6 Ways to Heal After Divorce from an Emotionally Abusive Marriage

Published on: 11 December 2018 Last Updated on: 23 June 2021
Abusive Marriage

Divorce is in itself a painful process to deal with. However, matters adopt an even more challenging tune when its divorce after an abusive marriage. This is because while the marriage ends with the divorce, effects of the emotional abuse don’t leave overnight.

If anything, these persist over time, impacting your self-esteem and confidence. What’s more, unlike physical abuse, the scars of emotional and psychological abuse are not set on display. Consequently, your struggle may not even be immediately clear to others.

However, that does not mean that you are not strong enough to deal with the implications of an abusive marriage. You’ve survived the separation proceedings, and you can survive with the aftermath too.

6 Ways to Heal After Divorce from an Emotionally Abusive Marriage

Here are six ways to help you through the impacts of an emotionally abusive marriage after a divorce:

1. Change your mindset: It is not going to be easy:

In the US, the divorce rate for every one thousand married women is 16.9. The majority of these women expect to quickly get over things so that they can move on with their life. However, that is easier said than done.

Research notes that survivors of an abusive marriage encounter the emotional effects of fear, anger, and grief in the long haul. This means that divorce is not the final step that bids adieu to your horrors. Instead, you still have the battle to fight.

It is important to know this so that you mold your mindset into understanding that your life will not be a bright sunny day in the post-divorce stages. If anything, you will continue to notice ups and down, and your recovery will take time.

2. Take the time to heal:

Closely related to the first point above is the step to give yourself the time to heal. As hard as we may wish, no spell can fix us quickly after a broken marriage. On top of that, don’t expect the recovery process to be a smooth ride.

Some days, you will feel that you have almost healed and you’re at the greener side of things. Other days may not be so bright though. Therefore, be prepared for both the good and bad days.

3. Forgive yourself:

Regardless of what your ex-husband might have led you to believe, you are not the one at fault. So, don’t let his voice play in your mind or his words pollute your thinking after you have separated.

Your mind may also play deceiving tricks on you, holding you accountable for something that you are not to be blamed for. On top of that, the loss of social status and financial security that come with an intact marriage can also play tricks on your mind.

However, you can’t fully recover unless you forgive yourself. A Toronto-based psychiatrist, Marcia Sirota, elaborates in this regard.

4. De-stress and keep yourself engaged:

Everybody deals differently with stress and anxiety. What’s important, however, is that you pay attention to finding healthy ways for funneling out the shock and stress. Outbursts of anger or yelling on others will only aggravate matters.

Therefore, see what works best for you. For instance, an old hobby or exercise may help lessen the stress. Alternatively, meditation can help alleviate stress. Evidence confirms that dedicating only ten minutes to a simple technique can assist in handling stress, relaxing better, and decreasing anxiety.

The key is to keep busy because crying over spilled milk is not a recommended way to cope with things. At the same time, turning to drink heavily or taking drugs will also not help. Therefore, resort to helpful activities that keep your mind engaged and also help prevent the physical effects of stress.

5. Find creative outlets for the trauma:

Finding creative outlets for all that you’ve been through also helps reduce stress and keeps you engaged. Negative emotions can have lasting impacts. It is always tough to beat them, however, it is not impossible.

Discover what helps you the most. For instance, creating art or writing helps people significantly. A study concludes that making art can help trim stress among seventy-five percent of individuals. Similarly, mounting research also praises the stress-relieving role that penning down your emotions plays.

6. Spend more time with the people who love you:

Another excellent way to sail smoothly through the emotional turmoil is by spending an increasing amount of time with people who love you. These folks will help remind you of how wonderful you are, therefore, making it easy to love yourself again.

Moreover, you can also discuss your feelings with them. Such a group of supportive people is also helpful in removing all the traces of your ex-partner from your life. However, it is crucial to identify supportive people before you spend time with them.

If you end up in the company of toxic people, recovery will shift into tougher gears than easier ones. For example, friends who chose to support your ex. Also, keep away from locations such as restaurants that you may have visited with your ex.

Although spending time with such people and in such locations may not seem like a bad idea at first, but it has psychological repercussions that surface later on. In fact, research notes that revisiting places that you once frequented with your husband can lead you back to him irrespective of how abusive the marriage was.

Wrap up thoughts:

Divorce after an emotionally abusive marriage comes in the company of anger, fear, negative thoughts, and a lot of sadness. While it’s always tough to deal with the trauma, you can always start by giving yourself the time to heal to make it back to life.

