How Social media Playing a Role in career building?

Published on: 22 February 2017 Last Updated on: 19 August 2019
Social Media

Nearly everyone aspires to have a meaningful and successful career. But unfortunately, many of us fail to make a satisfying job decision, either due to lack of resources or awareness. But, have you ever tried to discover the power of social media in career development?

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Social Media tools such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook are becoming increasingly popular tools. It is playing an imperative role in career building. It offers numerous opportunities as compared to traditional employment methods. These platforms provide you with the amenity to enhance your visibility.

Here are some more vital roles of social media in career building:

Organizations utilize these platforms to know about candidates:

As per annual social media recruitment survey conducted by CareerBuilder, 60% of the employers use social media networking sites to screen the job candidates. The social media tools such as Facebook and Twitter gives a better glimpse of the candidate’s personality and behavior. It provides an insight of the candidates which is more comprehensive than a cover letter or resume. Moreover, LinkedIn not only provides the complete details of a candidate’s job history but also their activeness in community and involvement in organizations. The recommendations on LinkedIn give the idea of people’s perspectives about you.

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It helps to discover job opportunities:

Nowadays, many firms embrace social media as an imperative part of the talent attraction strategy.  Therefore, they advertise the internship and graduate opportunities on the social media networks. As mentioned above, Assignment Writing Service companies also use these platforms to get proper insight about the candidates.

It assists in interaction with the professionals:

Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are called social networks, aren’t they? These are great ways to interact and develop relations with the people of your chosen field. LinkedIn is a social media channel which is specially developed for professional networking. It has an approximate of 200 million members all over the world. It allows you to follow and engage with particular brands which create a direct impact on the follower’s perceptions about you. It offers job seekers an opportunity to learn from the social media profiles of the companies. It’s a perfect way to know about their activities, values, and feedback of customers and clients.

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It allows engagement with the targeted clients and customers:

Social Media not only allows interaction with professionals but with targeted clients and audience too. You can make use of these platforms to brand yourself to the potential customers and clients. The two-way communication line permits you to get customer reviews about your products or services. You can show the targeted audience that you appreciate and respect their views by giving prompt replies to them.

It keeps you updated:

Are you acquainted with words such as “Newsfeed” or “Twitter trends”? Yes right! The Newsfeed is the place which is constantly updated with the latest stories, news, statuses and much more. Twitter trends show you the latest news and world events through hashtags. Due to worldwide followers, almost every social media platform gives you insight regarding all the events happening. Furthermore, social media also increase your knowledge regarding marketing and career prospects.

Some special social media tips for you:

  • Your profile photo should be relevant and worth sharing with your networking.
  • The Profile should abide by the social media etiquettes and have a level of professionalism in it.
  • You must try to engage with people to your best because engagement leads to network building.
  • Share your valuable opinions in conversations related to your career and professional interest.
  • You should refrain from presenting anything negative about yourself as it lowers your chances of being selected for the job.

Are you ready to utilize these key platforms for job searching and career development? Great! All you require is a good internet connection to remain active and an enriched online profile with recommendations from clients and colleagues.

Read More: 

  1. Using Social Media To Promote Start-Up Businesses
  2. Social Media Marketing Role In Technology
  3. Why Your Business Should Care About Social Responsibility
  4. Football Fans Now Have Their Own Social Network

Social Media Magazine aims to proclaim the news, trends and best practices around social media marketing in the most efficient and convenient way.

