What Is the Chain of Survival?


23 January 2019

Job & Career

Chain Survival

When it comes to administering first aid to people, it is always best to leave it to professionals.

However, there are certain instances when you simply cannot, or should not wait for them to arrive.

There are some studies which show just how important it can be to administer first aid to a person until professionals arrive.

First aid experts at Advanced Healthcare Education share with us what the chain of survival is and why it is so important, that it is taught in all health courses approved by the American Heart Association.

What Is the Chain of Survival?

In the simplest terms, the chain of survival is a string of important actions which need to be taken in order to maximize the likelihood of survival of a person who experienced a cardiac arrest or similar problem.

If you know what the links in this chain are, you are far more likely to be able to help someone, no matter if you have any medical experience or not.

Links of the Chain:

The first and perhaps most important step in the process of saving someone’s life is recognizing that there is an emergency and that action needs to be undertaken.

If this ever happens to you, you need to call 911 immediately. Even if the situation turns out to be less critical than you originally thought, it is always better to be safe than sorry.

If you are at a place which has an automated external defibrillator, have someone bring it to the person in distress.

CPR and Chest Compressions:

Once the emergency services have been alerted to the situation, the first link of the chain has been completed. However, this is not where your help ends. If you have any BLS training, you can actually administer CPR and chest compressions.

Even if you are not skilled in basic life support, the 911 operator can guide you through it and you can greatly improve the chances of a person’s survival until help arrives.

You should continue with CPR until professionals arrive.

Rapid Defibrillation:

If you have an automated external defibrillator (AED) at hand, it is another step you can take in order to help a person in distress.

The machine needs to be placed next to the person you are helping. There are clear visual and audio instructions on the device itself which will help you attach the machine to the patient.

The machine itself will inform you if the shock is required. If so, make sure nobody is touching the patient and administer the shock.

Some of these machines can actually help you administer proper CPR and chest compressions.

Basic and Advanced Care:

This fourth step in the chain refers to the trained medical professionals who should be able to provide not only the basic medical support you could but also more advanced treatment, such as administering medication.

Additionally, medical professionals are trained in advanced respiration procedures which can help provide oxygen to the patient even if they are unconscious and not breathing on their own.

However, in order for the medical professionals to respond to an emergency, the first link of the chain is crucial – someone needs to contact emergency services.

Advanced Life Support:

Finally, advanced life support is largely left to the professionals. If the situation with the patient is that critical, the patient needs to be taken to the hospital where a team of different medical professionals can take care of them.

Even though you can help someone without any medical training, you can be much more effective if you have simple BLS training. This course is relatively simple, but it instills some of the crucial points about saving lives, including the chain of survival.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Bad Boss

