Why You Need Classic Car Insurance?

Published on: 30 August 2018 Last Updated on: 15 April 2021
Car Insurance

Do you have an old or classic car you would want to insure? When we mean old, we are not talking about 5 or ten years old cars; we are talking about cars made before 1998. If you have such type of car and plan to ensure them to keep their value, there are certain things you need to know.

Find out whether your car qualify for classic car insurance

Generally, normal car insurance doesn’t have provisions for insuring a classic car. If you need to insure your classic car, may have to take another car insurance policy.

For an insurance company like American Insurance to consider you and your car for classic car insurance, there are certain criteria you need to meet. The car must not be your main vehicle. You must have another car you drive more frequently. You should also have a valid driver’s license and secured structure you store your vehicle. Obviously, the car should not be more than 25 years old. If your car is older than 20 years since it was manufactured, you are no longer dealing with a classic car but an antique one.

How is the insurance amount determined?

Again, your normal car insurance provides coverage up to the actual value of the car. But for classic car insurance, the insurance amount is determined by you and the company. This determination is based on the valuation of the car by research carried out by an underwriter, a professional appraisal, or a classic car valuation guide.

What a typical classic car insurance policy covers

As stated earlier, a classic car insurance policy differs from the traditional car insurance policy. Apart from providing cover for damage to the car, there are other benefits you can gain from a classic car insurance policy as outlined below.

  • If your personal items are stolen or vandalized, you will be reimbursed
  • If your car is due for the car show but breaks down, the company can offer to pay for your expenses
  • Emergency travel expenses
  • Lost key return
  • Emergency lockout services
  • Roadside assistance
  • Emergency flatbed towing

Some companies like American Insurance can cover all of the items listed above while some other classic car insurance companies may provide cover for some. When selecting the best classic car insurance package, it’s important to consider what their policy covers and what it doesn’t cover. That way, you will be able to determine whether the policy is right for you and your car.

Difference between normal car insurance and classic car insurance

There is obviously a significant difference between your normal insurance policy and a classic car insurance policy. Let’s find out some of those differences.

Depreciation or appreciation

Your normal car loses value as it gains mileage. But a classic car may appreciate in value, especially when it has been properly maintained. However, your antique car starts depreciating once it has been insured.  Based on this reasoning, you are going to receive a lower amount of indemnity if your antique car is totaled (completely damaged) in an accident.

Mileage restrictions

In classic car insurance, there are certain restrictions placed on the number of times you drive your classic car. However, a normal car insurance policy doesn’t have any mileage restrictions.

Lower premiums

Classic car insurance premiums of insurance companies like American Insurance are significantly lower than normal car insurance premiums.  Sometimes, they may even be lower by 45%, although this depends on other factors as well.


Owning a classic or antique car is certainly a great investment of your money and time. However, ensuring such a car shouldn’t be much of a hassle for you. There are policies you can take to effectively give protection to your classic car. The above information will be helpful to you when looking for the most ideal option when taking up a classic car insurance policy.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Guide to Investing: Getting Started in 8 Simple Steps