Not to mention, you need to accept that the road to recovery is dotted with struggles and instability. If you’re still worried about coming out of an abusive marriage, then it best to seek professional help such as from AbdelHadi & Associates, P. C.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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how to make cannabis gummies

From Bud To Bite: Crafting Your Own Cannabis Gummy Edibles  

Hello there, fellow cannabis enthusiasts! Today, I'm excited to take you on a flavorful journey into the world of homemade cannabis gummies. If you've ever wanted to try your hand at crafting these delectable treats, you're in the right place. Want to know how to make cannabis gummies? I have you covered! In this blog, I will walk you through the process step by step, from selecting the right strain to infusing your gummies with the perfect dose of cannabis goodness. So, roll up your sleeves (pun intended), and let's get cooking! Before We Dive In: A Word On Cannabis Strains   Choosing the right cannabis strain for your gummies is crucial. Each strain offers a unique flavor profile and effect, so consider what kind of experience you're aiming for. Personally, I like to use a hybrid strain for a balanced blend of relaxation and creativity. Indica strains can be too sedating for some, while sativa strains might make you a bit too chatty. A hybrid is often the sweet spot. How To Make Cannabis Gummies: A Step-By-Step Guide That You Need!   Before we start with the steps, there is one thing I would like to make clear. While making cannabis gummies at home offers numerous benefits, it's essential to approach the process responsibly, especially if you are new to cannabis edibles. Start with lower doses, be patient, and remember to comply with local laws and regulations regarding the preparation and consumption of cannabis-infused products. Now that it is done, let’s get started! Step 1: Gather Your Ingredients And Tools   Before you start whipping up your cannabis-infused gummies, make sure you have everything you need. Here's a list of what you'll require: Cannabis tincture or cannabis-infused oil: This is the star of the show, providing THC or CBD goodness. Flavored gelatin packets: Choose your favorite flavors for a delightful twist. Unflavored gelatin: This will give your gummies the right texture. Sugar: For sweetness, of course! Water: To mix everything together. Silicone molds: These will help shape your gummies. A saucepan and a whisk: To heat and mix your ingredients. A dropper or syringe: For precise dosing. Step 2: Calculate Your Dosage   Getting the dosage right is crucial. We want those gummies to provide a blissful experience, not send us to the moon! Start by determining how much THC or CBD is in your tincture or oil and calculate the dosage per gummy. For beginners, I recommend starting with a lower dose (around 5-10mg) and gradually increasing it as needed. Step 3: Prepare Your Molds   Before you dive into the cooking process, prepare your silicone molds. Lightly coat them with cooking spray to prevent sticking later on. This step will ensure your gummies pop out effortlessly once they're set. Step 4: Mix Your Ingredients   Now, let's get cooking! In your saucepan, combine the flavored gelatin packets, unflavored gelatin, sugar, and water. Stir everything together until it forms a smooth mixture. It should be free of lumps and evenly blended. Step 5: Infuse With Cannabis   This is where the magic happens! Add your cannabis tincture or infused oil to the mixture. The dosage you calculated earlier will guide you here. Use a whisk to ensure the cannabis is evenly distributed throughout the mixture. Keep the heat low to avoid overheating the cannabis, which could affect its potency. Step 6: Heat And Stir   Place your saucepan over low heat and continue to stir. You want to gently heat the mixture without boiling it. Keep stirring until all the ingredients are fully combined, and the mixture becomes smooth and shiny. This should take about 7-10 minutes. Step 7: Fill Your Molds   Once your mixture is ready, use your dropper or syringe to fill the silicone molds. Take your time and be as precise as possible. This will ensure that each gummy has the correct dosage, and they'll all look fantastic! Step 8: Let Them Set   Patience is key at this stage. Allow your cannabis gummies to set at room temperature for at least 30 minutes. You can speed up the process by placing them in the refrigerator, but be careful not to freeze them. Step 9: Pop And Enjoy!   