What Is the Best Tax Software to Be Using in 2019?


28 March 2019


best tax software

If you fail to file your taxes correctly, the IRS can fine you a penalty up to 20% of the amount you owe.

Taxes are a complete nightmare for many people especially if you can’t pay them. And the last thing you want to deal with is owing even more money to the government.

That’s why the emergence of tax software has helped so many people. It helps you make sense of the confusing terminology, perform calculations, and break the process down into easy steps.

But what is the best tax software and how does it help simplify everything? This article covers everything you need to know.

The Criteria for Best Tax Software:

Everyone is different and the tax software available now tends to be tailored to different audiences with bank products and other solutions available.

For example, a family of four with a house and one income earner will have a fairly straightforward process. But what about someone who is self-employed or a small business owner? In these cases, some companies offer tiered pricing models that can quickly become expensive.

When asking questions like “Why would anyone use a bank product?” or “Is this service right for me?” it’s important to consider the following.

Ease of Use:

There’s no point paying for a system that is just as confusing as the tax forms themselves. Check out reviews from other people to see what their experiences with the company were. Or watch a ‘how to’ video for a preview of the software.

Are Your Taxes Complicated:

Between deductibles, donations, and multiple sources of income, taxes can get complex very quickly. If you’re unsure what you qualify for and what options are available to you then tax software may be the way to go.

Look at State Tax Prices:

Some tax software companies include state tax in their services free of charge. Others ask for a fee and class it as an additional service. Be sure to look into the costs behind each one to be sure.

With that said, here are the best online tax filing options out there.


Known for its simplicity and ease of use, TurboTax has many features and designs to help you file without a headache.

The use a simple step by step process that puts questions in laymen’s terms and does the hard work and calculations for you. They even offer a W-2 scanner where upload a photo of your form and it automatically sorts the information on your tax forms.

They have a free option for getting your taxes ready to file. But can charge past $100 if you want more premium services like a tax specialist to talk to.

Tax Act:

Similar to TurboTax, TaxAct offers a sliding scale of costs for users depending on the level of service they want.

Their layout makes it easy to input data and offers free state tax returns for simple forms. If you’re a homeowner or business owner however, then you will have to pay a fee for state taxes.

If you are unhappy with the service you’ve received from other tax software companies, TaxAct makes it easy to import your old information over to them.

H&R Block:

Known for their stand-out customer support, H&R Block takes the uncertainty out of the equation with tax specialists on call and online.

It has a similar model and pricing structure to the previous companies but also offers up to $3000 of interest-free loans to anyone entitled to federal tax refunds.

Shop Around:

Knowing what the best tax software is for you takes time and research.

This list helped narrow things down but you should still look into each company in more detail to see what will work best for you.

Check out our other finance articles for more tips and advice.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Investing In Bitcoins

