6 Coolest Uses For Drones Today

Published on: 25 April 2018 Last Updated on: 24 July 2024
Drones Camera

Okay, so drones are one of the coolest toys around and we all want to know new and interesting ways to use our cool new toys, right? Well, it turns out, you can use drones for just about anything that you would use a private talking bird for. And we love them for it!

1. Drones Carrying Love Letters and Packages :

When you want to woo your favorite geek, drones are the perfect way to do it. Craft something handmade, heartfelt, and meaningful, and send it off to your loved one with a drone. Letters, packages, small furry animals, giant red hearts, stuffed teddy bears, and sparkly handmade crafts are all excellent options for using your drone to continue the courtship of your favorite geek. Remember to test the load-bearing capacity of the drone before you risk crashing it into someone’s hair and, if the drone is traveling over a fence, respect your neighbor’s privacy by NOT attaching a camera to it. Other fun uses for cameras are listed below.

What kind of ideas do you have for your loved one? Well, for one, as long as you attach a camera to see where it’s going, you send your loved one a kitten in a small little cardboard cage. It will arrive in style, it will be unbelievable cute and adorable, and your loved one will swoon from the adorable-ness of it all.

A more animal-friendly option would be to attach a stuffed animal to the drone, instead. Either has claws which can retract, dropping the stuffed animal into their arms or plan on a safe place to set the drone down somewhere. Your choice. Just make sure that no one feels that they have to approach spinning propellers to get their gift. Also, consider doing this on a calm, still day and avoid any distance in which wind can blow long hair into the mechanism. Safety first, our little drones.

2. Drones Carrying Scanners and Heat Sensors for Cattle Ranching :

Want to keep an eye on all of your cows and bulls? Well, drones equipped with cameras and heat sensors can do exactly that for you. In the olden days, the land was open (not fenced in) and cowboys and horses were required to keep an eye on all of your cattle. Nowadays, we have fences and drones to keep your mooing creatures of investment safe.

Be sure and get accustomed to seeing the difference between cattle and, say, wolves. Keep an eye on things by looking around your lands and then riding off to help if need be. This will significantly reduce the number of hours you have to be employed out in the fields, thus saving you time, energy AND money.

3. Drones Helping People Find Their Way Around :

Have you ever tried finding your way around a foreign city (or even a domestic city in another part of this country) all by yourself? You get very familiar with the bulky paper map right away. And it’s a pain to navigate unless you have room to spread it out and no wind. Enter drones. They can be part of your chamber of commerce and real estate agencies and your concierge services.

Imagine stepping off a plane, NOT renting a car, and just grabbing a smoothie or coffee at the airport and tagging a drone on your way out. You tell it where you want to go, it uses maps, services, listings, and local data to tell you about interesting places to visit, and calculates your cab fare for you so that you don’t overpay. You and your drone get in the cab and run off into the city, footloose and fancy-free!

4. Drones Used for Property Protection and Privacy Screening :

If you like to hole up in your hidden, heavily camouflaged castle, then we have the drone activity for you! Attach cameras, night vision cameras, and heat sensors to your friendly private drone and send it off to do property patrol for you. Sip your scotch or wine in your private library, surrounded by your books and your masterful plans for world domination, and laugh maniacally.

After you have sent your drones out a couple of times a night, program your computer to alert you to any intruders, settle down with your cigars and whiskey to binge-watch Longmire on Netflix, and dream of the day when you can own your own city-state.

5. Drones Ready to Water Gardens and Crops :

Gardeners love working and basking in the warm sunshine and feeling the moist, rich, living soil between their fingers. However, making sure that everything gets the proper amount of watering (always less than you think, it turns out) is a really annoying thing. Instead of trying to drag hoses everywhere, unkinking them, making sure they don’t run over your plants, unkinking them some more, and then putting them back afterward so that you can use your driveway like normal, use a drone, instead!

Drones can carry sprayers (for insecticides) and waterers (for daily thirst-quenching) and they can fly over your garden, fields and small farm without having to do anything but watch and guide the movement from the comfort of your porch with your glass of iced lemonade. Hate the heat, too? Attach a camera to your drone and do all of your watering from the comfort of your nice, cool living room.

6. Drones Being Your Next Wingman :

As if drones could possibly get any cooler, and we agree that it would be hard to try, you can utilize your massive engineering and droning knowledge to charm your way to picking up the next guy or girl on your list! Picture this: You’re chatting up some hottie of the opposite sex, everything is looking good to go, and your drone peacefully flies up and hovers beside the two of you, offering helpful, recorded messages about how swoon-worthy you are. Some helpful suggestions would be, “Alex is a real hottie, isn’t he?” and “Mary is the most popular girl in town” and “Would you like to have drinks later?”

While the object of your interest is busy doubling over at the hilarity of it all, consider bringing it home with a nice, smiling salute to your drone before you have it fly away. Who can argue with that much game?

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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gun safe

Not Sure How to Keep Gun Safe at Home? These Tips Work!

