The New Tech Running Canada’s Cannabis Industry

Published on: 21 February 2019 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
Cannabis Industry

Since cannabis for recreational use was legalized in 2018, many industry watchers have noted that the cannabis industry may well become a major driver of economic growth in the coming years.

With the global cannabis market estimated to be worth $31.4 billion by 2021, investment in all aspects of this industry has soared, with many financiers banking on a significant ROI if Canada becomes an international destination for cannabis tourism.

But not all of this investment is in cannabis production and sales. While the dispensaries popping up in cities across Canada are one of the most visible signs of the cannabis craze, sales are not the only driver of the cannabis economy. In fact, one of the most fruitful areas of investment has proved to be in the tech needed to sustain production in a responsible and streamlined way.

The Cannabis Act stipulates a strict regulatory regime in an effort to end the extensive cannabis black market that exists in Canada.

Central to this regulatory regime is the requirement that every cannabis plant has grown in Canada be tracked from “seed-to-sale” to guarantee that production stays within the mainstream economy.

Because seed-to-sale tracking requires producers to gather and report on vast quantities of information about their stock, many are turning to bespoke tech solutions made for the cannabis industry that help them stay compliant with regulations.

By far the most popular seed-to-sale platform in the country is Ample Organics, which already serves seventy percent of Canada’s licensed producers.

This platform provides the latest seed-to-sale software to help producers track and report the development of every single one of their plants, and because it uses an intuitive system based around barcodes and wireless scanners to provide immediate database updates. It also reduces the risk of human error and makes data gathering completely seamless.

This isn’t just useful when it comes time to provide reports — although Ample Organics software is designed specifically to help licensed producers stay compliant with Canada’s regulatory framework. It also makes quality control, harvesting, packaging, and sales easier as well. With Ample Organics, producers have access to a customized e-commerce site that facilitates inventory control and labeling, so customers always get exactly what they want.

In a brief time, they have been legal for consumption in Canada, recreational cannabis products have already proved to be a hot commodity. And as with all hot commodities, businesses that want to cash in need to be intelligent about how they invest. With such a highly regulated product, it is important for any new producer to make sure no shortcuts are taken, and that their operations are legally compliant at every stage of the production process.

Companies that want to take advantage of the exciting opportunities that exist in the cannabis industry should be sure to invest in the cannabis tech that will set them up for long-term success, and guarantee that their business model takes into account the requirements of Canadian law.

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Branding Agency

The Lifecycle Of Creative Branding Agency: How To Build A Brand?

What makes you buy a product? We'd bet that it may be because of their brand. A company's brand has this magic that pulls and mesmerizes you to buy from them. Normally, it might be because the brand has built trust and a reputation with the consumers. It is the business's core–the one responsible for the company's image. Additionally, it might be safe to say that company owners must craft their brand delicately. It is how customers identify them, and it is crucial to leave a powerful impression. But creating one is not an easy task. Most CEOs allot resources for hiring a creative branding agency to do the work. They are professionals who know how to take your brand to the next level. If you are interested to know how they brew their branding potions to lure you into buying from them, continue reading. Your Purpose First step: a branding agency must know your company's purpose, story, mission, and values. They are the backbones where they align all of their branding strategies. Also, they must know how you started, how you like to be known, and your team's motto. Your branding agency will use the answers to these questions to curate a branding identity, marketing, and strategy according to your business foundation. It will determine the message you want to deliver to your customers and how you want to be perceived. Related Resource: Should You Consider Outsourcing Your Brand’s Marketing Campaign? Who Is Your Audience? Knowing who the audience is is the second most important thing agencies must consider in successfully building a brand. The audience will receive the branding messages, and it is important to send one they can easily understand and relate to. Your target market will bring profit and sales to your company, so it is essential to know them and listen to their needs. Do your research and try to find the most common thing that your audience finds in the product that you sell. Get To Know Your Competitors Of course, your agency must know the playing field you are both on. They make an effort to get to know your competitors to determine the strength level you need for your branding strategies. Doing so also allows you to know which marketing efforts are not effective for your audience so you can avoid them. Branding agencies monitor your competition to create a brand as unique as possible. They are here for you to introduce your business to the limelight, emphasizing your strengths and outstanding characteristics. Identifying How You Look When you walk in the grocery aisle, observe the logos and colors of the products displayed. What are they saying? What "feels" do they give off? Your product's visuals play a vital role in your branding. It is the one that sticks to your target market's minds. Also, your branding agency will ultimately choose a color that generally describes your business's goals and slogan. They will also create a catchy logo appropriate for your product and business type. Your Marketing Channels After creating all the materials for your product, your branding agency will create a game plan on how they'll get them to the market. In today's digitized world, they can opt to utilize social media as a marketing medium for the brand. They can also seek help from influencers or create an online campaign strategy to get internet users to advocate for your brand. But let's not forget traditional media as well. Television commercials and print ads might be useful in some products too! Related Resource: How To Run Effective Social Media Ads Final Thoughts The common ground of all creative agencies is that they ensure that brands will be consistent throughout, from identity to visuals and marketing channels. Businesses must stick to the statement of their brand. They must do this so customers will remember their brand fondly, resulting in consumer loyalty and trust. Read Also: Brand Ambassador Application – How to Find a Brand Ambassador The 7 Steps to Create a Storybrand to Ensure Marketing that Works 5 Factors To Consider When Hiring A Branding Expert For Your Business How To Improve Your Social Media Branding By Getting More Instagram Followers And Likes

