When Counseling Doesn’t Work: Finding an Indianapolis Divorce Attorney


02 September 2021


Divorce Attorney

Finding a good divorce attorney in Indianapolis starts with knowing whether the person across the table from you is the best person for the job. The right lawyer can help turn an emotionally tumultuous time into something much more bearable and understandable, all while doing their best to ethically help you reach your desired outcome for the case.

When counseling doesn’t work and you both feel that a relationship has run its course, you need to start looking into legal representation for your divorce proceedings. Needless to say, this can be a difficult and emotional time, so it’s best to have a lawyer whom you feel is in your corner and capable of fighting for you in whatever way the case and your spouse’s demeanor require.

Here are the answers to come commonly asked questions regarding divorce attorneys.

What Type of Attorney Do I Need?

What Type of Attorney Do I Need?

Different areas of law have different skillsets associated with them. There are also at times different regulations and specifics that a lawyer will need to know well to practice ethically and to the best of their ability to help you reach your desired outcome. For these reasons, you’ll want to choose a lawyer who is well versed in practicing family law in your county. Divorce can sometimes be a complex process, even without the emotional burden it can bring, so it’s good practice to have a lawyer who both knows the ins and outs of family law and is familiar with your local courts and judges.

How Do I Find a Good Attorney?

The first step when it comes to finding a good divorce attorney is to ask those closest to you, especially if they’ve been through the divorce process in the area before. The exception to this rule is when the person giving you advice doesn’t actually know the lawyer in question, or only knows them in passing.

It’s best to take recommendations from people who have worked with the lawyer in a professional capacity beforehand and can confidently recommend them based on direct experience with how their case was handled.

Once you’ve collected recommendations you feel good about, you can narrow your focus a bit to just those lawyers who focus on family law. While lawyers may practice in other areas of law, ‘doing it all can often be a red flag. Make sure that whomever you decide to interview knows family law well enough that you would be comfortable having them represent you during this difficult time.

Know your strategy. Some divorces call for a more aggressive strategy than others, and it’s important to find a lawyer who is well-suited to the work before you commit to working with them. If at any point you’re uncomfortable with the tactic being taken, you’re within your rights to speak up.

A good divorce lawyer will be able to work out which track — mediation, traditional litigation, or alternative dispute resolution — will be best for your case, and adopt a strategy that will help move you toward the outcome you desire.

It’s also important to talk through the tough issues with your lawyer, such as if you or your spouse owns a business, if anyone inherited property, if you were living together before the marriage, etc. A good divorce attorney will be absolutely worthy for you as he should never avoid these more difficult topics, but instead, work to talk them through peacefully and untangle any legal knots that may be forming.

Finally, it’s a good idea to interview more than one potential attorney. This way, you’ll get to see different approaches to your case and can choose the one which is best suited for you from a place of knowledge.

This will also let you get to know other lawyers’ personalities and help you choose the person you can most effectively communicate with. Any lawyer you meet with should be willing to give you the time you need to make an informed decision about them and their services.

Can I And My Spouse Share an Attorney?

Can I And My Spouse Share an Attorney?

The short answer is no. Even if one lawyer is contracted to draw up paperwork for both parties, they are still legally representing only one spouse.

It’s unethical for a lawyer to represent both parties in a divorce as both spouse’s goals run counter to each other and a lawyer cannot ethically give good legal advice to both parties when their goals are at odds with one another. If your spouse is having the paperwork drawn up, it’s best for you to start researching divorce attorneys in your area and seeing who you feel good about working with.

In Conclusion

Whomever you choose to work with for your unique case, it’s important to set yourself up with a professional firm that can provide you with excellent legal representation. Your unique case and personality, as well as your spouse’s demeanor in the divorce, are all factors that will have to be intellectually weighed in order for a good divorce attorney to come up with a competent strategy and smooth things over peacefully whenever possible.

It can take some time to find a divorce attorney who will be a good fit for your case and personality. For this reason, it’s best to start looking for representation as early in the process as you can, to give yourself enough time to find an attorney who will be a good match for you. You deserve solid, experienced legal representation from a divorce attorney who understands your case and situation.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Personal Injury

