Seeking a Healthy Career: 10 Tempting Medical Careers to Check Out

Published on: 21 November 2018 Last Updated on: 19 July 2019
Medical Careers

Are you looking for a stable, rewarding career that allows you to help others, while still making good money?

If so, then a career in the medical field may be right for you!

Many people scoff at the idea of switching to a career in medicine. This is because when many people think “medical career” they think “doctor”.

And that, of course, leads to people to think that the only way to make it in the medical field is to give up ten plus years of your life for school while going hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt.

However, there are a lot of careers that you can do in the medical field that don’t require years and years of schooling and money. And, people often get just as much job satisfaction from these careers as doctors do.

What careers are we talking about, exactly?

Read on to learn about the top 10 medical careers to check out for those looking for a career switch.

1. Ultrasound Technician:

Working as an ultrasound technician is perhaps one of the least stressful medical careers out there.

And, it’s super fulfilling. Even better, it pays well and does not take that much schooling.

As an ultrasound technician, you get to witness one of the most joyous moments in a person’s life- seeing their baby for the first time!

However, your job will consist of a lot more than just showing future parents their babies on an ultrasound machine.

Your job will also consist of using the ultrasound machine to identify blood clots, diagnose tumors, evaluate heart conditions, and more.

For an entry-level job, you will need an associates degree, a diploma or a certificate. Job growth in this field is at a healthy 17 percent, and you can expect to make around $70,000.

2. Biomedical Engineer:

Are you looking for a career in the medical field that is less patient focused?

If so, a career as a biomedical engineer may be for you.

As a biomedical engineer, you’ll get to use your skills in science and math to further the medical field.

You will be in constant contact with other scientists, doctors, and nurses to repair and improve upon various medical devices. You may even get the chance to help develop an artificial organ.

Some other biomedical engineers work to develop software for medical devices, research emerging technologies, or design new devices.

In this career, you may find yourself working in a lab, hospital, or university, or government agency.

You will need a bachelor’s degree in engineering in order to enter this career field. However, if you are going back to school, you may not need to redo your generals. Therefore, you could knock off a year or two of schooling.

As a biomedical engineer, you can expect to make close to six figures.

3. Phlebotomist:

We’ve all had our blood drawn at a doctor’s appointment or for a blood drive.

The person drawing your blood in these situations is a phlebotomist.

A lot of people think phlebotomists only draw blood. However, they do a lot more than that. However, due to the fact that many people are afraid of needles, your job will also involve putting your people skills to the test.

Calming down and soothing patients will be a regular part of your job.

If you work blood drives, you’ll also be responsible for screening patients to ensure they’re fit to give blood.

You can also work towards other applicable certificates as a phlebotomist, such as a bloodborne pathogens certificate. You can find more info about that here.

Training to become a phlebotomist takes as little as 8 months. And, school is often a couple of nights a week.

Therefore, this is a career that you can easily transition to while still keeping your old job.

4. Medical Illustrator:

A medical illustrator is a career that very few people know about.

This is a shame, as this job can be super exciting and fascinating.

If you’re someone who is equally right-brained and left-brained oriented, this career may be for you.

Medical illustrators work to create graphic representations and drawings of different parts of the body. Their “artwork” can be used for a variety of purposes, including legal proceedings, posters, and textbooks.

You will use extremely precise graphic design software to create these images. The images you create will help educate students, patients, doctors, and nurses.

You will need to get a Masters in Medical Illustration in order to enter this field. But, those two years will quickly pay off, as you can expect to make close to six figures.

5. Radiologic Technologist:

Physicians and medical professionals rely on imaging technology to diagnose and treat patients.

The images they use don’t just appear out of the blue. They are created with the help of a radiologic technologist, also commonly known as an x-ray technician.

In this role, you will use imaging technology to create highly-sophisticated images of patients’ body parts. Once you’ve created the images, you will be responsible for updating the patient’s file accordingly.

This is another great career field that offers great pay and low stress.

The average salary for this position is around $60,000. You will need an associate’s degree to qualify for work.

6. Nutritionist:

The US is one of the most obese countries in the world, which means we could use more nutritionists to get us on healthier diets.