Website Translation

5 Business Website Translation Tips

When a company is already succeeding locally, business owners usually turn their thoughts to expansion. It makes good financial sense to expand by replicating your efforts and building on what you already have. After all, this is how some of the largest and most successful chains in the world started out. Make use of Website Translation to improve your business to the next level. With the internet making global commerce a standard way of conducting business, the landscape has changed, opening up new opportunities. A worldwide presence is not just for big corporations like McDonald's or Coca-Cola. The ability to do business across the globe is now within reach of even the smallest companies, thanks to globalization. One of the most cost-effective ways to expand into new territories is by utilizing website translation services to increase your global reach. Making it easy for people in other parts of the world to access your goods and services can give you a far more competitive edge over your competition than opening a physical retail outlet. What was once a highly specialized and very costly field is now a global industry. Many inexpensive opportunities exist to hire professional translation agencies to help you reach a multilingual audience. The global market is wide open. You can start small with just one language at a time or choose to expand into many countries at once. The choice is yours – it just depends on how ambitious your vision is! For those who decide to take the plunge, we have five tips to help you enjoy a successful website translation process. Different Ways To Develop Your Website Translation Tips To Develop Your Business    There are multiple ways you can opt to develop the translation of your business. Working on this matter you have to make your choices in the right direction. 1. Avoid Machine Translation: One of the biggest mistakes people make when they decide they want to go global is attempting to rely on machine translation. Yes, there are plenty of apps that can translate entire pages into a wealth of different languages, and they can be quite helpful in certain situations. However, translating your business website is not one of those situations. Website translation tips can help you to work things well in your favor. Although machine translation is improving every year, it is not advanced enough to replace human translators, especially when it comes to business purposes. Chatting with foreign friends on Facebook is one thing. Product descriptions and important terms of service pages that have legal implications are an entirely different thing. There are many humorous yet unfortunate examples of words literally being lost in translation. For example, in 2018 the tourism authority in Fiji created a video promoting travel to the country by highlighting everyday Fijian words. This was all well and good, but one of the terms, Vale ni Lotu was mistakenly translated as “toilet” instead of its actual meaning: “church” or “place of worship.” Understandably, Fijians were not amused. 2. Globalize Where Possible but Localize Where Not: Globalizing and localizing are both a part of the translation, and there is a place for each approach during website translation. If you want to save time and effort, start with globalization. Work on similarities between regions as opposed to differences and avoid the need to adapt to multiple cultures where possible. However, there will be some instances where localization is essential in order to reach a specific audience. Employ localization tactics for the most critical information, like local industry language or regional idioms and figures of speech. In this way, you will avoid inadvertently offending your audience before you even make your brand known. 3. Use a Sector-Specific Translator: There are translators available in every possible language and for every possible sector. If you sell medical equipment, use a medical translator. If you are in the hospitality industry, hire a translator who specializes in hotels and travel. There is no reason to hire a general translator if your field is specialized; there are too many talented language service providers not to find one that fits your exact needs.   4. Check the Quality, Even When You Don’t Speak the Language: If you don’t speak the language you are having your website translated into, how are you going to know if you have a high-quality translation? Don’t worry though, help is at hand. You can use a professional proofreading service or another translation agency to double-check the quality of the work. It doesn't mean you need to spend a lot of time or money: simply use them to check a few paragraphs of your translation to ensure that it’s flawless. 5. Allow Plenty of Time for Your Translation Project: Every project is different, and some translation jobs are harder than others. Depending on the industry in which you operate, it may require more time and research on the part of the translator to provide you with the highest quality deliverables. Translation, like writing, is an art. It should not be rushed if it can be helped. Not only will rushing frustrate the translator, but it could affect the outcome of the project. If you follow these tips, you should be well on your way to expanding your business into foreign markets in the near future. Now is the time to seize the opportunity, before your competition gets there first! Read Also: Riding The Wave Of Popularity: 7 Most Popular IT Buzzwords And What They Really Mean English As A Second Language: Ways To Find Great Teaching Materials On A Budget Language And Speech Disorders In Children: How Speech Therapists Can Help The Importance Of Exploring And Knowing The Language Hindi Tips To Help You Learn A New Language In A New Country 5 Golden Rules Of Children Language Learning

