“Which Backend keys makes Social Networking Sites & Apps works smoothly?

Published on: 02 February 2017 Last Updated on: 22 February 2020
networking websites and apps

Most social networking websites and apps have fascinating histories. While some of them were conceived in dorm rooms, the rest were holiday projects taken up my people tired of their day-jobs. But there’s one thing common in each of these stories – there were millions to be made and each developer saw their share of quick fortune as the popularity of the social apps sky rocketed.

Let’s crunch a few numbers –

If you currently check your phone you will have at least 3 of the most popular social networking apps installed and that includes the likes of Facebook, Kik, Snapchat, WhatsApp and/or 9gag. Nearly 1.6 billion people currently use Facebook to connect to their friends and family and find new friends from all around the globe. Quite expectedly, Facebook holds the lion’s share in the app market with a whopping 18 percent to its name. It is closely followed by WhatsApp with 1 billion active users giving it a close and significant 12 percent of the market share.

Why are social networking sites so popular with marketers?

This forever growing popularity of social apps and networks incepted the idea of using these as marketing platforms. Many leading companies from the worlds of technology, fashion, electronics and education started harnessing the power of social network for branding and much more. It was obvious that these companies chose Facebook, twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn for a few specific reasons.

  1. These networking platforms are hugely popular and hold about 35 percent of the market share
  2. Their user interfaces are flawless and the execution is smooth
  • They are easy to use and handle; that makes these website popular for all ages

What makes them so smooth and easy?

However, the smoothness in idea and execution does not come easy. It requires an astute knowledge of database construction, maintenance and updating. These multi-billion dollar platforms rely on regular, real-time update of their database where all member login, interactions and individual actions are stored. They are the perfect examples of dynamic websites that give the 360-degree immersive experience to its users. Creating and updating a database is not as easy as it may sound. the person responsible for constructing and maintaining the database has to consider quite a few things and that includes – the number of people who will be using the website, the data that needs to be updated from the user-side of the script, the continuous update of the app interface and much more.

A few necessary features of the databases –

There are certain features of the website databases that are extremely necessary to ensure proper functioning of the websites and those include –

  1. backup and recovery of user data
  2. monitoring of the quality of user experience

Backup and recovery options of websites –

Backup of website data is the most crucial part to ensure smooth running and minimum downtime. There have been multiple incidents where social networking websites have lost millions of users and billions of dollars due to an hour of downtime. To prevent this from happening, all website data needs to be stored in databases for prompt recovery. Now these databases are hardly ever saved in physical, tangible devices. A popular social networking site has over a billon users and petabytes of data to be updated each hour. This calls for a dynamic storage system where the database can be accessed, updated and securely kept away from any breaches. Most websites now use a cloud storage system that can store all relevant data and organize it too.

Read More: Using Social Media To Promote Start-Up Businesses

Monitoring of the quality of user experience –

The role of a database administrator (DBA) is undeniable in the proper maintenance of the website databases. Since minor changes or errors in stored data can render a website completely non-functional, they have to be constantly monitored.

There are two ways most website owners go about this process –

1. in-house DBAs –

This is the most popular choice for the big tycoons of the social networking industry. They have a resident team of database experts who dedicate their time and weekends to the proper monitoring and maintenance of the social networking databases. This team is given charge of all the dynamics including scalability, fault-tolerance, security and general performance.

2. Remote DBA services –

This is more common for those who are just starting out. Every big name we see in infographs today started out as small but nebulous dreams from garages, dorms or basements’ of some parents’ house. So if you are tight on the budget, opting for a reliable remote DBA Oracleexpert is actually a smart option.

Oracle is the most relied upon DBMS followed by MySQL that are used to maintain and update social networking site databases. Using these DBMS calls for expert attention that can only be found from DBAs who have been trained in the ways of Oracle or MySQL.Even with remote assistance it is possible to develop databases that can store and update data without errors and faults.

