4 Tips for Not Panicking When You Get a Letter From the IRS

Published on: 31 January 2019 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019

A letter from the IRS may seem serious, but the situation that results in the letter may not always be serious. You may find that you’re receiving a notification of a minor error or small sum of money that you owe. Even an audit isn’t causing to panic — the IRS may simply need some additional information in your personal files. Follow these tips to handle communications from the IRS in a calm, sensible manner.

Read the IRS Document Carefully:


Image via Flickr by dvs

You should always open and review documents from the IRS as soon as you receive them. The IRS will attempt to connect with you by mail to make initial contact regarding any issues with unpaid tax debt, tax filing errors, tax audits, and other issues. The sooner you address the problem, the easier it will typically be to find a satisfactory resolution.

If you ignore letters from the IRS, it is possible for the agency to reach out to you by phone. The IRS recently started working with private debt collection companies to handle unpaid tax debt. Many telephone scams exist as well, and you should be vigilant about confirming any information that you receive by telephone.

Keep Your Tax Documents Organized:

Ideally, you’ll have your tax documents for the last three years safely stored and ready for your review at any time you may need them. These materials include documentation regarding any protections you may enjoy through a third-party tax filing service. Many websites and companies provide audit protection or a guarantee of accuracy, which can give you valuable peace of mind if an audit should arise.

If you do not have these documents on hand, you should take the time to gather them as soon as you’re informed of any type of dispute or IRS audit. Having these documents provides an important sense of security going forward.

Verify the Tax Issue:

Before you make arrangements with the IRS to settle a debt, make sure that the amount of the debt is correct. The IRS may occasionally make errors, so it’s crucial that you check the numbers for yourself and file a dispute if you believe that the figure is incorrect. Contact the IRS immediately if you believe that the agency is operating with incorrect information.

Explore Your Tax Debt Options:

If you owe a debt to the IRS, you don’t necessarily have to pay the full sum immediately. You can explore several tax debt options. Understanding these options can help you avoid panic, particularly if you’re facing a debt too large to pay at once. You may qualify for an offer in compromise, a condition in which you settle your debt with the IRS for a lower sum of money. You can also request that the IRS delay collection or set up a payment plan to handle the debt in a series of installments.

If you hear from the IRS, you should take the time to thoroughly review all communications so that you understand what the IRS requests from you. If you need assistance navigating an audit, tax debt, or other situation, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional for help.