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Tik Tok for Business

Top 4 ways to use Tik Tok for Business

Tik Tok is counted amongst the most trending social media platforms, which has crossed over 1.5 billion downloads with 500 million worldwide active users. The app contains explicitly video content of 15-60 seconds, which the user can record and add different effects provided there itself. There has been a race of creating excellent and engaging content on this platform, which has generated a good source of income for influencers and users. This platform gives some great features to connect with the target audience and build trust amongst themselves. In this article, we will see the top 4 ways to use Tik Tok for business and can also buy TikTok fans to be popular worldwide. Here are the Top 4 ways to use Tik Tok for Business: 1. Influencers for Tik Tok Earlier Instagram came with the concept of IG tv with gave a much bigger platform to influencers, celebrities, and many more to engage with their audience. These types of live streaming and video content let the influencers explain about the product and show the usage. The target audience could also find the relevance of products from the comment section by seeing other customers' reviews. The target audience has much more belief about the influencers as they have vast knowledge about the specific niche and keep experimenting with different products and services to know the best among them. The influencers must maintain consistency and keep posting videos regularly to keep up their presence amongst the audience. It will help to spread the chain while making the video content go viral. The influencers must showcase their knowledge on a specific niche to showcase them as an expert. 2. Create unique content Copy-pasting other ideas might not influence your target audience much. The audience would like to see something more new and unique and not the one they have seen a thousand times before. Creating new content makes them believe that you have more additional knowledge about the product and services, and you know much more personally about it. This will build up your trust upon you, making you count under the group of reliable influencers. Secondly, seeing different styles and tricks can make them inspire you to believe in yourself as an idol and trust your words. Try to engage more with customers by replying to their queries in the comment box or streaming live. This communication arouses belief in the generosity of the product, and the buyers gain more confidence towards using it. 3. Focus on video quality and effects Users get attracted to good content quality consisting of beautiful background locations, perfect lighting, and glamorous appearances. Tik Tok equipment is available worldwide, so if you want to indulge in a professional thing, you must go for the camera stand and ring light. Ring light adds much more brightness irrespective of the camera quality to make something more transparent, visible, and bright. If you can afford HD cameras, then it would help to enhance it more. So even if you lack strong content, the great picturization will cover up the flaws. Besides this, you can show your mix match skills and create a whole new track by extracting new lines from the song fitting into the situation. There are multiple effects available in Tik Tok to make it more funny or creative. If you have to note great to do, follow the new trends and effects to keep updated. You can add pets and kids in your video, as they have the most significant demand of users due to their charisma. People love watching their innocence and moves. 4. Include Hashtags Hashtags help identify video content of specific niches and making it viral by going with the trend. Please make sure you turn on the share options in your video so the users can even take it into other platforms make it more accessible. The features like beauty mode add more perfection to your face making it representable on the screen. There are different contracts and screen colors also available apart from it. Make your account private, so more people request to follow it while leading to gain followers. You can also come up with new hashtag challenges to involve the audience around you having a fun time while advertising your product. You can also use the discover page by paying to sponsor for making a particular hashtag challenge for you. You can also add the logo of your product in the filters to promote your brand and let other users use it to spread it worldwide. Conclusion Business marketers have been seen to take advantage of  Tik Tok for promoting their services. This helps spread knowledge about their products to a large number of customers, especially youngsters while boosting their business growth. The youth are most active on social media rather than television and are more active in experimenting with new products. Read Also: 12 Best Tiktok Tools on the Market This Year The most downloaded app in September is China-based TikTok app Where can you seek support if you need to promote your page on TikTok in the shortest time possible?

How to Download Facebook Videos

How to Download Facebook Videos on Android?

Have you watched a video on Facebook and you would like to download it to your Android? Several people out there are struggling with such downloads. If you are one of them, you can be sure that your struggles have come to an end. Some people believe that it is impossible to save and even keep a local copy of that fun video they came across on online. Facebook has an easy way of doing this especially if you are using an Android device. The most important thing is to follow the simple steps, and you will have the video in your device. In this article, you will get useful tips on how to download Facebook videos on Android. Do you know why several people are struggling with downloading Facebook videos on Android? The reason is that the whole process is not direct because the option is not readily available on the Facebook app. Facebook does not have the intention of allowing users to download a copy of the uploaded videos. However, the app will enable you to save a copy of the video link so that you can view it again any time you feel like doing so. Therefore, you may find it tricky unless you know how to download Facebook videos on Android. Even though most users are comfortable with this arrangement, we have people who prefer to download the video on their personal Android devices. If this is your intention, then the content of this article will be helpful to you. I will take you through the whole process on how to download Facebook videos on Android. There are typically two steps that you should undertake if you want to keep a copy of your video on the Android phone. The initial one involves the video URL or the link. The second section guides you through the actual steps on how to download Facebook videos on Android. This article makes use of the free service to help you in downloading Facebook videos to your Android device. You can be sure you will like the page once you discover that they are offering exemplary services. Step One: Copy the Link Source The first step you need to undertake while downloading Facebook videos on Android is getting the video link. However, I am aware that most people don’t know how to do this. The first thing is to open the Facebook application that is readily available on your screen. After this, you can now go to the video that you would like to download. Tap on the ‘more settings button that you will find on the upper right section. You can easily locate it by looking for an icon that has three dots. It has all the setting functions that you need for your Facebook page. You can now select the ‘copy link’ option then move to the second phase of instructions. Step Two: Downloading the Video to Your Android Device This is the second step that you undertake while downloading Facebook videos on Android. After copying the video link to the clipboard, you can now embark on the process of downloading. Here are the simple steps that you need to follow to achieve this objective. This first step is to open your browser. You can use any browser depending on what is installed in your machine. You will not have any problem with this as long as you know what serves you well. Once the browser is open, you need to visit the following site The beauty of it is that the website offers free services when downloading your Facebook videos to Android. One of the things that you will notice is an empty box beside the red button that states ‘catch the video.’ All you need to do is to enter your URL into this box. From here, you can scroll downwards and search for a red button that states ‘show media list.’ Once you get this button, you can tap on it to proceed. You will realize that the whole process flows so smoothly as long as you know what you are doing. You can now select the video version that you would like to download. The page gives you several options and its upon you to choose what you love most. You can now allow the device enough time to download the video. In some cases, you may be forced to be patient depending on the size of the video that you are downloading and the stability of your internet connection. It can be wise to connect to a high-speed internet if you want the whole process to flow seamlessly. After the download is complete, you will see the download indicator in your status bar telling you that the download is complete. All you need to do at this stage is tapping on it. You can now open the video that you have just downloaded to make sure that it is functioning correctly. The whole process is simple and straight forward. In case you want to download another video, you can use the same procedure. The most important thing is to be keen to the video format so that you don’t choose the wrong option as this may affect the functionality of the video. Conclusion Most people all over the world own android devices. One of the reasons is that Android is a reliable operating system, especially on Smartphones. With over 12 billion Facebook accounts globally, a large proportion of these individuals use their Android devices to access their pages. However, most of them don’t know how to download Facebook videos on Android. You don’t want to mix an opportunity of saving your favorite videos in your handset. In this article, we have explained how you can achieve this objective through two simple steps. The first one is copying the URL of the video while the second one entails the actual downloading of the video. Follow these simple processes, and you will get your Facebook video in your device within no time. 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social media Content