9 Signs You Work For A Bad Boss

At one point or another, we have all complained about our bosses. It seems to go with the territory, the usual water cooler chit-chat. But there's a difference between getting upset over the overtime your boss made you work to actually working for a bad boss. How can you tell the difference? Is there a way to know if you're just being picky or if your boss is crossing the line? The answer is yes. There are several things you can watch out for to determine if you are indeed working for a bad boss. Let's discuss 9 signs to be on the lookout for, to help you learn more about the behavior you shouldn't have to put up within the workplace. 1. They Don't Motivate You : A good boss is a leader that loves to motivate their team. To see everyone succeed and enjoy what they do. And they'll show this by continually being there to give you feedback, support you, and motivate you to do your job well. If this doesn't sound like your boss, you and your team may have a problem. Their priorities are elsewhere and not in providing good leadership. 2. They Are Unreliable : A bad boss will tell you she'll get back to you on your report, but you never receive any feedback. She'll give her word that she'll attend a particular meeting but never shows up. She will promise to call you back, but your phone never rings. If you can't rely on your boss for even the littlest things, how in the world can you rely on them for the bigger, important things? You don't want to work for a boss who can't keep their word. Trust is so important, especially when it comes to leadership. 3. They Have Unrealistic Expectations : It's one thing to set high goals for you and your co-workers to strive towards when it comes to working performance. It's quite another when those goals are far too out of reach and downright unrealistic to achieve. When your boss sets unrealistic expectations, it shows they have their own agenda, and not what's best for the team at heart. This can bring the morale of the workplace way down and make you dread going to work. And life's too short to work for someone like that. 4. They Avoid All Conflict : Another sign of a bad boss is one who can't stand up and face a difficult situation. Whether they avoid having to fire a lazy co-worker, unwilling to deal with an angry client, or refusing to confront another associate who is breaking company policy. It's a major weakness that can't be ignored. A good boss will be able to stand up and deal with any situation that comes their way. They will lead by example. And that is who you want to work for. 5. They Get Defensive : Have you ever seen your boss get defensive in a meeting when confronted about one of their ideas? Or lash out when they are questioned about something they did? This is a bad sign that they can't take criticism. You want a boss who is able to take the good with the bad. To be able to thoroughly listen to other ideas and be open-minded to other possibilities and ways of doing things. And you want them to foster open communication throughout the workplace, instead of having people be scared of being honest. 6. The Rule by Fear : If you've ever seen the movie The Devil Wears Prada, you're familiar with the mass panic that breaks out when the boss walks into the office. Everyone runs to hide or cleans up before they get yelled at, or are afraid to even be in the same elevator with her. No one should have to work in that kind of environment. That's a dictator, not a boss. And it makes for a toxic workplace. That's a situation you need to run from. Immediately. 7. They Don't Communicate Clearly : Having a boss who doesn't communicate clearly can make for a very frustrating work environment! You'll think you're on the right path in a project, then be told by your boss that he actually wanted it done another way. Or they are so vague with instructions or feedback, you're not sure what you just listened to. A good boss will effectively lead their team down a clear path with clear goals. A bad boss will leave everyone floundering around in the dark. 8. They Always Seem to Disappear : Does your boss seem to disappear for hours at a time, without telling anyone where they're going? When you need them, are you able to get ahold of them no matter where they might be? While at first, it may seem like a fun idea to have a boss that's always gone, in reality, it can cause a lot of issues in the workplace. When something comes up that needs immediate attention and it's a situation that only your boss can handle, you need to be able to count on them to be there for your team. 9. Your Gut Instinct Tells You So : That little voice inside your head is there for a reason. If it keeps warning you that something isn't right, you may want to pay attention. Don't ignore that sense of dread you have every time you go into the office. Don't brush off the feeling that something is off. If you feel like you're working for a bad boss, you likely are... and it's time to get out. Life Is Too Short To Work for a Bad Boss : If any of these warning signs apply to your work situation, it may be time to look for a new job. You spend a majority of your time working, so don't waste another minute of it working for a bad boss. You deserve better than that. Ready to kick that job search into high gear? Be sure to read our tips on how to get your resume noticed! Read Also : Go For A Better Legal Job In 2018! Ten Interview Tips That Might Surprise You: The Medical Edition The Significance Of Face-To-Face Networking For Freelancers  


Dos And Donts For Nurses Who Aspire To Succeed

Nursing is a gratifying profession. It is full of opportunities to serve the patients and make a difference for them. However, it is a vastly complex career that can be challenging to manage and full of stress. A nurse has so many things on their to-do list and so many things to avoid. The transition from a nursing school to a full-time job can be challenging and overwhelming for some individuals. Hence nurses require excellent critical thinking and coping skills to work under pressure. Individuals who choose nursing as their profession are generally kind at heart and responsible by nature. But once you are on the job, you'll soon learn the importance of being organized. There won't be any time for you to run back and forth and hunt for supplies or a pen. Under such a situation, it is easy to get distracted or vexed and forget about your responsibility of holistic care. Hence, being a nurse is not a piece of cake. But don't worry; to keep your head at work, we have you covered. Whether you're a rookie or a grizzled nurse, we have compiled a list of some critical dos and don'ts for a nurse who aspires to succeed. So read on and learn with us: What a nurse should do: 1. Consider continuous education: The best practice for any professional is to seek opportunities throughout their career. As you advance in your role as a nurse, you will discover different aspects of nursing that inspire you. So why not use this curiosity to your advantage and pursue higher education, seminars, certifications, etc.? However, several prestigious universities now offer online programs to fit your busy schedule. Did you know that online rn to MSN pmhnp programs, MSN-FNP programs, MSc, and Ph.D. programs are available? Hence, you can quickly pursue these post-graduation degrees to be competitive in the job market. 2. Listen to the patients: Listening to someone is an actual art. A good nurse listens to what the patient says, extracts the diagnosis, and defines a definite treatment. They have the skill to read between the lines and make a difference. A nurse's job is to make appropriate judgments about what they see and hear. So try to follow the holistic approach of care and create a professional assessment of what the patient is trying to explain as it impacts the treatment. 3. Clarify anything they are unsure of: Poor communication has always led to medical errors and low morale. This, in turn, leads to high stress and lower job satisfaction. Therefore, it is essential to ask questions and clarify your doubts regarding any medication or procedure. Asking questions helps you gain confidence in what you are doing. It refreshes your memory. But ensure you are clear about the instructions. If the answer doesn't seem right, ask about it again but in a different way. 4. Support the team members: A successful patient's treatment requires collaboration between the health care professionals and the practitioners. With this, try to be supportive of your fellow nurses. Be willing to work on undesirable shifts and gain respect. So when you foster a professional relationship with your colleagues, it helps you streamline your workflow, especially during busy days. What a nurse should avoid: 1. Don't say no to a patient: It is similar to anybody refusing a customer, saying that is not part of my job. So when it comes to a patient, you are the care provider and a representative of the healthcare team. A person in pain is not in the state of hearing; you say that you can't help them because your shift is over or another nurse's duty. Be empathetic and listen to them. Be polite and tell them that you are not assigned to care today; however, you will try to find the information or find someone who will help them out. 2. Don't feel ashamed in asking for help: As a new nurse, everyone tries to do as much as possible on their own. If you begin to drown, don't nurture hope that anyone will see and jump in to save you. Remember, asking for help is not shameful. Everyone has been through this. But keep in mind that there is a right way to ask for help. Try to be kind and express gratitude when you ask. Communicate in a way that doesn't make the other nurse think you are trying to pass on your job. 3. Don't disparage other professionals or organizations: Speaking ill of others is never appreciated, whether in a social setup or a professional organization. In reality, the person who does this is likely to be looked at more negatively. So if you have any conflict with anyone, it is better to deal with the matter privately. 4. Don't neglect yourself: When the career begins, we all are super excited and enthusiastic. And it is easy to live and breathe nursing. Even when you are not at work, it is part of human nature that you are worried about being more organized. However, strive for a balance and take out some time for yourself. Add some fun and exercise to your daily routine. Practicing self-care is essential to relieve workplace burnout. A take-home message: Starting a new profession is always exciting. But without the right nursing degree and license in your hand, you are not ready for the complicated world of the health care system.  A nursing school does not teach you everything, while day-to-day experiences and tough times will teach you better than anyone else. However, by following the stated dos and don'ts, you can look back on how far you have come every month. It won't be long when you are one of those experienced and successful nurses who will help the fresh graduates, remembering how it was for you at that time. Read Also: Why Are People Turning To Online Pharmacists? Seeking a Healthy Career: 10 Tempting Medical Careers to Check Out

