How To Pick Multibagger Stocks For Investing As A Beginner?

Published on: 28 October 2022 Last Updated on: 29 October 2022
Multibagger Stocks

Anyone who is into investing in the stock market will be eager to reap more returns in a short span of time. Many agree that trading in a stock market is all about patience as more returns require more time.

However, there is one such stock type that you can consider to earn returns several times its cost, making it a hot investment option- Multibagger Stocks. If you are someone who wants to know how to identify multibagger stocks, then read on to know more.

What Is A Multibagger Stock?

A multi-bagger stock is an equity stock that is known to give massive returns, sometimes more than 100%.

They are usually offered by companies that come with massive growth potential and are probably one of the most sought-after types of stocks by stock market enthusiasts.

Here’s How To Pick Multibagger Stock

1. Track the Performance History

Track the Performance History

The past performance of a company will give you an understanding of how the company has performed despite changes in the market. It will also give you reliable information if the company has the potential to perform well in the present and the future.

2. Understand the Company’s Policies

A company’s policies form its backbone, as it contains all vital information about how it will carry out its duties and operations and style of management. You can refer to the company’s policies, along with its changes in the past, as they affect its performance, financial standings, and stock value directly.

3. Analyze the Company’s Revenue Sources

picking multibagger stocks

Apart from knowing how much revenue a company generates, it is also important for you to know where the money comes from. Companies having multibagger stocks usually have higher growth in their earnings.

This is due to their secondary sources of revenue, apart from their primary ones. So have your homework done for such matters.

4. Check the Company’s Handling of Finances

A company grows not only because of its revenues but also how it manages the same in the long run. Whatever money the company invests should lead to positive growth, as that will have a positive effect on the shares.

The company management should be quick enough to identify where it is going wrong and correct itself to ensure a smoother financial ride for the company.

5. Focus on Return on Equity

 trading in a stock market

Return on Equity simply means how much profits and returns a company can generate from the investment it has received from its shareholders.

You can calculate this by dividing the net annual income by the shareholder’s equity and comparing it with past years. If it is higher than in the past, it means the company is better at converting the shareholder’s investment into profits.


Multibagger is one of the most sought-after types of stocks for traders, thanks to its high performance and maximum returns. If you are willing to buy such stocks, understanding the financial backgrounds of the companies along with trends in the market is essential.

You can learn the art of picking multibagger stocks through a stock market course taught on an online learning platform such as Upsurge. Even if you do not have prior experience in stock markets, this course has got you covered and also comes with a certificate and one year of access.

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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Singles In Their 20s To Get Life Insurance

Why It Is Important For Singles In Their 20s To Get Life Insurance?

Life insurance is a product that may not seem a cause for concern as a single in the early 20s. However, postponing it to a later date or several years ahead might cost you more than you expected. We must buy life insurance early to manage unforeseen commitments and pursue long-term goals with ease. Financial planning with life insurance will assure you benefits, especially low premium rates, extensive cover for your family, and financial security for the entire family. Here are some of the best reasons for singles to opt for life insurance early in the 20s. Reasons to buy life insurance in your 20s: When you are single and being in your 20s, you may be the only earning member of the family - your parents might become your dependents. They survive and manage expenses based on your income. However, as you get older, your commitments start increasing with marriage and children. The income will be increasing but not in tune with the rising liabilities. In case of an unfortunate event like your death, the whole family will suffer. If you have a life insurance cover, the life cover payout will ensure financial security for the family in your absence. In the early 20s, the insurer will provide insurance plans with a lower premium rate. This is primarily because you are healthy and fit at that age, and the risk involved is comparatively less. When you opt for term insurance with a higher sum assured, medical tests are mandatory. At a younger age, you won’t have any pre-existing ailments. So, the application gets approved for a minimal premium rate. And during a claim, it will not get rejected due to the submission of a healthy medical test report initially. Even being single, you have to plan your financial commitments way ahead. Life insurance comes with additional benefits like riders, guaranteed returns, savings plans, and other investment solutions for any individual. With guaranteed returns, you can pursue your long-term goals, and with investment plans like ULIP, you can get insured and invest for growth. There are also guaranteed savings plans that will provide life cover and regular income after a set period of time. The early you invest with the best life insurance, the higher is the sum assured. There are also high possibilities that you may have an educational loan. If the installment is fairly higher, then the payout from guaranteed returns plans can help you pay off a majority of the loan. In case of your unfortunate demise, your family members can pay off the debts with the lump sum assured. Having realized the advantages of life insurance of taking up life insurance as an individual at an early age, you must put the plan into action. It will encourage you to start your life with a disciplined approach to secure your life. Before choosing the right plan: Spend some time analyzing your financial position, career goal, long-term plans, and financial commitments. Research through the variety of plans available and select the best with expert advice. Comprehensive Insurance Cover for your 20s: Comprehensive life insurance plans are the perfect life cover to buy when you start your insurance journey. These plans combine affordable savings-cum-insurance cover and health-based riders. Thus, true to their name, they offer comprehensive protection - life, health, and savings! You can buy a comprehensive life insurance plan to secure your family’s future and ensure a lump sum payout so that they can lead a financially independent life. The guaranteed returns from the savings component help you fulfill your dreams and financial goals. Finally, the health-based riders assure protection and financial support during medical emergencies, especially on the diagnosis of critical and terminal illnesses. In conclusion: The avenues for insurance and investments are increasing every day. You can purchase life insurance online and get the necessary assistance at ease. In your 20s, before you start spending money on luxuries, allocate it for insurance and investments to stay financially independent in the present and later during the future. Keep in mind, the early you get insured, the better are your prospects, and the safest is your loved ones! Read Also: How Private Hire Insurance Takes You Out from Problems? Four Different Types of Insurance Everyone Needs How to Get Low-Cost Life Insurance for Seniors


