Why Off-Plan Investment Is Beneficial For Expats


18 March 2019



Considering the potential of gaining those profitable gains from Dubai’s profitable estate industry? Dubai is known to be a blossoming sector for property investment throughout the world, although current economic times have been diminishing the returns of investment (ROI) for present property owners. Nevertheless, through careful planning and consideration, you can alleviate these economic repercussions and continue to weather the storm until the business cycle inevitably stabilizes. With that said, the best advice to be given to foreign investors looking to partake in the real estate industry in Dubai is most certainly to look for off plan real estate projects currently in place, which may yield the most lucrative rewards.

Perfect Investment Opportunity for Expats:

If you reside in another country far from Dubai itself, the regulations here in Dubai are quite lenient for you to be able to buy a property within the city. This came as a result of the current economic downturn of the local real estate industry, although the cycle trend has started to shift upwards again, come 2019. Since 2002, foreigners purchasing Dubai properties have been given leeway to own freehold properties without the need to register for holding visas in the city. However, if you want to visit your property, you will have to apply for a Property Holders Visa which is applicable for 6 months before requiring renewal. Still, this is only available for properties which range higher than AED 1 million in market price.

Why Property Investment in Dubai is a Brilliant Idea?

Off-plan properties in Dubai also offer the most reasonable prices for expats to own their dream house here in the city! Developers are willing to accept market price cuts and allow discounts for potential buyers to initiate a sale during a project’s kick-off phase. Considering that these properties have yet to be completed, some may not even be started yet; the ball is on the buyers’ court where purchasing power is given to your hands.

Dreaming of owning a home overseeing the city’s sprawling towers behind beautiful crystal-blue waterlines? Dubai Creek Harbour projects are among the most in-demand property developments currently being pursued by potential investors around the world! Investing your time, and money, towards these upcoming off-plan properties in Dubai, will surely pave a way to more possibilities for you.

The Benefits of Investing in Off-Plan Properties:

Due to volatile market fluctuations and the frequent regulation changes made by the United Arab Emirates (UAE), purchasing off-plan properties will benefit you by locking the price of your preferred investment and safeguarding you from any unforeseen market changes.

With the current market starting to experience a stabilizing cycle transition, you can look to avoid higher sale prices by committing to property early on in its development.

Secure Long Term Investment and Peace of Mind:

 With all these shared, it is high time that you start looking for off-plan properties to buy here, in Dubai. Delaying it longer will only endear you to higher opportunity costs in the long run. In addition, you may even find yourself completely outpaced by other investors who have invested earlier in their pursuits than you! Come make your interests known, and you will find that Dubai is indeed a land full of opportunities to be explored.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Business Systems

The Value of Business Systems

Creating a business is always exciting. The challenge of building an organization from the ground up is more than exhilarating. Running the company, however, is another story. It can be a chore (and sometimes, even a big bore), especially when foolproof systems are not in place. So if you're looking to improve your business performance and spend more time outside the office, you need to recognize the value of business systems. What are Business Systems? Business systems are a series of procedures that help employees implement a specific type of service consistently. These systems usually come with business processes, which many know as standard operating procedures. With this series of checklists, the team can follow a work step even without undergoing training. Why Companies Need Business Systems and Processes It goes without saying that these help you effectively manage day-to-day operations. Without this, your company will crumble. Just think of it this way: it's like losing a vital piece of the puzzle when one management worker resigns or calls in sick. That said, the value of these systems are summarized into these five benefits: A Business System Provides Consistency Zak Frazer once said: "The key to success is consistency." With systems and processes, you deliver consistent services to your customers. After all, these procedures and checklists keep your efforts aligned. When you have happy customers, they will keep coming back to your business. You generate the revenue you need because they keep spending money on your services over and over again. Business Systems Improve Service Efficiency Some companies fail to be consistent because they don't have systems and processes to follow. The employees do one thing, while the management does another. So if you don't want to sow some business discord, you need to have a system in place. That way, everybody meets the objective because everyone follows the same written process. Business Systems and Processes are Indispensable Assets Say you want to sell your company's stakes in the future. You have a bigger chance of getting investors if you have a business system in place. It's your way of telling them that you have an established work process, a solid customer base, and a steady stream of sales. Businesses With Systems Scale Faster When you have a system in place, you can focus on other things. You're no longer bound to implementing any one program. Since the business process offers the support you need, you get to work on other strategies instead. So if you want unprecedented business growth, you need to have system resources in place. That way, you can develop other products and services that appeal to other customers. A Business System Can Bring Down Labor Costs While no software can replace the human touch, there are some business operations that systems can efficiently complete. Many of them are mundane and repetitive, which is a waste of money on your part. By giving these non-essential processes to business systems, you can make the most out of your team. For example, you can install software that helps them answer generic queries. That way, your workers can spend more time creating marketing strategies instead. The Different Business Systems You Need to Have in Place As mentioned, systems offer many benefits to businesses. So if you want to be as successful as every other owner, here are the four essential systems you need to have in place: Marketing System Marketing is all about promoting your products. It allows you to have a good flow of leads. With this, you can market your items without putting in a lot of effort. Think of it as a passive way of generating customers for your business. Sales System With marketing systems bringing in leads, it's up to the sales system to nurture them. Such programs make customer follow-up easier. Your employees could work on another strategy since the business systems can do this repetitive thing for them. Fulfillment Systems Now that you have sold your products, you have to make sure that the delivery process is seamless. You can please your customer with fulfillment programs that do everything for you. All you just need to do is wait for them to pick up the parcels at your place! Administration Systems If you've managed several workers, you know how stressful it is to do clerical activities. With administration systems, however, you don't have to worry about this aspect of your business. Such programs can help you with human resource management, customer accounts, and reception. Now, all you need to do is focus on business growth, just like other business owners do! As you see in this article, quality business systems will benefit your organization and help you scale to greater heights. Grow your business right now by setting up these processes as soon as you can. Read Also: Insurance Business: What Startups Need To Know What Are the Alternatives for Small Business Startup Loans? Startup Business Management: How to Effectively Incorporate Use of SEO