Since most resident experts tend to be exorbitantly expensive, remote DBMS services are the best option for budding start-ups and SMBs leading social networking ideas. Social networking sites are gold mines for start-ups and other small businesses. You need not have millions to invest in your social networking venture, but then you must also know how to cut costs but meet the global standards of user experience. Using the best database management systems for storage of data need not come at a high price. Opting for remote database services is a smart way to make sure that your data is updated, organized and safe. Most importantly, the use of a cloud database ensures that your data is scalable like your website. You do not need to worry about storage problems or remote access every time new data comes into the dimension.

Read More:

  1. Which Backend Keys Makes Social Networking Sites & Apps Works Smoothly?
  2. Social Media Marketing Role In Technology
  3. How Social Media Playing A Role In Career Building?
  4. Should You Hire A Digital Marketing Agency?

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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facebook message sent but not delivered

How To Fix “Facebook Message Sent But Not Delivered” Error?: A Complete Guide

Billions of people use social media on a daily basis. Among all the social media platforms that are used by people on the internet, Facebook is the most popular one. However, despite being highly popular and efficient, Facebook still has many issues. One of the most common messages that people face in Facebook Messenger is the error of Facebook message sent but not delivered. In this article, we will discuss what it means when a Facebook message is sent but not delivered, as well as the best ways to fix this error through the Facebook website and the Facebook Messenger app. Furthermore, we will also discuss why the error is happening as well as different ways of fixing the error so that you can deal with the problem quickly. Facebook Messenger Message Sent But Not Delivered – A Few Reasons Since millions of people use the Facebook social media platform, as well as the Messenger app of Facebook, it is bound to get some glitches. Hence, it happens that many messages do not get delivered. This can get annoying sometimes when you are in a hurry and want to send an urgent message to a friend or a family member through Messenger. Facebook Messenger Message Status When you hit the send button on Messenger, the app shows different symbols at the end of your message to indicate its status at the moment. Make sure that you are aware of the message status on Messenger: As you are now aware of the different statuses of your message, it is time now for you to get an idea of the reasons why you are facing the problem of a Facebook message sent but not delivered: 1. The Recipient Might Be Ignoring You It might be that the person to whom you are sending the message is not in the mood to chat with you. The recipient might have seen the message in the phone notification and decided not to open Messenger. However, your message status will show delivered. 2. The Recipient Deleted Your Message The recipient also has the option to delete the message without opening it through Messenger. After looking at the message through notification, the recipient might have opted to delete it so as to ignore chatting with you. 3. Your Message Got Marked As Spam Image Source Your friend might have accidentally marked your message as spam. Hence, the message got stored in the Spam folder of Messenger. Your message got deleted from the inbox of the recipient as a result. 4. The Recipient Is Logged Out Of Facebook Messenger If the recipient is not logged in to the Messenger app or might have uninstalled the app from his/her phone, your message will not get delivered as a result. Once the person logs in to the Facebook account, your message will indeed get delivered. 5. The Message Is Stored In The Message Request Folder If the person to whom you are trying to send your message is not on your Facebook friends list, your message will not get delivered. This will, in turn, get stored in the person’s Message Request folder. Facebook Message Sent But Not Delivered – The Best Solutions Image Source One of the most common reasons for the case of a Facebook message being sent but not delivered is that a glitch is happening due to many people using the app at the same time. There might also be some delay in the network, as the message is not getting sent at the right time. Apart from that, there might be a problem with the Messenger server at the moment. 1. Try Messaging Using The Facebook Website Image Source If your message is not getting sent through the Messenger app, you will need to log in to your Facebook account using your web browser, either through your phone or a computer. Check whether you can send a message through Facebook chat or not. 2. Your Phone Needs A Restart Image Source Smartphones also experience glitches sometimes. If you restart or reboot your device, all the network issues get solved. See whether the problem is still there or not. 3. Try Messaging Others Image Source You can check your Messenger app by messaging other friends on your friend list. If you can send messages to other friends, and your message shows delivered, then you are probably blocked by that friend. If other friends do not receive your message, there might be other problems. 4. Facebook Message Sent But Not Delivered – Restart Your Messenger You can switch off the Messenger app by going to app management on your phone settings and restarting the app. This way, the data flow through the app becomes better, and it will probably fix the problem. 5. Try Reinstalling The App If restarting the app is not working for you, try uninstalling the Messenger app. Go to the App Store or Play Store and install Messenger again to see whether the problem is solved or not. 6. Reach Out To Facebook Support If none of the solutions mentioned above worked for you, try going to the "Help & Support" section on your Facebook app and clicking the "Report a problem" option. There, you must select the option named "Something went wrong.” In this way, you can share your problem with Facebook’s support. Troubleshooting Tips From Facebook   Facebook has three possible reasons to account for why your messages are not getting delivered: "You sent a lot of messages recently. Your messages went against our Community Standards. This may cause your account to be temporarily restricted and prevent you from replying. There may be problems with your app, device or internet." Facebook's own website has apt solutions in cases where your message does not get delivered. Here is what it says: "Update your Messenger app to the latest version. Connect to a reliable Wi-Fi network. Make sure your device has enough storage. Close your Messenger app and restart your device. Make sure the person you’re replying to hasn’t deactivated or deleted their account. Make sure you haven’t blocked the person you’re replying to and they haven’t blocked you. If you’re replying to a group chat, make sure the other members haven’t left the conversation." In cases where you may be blocked by Facebook from sending messages, here is what Facebook says: "This block is temporary. You can still connect with your confirmed friends through the Facebook app or www.facebook.com while you're in this block by leaving comments on posts, posting on your profile, or using other Facebook features. If you can't send messages, you may also be temporarily blocked from sending friend requests. If one of your messages was removed and you think it follows our Community Standards, tap on the notification about the message removal. You may be able to let us know that you disagree with the decision. Learn more about requesting a review." To be able to send messages in the future, Facebook has the following tips: Use the name you go by in everyday life to help the people you're messaging recognize you. "Once your block is over, please send messages and friend requests only to people you know. Learn more about our policies from our Community Standards." Summing Up These aforementioned solutions are enough to get your problem solved in a few minutes. However, if you still face the problem, just wait for a few days, and try these solutions again. The reasons for these problems can be anything. All you need here is to find out what problems you have and use these solutions to solve the problems you have in your Messenger app. In addition, you can also resend the message to the recipient again to see if this time the message is received by the person or not. Thereby, you can find out whether the problem is still there or not. Read Also: Why A Business Should Use Facebook Remarketing? Bored So Much: Learn How To Play Games On Messenger How To Recover Deleted Facebook Messages Using Com.Facebook.orca?