Investing In Bitcoins: 5 Things You Need To Know

Ever since Bitcoin was announced to the world, it has generated hype and frenzy unlike any other financial commodity in the world. However, Bitcoin is much bigger than just a digital currency. It is a system of finance. Many people make the mistake of assuming Bitcoin as a sole entity. It is not. It is part of a larger financial structure or medium known as Blockchain. In this article, we will look at how any individual can easily acquire, invest and trade in Bitcoin. We will also look at the top 5 things individuals need to keep in mind before undertaking any Bitcoin or Blockchain adventure. Bitcoin and Blockchain: What is it? Bitcoin is a digital currency, which seeks to remove finance from the hands of governments and international financial institutions. In many ways, Bitcoin is a democratic, peer-to-peer payment structure, which aims to reduce costs, makes payments faster and eases the entire network. Founded by the anonymous Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009, the digital currency hit a high of over $17000 USD in late 2017. From then on, the volatility and speculation surrounding it have made it jump up and down in terms of evaluations. However, as of now, one Bitcoin has reached nearly $8000 USD once again. Bitcoin has emerged as one of the strongest financial investment products over the past few years. However, this means that there are many nuances, risks, and rewards out there for Bitcoin trading. It also means that there are manipulators out there who are tricking and cheating people when it comes to Bitcoin trading.  Here are 5 Things to know before Investing in Bitcoins: 1. Do your research before selecting on a Bitcoin Trading Platform Many unscrupulous people and websites out there are cheating unsuspecting individuals of thousands of dollars by offering Bitcoins. Please do your research before you try to make a payment for purchasing Bitcoins. One of the best ways to ensure safety is to be part of Bitcoin Trading Platforms, which have their own bitcoin trader login as a point of entry. This ensures professionalism and safety for all your transactions. 2. Try to make Small Bitcoin Investment Options initially If you are someone who is looking to just step into the Bitcoin investment game, it would be wise to tread cautiously. This means that you do not need to purchase one Bitcoin at one go. This would be too expensive and complicated. Bitcoins can be broken down into one-millionth of a trade. This means that you can make small purchases as investment options. This will help you familiarise yourself with the market and enable you to work towards bigger investments. Nowadays, you can also use this cryptocurrency trading platform bot that determines when the price will rise and you can make great profits as a result. 3. Do not reveal your identity to third parties at any costs It would be foolish to assume that digital transactions of investments cannot go wrong. The same goes for Bitcoins. It is important that you do not reveal your Bitcoin Address, Bitcoin Wallet or your cell phone numbers to outside parties. There are hackers who are much more technologically advanced than you are. By being safe, you can ensure that your investments will keep growing in a safe and secure environment. 4. Do not invest every penny you have into Bitcoins In other words, do not take loans from people, just for the sake of investing in Bitcoins. There are speculations out there that result in many fluctuations. It is important to ride out these volatilities. If you are someone who is not on a strong financial footing, investing in the present might not be a good idea. Try to be secure before taking the plunge. As with all financial products, investments can be risky. 5. Select the Right Bitcoin Trading Platform Many experts out there have been following Bitcoins and Blockchain technology right from its inception. Some of them have taken the leap and established their own trading platforms, which offers help, guidance, and expertise on Bitcoin trading. It is best to select a trading platform, which is backed by expertise and experience. Aligning with amateurs who do not understand the market might be too risky. Conclusion: In recent years, more and more people who are trading in Bitcoins are using the best software to boost their chances of earning profits. From using complex algorithms to Artificial Intelligence, the advanced nature of the software makes it very easy for people to make complex decisions. One such software is the Bitcoin Evolution. Many critics are skeptical of Bitcoin Mining as it involves high costs and investment expenditure. The Bitcoin Evolution software is trustworthy, legit and very affordable. While there are many who make millions from investing in Bitcoins, several others lose quote a lot of money. It is important to follow the five steps mentioned above to ensure that your investments in Bitcoin return a healthy profit. Read Also: How To Make Money From Bitcoins In 2019 Bitcoin Profit Review 2019 How To Make Money From Bitcoins In 2019

The 7 Habits of People Who Live Debt-Free Lives

The 7 Habits of People Who Live Debt-Free Lives

What does it take to live debt-free lives? It’s not cutting up your credit cards or refusing to use credit at all. Credit can be a useful tool at times for building the life you want to live. But there are certain habits that people who never carry a credit card balance tend to practice. To get debt-free lives here're few essentials to flesh a glance over: #1 They Pay Their Bills in Full One of the best things you can do for your finances is to pay your credit card bill in full every month. The same goes for utilities and other expenses, but your credit card is usually the only one with the option to pay less and carry a balance. You’ll save yourself hundreds (if not thousands over a lifetime) by treating your credit card like any other bill and always paying the full balance. #2 They Make Long-Term Plans People who live free from debt have long-term goals, and that gives them the motivation to save more. It’s much easier to delay immediate gratification because they have a greater goal in mind. It’s not about refusing to ever treat yourself; it’s about balancing your present wants with your future wants. You’ll be more likely to save when you can clearly see what you want to do with that money. #3 They Get Help When They Need It The first habit of people who want debt-free lives is getting out of debt in the first place. The smartest way out of debt isn’t always to pay it all back yourself. High-interest rates are expensive and cut into your payments. Don’t be afraid to get help with your debt so that you can save more money and pay it all back sooner. You don’t have to be stuck with debt for years to come. #4 They Automate Their Savings If you want to make sure you’re saving, put it on automatic. It’s easy to set up automated withdrawals from your bank account into a savings or investment account. Set it up with every paycheck, monthly, or on whatever basis works for you. When you automate everything, you won’t even be tempted to spend the money. #5 They Have an Emergency Fund Too often, people wind up in debt because they faced an unexpected expense and didn’t have the money for it. An emergency fund is what bridges the gap. These are some of the best reasons to use an emergency fund: Bridging a period of unemployment; Paying for car repairs or medical expenses that you didn’t expect; Emergency home repairs; Essential travel that you weren’t expecting; Other unanticipated situations. It’s important to note that it shouldn’t be for recurring expenses. Those should be built into your budget. #6 They Live on Less Than They Make One of the toughest things you can do for your finances is to cut your expenses. It’s easy to get used to a certain lifestyle, whether it’s a bigger or more central apartment or dining out a certain amount. It’s much easier to never get started in the first place. The next time you get a raise or a new job that earns more money, put all or most of the new money into your savings without changing your lifestyle. Otherwise, you get what’s known as lifestyle creep. #7 They Say No Sometimes, debt-free lives mean passing down opportunities, especially the most expensive ones. Whether it’s a dinner date at a restaurant outside of your price range or a destination wedding you don’t have the money for, sometimes you have to say no for your own benefit. Read Also: Debt Management: Why It Pays To Seek Help From The Experts? Dealing With A Debt Relief Officer For A Better Assistance Debt consolidation plans for your debt relief

