Investments 101: How to Choose a Smart Stock


28 March 2019


how to choose stocks

There are less than 4,000 publicly traded companies in the US today, down from the 1997 high of more than 7,000. Such a limited pool doesn’t make it any easier to pick stocks these days, though.

In fact, one of the first questions new investors ask is about how to choose stocks. The stock market is a big gamble, and if you choose right, you can win big time.

In this guide, we’ll go over the steps you should follow to pick a good stock. You may not be the next Wolf of Wall Street, but selecting the right stocks will put you on firm financial footing.

Assess Your Goals:


It’s easy to ask how to find good stocks. The problem is that “good” is relative to what you want from investing.

The very first thing you need to do is to take a look at your own goals. Why are you investing? What do you hope to get out of buying stocks?

Answering this question will provide the underlying “investment theory” for your stock-picking strategy. If you want to maximize your returns and get out of the market, you’ll need one strategy. If you plan to be in it for the long haul, you’ll likely use a different strategy.

Start with Index Funds:

Index funds, like mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs), are a great place to start. First, they make good beginner investments. You can buy into one of these funds to gain exposure to the market.

With mutual funds or ETFs, you don’t need to buy every individual stock in the fund. They also have low management fees.

For those of you wondering how to pick a stock, they’re also a great place to start your research. These funds contain most of the large companies in a given industry. They also collect information on the performance of their holdings.

You can then narrow down the list to the individual stocks you’re interested in. The index fund can tell you that industry is on the rise. It can also tell you which companies are outperforming others in the same industry.

Evaluating Financial Health:

After you’ve picked some individual companies, you’ll want to evaluate their financial health. The next question you should ask is what to look for when buying stock.

Information about performance and profits is easy enough to come by. You’ll also want to look at more intangible factors, such as the company’s staff. What makes them unique?

A good way to collect some of this information is to look at investor presentations. They often share details that will help you learn how to pick good stocks.

Another thing you can do is check forecasts. For example, you can look at the Valeant stock forecast to see how a certain company is recovering from a major scandal.

No Magic Formula for How to Choose Stocks:

Keep in mind that there’s a human factor involved in the stock market. You can do careful research and invest in what you think is the best stock. Key personnel could then leave the company, and the stock underperforms.

The long and short if it is there’s no magic formula for picking good stocks every time. Understanding your goals and doing careful research will help you make better choices.

Start Building Your Financial Future:

This quick guide should give you some more ideas about how to choose stocks that support your goals. As you continue to invest, you’ll be able to refine your strategy.

Interested in diversifying your portfolio? Check out our blog for more informative articles. We have advice that can help you work toward a brighter financial tomorrow.

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Business Insurance Agent

Choosing The Right Business Insurance Agent In Illinois

Illinois, a vibrant and diverse state with a thriving business community, presents unique challenges and opportunities for business owners. Navigating this region's complex business insurance landscape requires a knowledgeable and experienced insurance agent. The right insurance agent is crucial in helping Illinois business owners understand and choose the best insurance policies to protect their assets. This guide aims to assist in selecting an ideal business insurance broker Illinois, emphasizing the qualities to look for and the steps to take. An informed choice in this area secures your business and offers peace of mind. Understanding the Role of a Business Insurance Agent Business insurance agents specialize in helping businesses identify their insurance needs. They offer invaluable advice on various policies, including property insurance, liability insurance, workers' compensation, and more. A competent agent not only provides insurance solutions but also offers ongoing support and guidance. They act as a bridge between the business and the insurance world, demystifying the process and ensuring the business's best interests are met. Qualities of a Good Insurance Agent Expertise in Business Insurance: Look for agents with a strong background in business insurance, ideally with experience in your specific industry. Their depth of knowledge can be crucial in identifying risks unique to your business sector. Knowledge of Illinois Insurance Laws: An agent should be well-versed in Illinois's specific insurance laws and requirements. This local expertise ensures compliance and optimal coverage. Strong Communication Skills: Effective communication is vital. The agent should be able to explain complex insurance terms in understandable language. They must also be good listeners to fully understand your business needs. Client-Centered Approach: A good agent prioritizes the needs and interests of their clients, offering tailored advice and solutions. They should make you feel your business is valued and understood. Steps to Finding the Right Agent Research Potential Agents: Start by searching for insurance agents in Illinois with strong reputations. Online reviews and testimonials can be helpful. Word-of-mouth recommendations from fellow business owners can also be invaluable. Check Credentials and Experience: Ensure the agent is licensed in Illinois and has relevant experience in business insurance. Their track record can often indicate their ability to handle complex insurance issues. Schedule Consultations: Meet with a few agents to discuss your business needs. This allows you to assess their expertise and communication style. It also gives a sense of their responsiveness and willingness to engage with you. Compare Quotes and Policies: Analyze the insurance products each agent offers. 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Capex Trading

