Different Ways to backup your hard drive explained


17 August 2018


hard drive

If you have not been backing up your data, you are not playing safe. It is a practice that you should make a habit of. Why? There is a high risk for you to lose your data when your hard disk drive fails when your computer is stolen when a disaster strikes, or when malware infects your computer. It is imperative for you to safeguard yourself from these incidents, and the only effective way to achieve this is by backing up your hard drive. Besides, backup methods save you time and money, and they could give you a competitive advantage. Additionally, some data is irreplaceable and losing it would be a disaster. That’s why this article will explain some of the ways to back up your hard drive.

Local drive :

One of the best and most efficient ways to back up your data is by transferring all your data to a local drive – one that is separate from your computer. Backing up on another hard drive is an easy and quick process, especially if you have several drives attached to the system. You could back up your databases and files to an external drive, a USB flash drive, or even a secondary drive. Moreover, you could save your hard drive data to a different drive on a computer that is connected to your network. Keep in mind that the backup process when using a local drive varies. You have to ensure to carry out the backup steps appropriately. It could save you a lot of trouble when your data gets lost.

Cloud storage :

Another effective way to back up your hard drive is by relying on cloud storage services. In recent times, this backup method has become one of the most revered. Its popularity has risen because it can be done automatically, and you get a particular amount of storage space for free. Moreover, you could access your files and data from any location so long as you have a good internet connection.

There are some cloud storage services, and you should choose the one that works best with the size of your data and files. You can test these services for yourself by logging on to ottomatik.io, which is one of the best cloud storage services. Other reputable cloud storage services include OneDrive, Google Drive, Box, and Dropbox. Some of these storage options are free, some require you to pay, while others are free but with paid extras.

Drive cloning :

Well, if you have considered other backup options and you are still not content, you might want to consider drive cloning. It is another effective backup option; albeit not as popular as the methods above. So, what exactly does it entail? It works through a clone hard drive, which is a second drive that has an exact mirror image of your original hard drive. Unlike in the earlier days when drive cloning was an expensive strategy, storage management companies have come up with excellent software, making the process more seamless. Using the software available, you can create an exact image of your hard drive fast add efficiently.

3-2-1 strategy :

The whole idea behind backing up data and files is to ensure that all vital information is fully protected. That is why you should consider a 3-2-1 backup strategy. It is a strategy that requires you to rely on multiple backup options. When you choose this strategy, you should ensure to create three copies of your hard drive data to avoid losing it. You should also ensure that you store one copy of the data you’ve backed up off-site. This ensures that your data is safe from natural disasters and theft. Also, you need to utilize two data formats. With this strategy in place, you will hardly lose any data.

Conclusion :

There are numerous backup options, and all are meant to protect your hard drive from total data loss when a natural disaster strikes or your computer crashes. Backing up your data helps you save a lot of time, effort, and money that you would spend trying to recover lost data. You might want to consider one or all of the methods mentioned in this article. They could save you a lot of trouble. 

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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3d PrintingTechniques And Application In The Energy Sector

