Know This: Tips On How To Clean Up Blood Stains on Workplace Accidents


Comply with OSHA Standards :

Employers are required to comply with OSHA guidelines and specifically to the Bloodborne Pathogen Standard. Employers must also create Exposure Control Plans. This is the case for any workplaces where employees are in contact directly with blood or other infectious body fluids while on the job.

Employees and workers that work in financial institutions and banks do not perform jobs where they have reason to believe they will come in contact with blood. In the event of an accident, these workers must know how to handle cleaning up blood properly.

Workers must learn how to use precautions and treat any blood or bodily fluids as if they are contaminated. They must treat them as though they have pathogens or are infected with HBV or HIV. Hepatitis B vaccines should be made available within 10 days of exposure on the job to pathogens.

As an employer, you have an obligation to follow the guidelines set forth by OSHA regarding biohazard waste. To be a good citizen, you must comply with all government regulations and make the health and safety of others your priority.

What You Need to Clean Minor Spills :

Before starting the process of cleaning up blood, be sure you have:

  • Protective equipment for all personnel
  • A registered disinfectant with the ability to clean broad-spectrum pathogens
  • Biohazard bags and labels
  • Brush and dustpan
  • Forceps and tongs
  • Leak-proof sharps containers
  • Disinfectant wipes
  • To clean a blood spill from a surface:

Equip Yourself Properly :


Use gloves, masks, gowns, and eyewear to protect yourself from splashes. Make sure that your protective gear fits comfortably and has no holes in it. You do not want pathogens to come into contact with your body.

Remove :


With your brush and dustpan or your forceps and tongs, remove any shards of broken glass from the area. You want to avoid ripping your protective clothing. Put each piece in the leak-proof sharps container. Do not remove them by hand once they are inside.

First Cleaning :

Use cloth towels to cover the blood spill and let them absorb as much as possible. The disinfectant will not work if blood is on the surface. Once covered and cleaned toss the towels in a bag designed for biohazards.

Second Cleaning :

Go on to the second cleaning only after the room has been properly ventilated. Pour the disinfectant on the surface and let it stay there for 10 minutes. Then, scrub from the outside to the center using cloth towels. Toss these towels in the biohazard bag after doing the second cleaning.

Third Cleaning :

Use more towels and disinfectant on the surface. Put these in a biohazard bag when you are through. Leave the surface to dry.

Disposal :


Dispose of any protective gear and equipment the same way you did the towels. Put them in a biohazard bag. Seal it and place into a second container. Be sure to label the container clearly and call the local health department for instructions on how to dispose of things correctly.

 Decontaminate :

After doing this, use the registered disinfectant to decontaminate any brooms, buckets, dustpans or other items you can use again. Scrub the tools thoroughly and then rinse with water.

Check :

Do a final check to make sure no area of your body has been contaminated. Make sure no blood has splashed on your feet or on your shirt.

Wash Your Hands :


Wash hands thoroughly with water and disinfectant soap.  Disinfectant wipes can also be used if you are not near a sink.

Report Incident :

This is crucial. Fill out the incident report clearly as soon as the cleanup is complete. File it as instructed, and be sure

It is important that you and your employees know how to clean up the blood in your workplace. Get help if you need it from a blood cleanup company. Keep your workers healthy and safe with the instructions in this guide.



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Ideas to Give Luxury Feel to Your Condo

With some simple ideas, you can make your condo a luxurious location. Small changes may make significant impacts, such as a coffee table between the furniture can increase the comfort of your place. The lighting fixture in the middle of your room will give a WOW factor to your décor. Carefully select the material for your condo rooms because this material will speak the value and comfort level of your condo. If you want a traditional look, you can use jute material and wooden chairs. You can make several changes in your house at crescent nob hill. Dark Paint in Your Bedroom: To make your condo a relaxing place for your guests, don’t forget to play with colors. Your condo room design is incomplete without paint, and you can consider dark colors to decorate your room. The combination of dark and light colors in your bedroom will help your guests to enjoy a comfortable sleep in any part of the day. You can place a sofa in your room to create a spacious sitting area and use a dark color on walls and light color on the ceiling to enhance the comfort level of your guests. Green Features in the Room Design: Sustainability is an essential issue for all condo owners, and they always try to extend the stay of guests to their condo. Some innovative ideas can help you to make your rooms charming. You can use natural light, such as an over-sized window to throw natural light in the room directly. Use green colors for the roofs and walls and recycle bins for your guests. Locally grown plants and electronic water faucets are good ideas for your luxury condos nob hill sf. Local Art is Important for the Decoration of the Room: It is not good to decorate your condo rooms with modern amenities and forget about local arts. The local arts will help you to display the beauty of your culture to your guests. You can use paintings in your design scheme to improve the perception of your guests and create authentic experiences. Feel free to use anything from small sculptures to large-scale photography installations. Integration of local art will enhance the image of your condo, and it can be the key to success. The above image is taken from an apartment located in Tokyo, and it is a fantastic blend of their art and culture. Condo Rooms are Incomplete without Technology: The current era is also known as a technology era, and your condo room design is incomplete without modern technology. Your guests will bring their smartphones, laptops, tablets, and other devices. They will surely want constant Wi-Fi access, USB ports, and plugs to recharge their devices. You should give technology-friendly rooms to your guests to encourage their extended stay and long-term relations. Some condos offer facilities to adjust the air conditioning, window blinds, and lighting through smartphones. It will be the right approach for your business. Voice activation technology is a new trend in the current era. Read Also: 4 Tips For Finishing A Basement 7 Reasons To Buy A Condo Over A House 6 Upgrades To Make Your Bedroom Seem Like A Luxury Hotel Seven Simple Ways For Achieving Cozy Bedroom Environment: For Perfectly Night Sleep

