Why It Is Important For Singles In Their 20s To Get Life Insurance?


06 May 2021


Singles In Their 20s To Get Life Insurance

Life insurance is a product that may not seem a cause for concern as a single in the early 20s. However, postponing it to a later date or several years ahead might cost you more than you expected.

We must buy life insurance early to manage unforeseen commitments and pursue long-term goals with ease. Financial planning with life insurance will assure you benefits, especially low premium rates, extensive cover for your family, and financial security for the entire family.

Here are some of the best reasons for singles to opt for life insurance early in the 20s.

Reasons to buy life insurance in your 20s:

Reasons to buy life insurance in your 20s:

  1. When you are single and being in your 20s, you may be the only earning member of the family – your parents might become your dependents. They survive and manage expenses based on your income. However, as you get older, your commitments start increasing with marriage and children. The income will be increasing but not in tune with the rising liabilities. In case of an unfortunate event like your death, the whole family will suffer. If you have a life insurance cover, the life cover payout will ensure financial security for the family in your absence.
  2. In the early 20s, the insurer will provide insurance plans with a lower premium rate. This is primarily because you are healthy and fit at that age, and the risk involved is comparatively less. When you opt for term insurance with a higher sum assured, medical tests are mandatory. At a younger age, you won’t have any pre-existing ailments. So, the application gets approved for a minimal premium rate. And during a claim, it will not get rejected due to the submission of a healthy medical test report initially.
  3. Even being single, you have to plan your financial commitments way ahead. Life insurance comes with additional benefits like riders, guaranteed returns, savings plans, and other investment solutions for any individual. With guaranteed returns, you can pursue your long-term goals, and with investment plans like ULIP, you can get insured and invest for growth. There are also guaranteed savings plans that will provide life cover and regular income after a set period of time. The early you invest with the best life insurance, the higher is the sum assured.
  4. There are also high possibilities that you may have an educational loan. If the installment is fairly higher, then the payout from guaranteed returns plans can help you pay off a majority of the loan. In case of your unfortunate demise, your family members can pay off the debts with the lump sum assured.

Having realized the advantages of life insurance of taking up life insurance as an individual at an early age, you must put the plan into action. It will encourage you to start your life with a disciplined approach to secure your life. Before choosing the right plan:

  • Spend some time analyzing your financial position, career goal, long-term plans, and financial commitments.
  • Research through the variety of plans available and select the best with expert advice.

Comprehensive Insurance Cover for your 20s:

Comprehensive life insurance plans are the perfect life cover to buy when you start your insurance journey. These plans combine affordable savings-cum-insurance cover and health-based riders. Thus, true to their name, they offer comprehensive protection – life, health, and savings!

You can buy a comprehensive life insurance plan to secure your family’s future and ensure a lump sum payout so that they can lead a financially independent life. The guaranteed returns from the savings component help you fulfill your dreams and financial goals.

Finally, the health-based riders assure protection and financial support during medical emergencies, especially on the diagnosis of critical and terminal illnesses.

In conclusion:

The avenues for insurance and investments are increasing every day. You can purchase life insurance online and get the necessary assistance at ease. In your 20s, before you start spending money on luxuries, allocate it for insurance and investments to stay financially independent in the present and later during the future. Keep in mind, the early you get insured, the better are your prospects, and the safest is your loved ones!

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Investment Plan

How to Select the Best Investment Plan for Your Child?

As parents, you want many things for your child - happiness, health, and a secure financial future. You also want that your child should excel in his/her career. Just imagine your kiddo becoming a star athlete or a budding biologist or a successful entrepreneur who appears in headlines from time to time. Your joy will know no bounds! However, when you want to provide the best of everything to your child, you will have to move beyond the basic parenting skills and contribute to his/her holistic growth. For that purpose, it is sensible to save money for your child’s future and keep him/her financially secure, even in your absence. A good way to start is to invest in an Online Savings Plan, popularly known as ‘Child Investment Plan’. An online savings plan serves the dual purpose of investment and insurance. Most importantly, it fulfils two major requirements: It secures your child’s future financially It provides financial aid at various stages of your child’s life such as higher education, starting a business, or getting married However, with several child investment plans available in the market today, it can become difficult to choose the plan that best meets your child’s needs. Following tips will help you make an informed decision: Determine the Monetary Value Attached to Your Child’s Dreams As a responsible parent, your first step should be identifying and prioritizing your child’s goals and the monetary value attached to them. The two main goals for which you would need significant financial funding is your child’s education and marriage. As far as education is considered, for the time being, decide your child’s goal on behalf him/her and know for sure when the cash is required. Reach a decision, for instance - "I am saving for my son’s engineering degree in 2025, and I may require 20 lakhs for the same". Along these lines, calculate the required funds while taking into consideration the year of the requirement for the respective milestones. Also, with respect to your child’s education, don’t just consider funds for primary and higher education, but also plan for extracurricular activities. In short, make estimates of the amount you intend to spend on your child’s education or marriage. Doing so will help you choose the premium amount and the policy term for the best child investment plan. Go for Equity-linked Online Saving Plans If you have a higher risk appetite for equities and a considerable investment time frame (more than 10 years), you can consider opting for an online savings plan. It is essentially a unit-linked child investment plan that offers you investment as well as insurance feature in a single product. Further, this plan provides multiple investment options like equity, debt and balanced funds. So, if you have a longer investment timeframe, you can go for equity funds as investing in equities for longer duration gives the best returns. On the other hand, if you have a lower appetite, you can go for an online savings plan that offers a balanced mix of growth and debt funds. Remember that just choosing to invest for your child is not enough. Selecting the right investment plan is most important! Therefore, while making your investment decision consider the amount you can spare for investment, your income, cost of higher education, time in hand, and the level of risk. Look for Premium Waiver Benefit Almost all insurers, including Max Life Insurance, offer child plans with premium waiver benefit as a key feature of the base plan. This benefit acts as the most vital feature in case of demise of the parent. In such a situation, the child plan pays a lump sum amount to the nominee. Further, the insurer waives off all future premium, and the plan continues to be active until the entire policy term. This ensures that the maturity benefit remains intact as planned. Check for Provision of Partial Withdrawals Online saving plans also allow partial withdrawals on fixed intervals. The idea behind such partial withdrawals is to allow parents to meet the financial needs of their kids at the key milestones in their life such as admissions for extracurricular activities, admissions in educational institutions, or marriage. This option is also helpful for meeting unplanned expenses in case of medical emergencies. Other Factors to Consider for Child Investment Planning Start investing early. It will help achieve your investment target easily. Also, ‘Power of Compounding’ will play an important role when it comes to investing for your child’s future Know the different premium payment modes. You can opt to pay premiums on monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual basis Invest in a plan that offers a well-balanced mix of equity and debt funds Track your investment at regular intervals and make appropriate changes if required Select a tax-efficient investment option Concluding Today many insurers have come up with attractive child investment plans. However, you need to be judicious about what plan you want to opt for. Also, while making your decision don’t forget to consider criteria like time horizon and age of your child. We hope that this guide will help you choose the right plan for your child and make his or her dreams a reality! Read Also: Investing And Trading 101: Investment Ideas For Newbies How Digital Advisors Have Transformed The Investment Sector Pros And Cons Of Oil And Gas Investment

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paper gold

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