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Ethereum mining

What you need to know about Ethereum mining

Ethereum mining is one of the essential means to develop your business in the best possible ways. Work out the plans that can help you to achieve your goals in the correct order. Do not make your choices in grey while you want to develop your trading business in the correct way. Ethereum mining is possible in a number of ways  Crypto mining is a new money-making frontier without much risks involved. And while Bitcoin is becoming less profitable to mine by the day, Ethereum is still a solid choice. It gives solid returns (assuming the price of ETH doesn’t change too much!). Today, let’s see how we can have a setup for Ethereum mining! 1.  Get your Mining Setup Together Mining basically means running an algorithm again and again until you find the “solution”. Once said the solution is found, you are paid by the system with Ethereum Mining can become computationally expensive and can be demanding on CPU or mining hardware. To have a chance of mining and therefore earning, a decently powerful computer setup is the absolute minimum. More power would potentially mean more earnings on average. Ethereum Mining can help your business to grow at a rapid pace. Work out the plans that can work well in your favor. In the case of Ethereum, it pays out 5 ETH roughly every 15 seconds to whoever solves the mining algorithm (though this may change in the future when Ethereum switches over to a Proof of Stake algorithm) So,first step would be to get a computer and/or graphics card setup. A standard, absolute minimum setup consists of 6 video cards. These should be a minimum of 3GB, and a motherboard with 6 PCI slots minimum. The other crucial parts would be a CPU, Memory of at least 4 GB, a decent power supply capable of handling of 80% of the output capacity, and a 60 GB hard drive. It’s also recommended to connect the rig to the Internet via a wired Ethernet cable connection; WiFi isn’t really recommended. The above rig is optimized for Ethereum mining using the current algorithm and mining difficulty. It collects a decent 0.5 ETH per month but, as is with cryptocurrencies, things change fast. 2. Get a Digital Wallet For you to earn and use cryptocurrencies, you need a digital wallet. Wallets are nothing more than placeholders where your coins are stored online. You have tons of choices in this area, with many different factors too big to cover in this guide. Ethereum mining can help your business to grow in the right direction in a short time span. Work out the plans that can work well in your favor. Once you have a wallet, it’s time to decide: 3. Do you Mine Alone or join Mining Pool Mining at it alone sounds like a great idea. The reward is much bigger and it’s all yours. However, this only works if you consistently beat thousands of others in solving the algorithm first. Trust us, with those odds, it won’t happen very often To successfully solo mine, you will need an upwards of 100+ graphics cards at your disposal. Not to mention taking the brunt of the enormous electricity costs, taking care of heating problems and ventilation, and the huge upfront cost of buying the hardware. Solo mining is possible and, yes can be rewarding, but you need to know what’s in store here. Mining pools are a collection of mining rigs which combine their hash rates together for a better chance of mining Ethereum coins. With crypto mining pools, you get a steady income even if you mine a block by proxy. It’s all about a collective group effort. There are lots of factors you should consider before joining a mining pool. The size of the pool, or the number people joining, is an important consideration. More people in the pool means there’s a bigger chance of mining a block and getting a reward. On the flipside, however, the payout per person gets smaller, since it gets split between more people. It might be worthwhile to try different pools to see which one you like best. But here are some we recommend NiceHash is a relatively easy to use and quick to set up mining pool to join. The nice thing about it is that it automatically searches for the best algorithm or cryptocurrency to mine, not just Ethereum. This can give more value for your rig in the long run. It should be noted that NiceHash also pays in Bitcoin, regardless if you were mining Ethereum or something else To join, you first need to download the AMD or Nvidia program installer from their site. This application will scan your hardware setup and install software as necessary. Afterward, you enter your Bitcoin wallet address. It should be noted that you need a BItcoin wallet setup before joining NiceHash. Else, you won’t get paid. Once entered, click on the benchmark button and start another scan. You’re then ready to mine NiceHash runs at an overall hash rate that is 20% less. This might seem concerning, but the switching feature more than makes up for this, as it can potentially up your profitability than just focusing on one coin alone. Another option is Nanopool. It is currently one of the largest mining pool joinable with 130,000 active members and counting. Nanopool also pays out to miners who are close to solving the algorithm, so that’s nifty as well. It charges a fee of 1%. Similar to Nanopool is Ethermine, which has a similar structure and fee. For mining software, we recommend Claymore Dual Miner. This allows you to mine two different coins at the same time. This works brilliantly for mining Ethereum and another crypto coin. Since Ethereum is more memory intensive, the processor can be used to mine for more processor heavy crypto coins. Thus allowing you to mine at twice the speed. Both Nanopool and Ethermine support Claymore. 4. Start mining! Once you’ve installed your choice of mining software, just run the appropriate program and your computer will then automatically start mining. Remember to always keep the program running, preferably 24/7. 5. Check your earnings and profit! After a while, you might want to check how much ETH you’re earning. To do so, you need to go to your mining pool’s website and type in your digital wallet address. You should be able to see how much ETH you’ve been earning thus far. Ethereum Mining can help your business to grow and move at a rapid pace. But earnings are different from profits. To truly calculate how much you are profiting, you need to consider electricity costs. To do this, you need to find out how many mega hashes per second (Mh/S) your setup is contributing to the pool. Next, go to the numerous mining calculators available online. Supply the relevant information to see how much you’re really earning! 6. Improve your Results There are a lot of ways you can improve your results and therefore your profits. Techniques such as overclocking and undervolting are worth looking at. What doesn’t change is the need for constant learning and improvement in this area since changes come in very rapidly. You need to be on your toes if you want to keep the profits rolling in. Happy mining! Read Also: Securing Mobile App Development With Blockchain Technology What You Should Know Before Using ExpertOption (more…)