Your apartment

Things You Can Do to Your Apartment to Raise Its Value

Any real estate investment aims to increase its value. It should be worth more than what you spent on it. There are both low-cost and more expensive and in-depth techniques to raise the value of your apartment. You've come to the perfect site if you want to increase the value of your Los Angeles apartments. The renovation of your apartments is bringing a new fresh modern look to your home. But when you are thinking of renovating your place, you are stepping one step back thinking about the budget. But these solutions are easy and cost-effective. 4 Easy Tips To Raise Your Apartment Value You are spending hours renovating your apartment. But do you know that you can use some simple tips and increase the value of your apartment within a few hours? Yes, you pick the right one. You can apply some simple tips and increase the value of your apartment. Here are four easy tips for it: 1. Paint Painting your apartment is one of the most straightforward and cost-effective improvements you can make. Freshly painted rooms appear cleaner and more modern, which adds value. When choosing paint colors, remember that neutrals appeal to the largest number of individuals, making your home more appealing.  A single-gallon amount of paint typically costs around $35.That leaves sufficient extra money for Painter’s brush, rollers, painter's tape, and drop cloths. So go out and grab a few gallons and get to work. 2. Repair Blinds And Light Fixtures Window blinds can take a beating from families and just everyday wear and tear. If yours are in need of repair, new blinds, or even a different style of window treatment, such as a flowing panel of fabric, it may be time to replace them.  This slight modification can restore a room's fresh, lively appearance. A new light fixture might sometimes be all that is required to modernize and brighten a room in your apartment. You generally don't want anything too contemporary or out of the ordinary, but anything with a classic appearance that fits well with any decor would suffice. Look for sales, and you'll be able to stick to your budget. 3. Replace Hardware What creative, attractive, or appealing hardware can accomplish for a kitchen or bathroom will astound you. Replace those hideous 1980s cabinet knobs and drawer handles with something more modern. You can go for a nice rustic look, fun and showy beach house look, an ultra-sleek and trendy look, or anything else that works with your existing cabinets and vanities.  At least one of your friends has exceptional taste. Call this person, flatter him or her and offer to buy lunch if they’ll come shopping with you to pick out some hardware for your apartment kitchen and bathrooms.  4. Curb Appeal Take a look at your landscaping (or lack thereof) to see what thoughts your house evokes. Consider what you can do to improve your home's curb appeal so that potential buyers will come to your door. A potential homebuyer's decision to buy or not buy your house will be based on how they feel when parking on your street. Renovating your front entry will make a terrific first impression.  Make a small change like painting the front door or, if you can afford it, purchasing a new door. Your home's value will skyrocket, and your new entrance will entice visitors to come inside and create memories. Even if your apartment front door is built of steel, paint it with a finish that makes it look like wood. To add to the charm of your front door, consider installing a doorbell, doorknob, or perhaps a knocker.  Conclusion: Are you heading to change the interior design of your apartment? These four tips are not time taking, and these four are the easy, cost-effective solution to increase the value of your home. Not only for the selling every few years we like to see some changes in our apartments. This is a straightforward, innovative approach to change the entire look of your apartment. What types of designing plannings are you currently following? Do not forget to share your opinion in the comment sections. Read Also: Ideas for Modern Flooring Designs for Home Improvement Plans 5 Interior House Painting Tips

What to Know About Your Furnace Filters

What to Know About Your Furnace Filters

When you breathe in the fresh air coming from your ventilation system, you have air filters to thank for the clean smell. The air goes through the air filters in the systems that continuously keep the flow clean in a tight mesh weaving. The airflow is kept clean while any allergens or pollutants are trapped or absorbed over time. This process continues throughout the air system in your home, including the furnace system. The furnace system needs air filters in order to prevent irritants from dirtying it up and affecting your home. The Use of Furnace Filters : The way that it works is that air is brought in by your systems first, pumped into the furnace system to be heated. After the air is properly warmed to the appropriate temperature, it then travels through the filters where it is cleaned up. The fresh, warm air then travels through the system and into your home where it raises the temperatures inside. This process involves the use of the air filters tight mesh weaving. Furnace air filters consist of a tight mesh weaving that is ergonomically designed to allow heated airflow to pass through without difficulty. Without the air filters, then any number of particles will be able to make their way into your home. Your air systems may become dirtier over time too, which is a prime way to attract pests and diseases. You need air filters to keep the air inside clean and prevent any problems with the air outside from coming in. However, the filter is only able to capture and absorb so many. Eventually, the air filters will need to be replaced or the problems they cause will affect your home as a whole. Dirty Furnace Filters : The filters in your home affect the indoor air quality of your home over time when they become dirtier and less able to process fresh airflow. The trouble has to do with the fact that dirty air filters are unable to properly process airflow due to all the captured particles. Over time, the furnace filters become worse for the system and you need to swap them out for new ones. If you don’t, then the lack of fresh air and strain on the system become a serious problem. The airflow coming through your filters needs to come through without issue or there will be a series of problems throughout your home. First of all, the air will not be able to come in, which leads to temperature problems when your home is not being heated. This heated air is also trapped in the furnace, which causes temperatures to rise over time and eventually damaging the system itself with the heat. Your systems will also use more energy in an effort to push past the blockage. The efforts will cause an increase in energy billing over time and you will see costs go up the longer the dirty air filter is left in place. Avoid this issue by installing new furnace filters regularly. Read Also : Choosing The Right Roof For Your Home – Types To Select From Additional Ways To Keep Your Home Warm 7 Ways To Reduce Common Allergens In Your Home 5 Ways A Home Maintenance Plan Can Prevent Disaster