Top 9 Forex Trading Tips for Beginners That Save You Money


04 December 2018


Forex Trading Tips

Want to make a lot of money off of the world’s money?

You’re a savvy investor looking to diversify your portfolio. You want a market with fewer restrictions and lower transaction costs. A market is open 24 hours a day that covers the entire globe.

It sounds like you’re looking for forex. The foreign exchange market is the global market of trading currencies. It determines the world’s exchange rates.

This is a very hands-on market that requires a lot of attention and patience. But, if you’re willing to put in the time and effort, you will be rewarded handsomely.

Forex can be highly volatile that can change in an instant. You need to educate yourself about this nuanced trading system. If you go into forex blind, you may come out broke.

9 Forex Trading Tips for Beginners That Save You Money:

Are you new to the forex scene? Before you start trading, read on to discover the 9 best forex trading tips for beginners that actually work and save money.

1. Go in with a Plan:

forex market plan

This goes for all trading markets. Don’t start investing without a strategy.

What do you want to get out of the forex market?

This is not the time for pie in the sky thinking. You want to have realistic goals about how much you can make based on your available capital.

If you want to make money, you have to be disciplined. Especially in the forex market.

2. Test the Waters Before You Dive In:

Forex is not your father’s stock market. There’s a lot of new methods and approaches you need to learn.

The best way to thrive in this new world is to practice. It might sound silly to trade fake money. But, this is how you can be sure you won’t waste real money when you begin.

There are many demos out there online. FP Markets allows you to trade for real but also has some great demos for you to practice with.

3. Find the Right Broker for You:

Right Broker

You wouldn’t climb Everest by yourself without a guide. So don’t embark on your forex trading adventure without a broker.

Be sure to take the time to find the right broker for you. There’s a lot of phonies out there. They’re either negligent or worse, malicious. Make sure your broker is fully authorized to trade.

You also want to be sure you are on the same page with trading platforms. Do you prefer an over-the-counter market or an exchange-driven market? Whatever your preference, it should be your broker’s too.

4. Be Consistent with Your Methodology:

Whatever trading methodology you abide by is up to you. But, the important thing to remember is that whatever your mythology is, you need to stick with it.

When it comes to the global currency market, there’s a lot of information out there. Everyone has their own idea of what the best strategies are to follow. If you try to incorporate everything, you’ll be overwhelmed.

Do you prefer to keep a close tab on specific economies and wait for the right time to pounce? Or maybe technical analysis is more your speed.

Regardless of your approach, make sure to stay consistent. That’s the only way to truly understand the market.

5. It Shouldn’t be “You vs. the Markets”

Some traders like to take an upstream approach to invest. They go against the trends to try and guess what’s coming next.

Don’t try to be a soothsayer. Going against the market on a whim will only bring you stress and failure.

Safe, diversified investments in profitable economies are the sure-fire way to go.

6. If It Sounds Too Good to Be True, It Is:

As the forex market heats up, everyone is looking to get rich quick. This is not that type of market. However, that doesn’t keep people from trying to take advantage of you.

There’s robot software available that claims to have mastered the market. They invest your money based on their automated programming. You’re just supposed to sit back and watch your money grow.

Snake oil products like this don’t work. The forex market can’t be broken by an algorithm. It needs the complexity and patience of the human brain to understand.

7. Be a News Junkie:

Since you can’t use a robot to help, you need to turn yourself into one. That means always feeding your brain with current events.

The value of the currency is based on many factors. Weather can deplete its value. A popular new leader for the country could raise it considerably.

If you can keep up to date on what’s going on in the world, you can spot a trend-right before it becomes one.

8. Step Away From Your Computer:

forex market

Forex is a 24 hour a day market. But, that doesn’t mean you should be on it for 24 hours a day.

You need to stay sane and keep an objective perspective. Take breaks throughout the day to clear your head. Come back refreshed and ready to pounce.

Make sure to get a good night’s sleep too. The forex market will still be there in the morning.

9. Don’t Be Shy:

This article should help you get more comfortable with forex trading. But there’s still a lot to learn. Another great resource is to go straight to the source.

Try interacting with other forex traders.

