10 of the Best Facebook Pages to Follow Now

Published on: 25 July 2018 Last Updated on: 16 July 2024
Facebook Pages

In the first quarter of 2018, Facebook reported 2.19 billion users. For reference, that means that almost 1/3 of the world’s population is one this immensely popular social networking site!

If you’re one of those billions of people who spend hours scrolling through their Facebook feed in search of the best new content, you’ll find that eventually, you’ll find yourself in a bit of a rut. It can be tough to find new content after a while.

But the great thing about Facebook is that there are tons of great Facebook pages waiting to be discovered. Here are 10 of the best Facebook pages to follow, whether you’re looking for fun, food, or even marketing tips.

1. Delish :

If you’re like us, you probably find yourself watching Food Network a lot, even if you have no interest in cooking half of the things your favorite Iron Chef makes.

But if you’re feeling adventurous, head on over to Delish, one of Facebook’s best cooking pages.

Not only will you get tons of great recipes to help you cook for one or 100, but most recipes come in the form of helpful videos, so you can watch the entire process from beginning to end.

Personally, we recommend checking out their spiked lemonade and boozy pudding shot recipes if you’re of age.

2. HonorSociety.org :

As you may have surmised, HonorSociety.org is the official Facebook page for the National Honor Society. The page is a fantastic resource for students of all ages, from middle school to grad school.

Why check the page out? In addition to great tips on how to maximize your academic potential, you’ll have the ability to chat with other society members. This networking can be quite helpful when it comes time to find a job.

If HonorSociety.org sounds like your cup of tea, be sure to click the link for more info.

3. We Rate Dogs :

Alright, we have a confession to make. Some of us have social media pages solely to look at photos of adorable images. In fact, we once wrote an entire post about the famous pets of Instagram!

We Rate Dogs is a perfect example of why social media and animals go hand in hand.

The premise of the page is exactly what it sounds like. People submit photos of their dogs in adorable or silly circumstances (often in costume) and the page admins post and rate the dog accordingly.

And for those worried that not all dogs receive a high rating, most receive the coveted 11/10 or 13/10 rating, proving once and for all that they’re all the best dogs.

4. Animals In Predicaments :

If rating dogs aren’t quite your thing, how about checking out some animals in the most peculiar predicaments?

Of everything you’ll read about today, Animals in Predicaments is perhaps the most bizarre pages to follow on Facebook. It’s one part meta-humor and one part adorable animal photo.

When combined, the result is both odd and hilarious.

Ever wanted to see a cat crash a nativity scene? This Facebook page has you covered. Want to watch a deer run and slide through a hospital? Yup, it’s on here.

Unfortunately, the page was last updated last December. However, newcomers still have plenty of great content to browse through.

5. NPR :

As great as ridiculous animals can be, sometimes you need to stay informed about the current events of the world. For newshounds, NPR’s Facebook page is a fantastic resource.

They cross-post most content from their website, and they have an increasingly large library of video content to choose from so you can consume news any way you want.

And the breadth of content is about as deep as you’d expect from an NPR page. They post tons of great info on world news, local matters, and music and entertainment.

6. Nerdist :

Nerdist is kind of like the NPR for all things pop culture. They do a great job of aggregating content from around the web, so if you have a passing interest in anything remotely geeky, you’ve found your home.

7. Intrepid Travel

Most of us have extravagant dreams of traveling the world yet lack the funds to do so. If this sounds familiar, you’ll want to be sure to check out Intrepid Travel.

Based in Melbourne, Australia, Intrepid Travel is a travel company that’s less interested in selling you something and more interested in providing you with unique experiences around the globe, be it from first-hand travel or their own travel blogs.

If you’re planning on traveling anytime soon, they also have plenty of great tips to help you make the most of your travel experience.

8. UnMarketing :

For entrepreneurs and business owners, marketing on Facebook is an absolute must. Facebook — and social media in general — offer a fantastic way to get in touch with your audience in a unique and conversational manner.

However, learning how to market your business isn’t always so easy. UnMarketing aims to help you perfect the art of brand management without coming across as too cold or corporate.

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9. Wendy’s

If you want a prime example of UnMarketing’s principles in practice, you’ll want to check out Wendy’s social media accounts.