The moment you've been waiting for has arrived! Carefully pop your gummies out of the molds and behold your homemade cannabis-infused creations. Store them in an airtight container in a cool, dark place to maintain their freshness. The Beauty Of Homemade Cannabis Gummies   There's something truly special about crafting your own cannabis gummies. You have full control over the ingredients, flavors, and dosages, ensuring a personalized experience every time. Plus, it's a fun and rewarding process that allows you to experiment with different strains and flavors until you find your perfect match. Now that you've learned the art of making cannabis gummies, the possibilities are endless. Whether you're treating yourself or sharing with friends, these homemade delights are a delightful way to enjoy the benefits of cannabis in a delicious and discreet form. So, go ahead, put on your apron, and let your culinary creativity shine in the world of cannabis-infused treats! Benefits Of Making Cannabis Gummies At Home!   Making cannabis gummies at home offers several benefits, which contribute to their popularity among cannabis enthusiasts. Here are some key advantages: 1. Control Over Ingredients:    When you make cannabis gummies at home, you have full control over the quality of ingredients. You can choose organic, non-GMO, and natural products, ensuring that your gummies are free from undesirable additives or artificial flavors. 2. Customizable Dosage:    One of the most significant advantages is the ability to customize the dosage. You can precisely measure the amount of cannabis you want in each gummy, allowing for consistent and accurate dosing. This is particularly important for medical cannabis users who require specific doses for their conditions. 3. Choice Of Strain:    Homemade gummies let you select the cannabis strain that suits your preferences and desired effects. Whether you want a relaxing Indica or an energizing sativa, you can tailor your gummies to your specific needs. 4. Variety Of Flavors:    You can experiment with an array of flavors, creating gummies that cater to your taste preferences. Whether you prefer fruity, sour, or herbal flavors, you have the freedom to get creative and craft gummies that delight your palate. 5. Cost-Effective:    Making your own cannabis gummies can be more cost-effective than purchasing pre-made edibles. You can buy cannabis flowers or extracts in bulk, which often offers better value for money, and create a substantial quantity of gummies. 6. Quality Control:    Home preparation allows for better quality control. You can ensure the cleanliness of your equipment and environment, reducing the risk of contamination. This is particularly crucial for individuals with allergies or dietary restrictions. 7. Privacy And Discretion:    Crafting your cannabis gummies at home offers privacy and discretion. You can enjoy the therapeutic benefits of cannabis without drawing attention to yourself or your cannabis consumption. 8. Fun And Educational:    The process of making cannabis gummies can be enjoyable and educational. It provides an opportunity to learn about the science of cannabis infusion and cooking techniques. It can be a fun activity to share with friends or loved ones. 9. Experimentation:    Homemade gummies encourage experimentation. You can try different recipes, ratios, and infusion methods until you find the perfect formula that suits your preferences and needs. 10. Longer Shelf Life:    Keep With proper storage, homemade cannabis gummies can have a longer shelf life compared to store-bought edibles. You can keep them fresh for an extended period, allowing you to enjoy them at your own pace. Wrapping It Up!   In case you were searching about how to make cannabis gummies at home, I hope that this blog has been of help to you. If there are any other queries related to the same, feel free to let me know. All that you need to do is scroll down till you reach the bottom of the page, Then leave your comments and queries in the box below. And I will be there to answer them all for you! Learn More About: Why Cannabis Is Good For Health? How To Make Your Own Cannabis Topicals? Things To Consider While Buying CBD Gummies Online Cannabis Can Help In The Fight Against Drug Addiction