personal loan

5 steps to take if your personal loan application is rejected

Ever applied for a loan, only to get rejected? Having your loan application turned down can be a discouraging experience, especially for first-time borrowers. Or, you may have taken loans in the past and wondered why your recent application wasn’t approved. The truth is that there are a variety of reasons that can affect your personal loan eligibility. Often times, it’s just one main issue, but other times, it can be a combination of reasons. If you aren’t sure why your loan application got rejected, you can use a personal loan eligibility calculator to check what was the shortcoming in your personal loan application. Read on to find out what you should do to increase your chances of approval in the future.  1. Check the lender’s eligibility criteria All banks and lenders have a basic criteria that determine whether a borrower qualifies for a loan. The main reason why most people’s loan application gets rejected is that they did not meet all the lender’s criteria. The eligibility criteria for a personal loan include age, income, location, credit score, employment, and other factors. Lenders will clearly mention this eligibility on their website or app. Generally, banks have stricter eligibility criteria and only accept applicants with a higher salary and excellent CIBIL score, whereas digital lenders have wider eligibility criteria. If you have read through the lender’s eligibility criteria but still aren’t sure whether you qualify, use a personal loan eligibility calculator. 2. Improve your CIBIL score CIBIL score is a summary of one’s creditworthiness based on their credit history. Although the minimum CIBIL requirement varies from lender to lender, one of the reasons that your application may have been rejected is because your CIBIL score is too low as per the lender’s eligibility criteria. Check your CIBIL score from the CIBIL website. If it is less than 650, you should work on improving your score by using a credit card. Spend responsibly and pay your card in full before the due date. This will help increase your credit score.  3. Make sure your outgoing expenses are low One of the reasons that lenders will reject a personal loan application is because the applicant has too many existing debts, and for such a borrower, taking on another financial burden would increase the chances of default. Take a look at your finances and see if there are any expenses you can cut back on. If you have a lot of existing debt, work on repaying them off before you apply for a new loan. 4. Provide the correct details Loan applications can get rejected if there is even a small error or a signature mismatch. Ensure that the details you provide in the form are clearly written/typed out, and most importantly, correct. Providing false details about your income, identity or credit score will certainly be detected by lenders, and this is another reason why many applications get rejected. Be honest in your application form, as some lenders are willing to accept applicants with less than perfect CIBIL scores or incomes. 5. Apply for a lower loan amount Due to your current financial capacity, you may not be able to take on the responsibility of paying back a huge loan. If you’re still in desperate need of a loan, aim for personal loans singapore as it makes the best offerings in financial capacity. Aim for around 40% or less of your net monthly income. Conclusion Don’t feel disheartened if your loan application got rejected. Follow the tips above in case your loan wasn’t approved this time, and re-apply after 90 days. If you aren’t sure whether or not you qualify for your desired loan amount from a lender, be sure to check the eligibility criteria for more information. You can also use a personal loan eligibility calculator to check for your loan eligibility. Read Also: 3 Factors That Determine Your Personal Loan Interest Rate 7 Reasons To Apply For A Loan Online 5 Questions To Ask When Deciding On An SBA Loan