Important Things You Need To Know Before Filing For Bankruptcy

The aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic saw a string of businesses file for bankruptcy. The United States saw many B2B businesses including, FTK Worldwide (Jewellers), Contact Transport (Logistics and Supply), and others opt for the bankruptcy route. Legal experts are of the opinion that no two bankruptcy cases are the same. They differ in terms of their exposure, risks, legalities, and the court judgment. Even if two companies file for bankruptcy under Chapter 7, their judgments and orders can be different. In this article, we speak to a leading bankruptcy Birmingham law firm that specializes in these issues. we ask them about some important things businesses and their owners need to keep in mind before filing for bankruptcy. List of Important Things you need to know before Filing for Bankruptcy 1. Chapters 7 and Chapter 13 are Important for Individuals and Businesses Legal experts suggest that solopreneur ventures and sole proprietorships that are individual-centric should go for filing bankruptcy under Chapter 7. This puts a stay to debt and credit obligations and allows individuals to even retain control over their property. Businesses that are well-established should opt for Chapter 11. This helps in keeping the business entity alive and allows for a payment restructuring plan that works to ensure complete repayment over a period of three to five years. 2. Hiring Legal Help is of High Importance It is important to understand that individuals or businesses looking to file for bankruptcy should always avail of expert legal help. If you are trying to use Google to do all the paperwork, you might get into serious trouble in the near future. Bankruptcy laws are incredibly complex and technical. In particular, Chapter 7 allows liquidation of debt to take care of financial obligations and absolve the individual from repayment. All collection attempts must stop. Subsequently, a bankruptcy trustee collects non-exempt valuable assets and sells them to pay off debt. The law discharges eligible debts, such as credit card loans, medical bills, and old utility bills. So, you need an experienced bankruptcy attorney to help you fend off the debtors, and work with the courts and the banking institutions. At the end of the day, you do not want criminal proceedings to be initiated by any of the parties. You can hire an expert in your area, such as a Florida Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer. A bankruptcy lawyer’s job is to help you overcome debt, so they’ll guide you through the process by offering advice or assisting you in filing for bankruptcy protection. 3. Bankruptcy does not mean All Debts go away If you were under the impression that bankruptcy is going to help you walk away scot-free think again. Legally, the following are some areas where bankruptcy will not be able to help you- Alimony Payments Student Loans Taxes on Luxury Items Taxes Child Support Payments All the above-mentioned areas and payments are not something that the court can give you relief from. If you miss your payments or taxes, new legal cases can be brought up against you in a court of law. The punishment and legal repercussions for the same will be different. For this reason, it’s a must to talk to an experienced attorney and a personal financial advisor who can help you determine other options for addressing these problems. Social workers and community leaders can also help. The government and private sectors offer programs for citizens needing financial and social support services. They’ll help you get through difficult times, so don’t hesitate to consult them. 4. Your Credit Score will get Affected Post-Bankruptcy According to leading legal experts, ten years is the period where your credit score will carry the blemish of your bankruptcy declaration. If you are looking to get loans or credit during the period, the same might get very difficult. You need to be prepared to address the credit score. Some lending companies may offer you a personal loan. But the interest rates are high. You can take the risk to recover gradually from poor credit standing. However, you’ll have to make sure that you pay your loan on time. Fortunately, there are some professional services that have come up in recent years that can help you improve your credit score within a short period of time. If you want to get back in the game, you can always avail of such services. 5. Bankruptcy can help you give Yourself a Fresh Start in Life and Business- It can be stated that most businesses that suffered because of the pandemic did so for no fault of their own. In such instances, legal experts suggest that bankruptcy can be a sound tactical and strategic decision that can be taken by businesses and individuals. Banks, lending institutions, and even the judges that will be hearing the case are already aware of the drastic and negative economic fallouts of the pandemic. In fact, there have been cases, where the banks have discussed with lenders and worked out a positive restructuring plan to help individuals and businesses affected by the pandemic. The Bottom Line Filing for bankruptcy can probably the single hardest decision you would have to take in your entire life. However, rather than make the decision an emotional one, it is best to exercise reason and proper judgment and take help from an experienced legal attorney to find your way. Read Also: Debunking 7 Notorious Bankruptcy Myths What are the types of debt that can be discharged in bankruptcy?