As a nutritionist, you will get the opportunity to educate patients about what it takes to lead a healthy lifestyle.

In this role, you will design a nutrition program for your clients to follow in order to meet their lifestyle goals.

You could work with a patient with Type II diabetes, creating a diet plan for them that will help them lose weight. Or, maybe you’ll work with someone who has Celiac’s disease to create a healthy and diverse diet plan that won’t make them sick.

This is another medical career that is extremely low-stress. And, you only need a bachelor’s degree to do it.

Are You Ready for One of These Medical Careers?

As you can see, there are a lot of medical careers out there that have nothing to do with being a doctor.

Now, all you need to do is choose one that you’d like to pursue.

However, before you make the leap, be sure to check out this article about the top things you should know before entering a medical career.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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5 Benefits Of A Specialized MBA

Anyone hoping to progress in their profession in the business sector might benefit greatly from earning a Master's in Business Administration (MBA). MBAs with a specialty, sometimes referred to as specialization or focus area MBAs, provide a more in-depth and customized education in a particular field of business. These courses offer a special combination of benefits that can improve both your professional and personal growth. In this article, we will look at five advantages of getting a specialized MBA. Expertise In A Specific Field Developing specialized knowledge is one of the many benefits of earning a specialized MBA, and it's one of the more notable ones. Although a conventional MBA program gives students a broad overview of different business disciplines, a specialized MBA program delves further into a specific field, such as technology, healthcare management, marketing, finance, etc. Students gain in-depth knowledge, abilities, and insights that are immediately and directly applicable to their chosen sector or professional path through this concentrated study. The breadth of knowledge gained via a specialized MBA program is priceless. It enables students to investigate the finer points of their chosen subject, analyze the issues encountered in the real world, and come up with workable answers. Because specialized MBA holders can offer a unique perspective to the workplace, employers frequently seek them out, making them competitive in the employment market. Specialized MBAs are also increasingly available online, providing flexibility for working professionals to gain in-depth knowledge in their chosen fields. Higher education programs online from all niches are available that can be completed at the student’s own pace, offering more control over their schedule. Here are some examples; Master of Arts in History Ed. - Career and Technical Education (CTE) Ed. – Career and Technical Education with Administrator Certificate Ed. – English Language Learners (ELL) Ed. – Health and Physical Education Ed. – Library Media Ed. – TESOL Ed. – Adult Education Ed. – Curriculum & Instruction Ed. – Early Childhood Education Ed. – Educational Leadership Ed. – Educational Leadership, Principal Certificate Ed. – Literacy Ed. – Special Education Master of Music – Music Education Improved Career Prospects Specialized MBA programs are designed to meet the needs of particular organizations and industries. Graduates of these programs have a clear edge in the employment market. Employers are actively looking for employees with in-depth knowledge and polished abilities that flawlessly correspond with the needs of their sector. It also enables students to delve deeper into the complexities and difficulties of their chosen sector because of their practical and industry-focused approach. They have an instant and distinct advantage in the job since they know about the most recent developments in the industry, emerging technology, and best practices. Making strategic decisions, managing projects, and solving industry-specific problems can all benefit from this specialist expertise. Enhanced Earning Potential Pursuing a specialized MBA degree provides a clear route to increased earning potential. This financial benefit is especially noticeable because of the particular skill set and expertise that these programs impart. With a specialized MBA, you can acquire deep knowledge and polished abilities that are particular to your field's needs. This skill sets you up for a big edge when applying for jobs. For example, obtaining a specialized MBA in healthcare management gives you a thorough understanding of the complexities, laws, and management techniques of the healthcare sector. Moreover, your readiness for leadership positions in healthcare organizations, where there is a constant need for qualified personnel, is enhanced by this knowledge. Because of the crucial duties involved in overseeing medical institutions, guaranteeing patient care, and negotiating intricate legal frameworks, these positions frequently have high salary packages. Furthermore, industry-specific internships and connections are sometimes included in specialized MBA programs. These not only improve your skills but also give you direct access to high-paying career prospects. These programs ensure financial success since they provide both the education and the real-world experience needed to enter high-paying employment in your chosen industry. Personal And Professional Development A specialized MBA program is not solely about acquiring technical knowledge; it also places a strong emphasis on personal and professional development. This holistic approach to education ensures that graduates are not only experts in their field but also well-rounded, effective leaders. Specialized MBA programs equip you with the specific knowledge and skills required to navigate the intricacies of entrepreneurship in your field. Whether you aspire to launch a healthcare startup, venture into the ever-evolving tech industry, or drive innovation in sustainable energy ventures, it provides a deep dive into industry-specific trends, market dynamics, and regulatory landscapes. Moreover, students learn about ethical decision-making, problem-solving techniques, leadership concepts, and effective communication whether they are studying healthcare management, finance, marketing, or any other specialization. Because specialized MBA programs have a strong emphasis on both professional and personal growth, its graduates are more confident and can take on tough tasks and make significant contributions to their enterprises. Greater Relevance And Current Knowledge Technological advancements and rapid change characterize our society, and the business scene is no exception. Professionals need to keep ahead of the curve because industries are undergoing significant disruptions and changes these days. Specialized MBA programs are designed to address this dynamic reality, making sure that students stay up to date on the most recent advancements and trends in the subject of study. The faculty of specialized MBA programs is an important differentiator. Teachers and professors can offer priceless insights into the newest techniques and tactics because they frequently have practical industrial expertise. Students receive useful and applicable knowledge from their firsthand experience with current industry opportunities and challenges that they can use immediately in their jobs. Additionally, these programs are flexible and quick to adjust, changing their syllabuses frequently to include new developments in best practices, technology, and trends. As a result, graduates in their chosen fields possess a solid theoretical background and profound comprehension of contemporary issues. Conclusion A specialized MBA provides a broad advantage in today's competitive corporate world. It offers in-depth knowledge, gives people industry-relevant skills, and promotes professional and personal growth. Furthermore, these programs are flexible, keeping up with the quick changes in the sector and utilizing knowledgeable instructors to provide practical knowledge. Read Also: Corporate Hackathon: Benefits To The Employees Master’s In Business Analytics: Is It Worth The Effort? 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What They Don’t Tell You About Freelance Careers