They have a habit of getting quite sassy, particularly when interacting with their competitors. In fact, Wendy’s even dropped a mixtape entitled, We Beefin? earlier this year, which took direct aim at McDonald’s and their seemingly always broken ice cream machines.

It’s about time someone stood up for those of us who just want a McFlurry.

10. Your City’s Facebook Page :

Last but not least, you’ll want to be sure to follow your city’s Facebook page. It can be super helpful to learn more about what’s going on in your town, and they often post great information about upcoming events.

These Are The Best Facebook Pages To Follow :

We hope that our list of the best Facebook pages to follow provided you with something new and interesting. These pages should have a little something for everyone, so be sure to check them out.

Be sure to check our social media section for more great marketing tips and fun pages to follow!

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Social Media

How Social media Playing a Role in career building?

Nearly everyone aspires to have a meaningful and successful career. But unfortunately, many of us fail to make a satisfying job decision, either due to lack of resources or awareness. But, have you ever tried to discover the power of social media in career development? Read also: How Studying Abroad Can Benefit Your Career Social Media tools such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook are becoming increasingly popular tools. It is playing an imperative role in career building. It offers numerous opportunities as compared to traditional employment methods. These platforms provide you with the amenity to enhance your visibility. Here are some more vital roles of social media in career building: Organizations utilize these platforms to know about candidates: As per annual social media recruitment survey conducted by CareerBuilder, 60% of the employers use social media networking sites to screen the job candidates. The social media tools such as Facebook and Twitter gives a better glimpse of the candidate’s personality and behavior. It provides an insight of the candidates which is more comprehensive than a cover letter or resume. Moreover, LinkedIn not only provides the complete details of a candidate’s job history but also their activeness in community and involvement in organizations. The recommendations on LinkedIn give the idea of people’s perspectives about you. Read also: 9 Ways To Use Pinterest To Promote Your E-Commerce Store It helps to discover job opportunities: Nowadays, many firms embrace social media as an imperative part of the talent attraction strategy.  Therefore, they advertise the internship and graduate opportunities on the social media networks. As mentioned above, Assignment Writing Service companies also use these platforms to get proper insight about the candidates. It assists in interaction with the professionals: Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are called social networks, aren’t they? These are great ways to interact and develop relations with the people of your chosen field. LinkedIn is a social media channel which is specially developed for professional networking. It has an approximate of 200 million members all over the world. It allows you to follow and engage with particular brands which create a direct impact on the follower’s perceptions about you. It offers job seekers an opportunity to learn from the social media profiles of the companies. It’s a perfect way to know about their activities, values, and feedback of customers and clients. Read also: How To Write An Effective Resume That Get Noticed? It allows engagement with the targeted clients and customers: Social Media not only allows interaction with professionals but with targeted clients and audience too. You can make use of these platforms to brand yourself to the potential customers and clients. The two-way communication line permits you to get customer reviews about your products or services. You can show the targeted audience that you appreciate and respect their views by giving prompt replies to them. It keeps you updated: Are you acquainted with words such as “Newsfeed” or “Twitter trends”? Yes right! The Newsfeed is the place which is constantly updated with the latest stories, news, statuses and much more. Twitter trends show you the latest news and world events through hashtags. Due to worldwide followers, almost every social media platform gives you insight regarding all the events happening. Furthermore, social media also increase your knowledge regarding marketing and career prospects. Some special social media tips for you: Your profile photo should be relevant and worth sharing with your networking. The Profile should abide by the social media etiquettes and have a level of professionalism in it. You must try to engage with people to your best because engagement leads to network building. Share your valuable opinions in conversations related to your career and professional interest. You should refrain from presenting anything negative about yourself as it lowers your chances of being selected for the job. Are you ready to utilize these key platforms for job searching and career development? Great! All you require is a good internet connection to remain active and an enriched online profile with recommendations from clients and colleagues. Read More:  Using Social Media To Promote Start-Up Businesses Social Media Marketing Role In Technology Why Your Business Should Care About Social Responsibility Football Fans Now Have Their Own Social Network