3d Printing: Techniques And Application In The Energy Sector

3D printing is manufacturing by constructing a three-dimensional object from a digital 3D model. Emerging technologies like 3D printing have brought revolutionary advancements in various industries, and the energy sector is no exception. This article focuses on the techniques and applications of 3D printing in the energy sector, highlighting its potential to transform traditional manufacturing processes, optimize efficiency, and support sustainable practices. Types Of 3D Printing Techniques For the Energy Sector There are several techniques employed in 3D printing, including Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), and Stereolithography (SLA). Each plays a significant role in rapid 3D printing services. Here's a detailed explanation of these 3D printing methods: Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM): FDM is the most famous 3D printing technique, where a thermoplastic filament is heated, and a 3D object is formed. FDM enables the production of complex shapes, intricate designs, and functional prototypes that improve energy systems. Selective Laser Sintering (SLS): SLM employs a high-powered laser to selectively fuse powdered materials, predominantly metals, generating durable and intricate components. This technique finds applications in manufacturing heat exchangers, turbines, and other robust energy system components. Stereolithography (SLA): SLA uses a liquid resin and solidifies it when exposed to a specific wavelength of light, creating precise and high-resolution objects. SLA produces custom-made energy storage systems, solar panels, and intricate electrical components for better energy utilization. Advantages Of 3D Printing In The Energy Sector There are several advantages of 3D printing, of which it has been in the leading demand. Some basic benefits are explained below:- Cost Reduction: 3D printing allows the production of intricate and complex components in a single process, eliminating the need for assembly. It reduces manufacturing, increases efficiency, and lowers production. Customization And Optimization: The flexibility of 3D printing enables the customization of energy components based on specific requirements. By optimizing shapes and structures, energy systems can be designed for optimal functionality, resulting in enhanced performance and reduced energy wastage. Supply Chain Sustainability: Traditionally, energy systems rely on extensive global supply chains. Implementing 3D printing can reduce the dependence on transportation, minimize carbon footprints, and shorten lead times, contributing to a more sustainable energy sector. Improved Efficiency: 3D printing enables the creation of lightweight components with intricate geometries, reducing energy consumption and improving overall system efficiency. This translates to enhanced energy generation, transmission, and storage capabilities. Application Areas In The Energy Sector 3D printing is applicable in some areas in the energy sector as follows:- Renewable Energy Components: 3D printing facilitates the production of wind turbine blades, 3d printed solar panels, and energy storage systems, allowing customized designs that maximize energy output and efficiency. Optoelectronic devices like photovoltaics and sensors can also benefit from 3D printing. Energy Infrastructure: 3D printing for manufacturing pipes, heat exchangers, and valves reduces costs and enhances their resistance to corrosion, heat, and pressure. Advanced materials and designs derived from 3D printing contribute to safer and more reliable energy infrastructure. Energy Efficiency Devices: Customizable and intricate designs are made possible with 3D printing in developing energy-efficient devices like heat sinks, smart meters, and sensors. These technologies enable better monitoring, optimization, and management of energy consumption. Tooling And Prototyping: 3D printing expedites the process of producing prototypes and specialized tools for testing and maintenance within the energy sector. This results in faster innovation cycles and improved productivity. How  3D Printing Works The basic steps which are followed by 3d printing  are as follows:- 1. Submission Of Design: The customer provides a 3D design file in a compatible format.STL or.OBJ, to the service provider. This design file can be created using 3D modeling software or downloaded from an online repository. 2. Pre-Printing Analysis: The service provider examines the design file to ensure its suitability for 3D printing. They check for potential issues, such as intersecting geometries or unsupported overhangs, that may affect the printing process or the final result. 3. Material Selection: Depending on the customer's requirements and the properties desired for the object, the service provider suggests suitable materials for the 3D printing process. Options can include various plastics, metals, ceramics, or composite materials. 4. Printing Process: Once the design and material considerations are finalized, the 3D printing process begins. The service provider prepares the 3D printer, loads the selected material, and starts printing. The printer follows the instructions in the design file to layer the fabric and create the desired object. 5. Post-Processing: After printing, the printed object is typically subjected to post-processing steps. It may involve removing support structures, cleaning the thing, or applying surface finishes to achieve the desired texture, color, or smoothness. 6. Quality Assurance: The service provider examines the printed object for defects or imperfections and ensures it meets customer requirements. If necessary, adjustments or corrections can be made before final delivery. Conclusion Integrating 3D printing techniques within the energy sector presents transformative opportunities for manufacturing, sustainability, and energy efficiency. The ability to customize designs, reduce costs, optimize efficiency, and shorten production timelines can revolutionize energy generation, transmission, and storage. As this technology evolves, a collaboration between 3D printing experts, energy specialists, and researchers will lead to further breakthroughs, fostering a more sustainable and efficient energy future. Read Also: Advance Copier: Printing Quality Business Cards On Your Own Computer 7 Ways To Stop Spending So Much On Printing In Your Business Digital Printing Contributes Much Towards The Progress Of The Industry

