6 Steps to Starting a Business in Michigan

Published on: 28 April 2021 Last Updated on: 06 December 2022
Starting a Business in Michigan

You’re finally ready to take that plunge, and the great state of Michigan is an ideal place to open a new business. Whether you’re setting up a shop in a quaint small town like Frankenmuth or a thriving metropolis like Detroit, you should take some critical steps to give your business the best chance of success. Every business is different, and no business owner will have the same path to opening day.

However, there are a few critical steps that every new enterprise must take to cover their bases and protect their investment, including:

1. Finalize a Concept:

 Before you invest in opening a business, you need to know your concept, goal, and customer base. This includes how you’ll market yourself, how you’ll distribute your product and provide your services, and how you plan to grow and build on your success. Before you open your doors, know your industry and your place in the market and address all important considerations to ensure you don’t have to course-correct.

Having a solid business plan can save you a lot of money, especially when developing your branding and dealing with third parties to design your logos and advertising.

2. Register Your Business:

Before you can legally open your doors, you need everything to be in order with the government—both federally and locally. You must pay taxes, so make sure to get online IRS EIN Tax ID. You must pay taxes, so make sure you file with the IRS for a Federal Employee Identification Number. This helps formally identify a business in the eyes of the law.

Michigan has one of the more detailed and structured business registration laws in the U.S., so make sure you apply for any necessary licenses and permits before you open your doors. This could avoid costly fines and shutdowns later. It’s common for many businesses to need multiple permits, with specific commercial and industrial activities warranting independent certification.

3. Open a Bank Account:

You may have a personal bank account, but this isn’t the account you want to run your business out of. A business should have an independent bank account for several reasons, including greater liability protection for your personal assets and purchase protection for your customers. It also comes in handy during tax season when you need to identify business expenses.

Business accounts can accept credit card payments more efficiently and allow more opportunities for funding. Setting up a business account with a bank will give you access to a line of credit that can be useful if unexpected costs crop up or you need to make a significant up-front investment to get your business started.

4. Obtain Proper Insurance:

 This is possibly the most critical step in setting your business up for success. Even if you do everything right, an unexpected disaster could put your business in a tight spot, and insurance gives you a safety net. You should look into property insurance and insurance on any valuable asset you have in the business. However, there’s one type of insurance that’s not only essential—it’s mandatory.

Michigan workers’ compensation laws require any business with three or more full-time employees or with one or more people for at least 35 hours a week to have workers’ compensation insurance. This insurance covers costs if an employee gets injured in the course of the job. This protects the employee and covers you as, in most cases, an employee gives up the right to sue when accepting workers’ compensation funds.

5. Hire a Strong Team:

Hire a Strong Team

 A business is only as good as its employees. While many small businesses start with a shoestring team of their owner and maybe their family or some close friends, hiring your first batch of employees is a critical step. You should be able to trust these people with the fate of your business, so make sure to interview and vet each new hire carefully.

Ideal characteristics to look for include the ability to think on their feet, a history of commitment, and good people skills. Not every prospective employee has the experience you need for your business, so it’s ideal to have specific skills training plans. This also ensures everyone is on the same page when they first start.

6. Spread the News:

 You’re almost ready to launch, but a business is only off to a good start when people know about it. This is especially important for a startup, and it’s better to spend smart on marketing than to spend big. This means knowing your customer base and knowing how to appeal to them.

Targeted advertising, both online and brick-and-mortar, is more effective than mass advertising. Even if you’re operating on a budget, don’t be afraid to start by offering promotions to allow people to sample your product or service for a lower price. This can be a great way to build long-lasting loyalty once they get a taste.

A Good Start Pays Dividends:

 A business’ success or failure is often determined before they open their doors. These tips will protect your investment and increase your brand awareness. If you cover all your bases, you’ll have the tools you need to secure your spot in the market.