Social Media Agency

How to Start Social Media Agency in India

If you are thinking of starting a social media agency, then you have to take care of some things which will give you benefits in future and you will be able to stay in the long term in the market. To begin any work, it is very important to do the right planning. This article talks about the social media agency, how to start it and some important legal registration. What Social Media Agency Do: A Social Media Agency is a Service Provide Agency which works for their customer and here some of their functions are given below Search Engine Optimization, it is very important because every time when you post anything on the Internet then you need of it because this will give you keywords, then you can use that keyword during uploading on Internet so it will reach to the maximum people. Social Media Advertising, Agency will promote your brand on Social Media, this is very important for any brand to reach maximum people on the Internet, social media agency will help you to promote your brand on social media. Social Media Audit, they will calculate your business on social media Competitor Analysis, they will provide you competitor analysis so you can use this for upgrading your business. How to Start Social Media Agency: The first step in starting a social media agency is creating of the website. You have to create a Website so people can see your profile and assign you to work. And with the website, you have to promote on social media so it will help you. You can also apply for Google Certification so you will avail many benefits from the Google. Pick up the Projects from the Freelancer, this is very easy and simple, you have to visit the Freelances website where you will find your customer and you can start work with them. Plan everything about your agency; planning is very important for staying in the market. Start a search for clients, and make good relation with them, a health-related is required for business. Set your Market price, because you have to compete with other agency also Create a good team and friendly environment is required for starting a social media agency so the team can work efficiently Legal registration with various laws is important because this will help you to take benefits from the government schemes and it will protect the rights of the agency. And also you have to make an entity for your business and have to register your business under Udyog Aadhar. Partnership Firm Registration: If you are planning to start a social media agency then you have to register your business also. If there is 2 or more partner in your agency then you can register your business with Partnership Firm. A Partnership Firm can be incorporated with the 2 or more person and it does not require the minimum capital contribution, you can start your business with any least capital. The process of Partnership Firm Registration is also easy and simple. You have to follow below-given steps First, you have to choose your Partnership Firm name, you can choose any name for your agency, a unique name will attract and you cannot copy other firm’s names so you have to choose a unique name for your social media agency. Then you have to make a deed/agreement for your partnership firm. In this deed, you have to mention each and every single detail of your social media agency and its partners. You have to mention rules and regulation of firm and details profit and a capital contribution of each partner. And this deed/agreement should be signed by all partners and notarized by a lawyer. The last step is optional, it is your choice whether you want to register your firm or not. If you want to register your firm then you have to apply for this under Register of Firm. It is very costly so it depends on you. Udyog Aadhar: If you are planning a startup then you should register with Udyog Aadhar. It is a unique number which is issued by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. After obtaining Udyog Aadhar Registration your agency will get many benefits like a loan on the minimum rate of interest or without interest, a subsidy from the government and many benefits from the governments. The process of registration is simple, you can apply for it online and it does not require any attachment of documents. After submission of the form, you will get your Udyog Aadhar number. Conclusion: If you are planning a Social Media Agency then you should register your business with Udyog Aadhar because it will give you many benefits, and also you should register with Partnership Firm because its incorporation is very easy and it does not require much compliance so you should consider above-given points in the article. Read Also: How To Market Your App Successfully Mobile App Marketing Agency This Is Why Social Media Is Essential In The B2B Sales Process

which network has the longest life for a piece of content?

Which Network Has The Longest Life For A Piece Of Content?