Cloud Recruitment Software

Transitioning To Cloud Recruitment Software: Benefits And Considerations

In the fast-paced world of modern recruiting, staying competitive and efficient is crucial. As technology continues to evolve, traditional recruitment methods are being replaced by more advanced solutions. One such solution gaining popularity is cloud recruitment software. In this article, we will explore the benefits of transitioning to cloud recruitment software and discuss the considerations that recruiters must keep in mind during the process. What Is Cloud Recruitment Software? Cloud recruitment software, also known as applicant tracking systems (ATS), is a SaaS-based solution that enables organizations to streamline their recruitment process by managing candidates, job openings, and hiring workflows in a centralized, online platform. This software eliminates the need for manual data entry, provides real-time updates, and facilitates collaboration among team members. The ATS is a particular type of onboarding software. It is available as on-premise systems and cloud-based software. Any application tracking system takes time to deploy (irrespective of the models). Ultimately, the process becomes quite efficient and fast, and experts opine that it saves time for every hire.  However, the cloud-based application tracking system gives a major advantage compared to the on-premise recruitment software.  Benefits Of Cloud Recruitment Software Cloud recruitment software has evolved as one of the most suitable recruitment techniques compared to existing systems. The following section discusses some of the core advantages of cloud software.  1. Enhanced Accessibility And Collaboration Cloud recruitment software breaks down geographical barriers and allows recruiters to access the platform from anywhere with an internet connection. This increased accessibility leads to better collaboration among hiring teams, ensuring that everyone stays on the same page throughout the hiring process. 2. Improved Candidate Sourcing And Management With cloud recruitment software, recruiters can easily source candidates from various channels, such as job boards, social media, and employee referrals. The software's candidate relationship management systems help in building and nurturing relationships with potential candidates, ensuring a robust talent pool for future requirements. 3. Time And Cost Savings Automating repetitive tasks and streamlining the recruitment process results in significant time and cost savings. Cloud recruitment software reduces manual paperwork, shortens the time to fill positions, and optimizes the hiring budget. 4. Data-Driven Decision Making The software provides in-depth analytics and reporting features that enable data-driven decision-making. Recruiters can track key metrics, such as time-to-hire, cost-per-hire, and source of hire, to assess the effectiveness of their recruitment strategies and make necessary improvements. 5. Scalability And Flexibility Cloud recruitment software is designed to accommodate businesses of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises. Its scalable nature ensures that it can grow alongside the organization's needs. Additionally, the software's flexibility allows for customization to align with specific recruitment workflows. 6. Quick To Deploy The cloud-based software deployment can be done within days or weeks compared to the existing or, say, the premise-based hiring system. The entire deployment of the system includes creating user accounts, migrating the data, and then customizing the features and tools. Also, many cloud-based systems are armed with chatbots and training elements that enhance the knowledge base of the seeker.  The particular resources are much more effective in providing the training. But in contrast to it, the premise-based software takes months to integrate into the system.  7. Technical Support Technical support is included in the premium services of the SaaS recruitment system. The best cloud recruitment software is integrated with the technical prowess to cater to the needs of the stakeholders. When you compared it with the existing software, it required a full in-house team to maintain data security. A full-fledged IT team was also required for the software update and security of data.  8. Security  With the help of the on-premise hiring software, you can not mingle between security and control. The HR recruitment software, if powered by the cloud-based vendor, offers a far more secure system compared to the existing technology.  Cloud-based technology is quite safe, and bulk data management is quite easy. You do not have to hire local servers to safeguard your data.   9. Integration The best recruitment software integrates with that of the recruitment tool. Some examples of IT include job board applications and onboarding software. The HR tech integration integration has traversed huge distances. Thus, hiring the tools integrated with the voluminous HR system. 10. Access To Mobile Phones  There is nothing better than mobile phone compatibility. The same is considered for the cloud recruitment software. With systems integrated with mobile phones, you can allow your recruitment HR professionals to work from home. It is, therefore, a major advantage compared to what was used previously.  Besides this, the cloud-based recruitment software enhances the experience as they always seek an easy-to-use system. This is why companies are slowly thinking of shifting from legacy software to that of the cloud system. Considerations For Transitioning To Cloud Recruitment Software Are you looking to transition from on-premise hiring to cloud recruitment software? Then, in that case, you will have to keep certain considerations in mind.  1. Data Security And Compliance As recruiters handle sensitive candidate information, data security should be a top priority. When transitioning to cloud recruitment software, ensure that the provider adheres to industry-leading security standards and compliance regulations. 2. Integration With Existing Systems Before making the switch, consider the compatibility of the new software with your existing HR or CRM systems. Seamless integration ensures smooth data flow and avoids duplication of efforts. 3. User-Friendly Interface And Training Choose a cloud recruitment software with an intuitive user interface that is easy to navigate. Proper training and onboarding for the recruitment team will accelerate the adoption of the new system. 4. Vendor Support And Upgrades Select a reputable vendor that offers reliable customer support and regular software upgrades. This ensures that your recruitment software remains up-to-date with the latest features and security patches. Final Thoughts Transitioning to cloud recruitment software can revolutionize your hiring process and bring unparalleled efficiency to your recruitment efforts. Embracing this technology allows you to stay ahead of the competition in the ever-evolving talent landscape. Remember to consider data security, integration, user-friendliness, and vendor support when making the switch. Read Also: CRMDialer: A Zoho Alternative 6 Top CRM For Small Businesses In 2019 Cold Calling Script For Successful Sales Persons

