7 Ways to Get Better At Writing: Personal Growth

Published on: 21 February 2018 Last Updated on: 31 July 2024
7 Ways to Get Better At Writing: Personal Growth

So, you have decided to improve your writing skills. Maybe you’ve been hired by a company to work on their blog or you’ve decided to establish your own website.

That’s great! But, it’s scary, and just like most people, you have no idea how to go about writing. Some would rather seek a custom research paper writing service to help with writing than do it on their own – but why?

Meanwhile, we have rounded up a couple of tricks you can use to improve your writing. Let’s get started.

1. Practice your skills :

The first step in getting better in writing is through practice. Most professionals recommend setting aside some time to write every day.  If you are a freelance writing work from home and can’t commit to improving your skills daily, you won’t get better. The more you write, the more you learn the skill.

2. Develop a Style of Writing :

Develop a Style of Writing

Any content released on the internet has always been 100% original, and yours is no exception. When readers decide to connect with your content and not someone else it’s because they are really following you. It’s your tone, style, and ability to deliver value in unique and interesting ways. In addition, having your own writing style is what sets you apart from the rest of the people.

3. Start with an outline :

An outline should be simple. It’s a simple framework of which sections will appear in a certain order, along with a brief description of what each section will contain. Having an outline before you start writing is like having a battle plan before you go to war. It acts as a guide in case you feel lost when you write.

4. Be Clear and Concise :

You must have heard this a million times. Clear, concise and easy to understand the content is what gets readers hooked to your blog or website. On the other hand, long and complex pieces are just confusing and makes the reader lose interest. Write short and clear content so you don’t have to waste a lot of time explaining one point.

5. Get an Editor for Your Work :

Even if you’re an excellent writer, it’s important to have a second pair of eyes to read your content. This may be simple if you’re working with a team of writers. On the other hand, if you own a blog, it can be hard to find someone to review your content effectively. But it’s worth finding a friend or an editor to check your content to ensure it flows well.

6. Speak Up Your Mind :

Speak Up Your Mind

The reason why most of the content on the web is boring is that most bloggers keep on repeating the same news without bothering to give their own opinions. Of course, you don’t have to be a victim of libel laws, but you can always say what you think.

7. Change your Words :

If you’re writing a post on any topic, say marketing, you’re likely to use the word “marketing” a number of times since it’s the most obvious way to put across what you want to say. But it is important to include alternative words to make the article sound more natural without the reader getting bored.

Writing is something we encounter every day and we have no choice to master the tricks. If you want to improve your writing and maximize your output, ensure you apply these simple tips discussed above. With the right skills, you will be able to quickly improve your writing skills and grow your blog or business to new levels. Remember that writing is not only about business, it can also help you find peace of mind. Good luck.

Read More :

