Google and Digital Promise Team Up to Make Teachers More Tech-Savvy than Ever


09 June 2018


Digital Promise

Collaborating with innovators at Digital Promise, some brilliant minds at Google got together with some more at EdTechTeam to come up with a modern-day training program for teachers with a focus on making superb use of technology in the classroom teaching setting. This comes as much welcome news at a time when the government is launching into a cost-cutting mode for educational sectors in the USA, leaving many public schools rushing to cover their expenses for education in all fronts. The new teacher-training program announced by Google in association with Digital Promise and EdTechTeam will focus on imparting technological education for the teachers, enabling them to use that knowledge in classroom settings and to share that knowledge with educators.

The Dynamic Learning Project at a glance :

The Dynamic Learning Project (DLP) is a pilot of the teacher-training project brought to fruition by Google, Digital Promise, and EdTechTeam. The training program will focus on equipping the teachers with the necessary knowledge and resources to use technology in day-to-day classroom teaching experiences. Through the use of the technological resources at their disposal, the educators will be able to open newer vistas of knowledge for the students, thus bridging the gap between learning and technology successfully in the digital age.

50 middle schools from five states in the USA have been selected for the pilot of DLP. The states in the country that will be the first to receive the results of this unique and beneficial training program are Texas, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, California, and Alabama. If the reports from Google and EdTechTeam are to be believed, the coaches at the teacher-training program will be looking to provide customized learning solutions for teachers so that they can make the best use of technology that is available within the infrastructural framework of the schools. The DLP not only focuses on helping teachers to learn to use the Google resources, but other hardware or software platforms that are available and they are comfortable using.

Integrating learning with the assignment help of the latest technological advancements, the teachers from the 50 middle schools have started to undergo training under the able guidance of experts from EdTechTeam and Google. The disparity between the uses of technology in a traditional classroom setting has been more pronounced in the last few years despite most of the schools equipping themselves with smart learning software and hardware platforms in the country. As Liz Anderson from Google for Education states in her blog post for The Keyword, “This second-level digital divide is fueled by major differences in how effectively that technology is being used for teaching and learning.” DLP aims to overcome precisely that. By enabling the teachers to become tech-savvy within the classroom setting, the program imparts in them the invaluable knowledge of putting technology to good use so they can share that with their fellow teaching community.

What this means for educators and classroom teaching

“A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instil a love for learning.”

  • Brad Henry (American politician and lawyer)

Sometimes alluded to as the noblest profession on earth, teaching is the profession that creates all other professions. Whether we are diplomats, astronauts, dancers, chefs, or motivational speakers, all of us started from school someday, and the teachers were there for us to teach us the basics of all that we have learned so far. The significant role of the educators in our lives is thus undeniable, and the new teacher-training program launched by Google acknowledges just that. In the sphere of education, the new technical training program for teachers in the middle schools chosen for the pilot of DLP will be able to bring about a refreshing change in the way teaching was envisioned so far.

The pilot started off with Google sanctioning a $6.5 million grant to Digital Promise for conducting the research and implementing the professional skill development program for the teachers. EdTechTeam aided in creating a viable model for the training program that takes into account the resources within the school framework and the individual needs of the teachers undergoing the training program. The program has been in place since last fall, and the teachers from the schools that have selected from the programs are to be monitored and evaluated on the basis of their acceptance and performance within the existing framework. Based on the reports prepared from the pilot, Google aims to launch this program all over the country, creating a network within the teaching community for sharing knowledge on advanced technologies.

The teacher-training philosophy of the program has three fundamental benefits for the teaching community in a whole and is expected to form the foundation stone for many such innovative projects and programs in the coming years with more innovators and educators coming forward to make learning through technologies a fun and achievable reality. The primary focus of the pilot DLP thus aims at empowering teachers in the following ways.

  • Localization and empowerment within the teaching community is the first goal of this program. Through the course of the training program, teachers will be able to have in-depth knowledge on the learning resources that they have at their disposal to make classroom learning more innovative and will be able to use the resources for the completion of complex tasks as well.
    • Secondly, through the custom-made design of the program, the teachers will be able to infuse their pedagogy within the technological framework and not the other way round. This way, the challenges in the classroom will be overcome more quickly while supported by modern education technology.
  • Lastly, this program opens up a world of possibilities for further research within the educational sphere. Based on the success stories of this program, Google and its partners will be able to focus on the development of a teacher-training program in a much larger scale for the future that includes the entire country in the coming years.