Costumes for Halloween

Must-Have Costumes for Halloween in Australia

Australia is one of the largest countries as well as the smallest continent on Earth. It is geographically situated in the Southern Hemisphere and lies between the Indian and Pacific oceans. According to reports, the population in Australia is estimated at around 25 million, which is approximately 0.33% of the world’s total population. Over the years, Australians have gradually embraced the celebration of Halloween as a form of activity in pop culture. However, your Halloween would not be completed without wearing Halloween costumes in Australia. If you happen to live somewhere in Australia and are currently preparing for this year’s Halloween party, below are some must-have costumes for you and your family. Here are Must-Have Costumes for Halloween in Australia: 1. Grim Reaper Costumes According to an article by Britannica, various cultures all over the world have certain figures to represent death. Despite being a thousand miles away from Europe and the United States, Australia also associates death with the “Grim Reaper.” The Grim Reaper costume is composed of a hooded robe that helps you to be shrouded in darkness. It is accompanied by a death scythe that you will carry to “reap” souls of humans. This costume composition is why the Grim Reaper costume is one of the scariest Halloween costumes in Australia that you could wear. You can find costumes like these as well as other halloween t shirts on several reputed online platforms in the country. You can choose from a range of designs, patterns and colour options as well as sizes. If you want to gift something similar during the Halloween season to your friends and family members, you can do so as well. 2. Vampire or Bat Costume Australia’s total land area is approximately 7.7 million square kilometers. Because of this, it is home to a wide range of animals and species. According to reports, there are about 70 bat species in Australia. Due to the great number of bats and their appearance, Australians generally think of bats as creepy, making them a great Halloween costume. The typical bat costumes that you can wear are composed of a black cape and bat ears, which you can make even scarier by applying makeup. However, if you want to go for a more sophisticated look, you can use a vampire costume that also comes with a black cape and a more elegant vest for your torso. 3. Zombie Costumes Due to the extreme size of the country, Australia has numerous climate zones. The northern part of Australia is known to have a more tropical climate because it is much nearer to the equator. If you live in the northern part of Australia, you might want to consider a costume that is more apt with the climate; for better comfort. Zombie costumes are perfect for places with hot climates because you don’t have to wear that much. For instance, a zombie pharaoh costume is only composed of an Egyptian robe, designed fabric, and headgear, that will keep you cool despite the hot weather. 4. Jack the Ripper Jack the Ripper is an infamous personality during the 19th century because of the grave crimes he committed. He was considered as a serial killer that preyed on individuals that worked and lived in the London slums. To this day, his real identity has not yet been discovered, making the story quite scary and creepy. Jack the Ripper Halloween costumes are the best ones you could wear if you are into crimes and mysteries. Also, if you live in the southern part of Australia, where temperatures can reach freezing levels, this costume will be perfect. This is because it is composed of medium weight clothing that can help you keep cool while you roam the streets at night during Halloween. If you’re all about dressing up and fantasy, then Halloween is undoubtedly one of the best events you can engage in. Wearing any of the costumes mentioned above can make Halloween even more special. So, check out online costume stores today and start finding the right costume for yourself. Read Also: 7 Fashion Tips Exclusively for Men Choose The Latest Collection Of Women Clothing For a Stylish Look


Going to the Roller Rink? Here Are 4 Reasons to Bring Your Own Skates

Once you’ve caught the skating bug, there’s no way around it! You will be going to the roller rink at least weekly, and what could be wrong with that? Not only is it a great way to get that exercise you’ve been avoiding but it’s a great social activity as well. Why hang out in nightclubs and bars if you have a roller-skating rink nearby? It’s a whole lot safer and you surely won’t need to stay out till the wee hours of the morning to get in a bit of fun – unless you participate in an all-night skate party. Yes, they do still have those you know! In case you hadn’t thought about bringing your own skates, here are four things to consider. Different Ways You Can Make Use Of Skating Kits  There are multiple ways you can make use of the skating kits to make things happen for you in all aspects. 1. Fit Is Everything: In the very beginning when you were learning to skate, you were probably advised that fit is of extreme importance if you plan on spending any amount of time on your feet! There is nothing more dangerous than a pair of ill-fitting skates, which are often the ultimate cause of falling, injuries and sore feet. While you can rent skates at the rink, do they have a good fit for you? Remember, when others wear a shoe, that shoe starts to conform to the way they walk. The same happens with roller skates, so now imagine if hundreds of people wore them before you. Not a pleasant thought at all. 2. Trendy Custom Skates: If you are going to be skating around dozens of other people, why not look your best? You can easily order custom roller skates that are a perfect fit as well as fashionable enough to wear in public. Gone are the days when roller skates were sold in black and white. Today, you can choose your own color, and actually help ‘design’ the skates you order. 3. Performance: When you own your own skates, you learn the feel of them so that putting them on feels second nature. You will automatically know if something is awry and will know enough not to get out on the floor until you have had them repaired. Remember, even the best skates will wear over time and there few things worse than falling due to a damaged skate. 4. Athlete’s Foot IS Contagious: You don’t need to be a germaphobe to be concerned about athlete’s foot. While it isn’t as wildly contagious as influenza and you aren’t likely to see an athlete’s foot epidemic at your skating rink, it still is contagious enough to cause concern. According to Mayo Clinic, it typically starts between the toes and is caused by sweaty, ill-fitting shoes. (There’s another reason to buy skates that fit properly!) That being said, with humidity being the main catalyst, wouldn’t it be better to avoid rentals? While you might be able to list dozens of other reasons to bring your own skates to the roller-skating rink, these are four very big reasons to do so. Don’t have skates? The only thing you need to know is your shoe size and you can easily order them online. Want to look and skate your best? Bring your own skates. Read More:  How to Travel with a Suit like a Pro. 8 Tips to Help You Pick Universities Abroad. 3 Remedies for Winter Cabin Fever in Silverthorne.