Maybe you’re the type of person who hates asking for directions. Well, have fun being lost!

The forex community tends to be open and supportive of new traders. There are no dumb questions, only the dumb people who don’t ask questions. Check out some forums online and make some forex buddies ASAP.

Use These Forex Trading Tips!

Take these forex trading tips and start by planning your strategy today. Forex is a new world of investing for you. So you’ll only get better over time.

Did you enjoy this article and want to learn more? Then check out this beginner’s guide to investing.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Effective B2b Graphic Design 

7 Tips For Effective B2b Graphic Design 

In B2B graphic design each pixel and hue plays a crucial role in sculpting your brand's digital presence. The color palette that characterizes your site and the intricately connected web pages from the tapestry of web design, transcends mere aesthetics to become a strategic fusion of creative expression and practical functionality. To outsource graphic design projects in Australia business-to-business transactions, the need for impeccable graphic design has never been more crucial. It's not just about having a visually appealing website; it's about crafting an immersive brand experience that resonates with your target audience. This is where outsourcing graphic design projects becomes a strategic move. By tapping into the expertise of professionals, you can elevate your brand aesthetics, ensuring that every visual element aligns seamlessly with your business goals. Navigating the realm of advertising presents a multifaceted challenge. The process involves more than just conceptualizing ideas; it extends to the intricate stages of creation, followed by vigilant performance analysis and necessary adjustments. Each phase is interconnected, requiring a delicate balance to ensure optimal outcomes. From the initial spark of ideation to the ongoing scrutiny of performance metrics, managing ads demands a comprehensive approach that acknowledges the complexities inherent in every step of the advertising journey. Up Your B2B Graphic Design Game With These Tips Understand Your Audience Dive deep into the psyche of your B2B audience. What resonates with them? Tailor your graphic design to speak their language, addressing their pain points and aspirations. A design that connects on a personal level is more likely to leave a lasting impression. Simplify Complexity B2B often involves intricate concepts. Transform complexity into clarity through design. Use visuals to simplify intricate information, making it easily digestible. A clean and straightforward design not only looks appealing but also ensures your message is crystal clear. Consistent Branding Maintain a cohesive visual identity across all platforms. Consistency fosters brand recognition and trust. From color schemes to typography, ensure that your design elements align seamlessly with your brand guidelines. A unified appearance reinforces your brand's professionalism. Prioritize Readability In the B2B realm, content is king. Ensure your designs prioritize readability. Choose fonts wisely, mind the contrast, and structure content in a way that guides the reader effortlessly. A visually appealing design is futile if it hinders the communication of essential information. Embrace White Space Don’t fear the emptiness. White space is a powerful design element that directs attention and enhances readability. Allow your visuals room to breathe, ensuring that your key messages stand out amidst the visual noise. Mobile-Friendly Design B2B professionals are often on the go. Optimize your graphic design for mobile devices to ensure that your audience can access crucial information anytime, anywhere. Responsive design is not just a trend; it's a necessity in the B2B landscape. Summary: As per Brandripe, remember that your visuals are more than mere images—they're storytellers. Beyond facts and figures, a compelling narrative weaved into your design adds a layer of depth, fostering connections that transcend the transactional. Read Also : How Personal Branding Online Can Help Your Job Search Why Every Business Needs Digital Marketing Building A Brand For Your Small Business

Magento vs. Shopify

Magento vs. Shopify: Which Is Best For Your E-commerce Store?