In 2016, 34% of Americans were working freelance careers. That percentage is expected to climb to 43% by 2020. An improved work-life balance is the first benefit that comes to mind when considering a freelancing. But we also know what no one else is telling you. Read on to find out more. There's a Union on Your Side : Who hasn't wasted precious working hours searching the web for reputable information before becoming more stressed and confused? What makes Freelancers Union so great is it's a one-stop-shop for free resources for beginning and experienced freelancers. When going freelance, most people are overwhelmed with tax concerns. Don't know how to read a 1099 form? Need help determining sales and use tax? All this information is written clearly on the site by experts. You'll also find guides for choosing dental, vision, life, and health insurance plans. And even insightful blog posts ranging from productivity hacks to methods for handling tragedy. Furthermore, a subscription at ThePayStubs gives you access to an innovative pay stub maker. You can have a pay stub downloaded and printed within two minutes after selecting your preferred template. Relationship Building isn't Just About Finding Clients : Nobody misses unfair office politics or boring meetings once they've gone freelance. However, after working alone for a while, it's normal to feel lonely. While most of your friends are likely to work less flexible schedules, it doesn't mean you have to spend day after day without socializing. While your old friends are great, wouldn't it be amazing to have freelancer friends who get you the way your colleagues in your old office did? Freelancers can enjoy real human interaction (and 68% better focus) by joining coworking spaces. 58% of Those with Freelance Careers Have Gone Without Pay : Unfortunately, when reading up on how to go freelance, most newcomers won't come across these insights. It usually takes getting burned first. Never begin a project without a signed contract that clearly states payment amounts and due dates. Ween out nonpaying clients by having a mandatory deposit amount prior to starting each job. Don't lowball yourself. New freelancers tend to charge less than the value of their work. Think about the time, supplies, and whether you'll hire employees. If you aren't strategic about the costs to stay in business, it won't last. Most people are Googlable. With a simple search, you can learn about a potential client's character, including how they treat employees and whether they've been fair to freelancers. Don't make it difficult for clients to pay you. Send professional-looking invoices from user-friendly programs like PayPal, Due, or Authorize. Accounting Tasks Can be Done with Minimal Effort : Even if you're running a small business with a few employees, the idea of correctly issuing pay stubs can be a pain. On the same site, you can generate employee W-2 forms without stumbling over difficult math or spending buckets of money on an accountant. Need more freelance career tips? Let us teach you how to promote your startup on social media. And join our mailing list to be more in the know! Read Also : The Significance Of Face-To-Face Networking For Freelancers Five Reasons Why Freelancers Should Use A Coworking Space 7 Ways To Get Better At Writing: Personal Growth

