How Accessible Is Your Dealership’s Website?

Published on: 01 October 2018 Last Updated on: 23 March 2019

It might be easy to think about your website as something ancillary or removed from your car dealership, a splash page in which you can throw up a few pictures, link to a mostly-ignored Twitter, and slap on a phone number, address, an invitation to come to visit you in-person. Nothing could be further from the truth. In our constantly evolving digital world, your website is a legitimate extension of your physical dealership. It needs to be constantly updated with your latest stock, contains accurate information, and provide not just one or two but a variety of ways in which to get in touch with you. In short, it needs to be as accessible as humanly possible.

Customers who visit your site should leave feeling as though they have just visited your dealership in-person. All the amenities should be available to them. A full, accurate, and updated look at what you currently have in stock is of key importance. Keep a photo gallery of every single vehicle you have available for purchase for customers to peruse. Is a car model temporarily out of stock? Make sure that information is clear and let them know when you will be getting more shipped out. Is a model completely out of stock? Strike it from the site and don’t look back. Crisp, detailed photos should be a given. If you can offer a full, 3D digital view of even some of your stock, that’s even more impressive.

car model

Another way of replicating the in-person experience is by offering a live online chat. There is some extremely impressive car dealer chat technology available today. This will offer your customers the ability to talk to a live operator 24/7. With Gubagoo’s Chat Smart technology, you give these operators access to your stock and sales information; they, in turn, present it to the customer, create a profile of them, collect their contact info, and bring it all back to you. This information is highly-customizable and extremely easy-to-use. You can even, using a dealer-only app, see live chats as they take place in real-time and hop in if you have something to add or elucidate certain points. Online dealer chat technology can also be integrated with your Facebook page, so that the popular website’s online chat function can be funneled directly to a live operator.

live operator

Another important aspect is social media. You already know, of course, about Facebook and Twitter, but these days it’s of extreme importance that your dealership is accessible through as many social media outlets as possible. Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitch, Discord, and Pinterest are just a handful of the avenues through which crafty dealerships are boosting their sales. Consider bringing on a social media expert to run your Twitter, keep your website updated, and get you in touch with potential customers in as many different ways as possible.

Did you know that 75% of car buyers say that online research was key for them in making their eventual decision? A full three-quarter! And it’s a safe bet that some of the remaining 25% at least checked websites online in addition to in-person.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Car Leasing

What Is Car Leasing Anyways, And How Does It Work?

Put plainly and simply, car leasing gives people the option of getting a car with a smaller down payment and typically lower monthly payments for a set number of months with a set amount of mileage allowed during the time the customer has the vehicle. All of the variables listed there are what’s known as the “lease agreement”, which covers all the terms and conditions of the car. Leasing is an awesome option for drivers, but it’s one that unfortunately not a lot of people understand all that well, so this article will endeavor to explain how exactly leasing works, and how it can be a better alternative to buying. Leasing can be a better alternative than buying because it allows you to drive a higher-priced car – one that you would not be able to normally be able to afford – for affordable monthly payments. In most big Canadian cities, like Toronto, Vancouver or Halifax, someone can get a lease on a new car for a low price, drive that car for typically up to three years and then turn the car back in at the end of the lease term. Leasing is kind of like renting a vehicle, in that you do not own it and you will turn it back into the dealership at the end of the lease term. Another reason that leasing can be preferable to buying is that it allows customers to get a new vehicle at the end of each lease term (if they so choose) without risking negative equity on a trade-in (and thus incurring higher monthly payments for the new car that they get). Leasing can also include perks like having standard service included and having the ability to carry over your down payment from one lease to the next (provided you continue to lease with the same dealership). Leasing has also become very popular with people that don’t necessarily drive a lot. Since leases come with a set amount of mileage (and penalties for going over the mileage) people that live in cities or close to work can take advantage of the lower lease prices for lower mileage lease options. Here in Canada, where there are lots of car dealership options, many dealerships offer perks to returning lease customers, to keep them from going to a different dealership, so it is a good idea to look at a dealership’s returning lessee offers to see if they are a good fit before entering into the initial lease agreement. These are certain small considerations you can learn more about over here at the AUTO ONE Group Blog which does a pretty comprehensive job detailing leases. Leasing is a great option for anyone looking to get a new car but doesn’t want to get roped into the large down payment and protracted loan payments associated with buying. If you live in the city here in Canada, it’s worth taking the time to seek out loan options on cars. Read Also : 5 Tips To Safeguard Your Home From Intruders 5 Signs Your Car Needs A Tune-Up Choosing The Right Anti-Theft Devices For Your Car In Houston TX