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Best Talents

How to Attract the Best Talents for Your Startup

Recruiting top talent is difficult these days, but hiring for your startup will be even more challenging. You have to consider plenty of factors during the hiring process if you want the best person for the job. Choosing the wrong applicants can cost you hundreds of dollars in training and onboarding only to have them quit in just a few weeks or months. Here are some tips on how to attract the best talents for your startup: 1. Post Job Ads on Reliable Websites: Hiring top talent begins during the sourcing phase of recruitment. Post your listings on websites that provide quality candidates. Reliable sites ask for in-depth work-related information from its registrants so employers can have a better idea about potential candidates just by looking at their profiles. Glassdoor and LinkedIn are two of the major job posting sites today. Your potential employee can also find jobs on Gumtree which allows them to apply for work through their app in just seconds. 2. Clarify Your Culture and Mission: As a startup, you can’t compete with the benefits and compensation that established corporations can pay top employees. What you can do, though, is to clearly define your company’s mission and create a culture that allows for personal growth. Acquire a potential employee’s loyalty by sharing to them the goals you have for your business. 3. Hire Your Avid Supporters: If you’ve been in business for a time now, you may have already gained followers on social media. Hire them if you can since these are the people who believe in your startup and your mission. They will not hesitate to pour blood, sweat, and tears to your company even twice as much as regular employees. Plus, it’s the outspoken ones who make the best company representatives. Careers for people persons include human resource management, which is all about working with different types of people. If they enjoy working for your business, they will be telling their friends about the awesome work environment. This word-of-mouth marketing can attract more top talent to your startup. 4. Create Employee Development Programs: Similar to making your mission, showing a candidate that you provide your employees with opportunities for growth can help you gain his trust. Such opportunities can be in the form of training or seminars where they learn new skills that they can use for their jobs. Here are some basic programs that your startup can use to develop your employees’ talent: Mentoring Program – You can establish a mentoring program for your new hires as part of their onboarding training. This can help them ease their way into the job as they can turn to their mentors for guidance and questions. In-House Workshops – During in-house workshops, employees can teach their colleagues valuable skills from their area of expertise. For example, your IT head could lead a coding workshop for basic HTML or JavaScript. Performance Review – Whether you have a formal sit-down performance review or just a casual conversation on how they’re doing, feedback is crucial in your employees’ development. Have regular quarterly or bi-annual reviews to touch base on how they’re doing and what they could improve on. Focus on Quality: Quality is essential for any business,especially for startups. Cultivate a reputation of not being satisfied with mediocre products and services but on being topnotch. Build your brand by using effective marketing strategies on social media and your website. This way, you show top applicants that you are serious about your mission and in becoming a superior force in the industry. You will gain their respect and admiration for being meticulous and transparent with your work. 6. Hire for Potential, Not Experience: While a proven track record is evidence enough of the candidate’s ability to succeed in the role, your applicant’s potential is the biggest determiner if an applicant can be a huge contributor to your startup. Flexibility and adaptability are essential since they will sometimes be asked to do various things that are indirectly related to their job description. Hire someone who has the potential for versatility and who is willing to learn new skills along the way. Conclusion: Your startup needs people who can execute the operations necessary for you to achieve your goals. Hiring can be overwhelming especially if your new company grows so quickly that you always need to recruit new team members. Nonetheless, never compromise your standards and follow the tips above to entice the best talents to join your team. Read Also: Useful Marketing Tips For Startups 5 Steps To Accelerate The Growth Of Your Startup


7 Startup Essentials Entrepreneurs Should Know About

Getting started in business is extremely challenging, there are many different elements that you have to monitor and manage from day 1. In all probability you’ll be doing most, if not all, of these tasks yourself, startups rarely have the funds needed to employ an array of staff. That doesn’t mean it’s impossible to get started and become successful; plenty of people do it. However, the following 7 tips will help to ensure your startup goes well: 1. Decide Your Company: Before you can launch you need to create a company or be a sole-trader. There are pluses and minuses to all the different types of business models; you need to speak to an expert in order to make sure you know the right entity to use. This will help protect you and your business as you start trading; 2. Draft Founders Agreement: This is especially important if there is more than one person involved in the startup process. A founders’ agreement ensures everyone knows their contribution, role, and responsibilities. It can make it much easy for everyone to focus their efforts and can help if you do have any disputes. It also allows you to establish ownership of intellectual ideas. 3. Going Online: In order to survive and flourish every business needs a website and an online presence. You can’t afford to wait for this if you do you’re missing out on a huge number of potential customers. Make sure the website is professionally developed so that it looks good and reflects the values of your business; this is your public image and it will stick. 4. Trademarks: In every industry, there is a giant or two that get instant recognition, such as Nike. You need to trademark your name, you may not be big today but who knows in the future; doing this now will help to stop larger competitors from overrunning your business. 5. Funding: There’s a good chance you’ll need funding to establish your business; If this is the case you should draw up an agreement that establishes the roles of investors and their potential rewards; these should be different to those of the shareholders. Getting this right at the start will help you to benefit in the future when the company starts to do well. 6. Don’t Forget Vat & Tax: With everything else going on it is easy to forget the legal side of things. You’re probably going to need to register for VAT and there may be service taxes or other taxes that are due. Make sure you’re aware of these before you start trading and you register in time. This will prevent any unexpected and nasty surprises. 7. Delegate: When you first come up with your business idea you were probably by yourself. However, as your startup and build the necessary services and links, others will become involved. This is when it is essential to recognize the skills of every person on your team and delegate where possible. You don’t need to do everything. In fact, you should focus solely on your areas of expertise and growing the vision of the company; that will help you to be successful. Read Also: 5 Features To Look For In A Business Energy Provider 7 Ways To Plan A Smooth Business Succession How To Attract The Best Talents For Your Startup Investing And Trading 101: Investment Ideas For Newbies