Enabling the teachers to focus on equipping themselves with the resources of the modern age, this program brings the opportunity towards further networking and knowledge-sharing possibilities among the teaching community. DLP is thus a program of the future that aims to bridge the gap between traditional pedagogy and advancements in technology for education.

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What Are The Different Types Of Triangles And their Area Formula?

Using the three straight lines, the geometric figure that can be created is a 'triangle,' and it has three sides and three vertices. In a triangle, the sum of all three interior angles is equal to 180 degrees. Based on the relative size of the sides and the angle they make with adjacent sides, different triangles are categorized, and each type of triangle follows the same fundamentals to calculate the area of a triangle through the area of triangle formula and perimeter of the triangle but the formula for each triangle differs because of their properties. What are the Different Types of Triangles? If all the sides of a triangle are equal, which implies that all the triangle angles are equal, then such a triangle is called an equilateral triangle. Since in an equilateral triangle, all the angles and all the sides are equal, it is a very symmetrical triangle. It is worth knowing that the angles of a triangle are proportional to the length of the sides of the triangles. Against the biggest angle present in the triangle is the side that has the longest length, and the side opposite to the smallest angle in the triangle is the side with the smallest length. How can you Calculate the Area of a Triangle? To know how large a triangle is to know how long the boundary of a triangle is or how large its surface is. The measures used are the area of a triangle and the perimeter of a triangle. When calculating the area of any triangle. The formula is one by two (1/2) multiplied by the length of the triangle, multiplied by the base of the triangle. The length of the triangle is the length of the perpendicular drawn from the opposite vertex of the triangle to the triangle's base. In the case of triangles like an equilateral triangle. Since all the lengths of the sides are equal. Hence, the formula can be compressed to a square root of three, upon four multiplied by the square of the triangle's side that is ¾ a2. In the case of a right-angled triangle, which means that one angle of the triangle is 90 degrees, one by two multiplied by perpendicular into the base. It is important to know the area and perimeter of a triangle to do things in day-to-day life. The Shape of a Triangle can be used to create many things: As the triangle shape is used in many things that we use, like, triangular paper cuttings, triangular pieces of land, triangular tiles, etc. Often to know how much material would be required to create X number of triangular things we would need to know how to calculate the area and the perimeter of the triangle. It is also worth knowing that the Pythagoras theorem can often be used in more than one way like to learn more about triangle properties also, to derive the formula to determine the area and the perimeter of a triangle. The perimeter of a Triangle: How you can measure it? The perimeter of a triangle is the sum of the length of its three sides, which is easy to determine in an equilateral triangle. As all the sides are equal in length, the perimeter of a triangle with the length of a side as value, x, the perimeter would be 3x. In the case of a right-angled triangle. We know that the square of base, plus the square of perpendicular, is equal to the hypotenuse square; thus, we can simplify the formula by replacing the value of the hypotenuse. And thus, we will have the perimeter of a right-angled triangle be defined in terms of two variables. In the isosceles triangle, which means that the length of the two sides is equal. If the length of the equal side is x and the third side's length is y, then the perimeter of the triangle would be 2x plus y. Read Also: 7 Reasons Why Online Education is Very Popular Effective Contribution of Educational Apps

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How to Prepare for Current Affairs for UPSC 2020