A Beginners Guide to Investing: Getting Started in 8 Simple Steps

Did you know that 61 percent of people find investing scary or intimidating? This number is even higher when it comes to millennials. Investing in the stock market isn't just something super clever people do. You don't have to be really wealthy to start investing in stocks. But you do need to know what you're doing before you get started. That's why we've put together this beginner's guide to investing. Get started with our guide to investing in 8 simple steps. 1. What is Investing? Instead of just putting your money into your bank account and allowing it to earn interest, an investment is a risk. You're not guaranteed any returns on your investment. Therefore, you have the chance of making a lot of money if you play your cards right. But you also could make a mistake resulting in less money than with which you started. You can even lose it all. There are multiple different kinds of investments you can make. These include: Shares Funds Bonds Property (check out Turner Investment Corporation for a place to start) Whiskey Land Antiques This includes everything from the conventional shares and funds to the less obvious whiskey and antiques. It's basically anything that you believe will increase in value over time. But for our purposes, it's best to focus on the stock market. This involves buying shares in one or more companies to make a profit over time. When most people think of stock markets they imagine lots of young and flashy stock brokers shouting "buy!" and "sell!". But the truth is that it's much more boring than this. It's actually about selecting a number of shares or funds, tracking how they're doing and pulling out when you think it's a good time. 2. Stock Markets and How They Work A stock market is just a place where people come together to buy and sell shares in companies. Each share is listed on what's called an exchange. But how do shares come about? Companies provide investors the chance to support what they're doing with cash. This allows the company the chance to grow and the investor to make money on the back of this success. When you invest in a company, you become a shareholder. You can trade this share in the company with anyone else who wishes to purchase it from you. Even though the original price of each share is determined by the company itself. From thereon, the price of each share is influenced by a number of factors from the strength of the overall economy to the financial health of the company. Depending on these factors, the price of the company will rise and fall in the stock market. 3. How Much Can I Make by Investing? This is the real reason why people start investing in stocks. They want to make money. But there's no simple answer to the question of how much you can make. But it's worth pointing out that in the current economic climate, savings rates are actually at an all-time low. This means that many people are searching for alternative means of making money. How much you can make by investing is also contingent on how bigger risk you can afford to take. The more you're willing to risk, the higher the potential of your returns. 4. How Much to Invest? So many people spend many years of their lives thinking that when they finally have some spare cash, they'll invest it. But this is actually the wrong way to look at investments. You don't need piles of cash to start investing. By investing a little amount regularly, you can build up your returns over time. It's important not to invest everything you've got in a single venture. "Not to put too many eggs in one basket" is excellent advice for any wanna-be investor. Together with traditional ways of investing, you should also look to put some money in alternative investments. You have to be able to afford to lose the money you're thinking of investing. If there's a stock market crash you could lose everything you've invested overnight. You should also make sure you can afford to put money into a share over a minimum of 5 years. You need to be able to plow through the bumps along the way to make anything in the long run. 5. What's a Share? Let's investigate a little further what a share actually is. It's a unit of value of a company. If a company is valued at $10 million and there are 1000 shares, each share would be worth $10,000. But the shares of the company can rise or fall according to the overall value of the company. People invest in a company because they believe the company will be successful in the future. By buying shares you get the chance to share in the success or failure of the company. Along with the profit you make when the shares increase in value, as a shareholder, you usually receive dividends too. This is a payment to you by the company from the profit generated by the company. 6. What's a Fund? If you want to buy shares, you can either purchase stocks or funds. Instead of purchasing the shares from the company, you pass your money to a fund manager. The fund managers bring together the money of a number of investors and purchase shares on the stock market for you. 7. How to Start Investing? There are a number of different ways to purchase shares and funds. But most people use what's known as a platform to make purchases. You have to select which platform you want to use to make your investments. After you've done this, you can select which investments you want to make. Confused? Think of it as buying milk from the store. You have to choose which store (your platform) you want to purchase the milk. And then you need to choose which milk (your investment). You'll also be charged for your shopping bag (user fees). 8. Should I Invest? Of course, it's always good to evaluate why you're investing in a particular company. Ask yourself - is investing right for you? History shows us that people who invest in shares over savings accounts receive greater returns. But this doesn't necessarily mean that investing is for everyone. Guide to Investing: Investing can often seem confusing and scary to the uninitiated. But the truth is it's much simpler than it appears. By following our start guide to investing, you can start making informed decisions about what you want to do with your spare cash. For more blog posts on financial issues, check out our blog. Read Also: Investing In Machinery For A More Productive Business What You Must Know About ELSS Before You Invest

Equity Release

The Need for Equity Release Consultants to Understand the Details

Equity release allows you to borrow money now that you don’t need to pay back any time soon. When you die, it is the time when the equity release provider will take the money back. They will sell the property and deduct the loan from the property value when sold. You don't need to opt for regular loans when there is an option that lets you borrow money without the need to pay immediately. The only downside is you could end up losing the entire value of the property depending on the amount you borrow, the rate of interest, and your time of death. It might look simple on the surface, but if you dive into the details, you will realise that things can be quite complicated. Therefore, you need help from equity release experts to explain to you all the issues that you don’t quite understand. They have years of experience: These consultants have been around for several years and worked with people who also wanted to get equity release. They have connections with various equity release companies, so they understand the terms and conditions they set. You can count on them to tell you what you need to know regarding equity release, including updates if there are changes in the policies. Even the legal terms that you find confusing will also be understandable after their explanation. They can simplify things for you: It is quite tricky understanding all the various concepts when they are all unfamiliar to you. It is even more complicated at your age since you are no longer as sharp as you used to be. With the help of these experts, they can simplify the concepts for you. They will show you some numbers, but they will also explain to you what they mean. After talking to them, you will feel enlightened regarding equity release and might even decide to go ahead with it. They can explain to your children too: Even if you already understand the equity release schemes, your children might worry that it is not the best choice for you. They might think that you are not getting a good deal out of equity release. You can let them speak with the consultants too, so they will know the details and not worry about what will happen next. After you die, your children will be the ones to deal with the equity release company. You want them to understand the details so that they know what to do, and they can stick with the terms agreed. Apart from paying the equity release advisers, you have nothing else to pay at the time when you get equity release. The payment will come later once the property is up for sale. Some companies might even penalise you if you decide to repay before they sell the property. As long as you stick with quality consultants who know the details of equity release, it will be fine. Find someone you can trust and who has a good reputation in the industry. Read Also: 6 Tips For Selling Your Brisbane Property Essential FAQs Before Buying A Villa

