Are the World’s Largest Sectors Doing Enough to Minimize Single-Use Plastic Usage?


11 February 2021


Single-Use Plastic

For a number of years now, businesses around the world have been aligning themselves with a common goal: to minimize their contribution to the devastating levels of single-use plastics being sent out into the environment.

While it remains the case that many of the world’s leading culprits for plastic waste are not yet doing as much as they could in order to reduce the levels they contribute to landfill and oceans each year, the path forward is not quite as simple as it may seem to those on the outside. Read more below.

Marrying Sustainability with What is Sustainable is its Own Challenge:

Sustainable practices must prioritize the environment, but that is only half the story. By definition, pursuing sustainability means pursuing practices that can feasibly become the norm. It would be futile to pursue practices that are, on the face of it, ‘sustainable’, but which cannot last us for the next year, decade, century, etc.

In other words, we need to be selective about where we focus our efforts.

One prime example of this lies in the medical world – in particular, in the field of surgery, where single-use plastic and unrecyclable by-products are par for the course on any given day. Metal cannot replace the strong and flexible medical grade plastic used in the indispensable surgical retractor, just as eco-friendly fabrics will prove costly – and inefficient – replacements for disposable PPE.

The same goes for any other sector, although the medical world represents one of the most extreme examples, where sustainability cannot be achieved at the expense of patient safety, or individual hospital budgets.

Identifying Areas Where Progress is Possible – and Maintaining Focus on Them:

Identifying Areas Where Progress is Possible – and Maintaining Focus on Them

For many industries, identifying areas where progress is possible – and ensuring that progress is being made – is proving to be far more difficult than it may at first seem.

Take, for instance, the food distribution industry. In the fight against single-use plastic, much of our attention continues to be brought to plastic packaging on perishable foods, such as vegetables, meat, and fish – whereas, just a few years ago, we were hellbent upon ridding our routines of single-use plastic bags.

While it would make a considerable impact, ridding the supermarket of single-use plastic packaging is much less feasible than it may at first seem, and our distraction has derailed the initial effort against single-use plastic bags. In the UK, for instance, the leading supermarket chains sold 1.58 billion reusable plastic bags in 2019 – which equates to nigh-on sixty bags per household, and far more than the average family requires if they are reusing these bags indefinitely.

While much more needs to be done in order to mitigate the impact single-use plastics are having on the environment, a distinction is made in order to ensure that our efforts are focused in the right direction. A wholesale approach to plastic reduction will only prove unsustainable, and the only way to ensure lasting change is to be a little more selective about the areas in which we attempt to instigate mass change.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Non-Alcoholic Spirits