What You Should Know Before Using ExpertOption

ExpertOption, a binary options broker launched in 2015 and based in St Vincent and the Grenadines is a relatively new broker within the binary options arena. In their 2018 review of ExpertOption, praise their ability to cater to both more and less experienced investors, giving an overall rating of 4.8 stars, with ExpertOption scoring between 4.6-5.0 stars throughout the categories of Accounts, Bonuses, Features, Trades, Mobile, Banking and Support. What’s Good About It? ExpertOption offers four account types, each with varying benefits and deposits: the Mini Account with a $50 deposit, alongside the Silver, Gold and the VIP Account, which requires a $2,500 deposit. award ExpertOption’s Account Types 5.0 stars, identifying them as a great beginner broker, with a minimum trade of just $1. ExpertOption offer over 50 assets, with gold, oil, stocks, currency pairs, and Forex pairs, earning them 4.6 for Trade Types and Payouts. Moreover, ExpertOption offers two trade types: 60-second options: an extreme option in terms of expiry times, which is great for traders with limited time. The second trade type, High/Low Options has a 15-minute expiry time, offering greater flexibility. ExpertOption also claims to offer bigger payouts than other brokers, with up to 95% of profits being rewarded. Bonuses and Promotions are one of the expert options strengths, earning a perfect 5.0 stars, thanks to their sliding scale bonuses based on account types. A 50% bonus is available with a Mini Account, increasing to 80% with the Silver Account, 100% with Gold and 125% with a VIP Account. ExpertOption accepts debit, credit cards and alternative payment methods including Skrill and Neteller. Commission-free withdrawals and the speed and ease with which deposits can be made earns their Banking capabilities 4.7 stars. Following the $50 deposit required to open a Mini Account, the minimum deposit required thereafter is $10, with priority withdrawal for Gold and VIP Accounts. When it comes to Customer Support (4.9 stars), noted ExpertOption’s 5 different contact options and languages: English, Russian, Chinese, Thai and Hindi, each with a phone number and email address. Inexperienced traders can get accustomed to the platform without risking real money, thanks to the $10,000 demo account, whilst an informative education center covers everything from trading strategies to jargon, earning ExpertOption’s Special Features 4.6 stars. What Could Be Improved? Despite an impressive 4.8 star rating thanks to apps for iOS and Android devices and a mobile site, note the difficulty in navigating ExpertOption’s mobile site, with a lack of responsiveness and certain aspects not being optimized for mobile usage. Although ExpertOption claims to offer a quick withdrawal turnaround time, exact time is not stated, with some traders experiencing more long waiting times. Equally, whilst ExpertOption’s English helpline is available 24/7, helplines in other languages are only available at specific times Monday-Friday. Overall: Ultimately, highlight ExpertOption’s suitability for new and experienced traders alike. A useful demo account and extensive educational resources facilitate risk-free trading for inexperienced users, whilst the mobile app is ideal for trading on the go. With accounts ranging from Basic to VIP and the ability to open an account with just $50, this review reaffirms how traders of all levels can try ExpertOption. Read Also : The Best Stocks To Buy Now That Will Pay Big Later Buying Stocks For Beginners: A Guide How To Start Trading On The Stock Market And Profit?