1. Doing It The Right Way: Common Mistakes Every New Blogger Commits

2. Why Is Lead Generation Essential For Business?

3. 6 Ways To Promote Healthy Brain


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Essay writing

6 Creative Skills You Can Use During Your Essay Writing Process

Creative writing is critical during essay writing. It will let you run your imagination. Most themes are about objective and factual ideas, the way you rely on and deliver them. It involves the way you express the knowledge and understanding of the readers. The important thing is to ensure that there is a connection with the reader’s interest. An essay is a style that anyone can learn and master; you need to understand the basics of writing. Have a standard guideline and know the basic principles. Several creative skills can help in essay writing to make them exciting and original. 6 Creative Skills You Can Use During Your Essay Writing Process: Always Think about your Readers In essay writing, the reader is the most crucial party. You need to know the type of readers you are writing for, and that will ensure that they are interested. The idea is to know your target group and write for them. When writing to a lecturer, ensure that you give the correct answers. Have the accurate information, and when stuck, seek for assignment ideas. If you get a set of questions, ensure you know the right way to answer them. Always ensure you are original in your content. Have a surprise with the way you approach things. Have the correct information that your readers need. Make sure your content is captivating and catchy so that they do not get bored. The bottom line is always ensuring that you keep all your readers engaged. Embrace all the techniques and approaches needed. Better Structure The three-act structure is a device used in writing that helps with modern literature. It will assist when you need to know of the right approach to follow. Before you start writing, ensure you have an outline of what you are going to deliver. You need to understand how to place your introduction, the essay body that has to be in paragraphs, and the conclusion connecting all the other parts. You need to look for at least three reliable references. Know the Basic Grammar Make sure you are aware of all the basic style, punctuation, and grammar. It is an essential part of writing, and it will help the readers to understand your research and appreciate it. Before writing an essay, ensure that you know about all the essential grammar such as subject agreement, pronoun, verb, and sentence structure. Know the standard punctuation; understand the proper use of commas, full stop, and question mark. Know the difference between active and passive voice, hence making the essay tone stronger. Your language should be concise, avoid any transition or unnecessary information in the sentences. Use Correct Vocabulary You need to know what the words you are using mean. It is essential to understand how you use your language in essay writing. The idea is to persuade the other people that you are making an intelligent argument. When you use big words, it does not mean that you are making a relevant point. It will only seem like you are overcompensating your writing. Avoid using words that you are not sure about; when you use obscure words would take away the clarity of the essay. Understand the Argument Make sure you always analyze the evidence. Before writing the essay, have your argument in mind. It is possible to drift from the topic, work hard to avoid such distractions. Be thorough when evaluating all the evidence, and ensure you have significant research as a backup. Have a clear connection to all your topics concerning the arguments. A Better Conclusion You should have a proper conclusion that supports your research. Do not overlook your conclusion; it is the connection with the thesis. A great conclusion will outline the critical evidence of the essay body, the main argument, and the research. A poorly written conclusion can discredit a good essay. Read Also: Write My Research Paper: 5 Sources of Your Inspiration to Capture Major Regulatory Approvals for Cross Border Acquisitions

Improve Business Writing Skills

10 Top-notch Tools to Improve Your Business Writing Skills

Even if you only write an email, the ability to effectively communicate is essential once you enter the business world. Unfortunately, not everyone has good writing skills, no matter if you are a student writing a paper on a descriptive essay topic, or a business person crafting a business letter to your partner or competitor, and even those who do, need to bend those skills in order to fit the business style of writing. 10 Top Notch Tools to Improve Your Business Writing Skills Just as the case with most things today, technology has come up with tools to make our writing lives easier. Here are some tools you can use to improve your business writing skills. 1. Grammarly : Grammarly is a writing enhancement tool. Being familiar with Microsoft Word’s spelling and grammar check facility, most of us use this feature whenever we type in a document. However, Grammarly’s grammar checking capabilities take it beyond Microsoft Word finding more than 250 types of grammatical errors. Although a bit expensive, you only have to copy and paste your text to find out the errors. 2. Dragon Dictation : In times when you have to do a lot of multi-tasking, this application makes your life easier. With this app, you do not have to type, you only have to speak and it types the text for you to see and send it anywhere. You can easily send business messages, emails or even personal notes. 3. Email Excellence : It is often a challenge to send an effective email, one that the recipient would want to respond to. Email-excellence has a number of templates that you can choose from. You not only get most of your work done for you but also receive advice that you can use in creating future emails. 4. Gorgias Templates : Often it is the case that you have to send similar emails to different people. Instead of typing the same message, again and again, you can use this tool to create templates for Gmail, Outlook or Yahoo. This is a Chrome extension that will make your life much easier and your email routine much faster and efficient. 5. Dictionary and Thesaurus : With these tools, you can find synonyms, definitions, and sentences of almost any word in the language. When you notice repetition, you can use Thesaurus to find smarter words with similar meaning to make your style more versatile. 6. Readable.io  Making your text understandable is a key part of business writing. Your sentences should be brief and comprehensive. Readable is an online tool that you can use to test the readability of your text and improve it if necessary. It’s important to keep the reading level of your audience in mind. 7. ProWritingAid : This online app/site is a great tool for you. Even professional business writers need help from time to time. This is an online editor that helps check your grammar, along with other features which include spelling and grammar checker, improving readability, finding overused words and plagiarism detector. Just paste your work into it and it will show you an analysis of your writing. 8. OneLook Reverse Dictionary and Thesaurus : Unlike an ordinary dictionary in which you type the word and get a complete definition, in this dictionary, you can type in the concept of what you are thinking and it will give you a list of words so you can pick one which best describes your thought. Have you ever been stuck because you knew what you wanted to say but couldn’t think of the right word? If yes, then this will be a very helpful tool for you. 9. Freemind : A mind-mapping tool that can create a visual representation of ideas. If you do analytical writing, for instance, writing a case study, then this is an invaluable tool for you! When your mind is firing ideas at you, you need a place to store them, otherwise, you often forget them. This tool will help you so much in the process. 10. Gmail Templates : These templates are handy for you if you have a similar message to send to many people. However, be sure to proofread your messages as templates are a common area for typos. Your eyes become familiar with the text and it is difficult to spot an error. Business writing can be stressful and fun. When you express yourself through powerful content, you are appealing to your reader and are building a strong business relationship. There are lots of other tools out there, but the ones mentioned above are some that you will always find useful. Read Also : Argumentative Writing – The Skills You Need To Develop Top 5 Benefits Of Writing Term Papers Top 7 Things To Take Into Consideration When Selecting Essay Writing Service