Car Shipping

Why Use Car Shipping Services & How A Cost Calculator Can Help

As one of the most valuable possessions you have, your vehicle is one of those assets that you always take good care of. Or, at least you’re trying to take good care of it. Thus, when relocating to a different city or state, for example, you’ll think twice before deciding to drive a car such a long distance. Instead of driving, you’ll start thinking about using car shipping services. Yet, you won’t really be sure if that’s a good idea, and if you come across a car shipping calculator, you won’t know how helpful it can exactly be. Both of those questions are certainly highly important, so what I’ll do now is answer them for you, helping you both make the right decision and figure out what to do with the calculator should you choose to use these services. Why Use Car Shipping Services Unsurprisingly, we’re going, to begin with the question of why using the car shipping option is a great idea. There are quite a few reasons to do this, and you’ll now get familiar with some of them. Learning about those reasons will help you ultimately decide if this is the right solution for you, or if you should perhaps decide to drive after all. I highly doubt that, but still. It’s a possibility. In addition, if you need to transport your car consider using the reliable car shipping services offered by" Reduce the Risk of Damage Driving your car a very long distance can certainly take a toll on it and lead to some damage. Some issues you could face with it could be minor and insignificant, while others could be quite serious and, of course, expensive. Using the car shipping option, you’ll reduce the risk of damage, because your vehicle won’t be driven, but instead transported by a professional who has done this numerous times before and knows how to do it safely and successfully. No Stress The stress of driving for far too long is something nobody wants to experience. When you first think about driving a very long distance, it may sound like a fun road trip, and you may get excited about it. After you’ve been on the road for a while, though, stress will replace excitement, and you’ll regret the day you decided to drive instead of using the shipping option and avoid any kind of stress whatsoever. Here’s what to know about car shipping: Avoid Injuries Being behind the wheel for far too long can not only be stressful but also lead to some injuries. No matter how comfortable your car is, sitting for long periods of time can lead to back injuries. And then, there’s also the fact you may have an accident on the road, which can result in even more serious injuries. Using the car shipping option will help you completely avoid the risk of those injuries. Save Time Time is certainly among those resources that you don’t want to waste. Saving it is, instead, your goal, because saving time on one thing means you can focus on other important things, or even just relax and recharge your batteries. With the car shipping solution, you’ll definitely get to save time, as you won’t be trapped behind the wheel. Save Money On Unforeseen Expenses Since talking of saving things, we can’t fail to mention money. Sure, you’ll be paying for the shipping service, but there are a lot of things you won’t be paying for if you decide to go for it instead of driving yourself. Basically, you won’t pay for gas, road trip food, accommodation, etc. And, you won’t incur any unforeseen costs, such as those that could arise from your vehicle needing repairs after being damaged on the road. Read more on how to transport your car. How a Cost Calculator Can Help After mentioning money, we have to start dealing with the next important thing that you’re wondering regarding these particular services. How can those shipping cost calculators actually help you and should you use them? Well, they help by providing you with a clear estimate on the amount you’ll pay when transporting your car with a specific company and on specific dates, allowing you to set a clear budget for it aside, as well as to find the best and the most reasonable deal. Using them can and will help you pay a fair price. Read Also: 6 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Shipping Company AutoTempest: Is It The Best Search Engine For Cars? Is Marine Transportation A Good Career Path?

