7 Reasons Why Teenagers Pay Extra For Car Insurance

Published on: 29 August 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
Car Insurance

Car insurance for teenagers is more expensive than experienced drivers. Teenagers, who are at a very young and vulnerable stage of life, often lack any formal driving experience. They learn the skills of driving in this age and polish it with practice. The motor vehicle associations understand the susceptibility of their age and therefore the cost of car insurance for teenagers is higher.

In order to understand this concept in detail, we have laid down 7 reasons that “why teenagers pay extra for car insurance”:

No Proven Track Record of Driving

The insurance companies consider the driving history of the applicant before issuing insurance premiums. In the case of teenagers, there is no proven track record of driving. Since they are at the beginner’s stage of learning, there is no evidence to support their expertise on the road. The risk factor stays high in this case.

In general, the people who have proven driving track record without any mention of traffic violations and accidents in their names can avail significant discounts on their car insurance policies.

The insurance companies need some statistical proof to make a judgment about the driving skills of applicants- which is not possible in the case of teenagers. Therefore, they cannot assume whether the teenage driver is a safe or reckless driver.

In order to cover their risk, they raise the cost of car insurance for teenagers to ensure some safety measures. However, at the age of 19, the insurance plan becomes affordable as you already have 1-2 years driving experience by this time. You can get car insurance here for 19 years olds.

Lack of Experience

It takes time in learning a skill and achieving expertise in it. Learning to drive certainly takes more time and effort as we face different situations every day on the road. The young drivers need to dedicate a lot of practice hours to polish their skills before they can take their own vehicle independently on the road.

The amount of time spent behind the wheel is a considerable factor in enhancing the driving abilities of young drivers. In the case of teenagers, their lack of experience can put them to test while facing real-life driving situations. Their reaction time may be slower than an experienced driver which is much needed when you are in actual driving practice.

It is often seen that the young drivers get into a panic very easily when they face unusual situations on the roads. There are research studies to support the fact that most of the accidents that involve youngsters are due to their delay in reaction to the situations that prevail.

Emotional Distraction

Young people often get stuck with emotional issues. Their vulnerable age often brings out the “rebellious” attitude which may result in anger, sadness, extreme happiness, excitement, overreaction, anxiety, etc. They have very less understanding of dealing with their own emotions which may cause serious troubles while driving.

For example- despite many public advertisements, youngsters use their mobile phones while driving. The overconfidence can lead to the accident-prone situation very easily.

Youngsters often pool their vehicles and go for diving expeditions. Mutual talking and discussions while driving can distract their attention from the road. It is also common for youngsters to appreciate unusual sights on the road and get diverted from their driving spree.

Insurance companies take these facts into account and use substantial proofs to put forth their risk level before issuing car insurance to teenagers.

Increased Tendency Towards Speed and Racing

There is no denial of the fact that teenagers love formula races and speed games. When they sit behind the steering, they get tempted to race with the cars on their track. Sometimes they have their own bunch of friends racing while driving.

The scientific studies have reported that teenagers are easily aggravated by smoking, drugs and alcoholic tendencies. Under the influence of these factors, they may be instigated to adopt risky behaviors while driving. The understanding of the risks and their implications can be attained only with age and experience.

The insurance companies state that the lower rates of premiums for the experienced drivers are supported by the statistics that prove that they are less prone to accidents as compared to teenage drivers.

The Risk of the Insurance Companies

The teenage drivers are at a higher state of financial risks for the insurance companies. The higher the probability of being at risk of accidents raises the probability of higher expenditure of the insurance companies. Therefore, in an attempt to cover the risks associated with the young drivers, they raise the cost of the policy.

The Statistical Proofs

We have already discussed various factors that may cause teenagers to become riskier while driving. It should be mentioned that our studies are based on statistical findings from various reports. These reports emphasize the high probability of teenage drivers being involved in road accidents. The data has been collected by the years of research that bring the car insurance firms at a higher edge of risk.