Save Money

11 Ways to Save Money while Studying in Israel

Israel is a wonderful country to visit. Whether it is the beautiful Mediterranean coastline, the religious landmarks, and historical sites, or the people themselves, there is always something to check out in Israel. However, it is no secret that Israel is not a cheap place to visit. The country is quite expensive by any measure so travelers would be well-advised o save money wherever they can. Whether it is currency conversions, the price of food itself, or accommodations, Israel tends to empty your wallet. What follows are some tips for saving money during your time in the Holy Land. Hopefully, by utilizing these you will be able to extend your stay in Israel or come home with a little bit more money. 1. Buy a RavKav: Source Instead of buying bus tickets from the driver, you’ll save money by purchasing a RavKav, which you can swipe on most forms of public transportation in Israel. You’ll save money on Egged buses and on the light rail in Jerusalem, plus you won’t have to dig for coins each time you get on the bus. 2. Don’t Negotiate with Taxi Drivers: Source There’s no way to come out on top when bargaining with the notorious Israeli taxi drivers. Instead, insist to the driver that he turn on the meter, and let that dictate the price of your journey. 3. Work out your Communication needs before leaving: No matter what country you’re in, people will look to take advantage of travelers who failed to make all their necessary preparations back home. For this reason, it is imperative that you take care of your telecom needs before you leave for Israel. Renting a SIM card for Israel or domestic cell phone is a good way to go. 4. Supermarkets over Makolets: Source The local makolet on your school’s street corner might be the most convenient place to shop, but everything will cost a lot more than at a larger supermarket. Do yourself a favor and avoid doing your heavy shopping there. 5. Street Food Instead of Restaurants: Source With cheap hummus and shawarma widely available throughout the country, you’re never far from a tasty and inexpensive meal. Use this to your advantage and avoid eating out in expensive restaurants. 6. Improve your Hebrew: Source It doesn’t matter if you’re dealing with the cellphone company, the bank, or your local pharmacy. It’s always more effective when you’re negotiating in Hebrew, and if you don’t speak the language well, try to bring someone along who does. 7. Avoid American Food Products: Source Your favorite cereals and snacks at home are going to be extremely overpriced in Israeli stores, so for extra savings go with an Israeli brand. You’ll save money and get a better feel for what Israelis are eating! 8. Buy a Reusable Water Bottle: Source Purchasing bottled water in Israel can add up, and there’s no reason to pay for it. Tap water in Israel is of the highest quality that can be found worldwide, so just fill up your bottle whenever you’re thirsty. 9. Buy from the Shuk: Source Like other Middle Eastern countries, the best deals are to be found at the local marketplace. If you’re studying in Jerusalem, then a great place to do your shopping is in the Mahane Yehudah market, where all the local Israelis find the city’s best bargains. 10. Circumvent ATM Fees: source Most students studying abroad get access to their funds by withdrawing cash from Israeli ATMs. Don’t use ATMs that charge high withdrawal fees, so avoid using ones not connected to a recognized bank. 11. Work Part-Time: Source There are plenty of opportunities in Israel for English speakers to work part-time. If you’re having trouble saving money, why not earn a few extra shekels on the side? Travelling to Israel is exciting for anyone. If you’re fortunate enough to have a trip planned for some time in the future you will want to plan things out so that you don’t end up spending any more money than you have to. Whether you’re going through the whole country or just visiting Tel Aviv or Jerusalem, these tips ought to help you keep a little more in your wallet so you can enjoy your trip longer. Safe travels! Read Also: Benefits Of Internship Programs 7 Wise Financial Choices That Will Help You Follow Your Budget