You might require any document anytime, so make sure you do not miss out on anything. Load the trucks, clean your home, lock, and move. It is advised that you must reach your new place prior to your luggage so that you can arrange the things instantly. Conclusion: Moving can be as easy as you feel while reading the blog if all the things are carried out in a specific order. With all the above tips you will never be in a situation of panic, not even for a single moment. Read also:  The Five Most Important Things to Know Before Moving