The first quarter of 2019 has almost passed, and it has been predicted that 18% of the purchases will be made online by 2040. Further, 95% of the orders will be facilitated by e-commerce store. Considering the above statistics, it comes as no surprise that the fate of your online business is dependent on how your website works. But did you know that all your website operations rely on the choice of your e-commerce platform? Now, as the online store owners narrow down the choices, they are only left with two main platforms as the contenders- Magento and Shopify. While both platforms can create a one-of-kind e-commerce store, they differ in many areas. To start with, Shopify works best for smaller businesses. On the flip side, Magento is aimed at enterprise businesses. This post is going will give you an in-depth insight on Magento and Shopify and help you decide which is an ideal platform for your e-commerce store. Magento and Shopify in a Nutshell: e-commerce store Magento: Launched in 2007, Magento is a self-hosted e-commerce platform that powers a number of web stores. The platform is open source and comes with two versions including community (suitable for developers and small businesses) and enterprise edition (best suited for mid-sized and large e-commerce stores). The usage of the platform is free, but you’ll have to pay an amount for premium apps, themes, and hosting. Irrespective of the price you have to pay, this platform is best known for its flexibility, ability to customize, and scalability. Shopify: Shopify is a hosted e-commerce platform that allows single-step order fulfillment and lets you set up a store with a custom domain and a theme. This platform comes with an easy-to-use interface and is more for beginner developers. Moreover, it comes with a 14-day free trial, allows integration with over 70 payment gateways, and is available in almost every language. Although there are numerous Shopify alternatives available across the web, what sets this platform apart from others is its ability to set up a dynamic store in no time. You will have to pay for the platform after the free trial, but the Shopify team takes care of all the technical tasks. Magento and Shopify: What Numbers Say! Description Shopify Magento Number of Websites 600,000 250,000 Number of Extensions 2,400+ 3,000+ Number of Themes 60 (external purchase is allowed) 12 (external purchase is allowed)   Now when you are aware of what these platforms are, here is a feature comparison of Magneto and Shopify. 1. Basic Functionality and Ease of Usage: Both the e-commerce platforms have all the basic store functionalities that are easy to use and maintain. But if we compare both the platforms, Shopify is a drag and drop website builder. Magento has a steep learning curve, and you will have to learn some technical terms to get through the e-commerce store development process. With Shopify, the developer can add the products; customize the look and feel of your store and set up the payment process in no time. The best part is you can make the entire e-commerce store without any technical knowledge. In Magento, you have to learn some code to develop an entire e-commerce store. Not to forget, they have comprehensive user guides that walk you step-by-step through various processes. They also have a forum from where you can learn some tricks of the trade. 2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) When it comes to SEO, both have great search engine optimization capabilities. However, you’ll have to leverage extra plug-ins in the cases for both platforms. But in the case of Shopify, SEO features are automatically built into the website, even in the product pages. 3. Themes and Templates Availability: In terms of themes and templates, both platforms offer highly-functional customization capabilities. They let you edit the raw code directly and give you full control over the design and appeal of your e-commerce store. Coming to the differences, Shopify offers a wide variation of mobile-optimized themes. Although many of them are free, if you go for the paid ones, your store gets a professional look and gets equipped with great sales potential. You also get the option to add new pages, change the color palette, move or resize the elements, and integrate the social media feeds. When it comes to Magento, it has 12 themes. Out of 12, 10 of them are fully responsive. This platform does have free themes, and the paid ones also start at just $1. With this platform, you can also create your theme or template from scratch. You have the option to add a slide, newsletter, and animation to the website. 4. Inventory Management: All Shopify plans allow unlimited products in the store. Magento also allows you to add or create an unlimited number of products on the website. But Shopify is one step ahead in this point due to its integration with drop shipping inventory apps such as Oberlo. Further, in Magento, you have the risk of slowing down your website. 5. Hosting Features: Your website's performance, storage, security, and speed are dependent on the hosting you choose. Did you know that 40% of people will abandon a website if it takes more than three seconds to load? This will result in a loss of customers as well as revenue. As Shopify is a hosted platform, it takes care of your entire domain and hosting needs; offers you 24*7 support, and let you concentrate on your business. Magento comes with two hosting options, including Open Source and Cloud. In Open Source hosting, you have to buy your domain and hosting. But in the case of Cloud, your e-commerce store is hosted and maintained by Magento. 6. Payment Processing: Shopify platform is already equipped with a payment processor, which is known by the name of Shopify Payments. If you use Shopify Payments for your e-commerce store, you won’t be charged any transaction fee. Moreover, it comes with the support of 60 external payment processors. For Magento, you will have to download the extension of the payment processor that you want in your e-commerce store. You can look for these extensions in Magento’s marketplace. However, some factors that make Magento worth the consideration are international market coverage and support for multiple languages. Summing Up: When it comes to choosing an ideal e-commerce platform, there are lots of factors to consider including interface, scalability, number of themes, templates, speed, load time, cost, search engine optimization, and more. Is Shopify worth it? If your considerations are ease of usage, availability of themes, not wanting to pay the transaction fee, and having the hosting and bandwidth taken care of, look no further than Shopify. It is user-friendly, has a payment processor, and comes with an array of themes to help you get started. But if you are technically savvy and want to build an e-commerce store for a large enterprise, go for Magento. With this platform, you will also have to find your hosting provider, which can become expensive, as your business scale. Moreover, there is a chance that you might have to invest some time as well. If you are still stuck on the decision, skim again through the comparison of features, weigh their pros and cons, and make the best choice for your business. Read Also: What Are the Common Causes of Catastrophic Injuries? Top 5 Sites Like Solarmovie To Watch Movies Online Do I Have To Pay Out Of Pocket For Wisdom Teeth Removal?