The Make and Model of the Vehicle

We often get to hear that the teenagers are gifted their “favorite vehicle” on their birthday or any other occasions. Although this practice is popular in rich and affluent families, these days even the middle-class segment has roped into the trend. Thanks to the easy loaning facilities!

However, parents often forget about the risk associated with allowing teenagers to drive new and expensive cars with high-speed parameters. The insurance companies charge more from their clients who want to purchase insurance of a premium car for their teenager ward.

The reason is clearly stated- higher speed parameters of the vehicle are directly proportional to the high financial risk factor of insurance companies.


Teenagers pay extra for car insurance due to the high amount of risk associated with their age and the levels of maturity. There are facts to support the rash driving incidents leading to fatal accidents in many cases that involve teenagers.

Therefore, the higher rates of insurance are just a precautionary measure by the insurance companies. They intend to ensure that the applicant, as well as the company, must be fully prepared to deal with the possible risky outcomes due to driving errors. Higher is the risk of the insurance company, higher is the cost of the premium.

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What Will A Financial Retirement Plan Including Gold Look Like

Planning doesn’t stop once you retire. In fact, you need to increase your efforts when the day arrives to maintain security. Security can look different for each retiree and their investment portfolio, but one commonality that many agree on is ensuring that the assets are diverse. Gold and other precious metals keep a retirement portfolio diverse, meaning the assets are not all tied up in one class, nor do they all correlate with the market similarly. A gold firm, check metal-res.com website for details, will set an investor up with physical gold or a gold IRA to meet plan diversity needs. A financial counselor or advisor can further assist investors by helping strategize for security up to the age when they decide to retire and after. Let’s examine what that strategy might look like. What Will A Financial Retirement Plan Including Gold Look Like The objective when planning for retirement is achieving security. Even after retiring, retirees must continue strategizing to ensure they don’t lose it. When building an investment strategy, a primary method for establishing a secure portfolio is through diversity. Many investors accomplish this by adding a physical commodity like precious metals or gold, boasting as an excellent long-term investment. That would make it ideal for a retiree. Adequate planning for an investment portfolio would include reassessing each year until reaching retirement and after since goals and circumstances change. One consideration is determining an appropriate age to retire. A problem for some is becoming harried about retiring, tending to jump ship a little too soon without considering the consequences. These retirees are often unprepared, with a few finding themselves heading back to work. The priority after the fact is following the guidance of a professional financial counselor for the best way out of the pitfall they find themself in. Other investors are relatively on the mark, with planning working in their favor thus far. Still, striving for security means reassessing the strategy and looking further into the future to discern how the goals will need to change as their lifestyle does. What steps should you follow to ensure optimum security as you head into retirement? Let’s learn. Reassess your needs and what you hope to achieve Each year before retiring and continuing after retirement is reached, it’s wise to consult with a financial counselor to look over your finances, see where you currently stand, and what you see as goals moving forward. A counselor is in a position to offer advice on where to make adjustments to align your strategy with new objectives. As a retired investor, you’ll be less risk tolerant with your investment choices. The idea at this stage is to keep a steady flow to withdraw from instead of being intent on amassing a fortune in wealth. You will still want to protect your wealth, making a case for keeping that little bit of gold in your holdings. The precious metal will provide a store of value and balance the holdings, reducing risk even further. What is your spending plan? The recommendation with an established spending plan is to take no more than 4% from retirement savings in a given year. That doesn’t mean sticking with that plan will always be possible, particularly if emergencies crop up, medical expenses, and critical household needs. When working with a financial counselor or advisor or overall planning for retirement, these things need to be accounted for in the spending plan. That means anticipating that this will be an expense, so you’re prepared for emergencies at any moment. No one can plan when an emergency might occur, but you can ensure that you have money in the event there is one. That’s the urgency with the need to have a spending plan lined out when you retire. No risk isn’t reasonable either You’ll be less tolerant of risk when you retire, perhaps a bit more conservative with your investment choices since recovery takes time when the market spirals. Still, you don’t want such a “safe” portfolio that inflation nibbles it away. For some, retirement can go on for a couple of decades, perhaps more, depending on when you stop working. These savings need to carry you through that timeframe. The idea is to have a healthy blend of investments that will continue to grow throughout the years. Plus, if you have that sparkle of gold diversifying your assets, the precious metals will help to reduce your risks, protect your wealth, and stabilize your holdings. It will take careful planning and adequate guidance to discern investments that are neither too great of a risk nor too minimal but instead offer excellent growth potential. Some ways to improve funds coming into the household include stocks that pay dividends and setting up annuities. These will be the closest thing to a steady, secure flow of income after leaving the workforce. Open for details on how to retire with “millions.” Final Thought Securing retirement, determining when to retire, and planning looks different to everyone. A common denominator is protecting the wealth that you do accumulate. That usually means reducing the risk of loss. Investing in a precious metal like gold can do both these things and more. It’s also a consistent investment, steady and long-term. When reassessing your plan and goals plus your lifestyle changes each year, the only constant that could remain true at any age is possibly your gold asset. Read Also: Smart Ways to Invest in Gold How To Start Your Investor Journey: 5 Credible Options To Explore What Investors Should Know about Investment in Gold and Silver Assets