No wonder that you own a firearm if you are a U.S. citizen who is concerned about the plagued violent crime situation of the country. Living in a world where you can encounter drug trafficking, mass shooting, and robbery anytime, you can’t imagine to sit quiet and become a victim of any one of these crimes. You have every right, according to the second amendment, to own a gun safe for your protection. However, owning a gun is a full-fledged responsibility. You can’t put your gun carelessly alongside the bed or on top of the table so that you can grab it in case of an emergency. Your careless attitude can put your children, family, or society at stake. You know the rise of anti-gun sentiments in the country, and the careless attitude of people has played a major role in igniting such sentiments. If you don’t want to lose your right of self-defense, you should keep your gun at a safe place – away from the range of children and wrongdoers. To help you keep your gun safe, here are some tips: Go for a Gun Safe: Besides the bank, where do you think your money is safe? In a safe – right? The same goes for a gun. A gun safe is one of the most effective ways to keep your gun out of the reach of others. There are many types of safe in the market, but it is always better to look for those that not only keep your gun safe but also keep them intact and well maintained. Moreover, the safe should also have advanced locks, not like those that anyone can open with a bobby pin. If you want to buy one, you can check out the article they wrote on reviews of different safes. Use a Trigger Lock: Having a gun means that you have to take every possible measure to prevent any disaster. No matter whether you have kept your gun in a safe or not, you should still lock it with a trigger lock. Once you put a trigger lock on the trigger, it acts as a guard and prohibits unauthorized people from using it. But before putting on trigger lock, unload your gun to minimize the possibility of any mishap as much as you can. It is good that new guns are now manufactured with their own safety locks, but if you are still hanging with the old version of the gun, you better buy a trigger lock to avoid any unfortunate incident. Never Keep a Loaded Gun: What is the possibility of an accident if there isn’t anything in the gun? Almost zero – right? That’s why you should always keep your gun unloaded no matter what. Even if you feel threatened or vulnerable, make sure that your loaded gun is away from the range of your family or anyone else who can cause any trouble with the gun. Conclusion: You have every right to ensure your safety, but along with your safety, you should also take care of other’s safety. Keep guns, but safely! That’s the only way to keep our society and family safe and sound. Read Also: How to Improve Workplace Security Five things to consider before starting a Business

Alexa device issue

How To Troubleshoot The Alexa Not Responding Issue? [Fixed]

Alexa is a virtual assistant, which works with an echo dot in order to fulfill all the demands of its users. With its thousands of attractive features, Alexa has made the life of its users super easy and also entertaining at the same time.  With its hi-tech features, Alexa can do almost everything from controlling smart home lights to set reminders, playing songs, jokes, news, quizzes, and much more things. But due to some reasons, you may find your Alexa not responding to the commands that you are giving it.  Do not worry if you are facing the Alexa not responding issue. Here we have the most effective and easiest troubleshooting steps to fix this issue.  Troubleshoot The Alexa Not Responding Issue: Here are the troubleshooting steps that you need to follow for solving the Alexa not responding issue with your echo dot. There are a bunch of reasons for what you may be facing this Alexa not working issue.  So, let’s head towards the troubleshooting steps.  1. Check The Microphone Button There are many instances when we find that the reason behind Alexa not responding is because the microphone is damaged or we forget to turn the button on. The microphone button is one of the most common reasons for this issue.  So, check the microphone button first. If the issue persists and it seems that everything is totally fine there. You can step to the next process.  2. Reboot The Device This is one of the most effective and easiest ways in the whole troubleshooting process of Alexa is not responding issue. There is not much trouble, all you need to do is just restart the device and the issue will get resolved. But this restarting has a definite name called power drain, and it is more than just powering off the power button and power on it again.  Here is the step-by-step guide for the power drain process. First, you need to check the power light. In case it is showing blue light, that means the device is able to hear you but simply the Alexa device is unresponsive to your commands.  Disconnect the power cable from the power source for at least 30 seconds. Wait for a little while, and after that, connect the power cord again with the power outlet. Now, when your device is ready completely, try to give it any command again. If the issue is resolved, then it is fine. But in case the issue of Alexa not responding continues, head to the next step.  3. Echo Dot Hard Reset In case the above described troubleshoot does not work for your echo dot. Here is the step-by-step guide to hard reset. You will find the reset button at the bottom of the device. You can use a pin to press the button. As soon as you press the button, the device will power off. Here, you need to wait for a little and then power the device on again. All the settings of the device will then reset to the original.  4. Disable And Enable Alexa Privacy If Alexa not responding after all the above-mentioned troubleshooting steps, now is the time to enable Alexa privacy and in order to do so, follow the below steps. You will find a button at the end of Alexa’s nucleus screen. You need to press the button. This button is to enable the privacy of Alexa. If you press the button again, the device will hear you again. Give a command to Alexa in order to check whether the issue is resolved or not.  5. Check Your WiFi Connection Behind the “Alexa not responding” issue, there is a huge chance that maybe your wifi connection is not working properly. That is why Alexa is finding it difficult to respond to your commands.  Well, let me tell you that if you do not have a proper internet connection, there will be no use for this Alexa device. So, check the router now. In case you find anything wrong, contact your network service provider.  6. Try Changing The Position  In case you have placed your echo dot device far from your router or in someplace where it is having issues connecting with the router. This can be the main reason why you are experiencing “Alexa not responding.”  Make sure that you are placing Alexa within the wifi range. The place should be accessible to yours as well so that your echo dot device can connect with the network properly and also can hear you clearly.  7. Set Echo And Smartphone On The Same Network Always keep in mind that the smartphone that you are using and Alexa have to be connected within the same network. In case they are connected with different routers or your phone is not connected with the router’s network, you will face the “Alexa not responding issues.” Connect both of them on the same router’s network in order to resolve the issue.  8. WiFi Congestions If you have connected a lot of devices within the same router’s network, it may create the “Alexa not responding” issue. Due to excessive wifi congestions, your echo dot is not able to respond to your given commands. Remove or disconnect some other devices, and then try to give your device command and check if the issue is resolved.  Still Alexa Not Responding? All the steps that I have told you in this troubleshooting guide are enough for resolving Alexa not responding to voice issue. But if you face the same problem after performing all the troubleshooting steps. You should contact Alexa customer care. Call on the Alexa helpline number and ask for help.  More Resources:  Benefits of the Cloud: What Makes it Special? Benefits Of Having A Cordless Vacuum Cleaner At Home What is type c cable, and is it worth buying

