6 Ways to Heal After Divorce from an Emotionally Abusive Marriage

Published on: 11 December 2018 Last Updated on: 23 June 2021
Abusive Marriage

Divorce is in itself a painful process to deal with. However, matters adopt an even more challenging tune when its divorce after an abusive marriage. This is because while the marriage ends with the divorce, effects of the emotional abuse don’t leave overnight.

If anything, these persist over time, impacting your self-esteem and confidence. What’s more, unlike physical abuse, the scars of emotional and psychological abuse are not set on display. Consequently, your struggle may not even be immediately clear to others.

However, that does not mean that you are not strong enough to deal with the implications of an abusive marriage. You’ve survived the separation proceedings, and you can survive with the aftermath too.

6 Ways to Heal After Divorce from an Emotionally Abusive Marriage

Here are six ways to help you through the impacts of an emotionally abusive marriage after a divorce:

1. Change your mindset: It is not going to be easy:

In the US, the divorce rate for every one thousand married women is 16.9. The majority of these women expect to quickly get over things so that they can move on with their life. However, that is easier said than done.

Research notes that survivors of an abusive marriage encounter the emotional effects of fear, anger, and grief in the long haul. This means that divorce is not the final step that bids adieu to your horrors. Instead, you still have the battle to fight.

It is important to know this so that you mold your mindset into understanding that your life will not be a bright sunny day in the post-divorce stages. If anything, you will continue to notice ups and down, and your recovery will take time.

2. Take the time to heal:

Closely related to the first point above is the step to give yourself the time to heal. As hard as we may wish, no spell can fix us quickly after a broken marriage. On top of that, don’t expect the recovery process to be a smooth ride.

Some days, you will feel that you have almost healed and you’re at the greener side of things. Other days may not be so bright though. Therefore, be prepared for both the good and bad days.

3. Forgive yourself:

Regardless of what your ex-husband might have led you to believe, you are not the one at fault. So, don’t let his voice play in your mind or his words pollute your thinking after you have separated.

Your mind may also play deceiving tricks on you, holding you accountable for something that you are not to be blamed for. On top of that, the loss of social status and financial security that come with an intact marriage can also play tricks on your mind.

However, you can’t fully recover unless you forgive yourself. A Toronto-based psychiatrist, Marcia Sirota, elaborates in this regard.

4. De-stress and keep yourself engaged:

Everybody deals differently with stress and anxiety. What’s important, however, is that you pay attention to finding healthy ways for funneling out the shock and stress. Outbursts of anger or yelling on others will only aggravate matters.

Therefore, see what works best for you. For instance, an old hobby or exercise may help lessen the stress. Alternatively, meditation can help alleviate stress. Evidence confirms that dedicating only ten minutes to a simple technique can assist in handling stress, relaxing better, and decreasing anxiety.

The key is to keep busy because crying over spilled milk is not a recommended way to cope with things. At the same time, turning to drink heavily or taking drugs will also not help. Therefore, resort to helpful activities that keep your mind engaged and also help prevent the physical effects of stress.

5. Find creative outlets for the trauma:

Finding creative outlets for all that you’ve been through also helps reduce stress and keeps you engaged. Negative emotions can have lasting impacts. It is always tough to beat them, however, it is not impossible.

Discover what helps you the most. For instance, creating art or writing helps people significantly. A study concludes that making art can help trim stress among seventy-five percent of individuals. Similarly, mounting research also praises the stress-relieving role that penning down your emotions plays.

6. Spend more time with the people who love you:

Another excellent way to sail smoothly through the emotional turmoil is by spending an increasing amount of time with people who love you. These folks will help remind you of how wonderful you are, therefore, making it easy to love yourself again.

Moreover, you can also discuss your feelings with them. Such a group of supportive people is also helpful in removing all the traces of your ex-partner from your life. However, it is crucial to identify supportive people before you spend time with them.

If you end up in the company of toxic people, recovery will shift into tougher gears than easier ones. For example, friends who chose to support your ex. Also, keep away from locations such as restaurants that you may have visited with your ex.

Although spending time with such people and in such locations may not seem like a bad idea at first, but it has psychological repercussions that surface later on. In fact, research notes that revisiting places that you once frequented with your husband can lead you back to him irrespective of how abusive the marriage was.

Wrap up thoughts:

Divorce after an emotionally abusive marriage comes in the company of anger, fear, negative thoughts, and a lot of sadness. While it’s always tough to deal with the trauma, you can always start by giving yourself the time to heal to make it back to life.

Not to mention, you need to accept that the road to recovery is dotted with struggles and instability. If you’re still worried about coming out of an abusive marriage, then it best to seek professional help such as from AbdelHadi & Associates, P. C.