Learn How Personal Injury Claims Are Resolved in 5 Steps

It’s a fact that no one wants to go through a personal injury claim. Whether you’ve filed the case, or someone has filed against you, having to face a personal injury claim means someone was hurt due to someone else’s negligent actions and both sides will have to face the uncomfortable and challenging task of going through a legal claim. If you’ve never gone through a personal injury claim, you’ll want to touch base with an experienced litigation attorney like those at derricklawfirm.com who can help guide you through what to expect. While your attorney will be able to give you more accurate information about your specific case. Here is a general overview of how personal injury claims are resolved. 1. opening a claim: The first step in any personal injury claim is to open the actual claim. This means that you will open a claim with both your insurance provider and the insurance provider of the person responsible for your injuries or the damages to your property. This can be known as a pre-action protocol, and it will also be the time that the person you are filing the claim against will be notified. Most often, they will pass this information along to their insurance company who will deal with the claim on their behalf.   Usually, insurance companies or the defendant will have a few months to investigate the accident and accept or deny legal responsibility. 2. Gather medical evidence: When liability is accepted, you’ll need to show how injured you were from the accident. This means that you will need evidence of the treatment you received. Sometimes, this can be as simple as getting hospital records, or it may take some time if you need to see specialists. Photographs of your injuries are an essential piece of evidence, as is how much help you needed while you were injured. This could mean having to hire medical care workers, or even just having friends and family help out around the house. 3. Receive and complete medical treatment: If you have suffered any injuries resulting from the accident, then it’s important to seek medical attention or be assessed promptly by your family doctor. Any treatment suggested should be followed and completed. This can take months since insurance companies usually want to see maximum medical improvement before assessing your claim. 4. Submit a demand package: Your demand package is a comprehensive document that details your injuries, the expenses incurred due to those injuries, and how a trial would be presented if it went to court. It may also include documents regarding lost wages, financial damages, and medical bills. 5. A settlement: You can get a decent settlement package if your demand package is strong and shows clearly the state of your injuries and the connection to the person who injured you. A favorable settlement will mean the resolution of your case if you can agree to the amount between you, the person who injured you, or their insurance company. If you decide on a settlement, you avoid having to go to trial. However, you should be careful not to accept the first number given to you if it’s not what you were expecting. Your attorney can help guide you further in those situations. What if the defendant denies liability? If the defendant denies liability, you may have to go to court to have it decided by a judge in court. This can happen if it wasn't apparent as to who was at blame or the officers didn’t place blame while at the scene of the crash. If this occurs, you will need to speak to witnesses of the accident. This is why it’s always recommended that you get the contact information of any witnesses who saw the crash. Read Also: How To Market Your Personal Injury Law Firm On Pinterest Things About A Personal Injury Lawyer

How To Protect Yourself Legally During An Accident With A UPS Truck

How To Protect Yourself Legally During An Accident With A UPS Truck

Online shopping is the norm today and has led to a surge in UPS truck drivers on the road to cope with the increased demand for deliveries. This increase, while bene ficial in saving buyers the hassle of going to physical stores to shop, can also lead to an increase in road accidents. After all, UPS trucks can also be involved in such accidents, as is the case with all other vehicles. A UPS truck accident can lead to minor to critical injuries due to being a bigger vehicle. When this happens, you’ll need to be aware of what to do next as you explore your legal options and ensure you get compensated for damages, including your pain and suffering. That said, below are the things you need to do to ensure you're legally protected following a crash with a UPS truck. Top 5 Ways To Protect Yourself Legally During An Accident With A UPS Truck 1. Get Immediate Medical Attention Regardless of how minor your injuries may seem after a UPS truck accident, seeking medical attention should be your priority. Doing so is crucial even when you don't feel as though you're in pain, especially since some injuries like concussions don't show signs immediately and stay dormant for weeks or even months. By seeking medical attention, a medical professional can assess your condition, conduct the necessary tests, and prevent your injuries from becoming much more severe, ensuring your recovery. Aside from securing your health and well-being, getting a medical examination also provides a record of the full extent of your injuries. You can use this as evidence in court in your fight to seek adequate compensation for the damages you sustained from the accident. 2. Take Pictures And Videos Of The Accident Scene And Your Injuries One of the best ways to prove the UPS truck was responsible for an accident and increase your chances of winning your case is to take photos of the accident scene. You can do this yourself if you haven't suffered serious injuries. Alternatively, you can request a bystander to take the pictures. When taking the photos, capture different angles of the accident scene well. This can help get a better idea of the extent of damage resulting from the incident. Also, it’d be best to capture the license plates of the vehicles involved. Pictures are great evidence, especially when dealing with a big corporation such as UPS. This evidence can go a long way in establishing what happened and proving your claims that they’re responsible for the incident. In addition, you should also take pictures of any injury suffered following your crash with the UPS truck. This step is highly recommended since cuts, bruises, and other injuries fade and heal over time. As such, doing so can help provide a clear idea of how severe the injuries were to help determine your compensation. 3. Contact A Legal Professional UPS is a huge corporation with thousands of drivers spread parts in the United States. This company maintains files on all its drivers and records transport routes to maintain smooth operation. They also provide all drivers with internal training materials and safety programs. But despite all this, UPS truck accidents still happen. If you're a victim, you must contact a personal injury lawyer. With a legal professional's guidance, you'll know your legal rights. This is vital because UPS truck accident claim cases often get complicated, so you’ll need proper guidance as you navigate the complex process of pursuing a case. A legal professional is also better suited to examine the case to determine your deserved compensation. 4. Call The Police To File A Report Another way to legally protect yourself after an accident with a UPS truck is to contact the police. They can help you file a traffic accident report and put it all on record. The report should present a clear record of certain crucial details, such as: The accident's location Date and time of the accident Photos of the destroyed vehicle The weather conditions outline whether it was sunny, foggy, or rainy Other details explaining what might have led to the accident, such as failure to use the turn signal As you file for a report and work with your lawyer, ensure all the facts about the road accident, be it your injuries or damage to your car, are factual. This can help strengthen your case and your chances of successfully getting your compensation. 5. Collect Documentation And Evidence Supporting Your Compensation Claim Whether you sustained minor or life-threatening injuries following an accident involving a UPS truck, you’re likely to spend money on medical bills to nurse you back to good health. In most cases, this will be a huge financial burden, increasing the need to win your case against the responsible party and seek compensation. But to stand a chance of winning, make sure to have compelling evidence to support your claims. To start, you can compile copies of your medical bills and expenses. The medical bills you'll need to pay during your hospital visits may include the following: Physician visits Inpatient care expenses Physical therapy Medical prescriptions and devices Scans and x-rays Surgeries If there's a need for more medical care in the future, also include the documentation. You can consult your physician and do your research to get an overview of how much this future treatment will cost. Aside from medical bills, you could also prepare a summary and proof of other economic damages or tangible losses you sustained following the accident. This includes lost wages due to accident-related injuries and property damages. You can get an accredited auto repair facility to examine the extent of your car's damages. Wrapping It Up It's not anyone's wish to get involved in a road accident, more so with a delivery vehicle bigger than your car. But in the unfortunate event you get involved in an accident with a UPS truck, knowing your next steps can be beneficial. This guide has outlined insights you need to know to help you deal with such an incident. Hopefully, you can be guided as you navigate the legal process of getting the compensation you deserve. Read Also: Steps to Filing a Car Accident Claim in Waukegan Legal Ways to Determining Fault for an Arizona Truck Accident Filing A Personal Injury Lawsuit In South Carolina: Here Are 7 Things You Should Know