Choose the Best Printer

How to Choose the Best Printer for Your Office

Most things are digital now, so people tend to overlook the necessity for printers. Despite technology, have you ever found yourself in a situation in which you needed to print a certificate or picture so badly? People still need to print things, and for that, printers are needed. Getting a printer does not fix the problem right away, though. You must know the type of printer that is right for you. With the variety of printers out there, it can be difficult to determine which printer to purchase. Nobody, especially a business owner, likes to make the wrong purchase. Here are some pointers on choosing the printer that best fits your needs. Inkjet Inkjet printers are some of the most affordable printers. They are small and common. They are used mainly for printing documents and pictures. Inkjet printers are improving recently, and their printed materials have been becoming difficult to differentiate from the printed materials of better types of printers. Old models of inkjet printers use inks that smudge and smear easily, but newer models use inks that do not smudge and smear easily. These improved models of inkjet printers can also print at high volumes just like better types of printers. Still, inkjet printers are ideal for offices that print only a small amount of materials every day. Laser Laser printers are also common, but they are way better than inkjet printers regarding printing capacity and the quality of their printed materials. Laser printers are also bigger than inkjet printers. They print quickly and do not require the replacement of ink cartridges to print continuously. They are perfect for large companies that have to print large amounts of materials. They can be used by many different employees continuously. If your office is small and does not need to print many things, a laser printer may quickly print high-quality materials for you, but it is basically a wasted investment because it is an unnecessary expense. Copier Some printers have extra features. Copy machines are some of the most common extra features of printers. Both inkjet printers and laser printers have copy machines. Many large companies use copy machines weekly. If you have a large company, a printer that has a copy machine might be perfect for you. In printers that have copy machines, Comparoid recommended. Even if you have a small office and happen to need a copy machine for frequent use, you might need this kind of printer. Purchasing a printer that has a copy machine is cheaper than purchasing a printer and then purchasing a copy machine separately. Scanner Some printers also have scanners. Scanners let you make digital copies of printed documents and printed pictures for storage and sharing. If your business involves paintings, you can also use scanners to send paintings and drawings to emails and posts. Because you can’t post paintings online without scanning them, and you can’t make real paintings online. Simply taking pictures of your paintings is not enough. Scanners are also available in both inkjet and laser printers. Printers that have scanners are accessible and affordable in the nearest shops. You can purchase one and get it to work right away. Fax Machine Some printers also have fax machines. Even though they are now considered old, and many people replace them with scanners, fax machines are still available on the market and used by certain companies. If you prefer to use fax machines instead of scanners, you can find fax machines that come with both inkjet printers and laser printers. Because they are old-school, fax machines are cheaper than scanners. Also, if you have older employees who do not know much about scanners, fax machines can be helpful for your office. Printers that have fax machines are common, and you can find them in most shops. Types of printers may be different from one another, but after some deep research, you can find the printer that is best for you. Unless your business is about printing high-quality pictures, you don’t have to purchase the best printer for all printers. You only have to purchase the printer that fits your budget, but still gets your business moving forward. Choose printers wisely Read  More:  Paper Authority: Basic Tips In Purchasing A Printer 7 Ways To Stop Spending So Much On Printing In Your Business 10 Tips To Design The Perfect Business Card Best Office Design Trends For 2018 Choosing Open Office Space Vs Cubicle Office Space Making Your Office Safer For Workers