5 Easy Estate Planning Tips to Help You Plan for the Future

Published on: 21 February 2019 Last Updated on: 09 January 2021
estate planning tips

Whether your estate is worth $10,000 or 1 million dollars, you’ll want to have an estate plan in place to make sure your assets go to the right people. If you die unexpectedly without a will, much of your estate will get eaten up in taxes and lawyer fees to settle the estate and the money may not end up where you intend it to.

Keep reading for 5 easy estate planning tips to make sure your affairs are in order should anything happen.

5 Estate Planning Tips You Should Take Now:

Did you know that more than half of all Americans don’t have a will? As unpleasant as it may be to think about planning for your death, it’s necessary to protect your assets and your family. Take steps now to make sure your family doesn’t have to stress about dealing with your assets upon your death.

Here are some estate planning tips to make the process easy and painless.

1. Determine What Assets You Have:

Before writing your will, going to an attorney, or planning your estate, you need to know what you have. Take an inventory of all of your assets and liabilities to determine what you are worth.

Property, retirement accounts, bank accounts, investments, and life insurance policies. You’ll need to list all of your assets to determine who gets what and how much of it they get. Some assets, such as a business, will require special consideration in your will or estate plan.

2. Decide Who Gets What and How It’s Distributed:

Now that you know what you have, you’ll need to decide who (or what) your beneficiaries will be. Spouses, children, other family members, charitable organizations, etc. who get any part of your estate will be designated.

Not only do you need to decide who gets your assets, but you will also need to specify how much or what percentage they get. If you have life insurance through your employer or another policy or other retirement accounts with designated beneficiaries, make sure you keep those updated.

If you get married, divorced, or have more children, you may want to modify the stated beneficiaries on those policies.

3. Take Steps to Minimize Estate Taxes:

If there might be significant taxes that your beneficiaries will owe, you can take steps to minimize these taxes ahead of time. You could leave taxable assets to charities or other non-profit organizations, take out life insurance policies to cover any estate taxes, or gift money to your beneficiaries before your death.

4. Choose Who Will Run the Estate:

You’ll need to choose an executor of your will. This could be a family member or an attorney, depending on the complexity of your estate. Choose someone whom you trust.

You also will want to select someone to have the power of attorney if you become incapacitated. A health care directive is also smart to have, as this will allow your designee to make major medical decisions on your behalf should you be unable to.

5. Consider Hiring an Estate Planning Expert:

Consider hiring a probate attorney to handle all of this for you. They will walk you through the process, advise you on the best course of action, and then handle any issues with the estate after your passing.

The Bottom Line:

Although no one wants to think about their death, making sure your assets are protected and that your beneficiaries are taken care of is a smart move to make. Use these estate planning tips to get yourself started.

For more lifestyle tips and resources, explore some of our other blog posts.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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How to Prepare for Your Big Move to Brea, California