Credit Score

10 Ways a Low Credit Score Can Negatively Impact Your Life

In 1989, the current credit system was created, and the world of finance was forever changed. Usually ranging from low scores of 300 to a perfect 850, the higher your number is, the more creditworthy lenders will consider you to be. That is why a low credit score can negatively impact your life. Here’s how. Rental Problems Property management organizations will review your credit before renting your home or apartment. If they find you have poor credit, they may refuse your application or ask you for an outrageous security deposit. Your credit score is tied to how trustworthy companies believe you are. Personal Loans The personal loan lender will run your credit report whether you are taking out a new loan or refinancing an already existing one. This will allow them to see your income to debt ratio. If you have a great score, you may get offers to consolidate your loans, or the lender could give you a loan with low rates. If your score is low, they can refuse your loan. Buying Cars Modern car loans are commitments for at least four years, and that means your ability to make monthly payments is critical to the company lenders. That is why auto lenders check credit scores before assigning interest rates that determine your total payback amount and monthly payments. Costly Utilities When you move to a new residence, your utility company will check your score when they open your account. If your numbers are low or your payment history is spotty, you will be asked to pay a hefty security deposit. If you miss payments, the deposit may be used to catch up. Credit Cards The interest rate issued on your credit card is often based on your FICO score. Although that may seem unfair, the card issuers have a scoring model that creates a report based on your numbers that allows them to determine your “pay-back” history. The higher your credit numbers are, the better your interest rate will be. House Buying Credit unions and banks take note of your credit score when you apply for a house loan. The lenders want to know you will pay back the money on time, so they look for scores equal to or greater than 500. However, if you want a low mortgage interest rate, you need a score higher than 750. Insurance Rates Most people don’t realize that insurance premiums are often based on credit scores. Although the insurance scores are different than FICO-based numbers, they are based on your ability to pay bills on time. Phone Expenses Unless you pay cash when you purchase your phone, you can expect the carrier to run your credit before you buy. They want to know you have sufficient income to make monthly payments and a credit history of paying your bills on time. Finding Work Yes, even employers are looking for individuals they believe are financially responsible, and that means they will often run a credit check before offering you employment. Some companies even look at credit standings before recommending promotions or raises. Self-Worth Credit is a double-edged sword in modern society. With all this pressure to maintain high credit numbers, failure to get scores over 700 can negatively impact your feelings of self-worth and cost you more money in interest every month. That means you will have less money to pay your bills. No wonder self-worth is sometimes tied to low credit scores. As you can see, the numbers associated with your credit are important in almost every part of your life. If your scores aren’t where you want them to be, check out one of the internet sites that explain how to raise that score. It is easier to raise your credit score than you think. Read Also: How to Dispute an Error on Your Credit Report Why Would I Need A Business Credit Report? Using Short-Term Loans to Help Rebuild Your Credit Score Revolving Debt Vs Installment Debt – Which Impacts your Credit Score