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Non-Alcoholic Spirits

Spirits are traditionally defined as alcoholic beverages that have been distilled instead of undergoing fermentation. Hence, it sounds wrong or illogical to put the terms “non-alcoholic” and “spirits” together. However, there are indeed non-alcoholic spirits sold on the market. These specialty drinks also claim to offer benefits without a significant change in taste. To clarify, though, being non-alcoholic does not mean the complete elimination of the inebriant content. Drinks are considered non-alcoholic as long as their alcohol content is lower than 0.5%. These drinks may also be referred to as “virgin drinks,” which can be juices, ready-to-drink coffee and tea, wines, beers, and soft drinks. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Non-Alcoholic Spirits: Advantages: The elimination or significant reduction of alcohol creates a number of benefits. Alcohol has long been identified as a damaging substance for the body. It can cause liver disease, pancreatitis, cancer, ulcers, and other gastrointestinal problems, damage to the brain, osteoporosis, immune system degradation, and malnourishment as alcohol prevents the regular absorption of vitamins and minerals. Of course, there's also the distinct advantage of not having a hangover. Alcohol is responsible for the unpleasant feeling that includes headaches, vomiting, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, shakiness, and stomach pain. Drinking an alcohol-free alternative to beer, wine, or liquor means that you will not have to suffer the unwanted after-effects. On the other hand, there have are claims that non-alcoholic alternatives to the usual alcoholic drinks can be good for the cardiovascular system and overall health. One specific research to this regard is the study published in the journal Nutrition, which involves Spanish nuns who drank non-alcoholic beer for 45 days. After doing a blood test, the researchers found that the nuns had elevated levels of antioxidants in their bloodstream. This was limited research, though, so it cannot be regarded as conclusive. Nevertheless, it's good to know that switching to non-alcoholic alternatives can create a positive impact on health. Disadvantages: The main disadvantage of spirits that are considered non-alcoholic is the experience; they don’t taste and feel the same. People consume these kinds of drinks because of the “kick,” so they wittingly suffer the hangover in order to get the psychological benefits, particularly the temporary alleviation of negative feelings, stress, anxiety, and shyness. These “benefits” may not sound like real advantages to some, but these are what alcohol drinkers have been accustomed to. They think to take these away is like taking away the purpose of drinking alcoholic beverages in the first place. For those who want to switch to non-alcoholic drinks to recover from alcoholism, consuming beverages that smell and taste the same as the drink being avoided can cause a relapse and craving for the real thing, so be cautious of your own habits. Non-alcoholic spirits are not the perfect solution to get out of alcoholism or to enjoy alcohol without unwanted after-effects., as they obviously have advantages and disadvantages. Consuming them is a matter of individual preference and compatibility. Read Also: Tequila, The Alcoholic Cure-All? Am I Drinking Too Much? 5 Subtle Signs You Are (Even If You Don’t Think So) Is Outpatient Treatment For Drug And Alcohol Addiction Effective? 6 Tips For Feeling Comfortable And Confident On A Date Without Alcohol Not On The Straight And Narrow: 4 Telltale Signs Of Drug Use In Teens

Social Media Addiction

When Will Social Media Addiction Be Considered a Mental Health Condition?

Digital addiction is not a bona fide medical term - yet - but we are getting closer. The 11th edition of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), released this June by the World Health Organization has introduced "Gaming disorder" as a true mental health condition. It has three categories - predominantly online, predominantly offline, and "unspecified" that covers pretty much every other disorder related to video games. Thus, video game addiction has officially become a mental health condition that can be diagnosed and treated by medical professionals. What will be next? Well, one of the things that might make it into the next edition of the IDC is social media addiction, a phenomenon increasingly discussed by medical professionals all over the world. What is social media addiction? Today, communication is done mainly through digital channels - especially social networks like Facebook and its Messenger app, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, Snapchat, and many others. Aside from allowing people to keep in contact and up-to-date with the things their friends and acquaintances do, these digital channels also create a sense of belonging among their users. But just like with any other product out there, moderation is key. Excessive use of social media is known to have a negative impact on the health and well-being of users. And the young - usually, they are the most enthusiastic about new services and technologies - are the most exposed to these negative effects. A number of studies have been conducted to assess how excessive social media use affects the health of users. Many of them have reached the same conclusion - excessive social media use is associated with several psychological problems, ranging from depression and anxiety to ADHD and even addiction. This affects a minority of individuals but the effects are undeniable. Smartphone rehab and digital detox: The problem is big enough to prompt some in-depth studies and even treatment programs on the matter. A study conducted last year in the United Kingdom shows that kids as young as 12 have an issue maintaining a good balance between their "real" life and their digital one. At the same time, kids as young as 13 are reportedly being treated for "digital technology addiction" in the United States. There are "smartphone rehab" centers in many cities, offering recovery programs for teens unable to keep their use of digital devices under control. Sooner rather than later, excessive digital technology and social media use will be defined as a genuine mental disorder and be treated as such. Until then, be sure to be a good example for your kids, reduce your phone use, and schedule "tech-free" activities to keep phone use at bay. Read Also: Smartphone Addiction In Our Era How Smartphone Tracking Programs Assist Parents In Controlling Their Children


Can I Make My Own Headstone?