Car Shipping

Snowbird Season: Car Shipping For Sun Seekers

As the temperatures drop and winter's chill sets in, many Canadians long for a reprieve from the cold. This is where the concept of being a "snowbird" comes into play. Snowbirds are individuals, often retirees, who migrate south to warmer climates during the winter months, seeking refuge from the icy embrace of Canadian winters. Florida, with its pleasant climate and abundance of sunshine, is a prime destination for these sun seekers. For snowbirds, having their own vehicle at their disposal in the Sunshine State is a must, and that's where car shipping services come into play. The Snowbird Lifestyle: Escaping Canadian Winters The snowbird lifestyle has been a longstanding tradition for Canadians looking to escape the harsh winter weather. These individuals typically travel to destinations in the southern United States, with Florida being a particularly popular choice. The allure of Florida lies in its mild winters, stunning beaches, and an array of recreational activities. Snowbirds can enjoy golfing, swimming, and an active outdoor lifestyle during the months they spend in Florida. Why Shipping a Car is Essential for Snowbirds While Florida offers plenty of attractions, having a personal vehicle is often essential for snowbirds to fully enjoy their time in the state. A personal vehicle provides the flexibility to explore the area, visit various attractions, and enjoy the convenience of their own transportation. Here are some reasons why shipping a car from Canada to US is crucial for snowbirds: 1. Comfort and Convenience Snowbirds can enjoy the comfort of their own vehicle, knowing that they have a reliable means of transportation that suits their preferences. 2. Familiarity Having their own vehicle provides a sense of familiarity and reduces the stress of adapting to public transportation or unfamiliar rental cars. Cost Savings Shipping a car is often more cost-effective than renting a vehicle for an extended period, especially for the duration of a snowbird's stay in Florida. 4. Mobility Snowbirds can easily explore Florida's various attractions, including national parks, beaches, and cultural sites, with the freedom of their own vehicle. Car Shipping for Snowbirds: How It Works Shipping a car from Canada to Florida or other snowbird destinations in the United States is a straightforward process. Here's how it typically works: 1. Choose a Reliable Car Shipping Company Select a reputable car shipping company with experience in transporting vehicles across the border. Look for companies that specialize in snowbird car shipping and have a strong track record. 2. Request a Quote Contact the chosen car shipping company to request a quote for transporting your vehicle. The quote will be based on factors like the distance, type of vehicle, chosen shipping method (open or enclosed transport), and the time of year. 3. Prepare Your Vehicle Before shipping your car, you'll need to prepare it for transit. This involves removing personal items, ensuring the vehicle is clean, and having no more than a quarter tank of gas. 4. Shipping and Delivery Once the vehicle is loaded onto the car carrier, it will be transported to your destination in Florida. The car shipping company will provide an estimated arrival date. 5. Enjoy the Sunshine With your vehicle safely delivered, you can enjoy your stay in Florida to the fullest. Explore the state, soak up the sun, and make the most of your snowbird season. Related: 4 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Shipping Your Car Choosing the Right Car Shipping Company Selecting the right car shipping company is paramount for a smooth snowbird season. Consider the following factors when choosing a service provider: 1. Experience Look for companies with experience in shipping cars from Canada to the United States, especially for snowbird destinations. 2. Reputation Research and read reviews to ensure the company has a good reputation and offers reliable services. 3. Licensing and Insurance Verify that the company is licensed and insured, providing you with peace of mind in the event of any unforeseen incidents. Conclusion For Canadian snowbirds, escaping the winter by heading to Florida is a cherished tradition. Having your own vehicle during your stay enhances the experience, providing convenience and freedom to explore all that the Sunshine State has to offer. Car shipping services play a crucial role in ensuring that snowbirds can make the most of their time in Florida, delivering their vehicles safely to their winter retreats. So, if you're a sun seeker planning your next snowbird season, consider the convenience and benefits of shipping your car to Florida and savor the warmth and sunshine that awaits. Read Also: AutoTempest: Is It The Best Search Engine For Cars? Why Use Car Shipping Services & How A Cost Calculator Can Help Ship From Toronto Your Ultimate Guide To Efficient Shipping Solutions