Brea, California, a city in Orange County, is six miles north of Anaheim, California, and two miles east of La Habra, California. The well-known Brea Mall and the revitalized downtown have made the city a well-known destination for shopping. Its extensive public art program includes a huge collection of works of art dispersed around the city. When the village of Olinda was founded at the start of the 19th century, many businesspeople came in search of oil. The Union Oil Corporation purchased a sizable parcel of land for oil extraction. By 1898, oil drilling towers surrounded the area. In 1911, the villages of Olinda and Randolph were merged into the town of Brea. Meaning “tar” in Spanish, Brea was home to 752 residents when it was incorporated as a city in February 1917. It was recognized as the eighth official city in Orange County. Home to coffee shops and parks, Brea is considered one of the best places to live in California. Therefore, preparing for a move here can indeed be exciting. Planning for a Move to Brea To start preparing for a big move to Brea, you’ll need to make a checklist and plan the following activities. 1. Get Prequalified for a Loan The first thing you need to do is get prequalified for a loan. Doing so will help you see what you can afford in Brea real estate. This will also make it easier for you to search for homes online. Before you begin any search, get prequalified first so you’ll save time and can find a house that meets your monetary criteria. 2. Select an Area Realtor After you get prequalified for home financing, you’ll need to contact a local Brea realtor. He knows the neighborhoods and can direct you to the best Brea real estate listings. For example, some homes are listed at over $1,000,0000 and offer 4 bedrooms and 3 baths, while others feature 3 bedrooms and two bathrooms for around $270,000. Therefore, a realtor can direct you to the property that best fits your current and future housing needs. They will do all the legwork for you while you find the houses that attract your attention online. 3. Search Real Estate Online and Drive by the Chosen Properties Narrow down your choices to about three houses. You don’t want to overdo it. Pick those houses that meet your financing requirements close to where you work or near parks and shopping. After this, drive by the home and check out the surrounding area. 4. Scheduled a Tour with a Realtor Next, schedule a time to see the property with your realtor. Be prepared to ask questions. If you’re interested in a specific home, have your realtor take care of the offer and negotiation process. Begin Your Search for a Brea Home Today You’ve got a lot to think about and to plan if you’re going to move to a great city like Brea. That’s why it’s essential to be confident about your house-hunting and buying objectives. By creating a checklist, you can move quickly forward toward your goal of finding your dream house in Brea. Additionals: Great Tips for Picking the Right Moving CompanyHow To Select The Right Packing Paper For Your Moving NeedsTop 10 Household Items That Are Commonly Damaged During Moving


10 Rights You Have as a Tenant That Your Landlord Won’t Tell You About

Whether you rent a fully-furnished property or an unfurnished property to fill with your own furniture, or you rent furniture, there are certain inalienable rights that Indian law grants you as a tenant. Some of these rights pertain to your rights in negotiating the rental agreement, others offer protections during the rental for you and your furniture, for example, your couch or refrigerator on rent. However, in all scenarios, the law is on your side as the tenant and under no circumstances can your landlord breach these rights. Fixation of Fair Rent: As a contractual tenant, you are offered protections on the price you agreed to pay for the property rental. This means that during the contracted period, your landlord cannot unjustly increase the rental price. If the landlord believes you are not paying enough rent for the property, he or she must approach the Rent Control Court to apply a fair rent to the property. The Rent Control Court dictates that fair rent is 9% of the total market value for the building. Fit for Living: The tenant has the right to a property that is fit to be lived in. If the property becomes unsafe due to bad electrical wiring, and holes in the floor, or ceiling, the landlord must take measures to repair the property and ensure it is fit to be lived in. Peace of Living: As a tenant, you are entitled to peaceful living. This means the landlord cannot enter the rented property without prior notice and communication. Essential Services: The landlord cannot disconnect essential services like electricity and water. If your landlord is threatening to do this over late rent or any other dispute, inform them that you will approach the Rent Control Court and file a complaint against them. Points of Contact: The tenant must have the contact information, including telephone numbers, email addresses, and postal addresses of the landlord. The landlord is also available to contact at any time. Unfair Eviction: The landlord cannot evict a tenant without valid reasons. They must also inform the tenant as to what those reasons are. There are only a select number of valid reasons for which a landlord can seek eviction. These are unpaid rental payments, the tenant subletting the property without the landlord’s consent, causing a nuisance, or if the landlord has plans to move into the property themselves. Repairs: The landlord is obliged to pay for any repairs to the property. If the tenant pays for any repairs out of their pocket, they are entitled to reimbursement from the landlord. Deposit Return: The landlord cannot withhold the security deposit without citing specific, valid reasons. Building Energy Rating: Before signing the tenancy agreement, the tenant must be able to access the property’s Building Energy Rating (BER). This is the rating which informs prospective tenants how energy-efficient the property is and is a reflection on how much heating and air conditioning bills might be. Legal Heirs: In the event of a tenant’s death, all of the legal protections afforded to that tenant are immediately passed to their legal heirs. This means the landlord cannot evict the legal heir of the deceased tenant without a valid reason. Read Also: 5 Ways To Become A Profitable Landlord Benefits Of Investing In City Centre Property

Construction Safety

Construction Safety – What you didn’t know!