When you lose a loved one, it’s hard to know what to do next. One of the most important decisions you will make is sorting through all the headstone designs to pick the right one. This may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about memorial headstones, from whether or not you can make your own, to things to consider before purchasing materials. Can You Make Your Own? The answer is yes, you can make your headstone, but there are a few things to consider before doing so. When making your own headstone, there are a few things you need to take into consideration. The type of stone you use, the size, the weight of the stone, the design of the headstone, and the inscription are all important factors that will affect the cost and appearance of your headstone. Let’s look at each of these factors. The Size and Weight of the Stone The size and weight of the stone you use will depend on the type of stone and the size of the grave. There are many factors to consider when choosing the size and weight of a headstone, but the most important is the type of stone. Granite is the heaviest type of stone, so it is best suited for larger graves. Marble is a lighter type of stone, often used for smaller graves. Limestone is the lightest type of stone, so it is best suited for cremation urns or other small memorials. The weight of the stone is also a factor to consider. Heavier stones will require sturdier bases, which can add to the cost. Lighter stones are easier to install, but they may not be as durable in high winds or other severe weather. The size of the grave is another important factor to consider. If the grave is too small, there may not be enough room for a headstone. If the grave is too large, the headstone may look out of proportion. It is important to measure the grave before making a headstone to ensure that it will fit properly. The Design of the Headstone There are many design options for headstones, but the most common are traditional, modern, and personalized. We typically make traditional headstones from granite or marble and feature simple designs such as crosses or angels. We often make modern headstones from limestone or other less expensive materials that can feature more intricate designs. Personalized headstones are becoming increasingly popular and can be made from any material. We can customize them with images, symbols, or text that are meaningful to the deceased or their family. The Inscription The most important part of a headstone is the inscription. This is what future generations will read about what is there and is the best way to remember and honor your loved one. There are many ways to personalize an inscription. The most important thing is to choose something that will have meaning for you and your family. The Cost If you're looking to save a little money on the cost of a headstone, you may be considering making your own. However, this is not a decision to be made lightly. For starters, you'll need to have a good understanding of the materials involved and the process of creating a headstone. You'll also need to factor in the cost of tools and supplies. The average cost of making your own headstone can range anywhere from $600 to $3,000. The size, weight, and design of the headstone will all play a role in the final price. For example, a traditional headstone made of granite will be on the higher end of the price range, while a smaller headstone may be on the lower end. Types of Stone Granite is the most popular type of stone for headstones because it is durable and comes in a variety of colors. Marble is also a popular choice because it is elegant and can be carved into intricate designs. Limestone is less popular than granite and marble, but it is still a good option for those who want a more affordable headstone. Design When it comes to designing your headstone, there are many options to choose from. The three most common designs are traditional, modern, and personalized. Traditional headstone designs are typically rectangular or oval and feature classical motifs, such as crosses or angels. Modern headstone designs are often more abstract and can include features such as geometric shapes or nature scenes. Personalized headstone designs are those that are unique to the individual and can include anything from a favorite hobby or interest to a photograph or design that represents the person’s life. Inscription There are many things to consider when deciding what to put on your headstone. The most important thing is to keep it short and sweet. You want people to be able to read it easily and understand what it says. Some things you may want to include are: Your nameDates of birth and deathA brief message or quoteAn image or symbol Remember, the inscription is meant to be a lasting tribute to your life, so take some time to think about what you want to say. If you need help, many companies offer headstone design and inscription services. Conclusion Making your headstone is a great way to personalize your grave, but there are a few things to consider before doing so. The most important thing to consider is the cost, as headstones can be expensive. You should also think about the size and weight of the stone, as well as the design. The inscription on the headstone should be short and to the point. Keep these things in mind when making your decision, and you will be sure to create the perfect headstone for your needs. Additionals: Why Engraved Gifts Are the Perfect Gifts to Show That You Care