The longest life of the contents means maximizing the chances to convey your message to your audiences. The social media platform is the best one for circulating your message more quickly. So which network has the longest life for a piece of content?  You are using multiple social communication platforms to increase your social media engagement level. Among this long list of social media, few have a significantly shorter lifespan for the contents. Some of them have the longest life for a piece of content. The longest life for a piece of content is stretching up the time of your post, and more viewers can see the posts. For social media marketers and people who want a larger fan base, long-life content is the best way to reach the maximum of audiences. So let’s see which network has the longest life for a piece of content? Advantages Of The Longest Life For A Piece Of Content? For the social media marketers and the influencers, the longest life of the content is playing the leading role for viewer’s engagement. If you are an entrepreneur or an influencer, the viewer’s attention is significant for you. And the knowledge of which network has the longest life for a piece of content? It is providing you with the best choice of networks to share your content. Here are few advantages of the longest life for the piece of contents Maximum content life means a maximum number of viewers can see your posts Increasing the viewer’s engagements For the promotion and the branding, the maximum viewers can see your posts and share your posts. Fast sharing and the fast response is the best feature of the longest life for the piece of the contents. Which Network Has The Longest Life For A Piece Of Content? The social media marketers and entrepreneurs are using Facebook, Pinterest, Snapchat, and linked in. These four social media platforms effectively increase the viewer’s engagements and the brand’s promotional work. Among these four options, which network has the longest life for a piece of content. Let’s see the detailed descriptive answer for it. 1. Facebook Facebook contents have a reasonable lifespan for the piece of content. The average lifespan of the Facebook post is not more than five to six hours. But if your posts are going to be shared by your audiences. And within these five to six hours, your audiences and the viewer’s engagements will increase then your Facebook content life span will increase. So if you want to improve the engagement level through your Facebook profile. Then you always have to announce the direct call to action for your individual Facebook posts. 2. Pinterest Do you want to know which network has the longest life for a piece of content? This is the right option for you. The correct answer is nothing but the Pinterest network. You want to build up your customer engagement through social media engagement, and Pinterest is the right option for you. The content life is so long even the half-life of the pin is shorter than the Facebook posts. Are you interested to know how long the pins are going to last? You will be surprised to know that the pin’s lives are more extended than every other social media network for more than four months. As for the blog post, you can see the Pinterest posts for four months. And Pinterest has the longest life for a piece of content. 3. Snapchat If you are using the Snapchat network as your most preferred network. Then you already know which one has the ghost icon. Like the ghost, the content is also going to disappear within 10 seconds. When did you want to know Which network has the longest life for a piece of content? Snapchat is just the opposite. Snaps are going to last only ten seconds because Snaps have auto-deleting options. Even personal texting is going to be deleted after 30 days. Snaps will be deleted after 10 seconds, and along with the posts, your viewer’s reactions and other details will be deleted along with the snaps. 4. Linkedin Linked in is the best platform to increase professional and skill-based engagement levels. For the skill-based products and the services, engagements are playing an important role, and every time you are going to post anything on Linked in, the viewers will ask you and expect an answer from you within a few hours. LinkedIn content has a moderately long life span in comparison to Snapchat and Facebook. Among all the professional skill-based networks, which network has the longest life for a piece of content? LinkedIn is the most appropriate one. Linked-in posts have 48 hours of lifetime. And this time is enough for increasing the engagement. How Can You Improve Your Life For A Piece Of Content? Facebook, Snapchat, and Instream is a top-rated social media platform. The influencers and digital marketers are using this platform to increase the viewer’s engagement. If you are going to see the longest Facebook post of Nokia with 63,206 characters, you will understand the exact users and the fan followers of the Facebook page.  If you want to increase the life of your posted piece of content, then you can simply apply these tips. Always publish quality, engaging content with relevant images. Announce a solid call to action for increasing the engagement level among the viewers. Increase your response frequency and give the answers to your audiences for increasing your product brand value and elongate the life of the content. Give the preference to the new contents. Add some uniqueness when you are creating the content. These are the few tips that you can apply for increasing the lifespan of the piece of content. Hence you know which network has the longest life for a piece of content? It is not possible to shift to the newer one every time. You can apply these tips to give your post content a longer life. Wrapping It Up Now you know among the four network options, which network has the longest life for a piece of content? If you are currently using Facebook or LinkedIn, you can apply these tips to give your content a longer life. Along with the long life, the engagements are also going to increase. But for every network, the call to action is playing the most valuable part. Applicable solid, informative content with a reliable call to action is the best weapon to kill the short content lifespan. What is your opinion? Do not forget to share your opinion in the comment sections.     FAQ( Frequently Asked Questions)  Which Social Network has the longest life for the content?  Pinterest has the longest life for the content unlike for many other social media sites. You have to consider these facts while you want to wire up the social site networking for your business promotion. On which social network you must share the contact most frequently?   There are certain social networks where you must share your contact frequently some of them are as follows:- You must do 2-5 Facebook posts per day. Twitter the more you post the better visibility you will get. 2-5 posts a week you will get on Linkedin. There is a specific number that you must maintain on Instagram. What is the Social Hubspot exam?  The social media Hubspot exam tests the brands, products, industry, and services to check the rate of efficiency in an easier way. Why would you want to service that will help you to manage and discover the influence?  Here you will get the details on which social media site you have the highest number of influencers.     More Resources The Definitive Guide to Market Your Business on Facebook How to Get More Traffic to Your Amazon Listings Content Marketing Mistakes You Shouldn’t Be Making