6 Imbalances in Body Hampering Weight Loss Efforts

Published on: 21 July 2016 Last Updated on: 12 September 2024

You may be constantly following a diet program and daily exercise, but weight loss seems to be an impossible task. A lot of imbalances in the body make weight loss a difficult task to accomplish and enhances the chances of obesity. Keep reading further to know about the imbalances in the body hindering the weight loss efforts.


Do you know what inflammation is? It is the physical condition of the in which a body part becomes reddened and swollen. A various number of body disorders like digestive problems, allergies, asthma, eczema, autoimmune disease, arthritis, abdominal fat, headaches, and sinus disorders lead to chronic inflammation. Recent studies have reflected that inflammation is also a major cause of obesity and weight loss problems. Apart from this, it is also a reason for other diseases like aging, heart diseases, and cancer. The california weight management in Monterey CA also shows that inflammation is the root cause of rising rates of obesity across the world.

Insulin Resistance

Insulin is the hormone released by the beta cells of the pancreas and plays an important role in glucose metabolism. Insulin regulates the glucose level in the bloodstream allowing the body cells to use it as a source of energy. When your body is resistant to insulin, the cells do not respond properly to insulin which increases the glucose level in the body. Hence, the pancreas produces and release more amount of insulin. Increased insulin level lets your body store unused glucose as fat. The fat stored in the body cannot be used as a source of energy which leads to weight gain. Hyperinsulinema is a body disorder that is characterized by a high insulin level, obesity, and higher lipid levels. The medical weight loss center in Monterey reflect insulin resistance as a major cause of obesity these days.


Thyroid Problem

Thyroid hormone secreted by the adrenal glands is a major hormone responsible for the body metabolism. Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the level of thyroid hormone increases in the body. People suffering from this condition feel tired, sleep more than usual, and suffers from constipation resulting in weight gain problem. A thyroid problem is hereditary. It leads to associated autoimmune illnesses which are accompanied by weight loss problem. The body loses its ability to lose weight and thereby the fat deposits increases leading to excessive weight gain.

Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal imbalance in the body results in problems in weight loss mechanism. Low levels of serotonin lead to weight loss problems. Serotonin exerts a lot of influence over the mood, memory, appetite, and cravings. During the depression, the body tends to crave more sugar and starch stimulating the release of serotonin which affects the weight loss mechanism. Another hormone which results in obesity is the excess level of estrogen in the body. The estrogen receptors present in the brain is responsible for keeping control over food habits, energy utilization and distribution of fat in the body. The low of testosterone increases the fat deposition in the body and loss of muscles. It increases the chances of obesity and stress in the body. Recent findings have established that low testosterone is linked to depression, obesity and a number of heart disorders.


The genetic has an important role to play in the weight loss in the body. Many genes in the body are involved in weight control as the bodyweight has an effective genetic component. These genes are responsible for increasing the endurance to survive when the food is scarce and thus making weight loss a difficult thing to accomplish. If the problem of excess weight is a part of your family, then you are likely to be obese. The weight loss program in Monterey is designed for effective weight loss.

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Chronic Stress

Stress, whether it is physical and mental, is a major cause of weight loss. Our body releases a lot of cortisol hormones which acts against the weight loss mechanism. Increased level of cortisol leads to enhanced appetite and belly fat. The doctors at California Medical Weight Management (CALMWM) also suggest the stress is one of the major reasons for poor weight loss regime. These are the important imbalances in the body which are hindering the efforts you put for weight loss.