Thesis Statement

Research Thesis Statement Expresses the Judgment

Understand what a Research Thesis Statement Is: Research Thesis Statement is the foundation of any research paper. It has many purposes to fulfill. If it does not meet these requirements, quality of the research paper suffers. When writing a thesis statement for research papers, students will have to know the purpose of the research as well as the purpose of the thesis statement. Thesis statement conveys the reader what the writer wants to prove or disprove with the results of his/her research. As the thesis statement is the foundation for the research paper, the statement should be written after careful thought. Essential Requirements of a Research Thesis Statement: To achieve its purpose, a thesis statement must have these essential requirements. The thesis statement has to disclose the topic. If the reader still doesn’t know the topic after reading the thesis statement, the thesis statement has failed on this count. • It has to be assertive. A good thesis statement tells the reader exactly, what the paper intends to prove. • For the better focus on the topic, the thesis statement should contain only one idea. • It has to be as specific as possible to present the writer’s viewpoint clear without confusing the reader. • Thesis Statement has to be included in the introduction of the paper. Learn the Process of Writing the Thesis Statements: As formulating a thesis and writing a strong research thesis statement is a skill that has to be mastered for writing good research papers, essays, and theses, students MUST learn the process of writing thesis statements. Writing a thesis statement involves five main steps. Identifying a general subject, and find sources and read to get background knowledge. • Selection of a narrow specific topic area within the general subject. • Identifying a research question related to the selected topic. • Find sources and information and form your opinion on a possible answer. • Write down the answer in a specific, clear and complete sentence. Use the Thesis Statement as your Guide when writing the Research Paper: A thesis statement serves as a roadmap to the reader. After writing a thesis statement it can serve as the guide for writing the rest of the research paper. The thesis statement should be used together with the information collected from initial research to formulate a thesis outline that will become the blueprint of the research paper. With the new information gathered on the topic, the writer may have to change or modify the thesis statement to a certain degree. Therefore the first thesis statement written by the writer is subject to change and is called the working thesis statement. Thesis Statement is the key to a Successful Research Paper: Research thesis statement is the key to the success of the paper. Without a strong thesis statement, it is difficult to write a good research paper that gets a high grade. Writing an excellent research paper requires writing skills practiced and developed over a long time and a thorough knowledge on the selected topic. Many students get professional help in writing a thesis statement, research paper and theses since it can help them complete the research paper successfully. They can buy thesis written by well-qualified writers with long years of experience and expertise in the chosen subject area. Read Also: Topic Sentences And Thesis Statements: How Do They Differ? Tips On Project Statement Writing