Digital Advisors

How Digital Advisors have Transformed the Investment Sector

Technology has undoubtedly made a huge impact on our everyday lives. There are new innovations that are unveiled practically every minute and it can be hard to keep up. The rise of the internet has replaced traditional newspapers and other print media as sources of information. Millions of people now rely on online news sources such as Yahoo and Twitter on getting their news. The transportation sector has also transformed from using the yellow cabs to Uber and Taxify. Purchasing of goods and services is now through electronic payments via credit and debit cards. The financial industry has also been affected by this transformation. The rise of digital advisors has resulted in cheaper and more efficient ways of offering financial advice to investors. These offer automated financial planning with different levels of human engagement. An investor will surely appreciate such engagement. The Difference Between Robo Advisor and Digital Advisors: A robo advisor uses algorithms and model portfolios relying on certain information that has been obtained from the client. While others may find robo advisors attractive due to their low cost, there is minimal human interaction. There is more focus on investment allocation but minimal focus on financial planning. Making life’s big decisions such as buying your next house or paying for college requires a lot of careful planning. In this instance, there is no one to hold your hand as you contemplate about making these changes in our life. A digital advisor is a combination of a traditional financial planner and a robot advisor. This affords an investor the ease and convenience of accessing a personal human advisor. These can be reached via phone or chat. The advice offered by digital advisors goes beyond investment options. Since users have real-time access to an actual financial planner, they can talk to someone about their specific needs and work together to come up with a plan that is based on their current situation. Which One is Right? There are Robo advisors who are fully automated and have low fees. These provide investment planning to investors. On the other hand, digital advisors offer a combination of this automation and a touch of the human element. Financial advice is also provided. It is important for you to know how these function so that you know which one to choose if you are considering these options. Here are some options to choose from who are considered the well-known players in this space: Wealthfront: this automated service has over $1 billion in client assets and thus considered the world’s largest investment service. There is very little human interaction. The first $10,000 in assets management do not attract an advisory fee. Amounts that are higher than this attracts a monthly advisory fee at the rate of 0.25%. The minimum investment amount is $5,000. Betterment: there is also very little human interaction on this service. Just like the previous platform, the process if Betterment begins by clients being asked a series of questions and then an investment plan is recommended. A monthly portfolio fee of 0.35% and this amount decreases the more the balance grows. There is no minimum investment. Learnvest: although this platform does not manage investments, clients can contact a Certified Financial planner whom they can contact by phone or email and ask questions. A %19 monthly fee is charged. Personal capital & Wela: these two digital advisors have very similar offerings. For instance, both offer free financial advice to their users. You can receive advice pertaining to all things finance and be assisted to set up a unique game plan based on your specific situation. Users are also free to use all the financial planning tools available at the site at no extra cost. A management fee of less than 1% is charged to users who are connected to a personalized wealth management advisor. A similar program at Wela ensures that a user is charged only when he decides to become a client. If you have your doubts about putting your money with a fully automated system, why not go for a digital advisor that provides you with unlimited access to a financial planner while at the same time providing online convenience so that you are assured if a partner to guide you in making big decisions in life. How They Work: You do not have to rely on a human to discuss your financial goals and expectations. These interactions go on through a website. You will fill out a questionnaire that helps these sites to assess your current financial situation, risk tolerance and goals. The firms will use this information to develop manage and also suggest an asset allocation. Other firms will operate by investing your money in mutual funds and exchange funds. These are passively managed funds. Other firms will be willing to invest in individual stocks although this does not happen so often. Once your portfolio has been constructed the digital advisor will rebalance it on different situations so that you can maintain your target asset allocation. There are some cases where you will not need to fully rely on a digital platform to offer advice. Some elements of the advisor model are mixed with a human advisor. Therefore instead of relying on your response to the given questionnaire, you will be interviewed over the phone or video. You can also access a human advisor via video conferencing. These websites rely on their own algorithms to determine what would be a good fit for you as asset allocation. Depending on the firm, some will be more or less aggressive in their suggestions. Investors have found these websites to be truly valuable in a fast-paced world where many lack the time or interest to manage their own savings or investments. Advanced technology makes it possible for investors to be comfortable in a web-based relationship which assists them to allocate their asset and online portfolios. It has truly changed the way business is done. Read Also: 5 Must-Have Long-Term Goals For A Secure Future How To Become Financially Stable Before Age 30