Cordless Vacuum Cleaner

Benefits Of Having A Cordless Vacuum Cleaner At Home

Everybody well aware that it is the time of technology, and we are using technology everywhere, and the reality is we cannot imagine our lives without technology. Because it is getting the most important part of our lives. So, here in this article, I am gonna talk about the benefits of having a cordless vacuum cleaner at our home. And it is continuously raising its hands, to give us more latest tech gadgets to make our lives easier and better. And, my dear readers, a vacuum cleaner is one of the best and amazing gifts of technology that helps us to clean our house without any extra or heavy efforts. Just all we need to hold the device in our hands, and then we will able to clean everything that we want to. Well, whenever anyone asks me which one is best in the cordless vacuum or the corded one, then I always prefer the cordless one, because it has lots of extra features and benefits that a normal corded vacuum cleaner cannot offer you. If you are searching for the best cordless vacuum 2020, then before investing your money in any device, you need to read out this informative article till the end, so you will be able to know everything about the device that you are gonna buy for you. And I can guarantee that after reading out this article till the end you will be able to take a smart and best decision about the best cordless vacuum cleaner for your home. So, without wasting a single second now I would like to start by telling some of the most important benefits that you will get while using the cordless vacuum at your home. Benefits Of Having A Cordless Vacuum Cleaner At Home: Excellent Performance : A cordless vacuum comes with lots of amazing features and the latest technologies, and trust me, folks, a corded vacuum cleaner cannot give you that many amazing features and the latest technologies that a cordless vacuum can offer you. Cordless vacuum cleaners are the most comfortable one, they are very lightweight and you don't need to do any extra effort to take them one place to another place. And let me tell you one more thing that some of the best robotic vacuum cleaners are also available in the market, and with these devices, you don't need to do anything, because these robotic devices are able to perform every cleaning task automatically, and also they are able to self-charge. These are some of the most amazing and latest features that you will be getting after investing your money in a device. Even you will get the much more, so in terms of performance and features a cordless vacuum is just like an amazing machine that you ought to buy right now for your home. Easy To Use And Carry : Whenever we think to buy any device like a vacuum cleaner and washer, then the first thing that comes to mind is the comfort level. Because if we are investing our money in a vacuum cleaner or any other cleaning device, then definitely we are buying it to get some relaxation from our day-to-day works. So, all look for a machine that is easy to use and easy to carry, so let me tell you guys, a cordless vacuum cleaner is one of the perfect examples of these types of devices. Just because of their lightweight design we can easily carry a cordless vacuum anywhere, and also these are very easy to use, there is nothing complicated, even anyone can use these devices very easily. Perfect For Home Cleaning Even Upper Corner And Walls Also :  Are you thinking I am crazy? But I am not, because it is true if you owing a cordless vacuum cleaner, then with this device, you will be able to clean the upper corner, walls as well as the bookshelves also. And it is possible just because of the amazing handheld mode, if you want to use your cordless vacuum cleaner on the upper corner, then you can convert it into a handheld vacuum cleaner, by removing their handle and the upper part. So, you will get an amazing handheld mode. Wrapping It Up: Well, these are some of the main and amazing features that you will get with your next best cordless vacuum. And, I can guarantee that after using a cordless device you will get it the best device you have ever used with the superb features. Read Also :  Best-Corded Vacuum Cleaner Run Cleaning In Dallas: Why A Professional Cleaner Is Better