home improvement loans

Home Sweet Home Improvement: How to Find the Best Home Improvement Loans

It's estimated that in 2018, Americans spent nearly $340 billion on home remodeling projects. Home improvement loans are one of the best ways to sort out the problem of home renovation. If you're planning to make some changes to your home, you may find that a home improvement loan is the only way you can get the job done. But finding a home improvement loans isn't easy, and sometimes it can be difficult to figure out how you can find the right loan, at the right price. Below you'll discover how you can find the best home improvement loans for your renovation project. Read on, and you'll discover how you can give your home a fresh look, without having to wreak havoc on your finances. Decide What You Want to Use the Loan For: Before taking out the loan, it's a good idea to think about how you're going to spend the money associated with the loan. In doing so, it becomes easy to work out how much you'll need to borrow. This then prevents you from over-borrowing and ending up with more debt than necessary. Now, if you don't know how much a particular home improvement project is going to cost, it's probably worth speaking to some contractors. If you can provide these contractors with an accurate representation of what you want to achieve, they should be able to give you a quote. If you can, try to speak to more than one contractor. This'll help develop a realistic average of what the project is going to cost. How Can You Fund the Home Improvement Project? There's more than one financial 'instrument' you can use to fund your home improvement project. For instance, there's the typical route of obtaining a home improvement loan. Now, home improvement loans can often sound like a good idea, but you'll find that such loans aren't always the best option. This often comes down to the fact home improvement loans tend to be unsecured, and this makes them a risky bet for lenders. This risk can also mean that the interest rates are going to be high. On top of this, you'll find lenders will offer relatively short repayment periods associated with these loans. The other option is to go for a personal loan. Again, this kind of loan is unsecured, and this can make such loans pricey. But, if you have good credit and a steady income, lenders might be willing to offer you a personal loan at a reasonable rate. One of the good things about a personal loan is that you may have a favorable payment term that gives you plenty of time to pay the money back. If you'd like to learn how you can find the best personal loans, check this out. There's also the option of funding your project using a credit card. Now, for many people, this should be considered as a last resort. This is because the interest rates on a credit card can be very high. But if you can find a credit card that offers 0% APR, this might be a worthwhile option. Speak to Many Lenders: Once you have a decent sense of how much the project is going to cost you, it's the time to approach some lenders. It's worth noting that some lenders will have different requirements to others. Often, you'll have to fill out an application, and the information you provide will determine whether you receive the loan. If you find your application is successful, you may have to approach another lender. You may also need to think about funding your project, using a different strategy. Manage Your Project Carefully: Once you receive your funds and begin remodeling, it's vital you manage your project carefully so that it doesn't go over budget. If this happens, you'll need to lend more money, and this can increase your debt burden. At the very least you need to keep a close eye on the contractors and ask them about their progress daily. Ask them to provide you with projected deadlines, and then check in with them to ensure they're going to meet these deadlines. It's essential you do this, as contractors often charge you a daily rate. If the project goes over schedule, you may end up needing to spend more than you budgeted for. Can You Reduce the Price of the Project? Before the project begins, you might want to ask your contractors if there's anything you can do to help lower the cost of the project. If you take certain cost-cutting measures, you may find that you don't need to use the entire loan. This then means you can repay the loan faster, thereby reducing the amount of money you spend on interest payments. Taking this step is important, as it can reduce the stress associated with having to find the 'perfect' home improvement loan. For instance, the contractors might say that things will work out cheaper if you source the materials needed for the project. You can then ask them what they need, and you can go to your local hardware store and order these items. You might also want to ask the contractor if there are any simple tasks that you can help them with. So, if you're looking to renovate a bedroom, there may be some closets that are 'built into' the room, of which you no longer want. If you take the time to remove these closets, the contractor doesn't need to spend their time on this task. This then lowers the amount of money they'll charge you as their workload is now reduced. Do You Know How to Find the Best Home Improvement Loans?  If you want to give your home a fresh look, home improvement loans can help you get the job done, without having to spend all your savings. That said, you want to make sure you do everything you can to limit the amount of money you actually need to borrow. You also want to make sure you speak to a broad range of lenders so that you can find an affordably priced loan. Yes, it can be scary to borrow money for a home improvement project. But if you follow the tips in this post, you should be able to minimize your stress levels. Thinking about remodeling your kitchen? Check out this post to learn about the best countertops you can use. Read Also: Lining Up For A Loan – How To Secure A Good Loan 7 Tips To Increase The Value Of Your Home Best Home Buying Tips For First Time Buyers Invest Real Estate In Detroit: 7 Things You Need To Know Before Buying Your First Investment