Capex Trading Platform Review


18 September 2019


Capex Trading

Brokerage companies are constantly launching proprietary and new platforms, as some of their clients look to use other software rather than just the traditional MT4 or MT5. Capex is one of the brokers that had developed its own Web-based platform and today we’ll get a close look at some of the features it offers.

Capex Trading Platform Review:

User-friendly and improved design

Investing in proprietary trading solutions means a company can come out with an improved platform tailored toward clients’ needs. The Capex trading platform comes with dedicated instruments & account panels, which give you complete control over activities like order management, deposits, and withdrawals.

With refined asset monitoring, you’ll have access to insightful data on each instrument you want to trade, no matter whether it is a rising or falling market. The layout also includes enhanced functionalities for a one-stop trading experience, all of them organized in menus easy to navigate.

Improved decision-making:

If you are at the beginning in your trading journey, or if you simply want to put your own trading ideas to the test by seeing what other experts think about the market, the Capex trading platform includes several powerful decision-supporting tools.

The DAR (Daily Analyst Recommendations) is one innovative tool integrated into the platform, which enables a free-flowing trading experience by offering access to a service that evaluates public stock recommendations made by financial analysts. DAR also comes with several features that help you see the expert average return or statistical significance, in order to find out which experts provide the best trading ideas.

Trading Central is another important technical analysis tool built into the Capex platform. Currently available for Signature account holders, it provides complex technical indicators for a wide range of assets: currency pairs, ETFs, bonds, shares, and commodities. Trading Central is a Certified Member of three Independent Research Providers Associations (Investorside, Euro IRP, and Asia IRP) and 38 of the top 50 banks have already subscribed to its services.

Trading filters:

It is much easier to spot top-ranking instruments with the filters provided by the Capex trading platform. Top Risers & Fallers, Top Volatile, Top Traders Trends, 52-week high & low, Uptrend & Downtrend, as well as 30-day high & low will help you spot the exact assets fitting to your trading strategy. As a trader, you’ll need volatility and managing to find fast the most active instruments is a very important part of your trading process.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Debt Collection

Understanding the Steps in Debt Collection

Every business owner understands the importance of collecting debt from clients and customers. When debtors are late in paying their obligation, your business will suffer losses. Although it is already part of the risk, you need not bear more than necessary. As such, it is also essential to know how the debt collection process works. Not only to protect your business interests but also to ensure that you are complying with the law. Steps in Debt Collection: 1. Client invoicing: The first step to recovering any debt is invoicing. Before you agree to any transaction with your client, the payment terms should be agreed upon. Ideally, you should be able to receive payment after sending out the invoice. 2. Following up and chasing after payment: Some clients inevitably end up not fulfilling their end of the obligation. When the payment is delayed, you can begin chasing after the customer. Some of the steps you can employ include sending emails, demand letters, and phone calls. At this stage, it is crucial to remain professional and polite. If possible, make new arrangements and extend the payment terms if it is feasible. 3. Suspend credit: As a creditor, it is your right to suspend or stop transacting with the client until all pending obligations are paid. Up to a certain extent, this strategy is effective because your client will also suffer business losses in return. If this method does not work, you have other options available such as hiring a debt collection agency. 4. Sending a final notice: The final notice is the last step before you begin to consider taking legal action against your debtor. This letter should contain the specific details of what you have done so far to try and collect payment. After sending the last notice and you still have not received a response, you can proceed with pursuing legal action. 5. Taking legal action: Pursuing legal action for non-payment of debt is your last resort. Typically, you have two options based on the amount owed to you. The first option is through mediation via the small claims court. The court will order the debtor to settle the payment, including interest and associated legal fees. Your second option is to hire a debt collecting agency. These agencies are third parties who act on your behalf, whether to enforce a court decision or to collect payment. There are many ways a debt collection agency can help you. In addition to standard collection services, they also help with debt recovery, tracing and tracking debtors, and insolvency proceedings. If you resort to this solution, it is vital to ensure that you are working with a reputable company. Learn about the practices employed by the agency and find out if they are compliant with legal regulations. Indeed, collecting debt is a tedious matter. And while hiring a debt collection agency may increase your success rate, working with a less-reputable agency could damage your reputation. Look only for a trusted firm and be thorough in researching their methods, past work, and other credentials. Conclusion: As a Debt Collection company working with a financial bank, it is important that your agents use the latest digitally advanced techniques to help your client. This means using ringless voicemail debt collectors should always be a part of your business strategy. After you send the final notice, you know that the lender is not going to cooperate. In order to justify the future course of action, you can use ringless voicemails. Read Also: Debt Consolidation Plans For Your Debt Relief Top Tips For 2018: Student Loan Hacks What Are The Types Of Debt That Can Be Discharged In Bankruptcy?

Multibagger Stocks

How To Pick Multibagger Stocks For Investing As A Beginner?