Talent at Work

4 Ways to Keep Your Top Talent at Work

Your employees, especially the best-performing ones, mean a great deal to your company. This means that losing them can significantly affect productivity and may eventually cost your company. Apparently, retaining the best employees simply translates to an increase in product sales and a bunch of satisfied and happy people working for you. In an ideal world, employees won’t find reasons to quit your company. However, that’s not always the case in reality. So just how are you going to entice your best employees to stay? You’ll be surprised at how many more things you can do, aside from increasing their pay, to retain top staff! 1. Recognize Employees’ Efforts: If you want to succeed in business, you’ll have to understand the value of recognizing others’ good work. When you appreciate and recognize a top employee’s efforts, this confirms their value and purpose in your organization. Eventually, this motivates them to increase their productivity and maintain or even improve their quality of work. Sometimes, a pat on the back can make a huge difference to a thriving employee. When you praise an employee for his or her efforts, be sure to thank that person by name and state specifically what is being recognized. Also, point out what value it adds to a project or the team in general. Employees become more engaged when their leaders celebrate their successes, whether individually or as a group, from time to time. 2. Avoid Forgotten Benefits: It’s easy for most employees to forget what benefits their organization offers—even the management can make the same mistake! To help your employees remember the benefits they are entitled to, make sure to provide your staff with a transparent view of these perks. Help them understand what these perks are about and how your employees can avail them. And don’t just deliver the information for both the first and last time. Remind them on these offers frequently, especially at key milestones in their career and personal life. For instance, sick employees may forget they are entitled to free medicine at the clinic or free use of medical equipment, such as a SpO2 pulse oximeter, thereby keeping their illness untreated and compromising their quality of work.  Reminding them of their health benefits should go a long way in helping to retain your best employees. 3. Get on a Personal Level: Many employers often make the mistake of treating employees like mere employees. To get your best staff to stay in your organization, make an effort to get to know them on a personal level. While there are boundaries to this, building personal relationships often cultivates trust and rapport between employee and leader, improving one’s quality of work and increasing productivity in the long run. There’s so much you can do to get to know each member of your team better. Whether it is over video-conferencing equipment or a personal meeting at a nearby coffee shop, staff meetings would be a lot more fun and exciting when you can discuss other things aside from work, such as everyone’s favorite celebrities or their go-to weekend hobbies. 4. Get Them to Speak Their Mind: You know what they say—two heads are better than one. There is a reason why there are people working for you, and that’s so they can help your business achieve its goals and desired outcomes. Whether it be ideas for a certain project or reactions to how the company is being managed, your employees’ thoughts matter. Provide an accessible platform where they can share their ideas and then offer feedback. Doing so will not only encourage them to speak up but will also engage employees and give them a reason to stay in your company longer. While we can’t force an employee to work for your company for the long haul, the least you can do is to make an effort to listen to your employees and to encourage them to be their best selves each day. Read Also: Is Your Company Offering Enough To Potential Employees? 7 Ways To Boost Employee Productivity And Create A Positive Culture Victor Mitchell, Serial Entrepreneur On How To Retain Your Top Employees While Growing Your Business