Business Profile

Building Your Business Profile Is Easier Than You Think

Many people working in the business are pursuing an MBA as the next step in their professional development so they can increase their future job prospects. MBA programs located in major cities are drawing talented and inventive people from around the world who want to learn and network with the best of the best. Nowadays, an MBA is essential to your professional resume if you want it to stand out to recruiters because it’s a designation that shows leadership, teamwork skills and adaptability. The fact that many schools require students to have a few years of work experience before they dive into their MBA helps increase job prospects for students because they already have practical knowledge to do with their field. The requirement for work experience helps students understand what they may want to pursue as a specialization in order to improve their knowledge and performance in certain areas of business. It’s a good idea to pay attention to the location of your school’s campus and its proximity to the city’s thriving business community in order for you to get the maximum amount of opportunities to network. Many people working in the business sector are pursuing a part-time MBA in Toronto while they work full time and choosing specific specializations that can help them increase their profile with greater specificity. Building your business profile is easier in Toronto because it is Canada’s economic capital. The Lazaridis School of Business & Economics is a globally recognized AASCB accredited school that offers a part-time MBA program located in the Sun Life building in the heart of Toronto. The school’s reputation for distinguished faculty members and a variety of specialization options allows the institution to draw talent from around the world. You can complete your degree in 2.3 years or spread it out over 4 years on an evening and alternate weekend schedule (Friday evenings and Saturday daytime). There are nine different specialization options that will help your resume stand out to employers such as Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Financial Management, International Business Management, Operations Management, Accounting, Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management, Strategic Management and Human Resources Management. It is important for students to achieve a prestigious degree that centers on a textbook education but also allows them to bond with some of the brightest minds in their field. A school’s proximity to major social events and business functions makes the networking aspect of your degree easier, allowing you to make connections that could lead to better job prospects. Schools like these put on social events like GMAT, math and verbal refresher courses as well as the Laurier Finance Meetup, an event that brings together students and leading business figures. Attending a school located near Bay Street in Toronto is essential to students who value a dynamic learning experience. An MBA in the city is the next step for those who want to visualize their own success, as they blend in with industry leaders while learning skills that will up the value of their business profile. Read Also: Why Every Business Needs Digital Marketing Six Pointers To Starting A Successful Business