Anyone who is into investing in the stock market will be eager to reap more returns in a short span of time. Many agree that trading in a stock market is all about patience as more returns require more time. However, there is one such stock type that you can consider to earn returns several times its cost, making it a hot investment option- Multibagger Stocks. If you are someone who wants to know how to identify multibagger stocks, then read on to know more. What Is A Multibagger Stock? A multi-bagger stock is an equity stock that is known to give massive returns, sometimes more than 100%. They are usually offered by companies that come with massive growth potential and are probably one of the most sought-after types of stocks by stock market enthusiasts. Here’s How To Pick Multibagger Stock 1. Track the Performance History The past performance of a company will give you an understanding of how the company has performed despite changes in the market. It will also give you reliable information if the company has the potential to perform well in the present and the future. 2. Understand the Company’s Policies A company's policies form its backbone, as it contains all vital information about how it will carry out its duties and operations and style of management. You can refer to the company’s policies, along with its changes in the past, as they affect its performance, financial standings, and stock value directly. 3. Analyze the Company's Revenue Sources Apart from knowing how much revenue a company generates, it is also important for you to know where the money comes from. Companies having multibagger stocks usually have higher growth in their earnings. This is due to their secondary sources of revenue, apart from their primary ones. So have your homework done for such matters. 4. Check the Company’s Handling of Finances A company grows not only because of its revenues but also how it manages the same in the long run. Whatever money the company invests should lead to positive growth, as that will have a positive effect on the shares. The company management should be quick enough to identify where it is going wrong and correct itself to ensure a smoother financial ride for the company. 5. Focus on Return on Equity Return on Equity simply means how much profits and returns a company can generate from the investment it has received from its shareholders. You can calculate this by dividing the net annual income by the shareholder’s equity and comparing it with past years. If it is higher than in the past, it means the company is better at converting the shareholder’s investment into profits. Summary Multibagger is one of the most sought-after types of stocks for traders, thanks to its high performance and maximum returns. If you are willing to buy such stocks, understanding the financial backgrounds of the companies along with trends in the market is essential. You can learn the art of picking multibagger stocks through a stock market course taught on an online learning platform such as Upsurge. Even if you do not have prior experience in stock markets, this course has got you covered and also comes with a certificate and one year of access. Read Also: Stocks Versus Real Estate: Which Is The Better Investing Option?Mutual Funds Vs Stocks: Which One Is The Best Option For YouThe Best Stocks to Buy Now That Will Pay Big Later


Small Business Guide to Private Health Insurance Exchanges

When it comes to building a business, health insurance is often a concern. Entrepreneurs who venture off on their own sometimes leave a great health insurance plan behind when they do so. For many aspiring entrepreneurs, this risk is one of the main limitations that prevent them from pursuing their passion. There are complexities that small business owners with employees will face that will never be an issue for one-person organizations. Figuring out how to offer health insurance, and what’s required in this politically tumultuous time, can be confusing and overwhelming. That’s why so many small business owners are using a broker and a private health exchange. Using a Broker : First of all, let’s look at why so many small businesses choose to use a broker when it comes to health insurance. Researching options and trying to understand the insurance industry jargon can be an absolute nightmare. As a business owner, you wouldn’t tell clients seeking your expertise to handle their business themselves. People come to you because you’re an expert in your field. Why wouldn’t you do the same? A broker can do the research, and understand what is being offered. They can translate the industry language into something you can understand and process, and make recommendations based on your needs. They save you time and money, not only finding something that works for you but helping with the enrolment process. In a nutshell, health insurance procuration is something you can delegate while you focus on operating your business. What is a Private Exchange? When told to consider a private exchange program, small business owners often ask the same question: “how does a private exchange work?” Private exchanges are a flexible approach to group health insurance that allows employees to pick and choose aspects from various health plans to fit the allocated budget. Employers and small business owners get control over their contribution and, with a broker, find something that fits their budget upfront. Rather than being presented with one option, employees can choose from a wider range of plans. So if Jim in sales has different health coverage needs than Pam in reception, they can choose different plans that suit their individual requirements. If their needs extend beyond what you have budgeted for, they simply pay the difference in premiums themselves. When you use a broker to procure health insurance through a private exchange, you don’t have to deal with multiple bills from multiple providers. Rather, everything is consolidated and billed to you directly through the broker on one convenient invoice. Political and Business Considerations : There has been a lot of back and forth about the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and President Trump’s proposed redactions and changes. Many of these changes won’t take place until late this year or early 2019. For now, the same Essential Health Benefits (EHBs) apply. These benefits include things like emergency services, ambulatory care, prescription drugs, prenatal and postnatal care, etc. While it is possible that changes are coming in the near future, for now, it is best to go with what you know. Working with a professional broker can help you navigate the murky waters and better explain how proposed changes will impact your small business, what you can do to prepare, and how things will work in the meantime. As a small business operator, a lawsuit resulting from not properly adhering to what is expected of you regarding insurance can break your business. Unlike other options, like Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) you still have complete control over other aspects of your business with a private exchange. Private exchanges are not only convenient for you and your employees but help you cover your assets. Read Also: How To Get Low-Cost Life Insurance For Seniors Tips To Lower Your Insurance Costs Fred Loya Insurance Company