No matter your business, there are a few topics no business plan should be without. Safety is one of them. Construction safety is of prime importance when you are investing your money in any real estate project. Even if your premises only consists of an office, your workers’ safety must be paramount. And it’s much more than simply keeping them out of harm’s way! Safe work environments prove your concern for employees and when workers feel respected, they’re happier. That means higher productivity overall. So it’s a win-win for all involved. And there are few environments where this is as important as the construction industry. With multiple factors influencing safety levels and work often taking place meters from the ground, safety measures are non-negotiable. In this article, we will touch on some aspects of a construction site that pertains to Occupational Health and Safety in today’s world. Know your facts so you can take extra good care of your team. This is how you keep them safe and build up a reputation as a preferred employer. Fall Protection Explained One important aspect to cover is falling protection. Fall protection refers to the implementation of systems that assure the Construction safety of workers. These systems are: Correctly built scaffolding structures, stable work surfaces. Guard Rails. Safety nets and/or covers. Restraint systems. Fall arrest systems such as structures with roof anchor points. Correctly equipped and educated workers. You can see it goes much further than the physical aspects of your work environment. Do you take it one step further in empowering your workers with knowledge too? Equipped, alludes to hard hats, steel toe boots, and reflective vests. But educated refers to training and onsite communication of safety regulations & best practice. If your team doesn’t know how to implement the equipment you invest in, you’re not really keeping them safe. What to Consider in Health and Construction Safety Measures Now that you’re up to speed, let’s discuss a few major safety aspects which according to the studies are leading causes of injuries and fatalities. Scaffolding For any construction work, the first point of concern is scaffolding. At first glance, scaffolding seems like thrown together bars and columns made of steel. But there is so much more that goes into the correct and safe erection & utilization of these structures. Vital points of consideration include: Scaffolding needs to be a rigid structure able to handle its own weight plus four times the intended load without compromising stability. The support structure can’t consist of movable objects such as bricks or barrels. The structure must not be moved, altered or manipulated without supervision or instruction of someone competent or qualified. Accessories on Scaffolding Each item you use on a scaffolding structure must be considered too: Guardrails and platforms must all be tightly bound with quality material. All equipment must be inspected before use and frequently thereafter. Braces, brackets, screws, nuts, and bolts or stairs & ladders cannot be compromised. Any weakened or damaged accessories need to be replaced or overhauled immediately. A golden rule is simply this: if there’s a chance that there’s increased the risk to people’s safety, review, repair or replace. Rigging It’s not only the infrastructure you create that’s important. Every object attached to workers affects their safety. So, lastly, rigging on scaffolding is integral in the safety of all working on site. Rigging refers to: Harnesses Ropes Equipment that prevents workers from falling These are some of the essential facts that you can consider for your construction safety. While much of these accessories prevent falls, they should also be designed to prevent someone from falling too far in the event of an accident. This matter closely relates to our first remark on ‘fall protection’. Fall Protection—What do You Need? Falling on construction sites is the single highest cause of fatalities within the construction industry. There are several causes of these incidents such as unstable work surfaces, the misuse or complete failure to utilize fall protection equipment at all and most commonly, human error. Can you prevent some of these risks? Thanks to innovation workers can enjoy more peace of mind than a few decades ago. Advances have been made to ensure the rate of error decreases drastically. The solution can be as simple as using: Guard rails Safety nets Restraint systems Roof anchor points. The latter is an especially popular option. Devices Explained Roof anchor points are multi-purpose stainless steel roof mounted anchors used for construction or maintenance. Typically, you’ll find a flat plate with a D-shaped ring mounted on the roof’s surface. The benefit is these anchors can work on many surfaces including asphalt, cement, steel or tiles. With an almost unlimited life span, this equipment provides comprehensive safety measures. But once again a warning about the responsibility that lies with all site managers: the roof anchor point, harness, and lanyards must be inspected by the manufacturer or competent Construction safety officer to ensure proficiency. Conclusion As innovations increase there is an increasing number of ways to safeguard your team. How up to date are you? And when last did you audit your equipment and your staff’s knowledge about using it? Quick review benefits all involved, makes everyone feel safe and buys you your team’s loyalty in the long run. 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