Logistics Terminology

Essential Logistics Terminology Every Entrepreneur Should Know

The logistics sector is booming, as more and more entrepreneurs launch online businesses, and the industry has spawned many terms that are used to describe processes and applications. In order to help you gain a better understanding of the logistics industry, here is a list of common terms. Essential Logistics Terminology Every Entrepreneur Should Know: Order Fulfilment When a customer fills their online shopping cart and heads for the checkout, they then select a payment method, and after that, the order now has to be fulfilled. Order fulfillment includes picking, packing and transporting the items to the buyer’s address. If you would like to outsource your order fulfillment, check out the 3PL logistics service by TIFS, a leading Australian company that can supply a tailored solution to your business. 3PL This term means Third Party Logistics, which is a company that is set up to provide picking, packing & delivery services to their clients. If, for example, an online retailer is experiencing growth, they will soon reach the point where they struggle to fulfill orders, and that’s where the 3PL provider comes in. Cargo Manifest A list of all the items that are included in a shipment, the cargo manifest does not contain any information about cost, and every agent that handles a consignment would see the cargo manifest at some point. Carrie A company or organization that moves freight from one location to another; a single shipment might involve 3 or 4 carriers, using the road, rail, and air transportation to ensure that the delivery arrives on time. Customs Clearance This set of papers means the cargo can now be released by the customs people and the carrier can take it on the next stage of the journey. While the officials do their best to clear freight, some ports of entry are extremely busy and clearance can take a while. Customs Duty This is a fee levied by a government on imported goods, with every category having its own duty rate, and once the duty is paid, the consignment can be cleared for release to the carrier. ETA Estimated Time of Arrival, which is often used when a person wishes to know the expected date and time of the delivery of goods. This is always found in email correspondence, and a client might ask the freight company for an ETA on their goods. Full Container Load FCL means the container is full, either by volume or weight. Gross Weight This is the combined weight of the goods, packing material and the container. Net Weight: The weight of the goods only, with every other item, removed. If you run an online retail business, order fulfillment will always be on your mind, and by talking to a local third-party logistics provider, you can outsource this critical element of your business to a professional who has both the know-how and the resources to ensure that your customers receive their orders in a prompt and professional manner. The 3PL company can tailor their services to suit the client, and some businesses use a 3PL provider during the busy time of the year, while others totally rely on their services. Read Also: What To Look For In A Transcription Service Provider 5 Features To Look For In A Business Energy Provider The Rapid Growth In The Global Industrial Automation Market And Its Career Opportunities