trial consultant

The Most Important Questions To Ask Your Trial Consultant Before Going To The First Day Of Your Court Case 

When you have to go to court, a million thoughts are running through your head. You are probably feeling insecure, panicked, and even terrified to go into the building because of what is about to happen. That fact can be authentic if you don't have the best communication skills or patience. This is where a trial consultant comes in to help.  The professional trial consultant can discuss the case with you and help you understand how to speak in court so that there are no problems later on with the client or the lawyer. Let’s see first who a trial consultant is. Who Is Trial Consultant? Every new law practitioner is facing a mental dilemma on their first day at court. Presenting your case the first time in front of the judge and many audiences will never be an easy task. But when you are appointed a professional trial consultant prior to your case, you can try the mock trial session for you. The professional trial consultant is not only organizing the mock sessions. They are also boosting up your mental strength and improving your communication skills. The trial consultant appointing is always bringing more benefits on your professional front. They are helping you prepare your witness and the paper presentations along with the improved argumentation skill. How To Speak Properly On Your First Day At Court? One question that you might have for your trial consultant is how to speak in a way that helps the judge and jury understand your case. A great example would be to think about someone who has a heavy southern accent and be in a trial in California.  Would they think less of him if they couldn't understand him? Or judge him based on where he is from? That is not supposed to happen, but there are times when it does. A trial consultant like Rick M. Goldberg & Associates can help you with language barriers and the most effective ways to communicate while ensuring that the lawyer is asking you the right questions credibly.  A witness should be confident and persuasive though never altering the truth and should be able to understand their role while providing credible testimony.  Your Trial Consultant Will Hold A Mock Trial For You Another question that you may have for the trial consultant is how the trial will take place. In many cases, witnesses only base a prosecution on what they have seen on television, and it goes pretty differently in real life.  As such, a trial consultant will have you hold a mock trial so that you understand how effective you will be in a formal setting. It also allows you to fine-tune your posturing and how you present the information of the case. They are practical and highly beneficial to witnesses because it helps them become more confident and helps to ensure they don't walk into a trial blindsided.  However, one note of caution that you will need to keep in mind is that you always need to remember to be fair. It can be harder to understand with the opponent because you are not usually allowed to replicate the mock trial or presentation or know everything they will be doing when they present the case.  Be Calm And Present Your Case Carefully A trial consultant is more or less efficient to ensure that when you walk into the room, you understand what is expected and how to present yourself in the best manner so that you can have a judge and jury know where you are coming from.  Presenting the facts in the best way possible ensures that you have the most substantial chance of success and winning your case. Using a trial consultant also ensures that your story is truthful, and you get to tell your side of what happened. Having that benefit ensures that you will maximize your chances of winning the case.  Conclusion: When you are taking your first case and face court the first time, you will face many challenges. The most important factor is that most law practitioners are facing challenges preparing for juries, papers. The most important factor is an argument in the court is challenging, and when you are taking the help of a professional trial consultant, all your hardships are turning out to be an easy and smooth process. Read Also: Three Practical Tips And Techniques For New Trial Lawyers Under What Circumstances Can You Bring a Claim Against an Employer? Under What Circumstances Can You Bring a Claim Against an Employer?