Keep Remote Employees Productive

How to Keep Remote Employees Productive in 2022

The remote work movement is here to stay. That’s something we can say with confidence at this point, following a rapid shift during the pandemic. Even companies that at one point were very strictly against remote work now have hybrid options, or some are remote-first and remote-only. As companies transitioned, perhaps not willingly, but because they were forced to during the pandemic, they saw real benefits. A lot of employers say that their employees were more productive than they thought they would be and happier in many cases too. That doesn’t mean that it’s all smooth sailing, though. Managers and leaders are still looking at ways to keep remote employees productive and engaged over the long-term with remote work, now that the newness has worn off and the reality of possible downsides has set in. For leadership in 2022, the following are things to remember to keep your remote teams productive and thriving. 1. Give Them the Technology They Need to Succeed You want your remote employees to feel like they can access everything they need to do their jobs quickly and easily. At the same time, in providing that access, you can’t sacrifice your cybersecurity. Many bad actors have taken advantage of remote work over the past couple of years, wreaking havoc on businesses. To keep remote employees productive but also to protect your data and assets, think about investing in an identity and access management (IAM) security strategy. IAM makes it easy for your employees to access everything required to do their jobs quickly and efficiently but simultaneously reduces the risk of an identity breach. The more cumbersome your identity management or cybersecurity tools, the less productive and engaged your employees are going to be. Similarly, ask your employees if there are other apps or resources they might require to be more productive. Using good project management software goes a long way in any organization. Very little thought should be given to how they access the network and the resources they require day-to-day on their part—your focus should be on the provision of a seamless experience so this can happen. 2. Keep Your Employees in the Loop, No Matter Where They’re Working There’s a term that you’re likely to hear more of in the coming months and years, which is remote-first. In a remote-first organization, there is still a physical office space, but it’s not a hub of communication or decision-making. Instead, the online world is. The office may exist as needed or when someone prefers to come in, but managers and leaders make an effort to ensure that everyone who works remotely is in the loop and the conversations are happening digitally first and foremost. If there are any updates that need to be shared, or you need feedback or have company news, make sure remote employees have access to it. Even if you aren’t technically remote-first, keep employees connected through communication. 3. Rethink Your Onboarding Process If you’re hiring new employees right now, how you onboard them is going to have a ripple effect on their productivity throughout the entirety of their time with your company. Remote new hires tend to feel significantly less equipped to do their jobs. They need support, and your onboarding strategy should take into account the remote element. Your employees need access to login credentials and documents, they need training and orientation, and they also need training on less apparent drivers of success. For example, your onboarding program should include things like how your organization members communicate with one another. 4. Recognize If You’re a Productivity Killer Managers and leadership may be killing employee productivity, and they often have no idea they’re the problem. If you’re constantly holding long-winded meetings on video chat, you are killing productivity. Just like in the past few years there has been a big push away from pointless in-person meetings, make sure you’re not creating the same environment digitally. If you don’t need everyone to attend a video meeting, then don’t have everyone participate. Let your employees work in the ways that they think are going to help them meet goals and achieve, without trying to take up too much of their time or micromanage. The real advantage of remote work is that you can think less about how employees get to a certain endpoint. Instead, it’s about results. You’re not monitoring everything they’re doing, so allow employees to thrive and be more productive by meeting objectives you set but doing so in the ways they think are best or most effective. You’ll find if you set measurable, specific goals but then take a step back, it helps your remote employees thrive. Read Also: What No One Tells You About Working Remotely Tips For Calling In Sick To Work 5 Of the Highest Paid Remote Jobs