B2B E-Commerce Platforms

The Right B2B E-Commerce Platforms to Sell Your Used Machinery

Any business person aims to make many sales to stay afloat. Choosing the right B2B marketplace help, you grow your business to a whole new level. There are many B2B marketplaces on the internet that makes it hard for sellers to choose on that best suits their needs. Whether one decides to go for a leading B2B European marketplace or a small dedicated niche website, it must help a seller get buyers and offer the customer good shopping experience. The latter especially is very important if a customer is to keep shopping at the same B2B marketplace. So how then can a seller find a B2B marketplace that best suits their needs? 1. You should agree with the policies and objectives of the platform: Because there are numerous B2B marketplaces on the internet, they are bound to be different in the way they conduct business. As a seller, you should agree with their business model and make sure that they do what they promise to do for you as a seller. Consider their payment policies, seller agreements, commissions, user support among other important things. In case you are in doubt, ask questions and keep doing your research until you are satisfied. If you and the platform have different goals, then you will struggle with sales on the platform. 2. The cost of doing business on the platform: Different B2B eCommerce platforms exist because they earn a certain percentage every time a sale is made. If as a seller you factor in everything all the costs of selling your used machinery on a certain platform, you should make a decent amount afterward. Avoid platforms that overcharge you on commissions and make you shoulder a lot of the expenses. This is important especially to people that are selling used machinery as a business and not as a one-time thing. 3. How easy to use is the platform? With many e-commerce platforms in the market, people will gravitate towards those that are easy to access and use. If a platform can be accessed even on the smallest device and still performs the same as if one is using a PC or laptop, then that’s where many buyers would be. The platforms should be responsive and offer the best user experience. It should allow the buyer and seller to communicate with each other and offer easy payment plans within the platform. This not only protects the seller form fake buyers but also the buyer from fake sellers. 4. Is one’s business on the platform scalable? Again, this may not apply to one-time sellers because once they have sold the equipment, they don’t need the platform anymore. For people that are looking to start used machinery resell business, they have to consider that their business will grow and they will need a platform that will take that into account. How e-commerce sites do this is by providing features on the website that allows one to create more than one storefront. This allows the seller to target the audience they want by offering different products. Each storefront can be used to sell individual products. 5. Personalization and customization: When choosing a good B2B platform, ensure that it is flexible enough to suit your needs at different stages of your business. It should allow you to scale up and down whenever you want. You should be able to change the appearance of your storefront from the backend. Make it suit your needs and that of your potential client. For example, you can choose the features that you think are important for your clients such as an increase in the number of photos you can upload a product. For personalization, choose a platform that targets customers with something they are interested in based on their recent searches. This ensures that potential customers are made aware of your products and are directed to your storefront. There are many popular and smaller, dedicated B2B e-commerce platforms to choose from on the internet. You need to choose a platform that takes care of your needs as well as those of the customer. Also, if an e-commerce platform can help customers discover your page with ease, it is the right platform for you. Read Also: How Social Media Can Boost Up The E-Commerce Industry 7 Ways Technology Can Help In Customer Management And Sales Tags In E-Commerce: This Is Why They Are Important Top 10 Features To Have In Marketing Automation Platforms 5 Reasons To Use Magento For Your Next Ecommerce Website