poor management

6 Signs Of Poor Management That Can Lead To Loss in 2024

Poor management can lead to a great loss for the company. It can destroy a working environment and create confusion in the workplace. This can decrease your company’s assets and, thus, cause your business to suffer. At the same time, excellent management can be the key to a successful business. Enforcing good habits can help you to create a work atmosphere where the employees are focused enough to meet your business objectives.  Building a brand can take years of hard work, but destroying the same can take only minutes. So, this is the reason why watching your own management skills is very important, and you are expected to consider this at the beginning. 6 Signs Of Poor Management That Can Lead To Loss  Bad management can impact employees and a company’s overall progress. It can cause organizations to close their door permanently.  If you are the owner of your business, then motivating your employees from time to time is necessary. It is because when a manager fails to inspire his team via guidance and instructions, it eventually leads to poor management.  Now, let’s consider the top signs of poor management that can lead to great loss for your business in 2021. 1. Bad Attitude If a boss is sour or has a bad attitude, then nobody wants to discuss vital issues with that boss, and this can affect the business to a great extent. The nature of the company’s upper management individuals should be good because it sets the tone for the rest of the employees. It is obvious that no one wants to work in a toxic environment where upper managers have a bad attitude towards juniors. And this affects the overall revenue of the company.  Thus, make sure that no one behaves badly in your workplace. It is because this can give rise to an unfavorable working environment where employees will not feel comfortable working.  2. Not Making Productive Use Of Employees Getting to know people at the business creates a feeling of goodwill, which helps a leader know each employee’s strengths and weaknesses. However, unable to identify your own company’s productive employees is a popular sign of poor management that can lead to great loss for your business. Communicating with employees regularly will help you know the problems they are facing, and solving them will create a friendly environment for them.  Thus, planning your employee’s comfort zone and creating a suitable environment for them to work effectively can retain your employees and add value to your management skills. 3. Stubborn And Unwillingness To Adapt And Listen The owner of a company should never be stubborn or rude. If you are a part of upper management skills, then you must have the willingness to listen and adapt to everything that takes place in your workplace. A business can lack innovation significantly if the managers have too much pride in themselves. In the end, this results in your company’s losses. So, adapt everything that takes place around you and take the ideas of your productive employees if they have any.  Believe me; some employees have great innovative ideas that can truly bring a change to your company’s returns. Therefore, this is a way to overcome poor management for your firm. 4. Poor Communication And Decision Making Another sign of bad management that can lead to loss is poor communication and decision-making by the senior managers. This means that the seniors need to set the expectations for the job and make decisions to meet the objectives of the business. Effective communication can be the key for your business to get more clients, which will improve the company’s conditions financially.  Business’s investment returns are very important, and if it does not increase, then there is a high chance that the company’s door can be closed forever.  5. Avoiding Recognition You should always praise your employees for their good work. Otherwise, this will lead to a lack of recognition in the workplace, and this decreases the overall productivity of employees.  When your employees have some talent that can turn their passion into profit, why not use it for your business! As a business owner, you need to see everything from a boss’s perspective without hurting your employee’s trust. Thus, when employees are not recognized for their accomplishments, they don’t feel valued anymore, and they work in a state of fear all the time. So, it’s your duty to eliminate this poor management and create a friendly atmosphere.  6. Poor Quality Of Products  For almost every business, customers are the king. But if you deliver poor quality products to them, then it can lead to bad management of the workplace. The results will become unfavorable if the employees are not supervised properly.  To make your customers satisfied should be your first criteria, and you can achieve this with your hard-working team members. You need to stay focused with your employees on the work, and this comes under the category of excellent management by a team leader.  A poor manager will always drag his team down, whereas a good manager with a self-reflective attitude will always take his team forward. Thus, poor quality of products can lead to a huge loss, so you need to pay attention to this at any cost.  How Does Poor Management Start People mostly receive promotions based on their performance in a previous job role. Without proper training for a bigger position, employees stay ill-prepared for the position, and it causes trouble for all the people involved. It can become difficult to lead a company that has people who have poor culture. The manager then has less help to learn the ropes of the new position. Toxic behaviors, including gossip, are already rampant in every workplace, which adds to the problems. Changing a culture is really tall order, especially for a manager.  There are many managers who do not possess much empathy by default. This gives them a hard time being in tune with the employee's emotions and then responding to them accordingly.  The only good thing about all these problems is that they can be overcome with conscious steps taken to change and develop the workplace. Final Thoughts  It’s very important to identify every poor management that occurs in your workplace because it can close your company’s revenue door and, thus, cause huge losses.  To save you time and effort, we have listed the top 6 signs of poor management for your company that can lower your business revenues. You can also mention some more in the comment section below if you have some more points that should be highlighted. Read Also: Top 10 Best Serial Entrepreneur Of All Time How Successful People Think? Here Is Your Answer How To Recover Deleted Facebook Messages Using Com.Facebook.orca?