10 Ways To Create Amazing Social Media Content For Your Insurance Agency

As an insurance agent, part of your job is to make sure that your agency is visible online. One way to do this is through the use of social media. Utilizing social media for insurance agencies can help increase your agency's visibility and reach potential customers. Why Utilize Social Media? Social media is a powerful marketing tool that can help you reach a larger audience. In fact, according to Statista, as of July 2019, there are 3.48 billion active social media users worldwide. This number is only expected to grow in the coming years. Creating great social media content can also increase your click-through rate (CTR). This is the number of times people see your content and then click on it. A higher CTR can lead to more traffic to your website and, ultimately, more customers. So, how can you create amazing social media content? Here are ten tips: 1. Keep It Short And Sweet Make sure your meta descriptions are no longer than 155 characters. This may seem daunting, but distilling your message's essence down to its most essential components will make it easier for potential customers to understand what you're offering. Plus, you want to leave some room for keywords. 2. Use Active Voice Write in an active voice so that your sentences pack a punch. For example, "We offer insurance services that will save you money" sounds much better than "Insurance services are offered that will save money." 3. Use Keywords Thoughtfully Keywords are essential for helping potential customers find your content, but stuffing your content full of them will do more harm than good. Use keywords sparingly and ensure they're strategic- choose words you think potential customers will actually be searching for. 4. Focus On Benefits What can you offer potential customers that other agencies can't? Whether it's lower rates, better coverage, or more personalized service, make sure your content focuses on the unique benefits of working with your agency. 5. Be Consistent Make sure your branding is consistent across all social media platforms. Use the same profile picture and cover photo, and make sure the language you use in your descriptions is similar from platform to platform. This way, potential customers will instantly recognize your content no matter where they see it. 6. Proofread This one should go without saying, but always proofread your content before you hit publish! A few typos here and there might not seem like a big deal, but they can quickly erode trust with potential clients. 7. Have A Call To Action Always end with a call to action so that potential clients know the next step. Something as simple as "Learn more about our insurance services today!" can go a long way in boosting inquiry and conversion rates. 8. Stay Up To Date SEO is always changing, so ensure you stay updated on the latest trends and best practices. That way, you can be confident that you're using the most effective strategies possible to reach potential clients through social media channels. 9. Track Results Finally, don't forget to track the results of your efforts! Pay attention to metrics like click-through and conversion rates so you can fine-tune your strategy over time and continue seeing results. 10. Write For Humans, Not Robots It’s important to remember that your title and meta description are meant to entice real people to click on your link, not just algorithms. So while it’s important to use keywords, don’t sacrifice readability for the sake of keywords—aim for a balance of both. Write persuasive copy that speaks to your target audience and compels them to want to learn more about what you have to offer.  Final Thoughts As you can see, there are a number of things you can do to create amazing social media content for your insurance agency. By following the tips we've outlined, you'll be able to write informative and persuasive descriptions, which will help increase your visibility online and attract potential customers. Keep in mind that SEO is always changing, so it's important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices. And most importantly, remember to track the results of your efforts so you can continue seeing positive ROI. Are there any other tips you would add to this list? Let us know in the comments below! Read Also: Case Study as a Marketing ToolA Checklist Of Tools For A Successful Advertising Agency10 Must Have Marketing Tools To Add In Small Business Growth Strategies!