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Tips to make a flower bouquet for every occasion

Tips to make a flower bouquet for every occasion

Time and again, it has been a real challenge in picking a suitable flower for an occasion. Questions like (Which color will be appropriate for any occasion or event? What kind of flower should I pick?) might be running through your mind. To successfully make a flower bouquet that will fit into every event, there are some factors you need to consider. For starters, you have to figure out what you want your flower arrangement and colors to depict. Having this at the back of your mind will guide you towards making a beautiful flower bouquet that will fit perfectly for any occasion. No two persons are completely identical. The same is true for flowers; every flower has its unique scent, color, and formation. So, to successfully combine flowers to form a bouquet, you have to find a balance, this is because some flowers don't mix well with others while others mix perfectly with other flowers. A decorated floral designer and author of the book "Bouquet with Personality" liked the process of gathering flowers to selecting people for an event. This concept is particularly true because if flowers used for a bouquet do not complement each other, the result will be awful. In this article, we are going to discuss some tips that will help you create a beautiful bouquet that will be suitable for different events. Colour The first tip we are going to consider is the color of the flowers you plan to use in creating your bouquet. If you want to stir up emotion with flowers, then you should use the colors to your advantage. Florist and color experts know that colors are a good way to stir up emotions. For example, yellow depicts happiness, red depicts excitement, and blue depicts serenity. What you should do therefore is to choose flowers that reflect the quality you want to put across. Follow your instincts If you want to express an emotion using flowers, then you must keep in mind the shape of the blossom, the color and the scent of the flower. A flower like the Red zinnias usually makes some people feel happy, light and gives them that sense of summer. So what you should do here is to think deeply about the person you plan to give the bouquet as well as the emotion you want to stir up. Occasion Before going to a wholesale flower market or a local flower shop to get flowers, you have to consider the occasion you plan to use the flowers you plan to purchase.  The kind of flower you are likely to pick will depend on a large extent on the event or occasion you plan on using it for. Your choice of flowers, as well as the vase you plan to use, should match the tone of your event. Below is a quick guide that will push you in the right direction when picking a flower for an event Formality: - Lilies, amaryllis or roses Romance or love: - Tulips or roses Happy events: - Sunflowers or wildflowers Keep your recipient in mind When making a bouquet, don't just pick only flowers that you love and are used to. Rather, think about the person you plan to give the flowers. Also, you have to consider the kind of emotion you want to express. If you want to let someone know that you have them at the back of your mind when picking a flower, find something that reflects their taste or their personality. A tip that can help you here is to find something that is similar to their favorite cologne. The shape and texture The final tip we are going to be considering is the texture of the petals and the shape of the flower you plan to use. When creating a bouquet, ensure that you check the compatibility of the shape and texture of the flowers you plan to use.  Use flowers with bold blossoms to take the major role and use flowers with a softer blossom as a compliment. Making a flower bouquet that will fit into any event is never easy, but if you apply the tips in this article, you will find it easier to make a beautiful bouquet that your recipient will appreciate. Read More: Several Tips For Choosing Funeral Flowers Online Send Flowers To Congratulate Your Dear Ones On Their Achievements  Grow These Flowering Plants In Your Home Garden To Remove Vastu Related Problems

purse essentials

Is Your Purse a Bottomless Pit? 8 Purse Essentials You Should Always Keep in Your Bag