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Sleep Well

Ways to Sleep Well at Night as You Age

You might realize that as you age, it’s not easy going to sleep anymore. Even if you try hard to sleep, it takes time, and it might be worse if you had sleeping problems even when you were young. Age will only compound the problem, but don’t blame everything on age, since your lifestyle might also have something to do with experiencing sleeping problems. Sleep Experts contributed a Sleep Habits Survey among different age groups to better understand sleep habits and their impact on everyday life. Try these tips to make it easy to fall asleep. Have a warm bath Before you hit the bed, take a warm bath since bathing in warm water will make you feel sleepy. If you soak your body in a tub for a while, your body temperature will drop, and it helps you easily fall asleep. It’s recommended that you do this an hour or more before bed, to give time for your body temperature to fall. Calm down before you sleep Regardless of the problems you might have faced during the day, you need to stay calm. Let go of everything that causes stress and read a book or listen to soothing music; try anything that helps you unwind. A significant reason why you might be having a hard time sleeping is that several things are still bothering you. Do not eat or work in your bed When you see your bed, you need to send a signal to your brain that it is time to sleep - the problem is when you eat or work in your bed. Train yourself to use the bed only for sleeping and if you try hard to sleep, but after 20 minutes you are still awake, get out of bed for a while. Wait until you start feeling tired before you go back to bed. Do not sleep in the afternoon It is easy for you to feel tired when you age. When you are exhausted, your first instinct is to find a place to sleep. Sometimes, it is easy to sleep in the afternoon because the environment seems conducive for sleeping.It’s okay to nap if you want to, as naps of only 30 or so minutes won’t bother your night’s sleep. Try not to nap too close to your normal bedtime, as these naps can affect your ability to fall asleep at night. Schedule your exercise well You need to exercise and hit the gym if possible. You do not need rigorous exercise to stay healthy; you can benefit from a moderate exercise like jogging and brisk walking. Make sure that your workout schedule is set for earlier than three hours before bedtime. Exercising keeps your heart rate up and makes it difficult for you to calm down, and sleep. Take supplements You need to select the right kind of food that will help you sleep well. If you cannot get all the nutrients you need from the food you eat, you can try food supplements. There are many different types available, so look for something that will meet your needs. For example, if you are aged 40 or over and hitting the gym regularly, then building muscle over 40 supplements will help you with your fitness goals and also help you fall asleep easily. See your doctor and ask which food supplement would be suitable for your needs. You need to be consistent in your intake to see results. With these tips, you can look forward to a better night’s sleep. It’s okay to start slowly and build up your new routine. Make gradual changes at first and build an exercise, nutrition and anti-stress program that contributes to restful sleep. Read Also: 3 Health Advantages Of Good Night’s Sleep Things To Do Before Bed For A Perfect Night’s Sleep Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On Your Skin & Good Sleeping Habits

Symptoms of Menopause

Top 5 Life Hacks of Dealing with the Symptoms of Menopause

It is every woman's dream to dwell in her youthful years forever. Unfortunately, life is a wheel that keeps turning and change is inevitable. Just because you're now entering the menopause stage doesn't mean that your life is over. There always is a perk to every stage of life and focusing on the negatives only blurs your sight of the good things. Truth be said, menopause strings along troublesome effects. It may seem like the end of the world when you're experiencing hot flashes or mood swings. However, you can stay ahead of the game the natural way. 1. Hot Flashes This is the most complained about symptom in regards to menopause. The random changes from sweaty to chilly temperatures are disturbing. However, just because it's normal doesn't mean that you should sit around waiting for it to disrupt your life. You can gain control over it ahead of time by avoiding situations such as; hot tubs, hot drinks, spicy foods, alcohol, stress, hot showers, intense exercise, white sugar, caffeine and hot weather. Although there aren't many studies backing this up, soy products are also thought to help control the irritating hot flashes. In addition to these, you may also want to give Black Cohosh a try. These are available as health supplements in health stores. Black Cohosh is believed to regulate night sweats, hot flashes, and mood changes. 2. Unreliable Mood Changes Our bodies have a mind of their own and we sometimes can't control what happens whether we like it or not. Another con symptom to expect during menopause is unstable mood swings. Just because you can't get hold of the burning urge to sob five minutes after sharing a hearty laughter with your friends doesn't mean that you should settle for it. There is scientific evidence proving that Omega 3 Fatty Acids supplements are highly effective in the treatment of menopause-related mental health problems. These include distress and mild depression. For better results, you may need to pair this up with exercise, ample rest and a healthy diet. 3. Vaginal Dryness Menopause does not necessarily mean the end of a healthy sex life. You may notice increased bouts of vaginal dryness during intercourse but nothing that a good tube of lube won't fix. Since there are many products out in the market, you may want to consult your doctor before settling for a particular one. There are special lubricating gels that are specially designed for menopausal women hence feel a bit more comfortable for you. 4. Weight Gain Noticed the numbers going up on your scale? Well, this is common during menopause. Unlike the common teachings that fats are to be avoided to prevent weight gain, you should actually incorporate then in your diet now. Yes, they may have more calories than proteins and carbs. However, fats are vital for hormone production, increased metabolism and lowering inflammation levels which are all key to effective weight loss. Always go for healthy fats such as unrefined oils which are rich in Vitamin E. This is effective in regulating estrogen production. You may also want to invest in flaxseed oil, coconut oil, palm oil, and extra-virgin olive oil. You may also find healthy oils in coconut milk, nuts, avocado, wild seafood, and seeds. You may be pardoned for considering a laxative for weight loss. However, this is highly discouraged as it only leads to water loss which is quickly gained back thereafter. Stick to healthy weight loss choices. 5. Disturbed Sleep Are the tossing and turning driving you nuts? Worry not, there's a natural curb to it. The first step is getting your sleep routines in check. Go to bed at a particular time and stay there whether you're sleepy or not. With time, your body will sense bedtime ahead and start the shutting down process. You will notice yourself feeling drowsy whenever it's close to your bedtime. Avoid vigorous activities such as workouts and keep off caffeinated drinks in the afternoon. Sipping on some warm milk and herbal drinks may help you sleep better. Move the television, laptop, and phone from your bedroom as they are easy distractions. Menopause may be a challenging stage of life but it doesn't last forever. Stick to these routines even when you wish they results would kick in much faster. Avoid harmful practices such as consuming a laxative for weight loss in the attempt of speeding up the results. This will only lead to water loss which is quickly gained back thereafter. Besides this, laxatives may lead to internal damage which is definitely not worth it. There are a lot of benefits to reap from nature if you only give it a chance.