The Union Public Services Commission (UPSC) conducts the Civil Services Examination (CSE) every year and it is believed to be one of the most difficult exams in the country. Comprehensive preparation, consistency, determination and hard work are a few things needed to sail through all three levels of the UPSC Exam, which are as follows: UPSC Prelims UPSC Mains UPSC Interview/ Personality Test The Union Public Services Commission conducts this exam in order to recruit various candidates for the Central and All India Services. While lakhs of aspirants in the country appear for the examination, only a few hundred serious and well-prepared candidates will make it to the final list. It is absolutely possible to crack this exam. What is needed is a proper strategy and rigorous preparation. What gives an aspirant an edge over many hardworking peers in the examination is how well he/she is updated with Current Affairs. Read on for the best sources to cover current affairs for UPSC 2020. UPSC Current Affairs Preparation Current Affairs has gained increasing importance in both the UPSC Preliminary Exam as well as the UPSC Mains Exam. Therefore, it must be an indispensable part of your everyday preparation. Daily Newspaper Reading It is very essential for an aspirant to choose a newspaper of choice and read it meticulously every single day without fail. “The Hindu” Newspaper is considered as the Bible for UPSC preparation. Making short notes from the newspaper will also prove to be beneficial at the time of revisions while helping you remember the concepts better. Start reading the newspaper at least one year prior to the date of your Preliminary examination. Current Affairs Magazines During the mains examination, an aspirant is expected to present his/her views about a topic in a clear and concise manner within the given time frame. The aspirant can gather fodder from the newspaper, but in order to understand various dimensions of a given topic, it is essential to follow one or two current affairs magazines. A critical analysis of a topic would help the aspirant answer better at the time of the mains examination. Some examples of Current Affairs magazine are: Kurukshetra Yojana India Yearbook Exploiting the Internet There are various websites and UPSC online materials to help the UPSC aspirants in their preparation for the exams. Specifically, with respect to current affairs preparations, there are various initiatives like daily quizzes, issues in the news, everyday news analysis, etc. The aspirant must pick and choose one or two such initiatives to add value to his/her preparation for the civil services exam. News Channels and Debate Shows Studying continuously for a long duration might become monotonous. In order to make learning less boring, one can watch various debate shows that involve veterans, experienced people, field experts, etc. such as Rajya Sabha TV. Their opinions and suggestions can be used as strong points to support one’s answers in the mains examination. At the same time, you can learn how to express your views during the UPSC personality test. YouTube Videos for UPSC Content & Current Affairs Certain concepts or issues in news require detailed study to be understood well. There are many channels on YouTube that post current affairs videos which will help an aspirant understand and remember such concepts better. There are plenty of options when it comes to current affairs sources for UPSC Exam. Like the saying, “Many cooks spoil the broth”, one should not refer to all the sources but stick to one reliable source.  Another important aspect to be considered is Revision. Thorough revision is a must, in order to remember the Current Affairs portions and its link with the UPSC Syllabus. If the aspirant follows a good strategy with determination and consistency, it is possible to crack the UPSC Civil Service Exam in the first attempt. For tips on covering current affairs for the UPSC examination, daily video analysis of “The Hindu” Newspaper, and other current affairs updates, subscribe to BYJU’S YouTube channel. Read Also: 5 Communication Tips For Introverts In College Topic 3 – Transform Your Career With Online Certification Courses Online Schools The Only Source For Personalized Education 3 Tips To Help You Perform Better At College

planned manage

Perfect day: How to manage everything you have planned?

It's time to stop wasting your life. Even spending money for nothing is not so terrible spending time useless. Money comes and goes, and life just goes away. It's time to think about what we are spending our lives on seriously. Everyone can learn how to manage their time correctly. Everybody has 24 hours per day, neither more nor less. Surely you have dreams, plans, goals, and desires that you are continually putting off for tomorrow, but tomorrow never comes. To manage to do everything planned, try to implement the following tips. 1. Managing everything is impossible : Your task is to manage to do only the most important things for you; then your days will be filled with meaning. Take primarily of all those tasks that will bring you more results, that are more meaningful for you. All secondary matters ignore or delegate to other people. If you are a student of the mathematical faculty, and you are asked to write an essay on history, you can safely ask to write my essay online fast and concentrate on the equations. Separate the wheat from the chaff, do not waste yourself on unimportant things. 2. Make a schedule for the coming week : A large number of businesspeople keep a diary, making notes about upcoming business in it. This is a beneficial thing, because, thanks to a clear plan of action, you become a more disciplined person. In the diary, you can write out definite plans for a week, a month, or even a whole year ahead, which is next to impossible to do just in your head. 3. Do not put off till tomorrow what you can do today : No matter how hard it is, do what you need to do today, in spite of laziness, lack of desire and mood. Keep discipline, do not go to rest while you still have unfinished business. Find the strength to finish it before the end of this day. Tomorrow you will thank yourself for it. Rest will be much more pleasant if you realize that there is no tail of unfinished business behind you. 4. Read a few books about rational timing : Authors of such books reveal secrets that can increase the productivity of your work and help to save precious hours of life. Learn not only from your own experience but also borrow the wisdom of successful people. Professionals will help you to allocate time, setting the right priorities, and also eliminating unnecessary occupation. You will learn how to manage time and improve productivity without too much expense. 5. Learn to say "No." No matter how polite a person you are, do not take on other people's problems. Do you have a shortage of time, why reduce the productivity of your work even more? To help a friend is a good thing, but not at the expense of your time. If you aim to reach the heights, then sometimes you will also have to say "no" to invitations to drink a beer with friends, to sleep an extra hour in the morning on the day off or temptation to skip training. Refuseeverythingthatpullsyoudown.