7 Startup Ideas for Young Entrepreneurs

Everyone wishes to start their own business. But they may face many difficulties like not having enough capital to invest, lack of research ideas, and so on. Some points should be taken into consideration while starting up a business; For starting up a business one needs to invest their time and money. Entrepreneurs with excellent research skills develop great marketing strategies. At the same time, if an entrepreneur has a unique business idea, Private Limited Company Registration can be useful to gain more benefits from the Government. While starting up a business one should know the demand of the consumer and act upon it. Every startup requires a proper business plan with a vision, mission statement, and a set objective. Next, an important point which an entrepreneur must take into consideration is whether his business must conduct online or offline; if offline then will it be an office-based or home-based business. It is all dependent on the product or services which has offered. No one can reach a successful path without crossing the hurdles. And there are still many young entrepreneurs who struggle to build a successful business. So, for those young entrepreneurs, here is this article that will help you out in deciding the best startup ideas: 1. Online Freelancing Idea Online freelancing includes content writing and data entry. For content writing, entrepreneurs need excellent communication skills. Firms hire people for content writing. This business is purely online based. Many companies need people to write content for them. The organization outsources these services. Entrepreneurs need to be good in their language and thinking power. Those skills can help them to start their online freelancing services. Here the entrepreneurs need no investment. Their income entirely depends on the organization's goodwill and the number of services provided by them. 2. YouTube Channel After Google, Youtube is the second largest search engine. Youtube is a platform for innovative and creative individuals. Many people create exciting videos and post them on youtube and make millions of money. Also, YouTube helps to get fame. This business idea is like a low investment and high returns. The advantage for the user is - YouTube is an independent platform where a user can create his channel and upload their video for free. There is no restriction about the video topic. YouTube also pays money for famous YouTubers. 3. Hand-Made Creative Jewelry Idea Nowadays, youngsters both male and female are doing this business. You need the skills to make this jewelry art. The primary material for making this jewelry is available both online and offline store at a cheaper cost. The demand for customized and handmade designs is very high among youngsters. This creative jewelry can sell through an online platform where there is more scope of sale and can also sell offline to friends, families, and relatives. Price of the product is dependent on the design of the jewelry.  4. Event management Those entrepreneurs who want to start up their business as Event organizers can start with small events like a birthday party or companies meetings. In this type of business, the event organizer requires workforce and other related services on a temporary basis. Event management coupled with creative and innovative thinking is a bonus. Contacts of suppliers and vendors act as the most significant support system. Here the goodwill matters a lot. The event organizer gets orders only through his past event management. These are relatively expensive business ideas the return of income is highly good. 5. Food Delivery Service Idea Food Delivery Service Idea is a growing and popular business idea where the profit is very high compared to any other services. In this busy world working professionals hardly get time to cook food. The customer tends to get attracted to those types of business services where it makes their routine work quick and simple. This business Idea is highly in demand. In this type of business, the investment is quite high at the same time, the return of income is moderate. One also needs human resources to deliver the cooked food to the consumer. You can start small by personally delivering orders within your local area and using a routing app to get routes ideal for multiple stops. 6. Bakery business Bakery businesses need high skills. Even an entrepreneur can start a bakery business by appointing an expert. Though a brand plays a vital role in people's minds in bakery business customers, usually prefer homemade bakery cookies, pastries, and cakes. In this business idea, investment depends on the size of the business. Nowadays, online bakery selling is also booming. You need a few contacts and marketing strategies to showcase yourself as unique from others. Social media helps in advertising your product. 7. Coaching class This is a services-based business where the return of income is very high. This business is a home-based business idea. Where entrepreneurs need to be expert in the subject which he or she is going to teach students. School teachers or college professors can also start this business for extra income. And the person who is illiterate can even start this business by appointing professionals to teach the students. Here the investment is a little higher. Conclusion  Afleo has come with the best startup business ideas for young entrepreneurs. Any plan to succeed takes time. The same applies to startups. Hope this article helped you out to choose your business idea. Cheerful Reading! Read Also : Six Low-Investment Business Ideas You Can Start Today Make Your Business Popular Online