How to Find Out Where Your Ancestors Were Really From

In 1782, Michel-Guillaume-Jean de Crèvecoeur wrote in "Letters from an American Farmer" that a new race of Americans had been born from a mix of settlers from all corners of the world. Since then, many people of different heritages have flocked to the shores of the United States too, hoping to live the American dream. The culmination of such migrant dreams has led many individuals to trace their family voyages to learn more about their ancestry origins. Thanks to pioneering DNA technology and ancestry exploration databases, it has never been easier to find out where your ancestors were really from. Here are a few ways you will be able to get started today. 1. Prepare Yourself: Before you begin to mine online for ancestry data, it is important to set up a workstation because of the large amount of information you will collect. If you do not have a system in place, it will be easy to misplace or overlook it. Some people choose to use a desk and print out family history while others choose an online genealogy registry to save it electronically. Take the time to click here to learn more about credible research sites that incorporate DNA testing and data mining tools to assist you in difficult research. 2. Start With Family Data You Have at Home: Most people just starting out are not quite sure where to begin to look for family history. The best place to begin is at home as you have access to family documents, photo albums, and family who will provide you with lots of valuable information. It is extremely helpful to utilize a genealogy template or family tree document to record your findings. 3. Talk to Elderly Family: Who better to ask about older generations than the very people who knew them? Grandparents will most likely be able to provide ancestry information. Even a simple name and location will allow you to request data like birth certificates or death records. Here are some helpful questions to ask: Who are the oldest relatives you remember? What cities or countries did ancestors live? Surnames of parents, grandparents, great-grandparents. Did your family immigrate? 4. Choose a Credible Ancestry Website: Genealogists used to do everything by hand, which meant long hours at local libraries and records offices. It often took decades to complete. It is now much easier to research when utilizing the tools on genealogy websites. Ancestry websites are structured and make the investigation easier to complete. Once you link a known family member, you will be able to link their family history as well. It will also help you trace ancestors' data faster. 5. Take Advantage of DNA Testing: Even if you lack time to do extensive research, you can take advantage of DNA testing so that you know exactly where your ancestors are from. You also get notifications when others who do testing have a DNA connection to you. When getting a DNA test, make sure you choose a recognized DNA ancestry site to gain access to worldwide users. Are you ready to get started? Now that you know how to research, who to ask and what genealogy site to use, you will be able to fill in your ancestry family tree in no time at all. Read Also: 8 Family Friendly Careers That Offer Great Pay And Work-Life Balance The Ultimate Moving Checklist – Things You Need To Do When Moving