Capex Trading Platform Review

Brokerage companies are constantly launching proprietary and new platforms, as some of their clients look to use other software rather than just the traditional MT4 or MT5. Capex is one of the brokers that had developed its own Web-based platform and today we’ll get a close look at some of the features it offers. Capex Trading Platform Review: User-friendly and improved design Investing in proprietary trading solutions means a company can come out with an improved platform tailored toward clients’ needs. The Capex trading platform comes with dedicated instruments & account panels, which give you complete control over activities like order management, deposits, and withdrawals. With refined asset monitoring, you’ll have access to insightful data on each instrument you want to trade, no matter whether it is a rising or falling market. The layout also includes enhanced functionalities for a one-stop trading experience, all of them organized in menus easy to navigate. Improved decision-making: If you are at the beginning in your trading journey, or if you simply want to put your own trading ideas to the test by seeing what other experts think about the market, the Capex trading platform includes several powerful decision-supporting tools. The DAR (Daily Analyst Recommendations) is one innovative tool integrated into the platform, which enables a free-flowing trading experience by offering access to a service that evaluates public stock recommendations made by financial analysts. DAR also comes with several features that help you see the expert average return or statistical significance, in order to find out which experts provide the best trading ideas. Trading Central is another important technical analysis tool built into the Capex platform. Currently available for Signature account holders, it provides complex technical indicators for a wide range of assets: currency pairs, ETFs, bonds, shares, and commodities. Trading Central is a Certified Member of three Independent Research Providers Associations (Investorside, Euro IRP, and Asia IRP) and 38 of the top 50 banks have already subscribed to its services. Trading filters: It is much easier to spot top-ranking instruments with the filters provided by the Capex trading platform. Top Risers & Fallers, Top Volatile, Top Traders Trends, 52-week high & low, Uptrend & Downtrend, as well as 30-day high & low will help you spot the exact assets fitting to your trading strategy. As a trader, you’ll need volatility and managing to find fast the most active instruments is a very important part of your trading process. Read Also: Brief Mobile Trading Apps Comparison How Financial Trading Can Give You The Life You Want How To Use Your Mobile App To Improve Your Trading

Debit Payment Solutions

Stay Ahead Of Your Bills: 5 Tips For Using Direct Debit Payment Solutions

Managing your bills can be a daunting task, especially if you have multiple payments to make each month. However, direct debit payment solutions can help simplify your life and ensure that your bills are always paid on time. In this article, we'll share five tips for using direct debit payments solutions and how they can help you stay ahead of your bills. Here Are The Five Best Ideas For Using Direct Debit Payment Solutions 1. Choose the Right Direct Debit Payment Solution for Your Needs The first step to staying ahead of your bills is to choose the right direct debit payment solution for your needs. There are a variety of options available, from individual bill payments to automatic withdrawals for multiple bills. Consider your monthly expenses and the frequency of your payments to find a solution that works for you. Some popular options include PayPal, Stripe, and QuickBooks. 2. Set Up Automatic Payments for All of Your Bills Once you have chosen a direct debit payment solution, the next step is to set up automatic payments for all of your bills. This will ensure that your bills are always paid on time and that you never miss a payment. Most direct debit payment solutions allow you to set up automatic payments with just a few clicks. Simply enter your bill details, including the amount due and the due date, and the payment will be automatically withdrawn from your account. 3. Keep Track of Your Payments While direct debit payment solutions can make your life easier, it's still important to keep track of your payments. Make a list of all the bills you have set up for automatic payment and their due dates. This will help you avoid any surprises, such as unexpected charges or missed payments. You can also use a budgeting app or spreadsheet to keep track of your expenses and ensure that you are staying within your budget. 4. Make Sure You Have Sufficient Funds in Your Account One of the benefits of direct debit payment solutions is that they allow you to automate your bill payments. However, it's important to make sure that you have sufficient funds in your account to cover your bills. If you don't, you could be hit with overdraft fees or your payments may be declined. To avoid this, set up alerts on your account to notify you when your balance is low, or consider setting up a separate account specifically for your bills. 5. Stay Vigilant Against Fraudulent Activity Unfortunately, fraud and scams can happen with any payment method, including direct debit payments. To protect yourself, it's important to stay vigilant against fraudulent activity. Keep an eye on your account activity and report any suspicious charges or withdrawals to your bank or payment provider immediately. It's also a good idea to use a strong and unique password for your direct debit payment solution account and enable two-factor authentication for added security. Conclusion Direct debit payment solutions can help simplify your life and ensure that your bills are always paid on time. By following these five tips, you can stay ahead of your bills and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your bills are taken care of. Remember to choose the right direct debit payment solution for your needs, set up automatic payments, keep track of your payments, make sure you have sufficient funds in your account, and stay vigilant against fraudulent activity. With these tips, you'll be well on your way to financial success. Read Also: Features To Ensure Success Of Your Money Saving Service Most Common Merchant Account Issues Explained The Best Ways To Successfully Fund Our Dreams