On average, each woman owns around seven handbags. That's seven opportunities for seven bottomless pits. If you have trouble locating what's in your purse simply because you have too much stuff, this article is for you. Read on, and we'll divulge some of the purse essentials you'll need to keep in your bag. If all else fails, you'll be able to get around with these few essentials. And if you're really against clutter, make a pact to only pack the things you need, and throw out everything else. Purse Essentials You Should Always Keep in Your Bag 1. Your Phone: This one is a no-brainer, but every woman needs their phone in their purse. How else would you text your husband annoying quips throughout the day or find out what people are up to on Facebook on your lunch break? Keep your phone in your purse, and don't leave home without it. 2. Charging Dock and Charger: This might sound extreme, but you can get small charging docks that will help you keep the power on your phone for most of the day. You don't want to waste your time on social media to find that you don't have a charge when you need it. If you carry around a charger, that will most likely come in handy at work or meetings when you can get some extra "juice" to help get you through the day. 3. Makeup: This one is highly personal, as some women don't wear any makeup. But if you do, you should pack your essentials. Some women pack an entire makeup bag, and if that's your thing, then go for it. But if you wear minimal makeup, just pack the items that you'll likely need to touch up through the day. This might include some blush, concealer, lipstick, or lip gloss. Throughout the day, you can sneak to the bathroom to ensure your makeup looks fresh. 4. Feminine Products: Even if you're not expecting your period, this is a good thing to have. In all your years of being a female, you probably already know that accidents happen and periods can come unexpectedly. You also already know that sometimes your friends need a hand, and you'll be the savior of the office or your friend group if you have a pad or tampon. Make sure you've got a few in case of emergencies. 5. Breathmints, Gum, or One-Use Toothbrushes: This one is especially essential if you're going out on a date or trying to impress someone. Breath mints, gum, and one-use toothbrushes are great things to have with you, especially if you go out for dinner with a date. You don't want to have the dreaded garlic breath after a nice romantic Italian meal if he leans in to kiss you. With these essentials, you can pop one in your mouth on the sly, or slip to the bathroom to brush your teeth with a single use toothbrush. Then, you'll be fresh and ready for your closeup with your date! 6. A Snack: You might think we're going overboard here, but you never know when you'll be stuck at a meeting or out on a business venture and not have access to food. Or, you might just get the afternoon nibbles at your office. Packing a snack ensures that you stay healthy, especially if you're trying to stick to a diet or eating well. By packing a healthy snack, you can avoid temptations at work or school in the form of a vending machine or breakroom snacks. Often times, they're sweets that offer no nutritional value, so make sure that you pack something to help you get through your afternoon slump. 7. For Bigger Purses: Your Laptop: You may not want to take your laptop everywhere, and that totally makes sense. But if you're going somewhere for work, you work for yourself or you have a while to wait in between appointments, you might want to bring your laptop. You can get some things done in the downtime so that you won't have to bother with them when you get home. This company offers stylish bags that are roomy enough to pack your laptop but aren't so over-the-top that you can't use them every day. They also offer bags for men so that they can stay in fashion as well. 8. Pack of Tissues: You never know when you'll get a runny nose, bloody nose or need a spontaneous napkin. And you might find yourself having a good cry and needing something to sop it up. Having a pack of tissues is a great way to ensure you're always prepared. Like the feminine products, you can always pass them to friends any time they need them, and you'll be the hero. They're perfect for trips to the movies or the theater, as you never know when someone is going to bust out into tears. Purse Essentials for Your Everyday Life: Purse essentials are different for everyone, but we feel this list builds a solid foundation. There may be items you might not find fit the bill, and other items you think are absolutely essential. Either way, try and stick to the bare bones of what you'll need during the day to avoid your purse turning into a black hole of random stuff. For more tips and tricks, check out the fashion section of our website. We've got everything from fashion tips for men and women, as well as hair and jewelry tips. Read Also: DIY: How To Clean A Leather Handbag 5 Incredible Benefits Of Reading On A Kindle


Is It Healthier To Have Dentures?

If you are stuck in the dentures vs dental implants dilemma, this post is for you. While dental implants are the gold standard of tooth replacement these days, they are not suitable for everyone. In such cases, dentures are the perfect substitute. Dentures are removable dental appliances that are used to replace lost teeth. They can help patients who have lost a few or all of their teeth due to decay, gum disease, or even accidents. Some people believe that dentures are difficult to care for and would be uncomfortable. However, is this far from the truth? While they are not a long-term solution, they can be comfortable. Plus, there are some benefits of wearing dentures that are often overlooked. To find out whether dentures are indeed healthy or not, we contacted Dr. Amir Hassan, a dentist from Sugar land, Tx who provides teeth replacement treatments like dentures. So let’s find out if they are a healthy solution for you. Key Benefits of Dentures Dentures, which have been used to replace teeth for decades, currently continue to be the best option for many individuals who wish to replace their lost teeth. Although removable dentures require some time to get used to them and a few visits to the dentist’s clinic to get the perfect fit, the benefits usually outweigh the shortcomings. Here are 3 key reasons people choose to have dentures. Removable: Both partial and complete dentures can be easily removed for cleaning. As a result, they are simple to maintain and care for. Natural appearance: Unlike in the past, dentures offered now are lightweight and attractive. Because they are perfectly natural-looking, no one can tell if a person is using them. Pocket-friendly: Unlike dental implants, which may cost several thousand dollars, dentures are fairly affordable and will not affect your pocket even if you do not have insurance. Are Dentures Healthy? The key reason to opt for dentures is to retain your mouth function by filling out the empty gaps left behind the lost teeth. So as long as you clean your dentures well with good oral hygiene practices, there is no reason to worry about your dental health. Your dentist will provide you with the instruction to clean and store them the right way. Along with that, you should also get a dental checkup at least once a year to make sure your dentures fit well or replace them if they have worn out over time. Dentures today are made of high-quality materials that are bio-compatible and pose no threat to your health. So if you are worried about dentures affecting your health negatively, you can put your fears to rest. Thousands of people every year choose dentures for creating a natural-looking smile and are happy with the results too. If you are still hesitant about getting dentures, you should always consult a dentist to get additional information about the procedure or try for alternatives. Dr. Amir Hassan from Colony Dental offers affordable dentures in Sugar Land, Tx. He will answer all your questions and doubts and recommend you the best solution after examining your needs. So if you need expert consultation, schedule an appointment at his clinic right away. Read Also: Finding A Leading Melbourne Dentist For The Perfect Smile How To Eliminate The Smell Of Garlic And Onion From Your Breath Important Routine Dental Care Procedures to Improve Your Smile Do I Have To Pay Out Of Pocket For Wisdom Teeth Removal?