Is Facebook Going To Start Charging Future Of Whatsapp Charging

Fee Or Free: The Truth About Facebook And Charging Users

Devices with internet connectivity, including computers, tablets, and smartphones, can access Facebook. Before the development of smartphones, websites were typically only available in desktop versions. However, in order to have a fully functional experience, we can now have access to these websites on our mobile phones.  But does that mean Facebook could ask for a fee soon? Is Facebook going to start charging? Here is all that we know so far.   Is Facebook Going To Start Charging: Future Of Whatsapp Charging? Facebook is a huge platform for advertisements, so many companies want to display their content there. As a result, placing ads on Facebook has become more expensive. This trend will likely persist in 2023. Facebook is always changing its ad format, which may result in increased costs. But fear not—there are solutions for handling this. Companies can increase the effectiveness of their advertisements. They can do it by making sure that more viewers take the desired action, such as making a purchase. They can also target particular demographics with their ads and use their advertising budget wisely. Therefore, even though Facebook charges for advertisements, there are ways to use it to your company's advantage. History And Evolution Of Facebook Charging Facebook's fee structure has changed over time. It started off charging nothing and has since grown to be a sizable source of income for the business. Early Years (2004–2007): Facebook didn't charge for advertising at first because its main goal was to help friends connect. Introduction of Ads (2007): Facebook launched advertisements in 2007, but since the platform was still in its infancy, Facebook advertising costs were comparatively low. Targeted Advertising (2012): Facebook started to improve its advertising system in 2012, enabling companies to target particular demographics while progressively raising the cost of their ads. Facebook Mobile Advertising (2012 to 2015): the significance of mobile ads increased along with the growth of mobile usage. Advertising fees increased because businesses realized the potential of reaching consumers on their phones. Fast Growth (2015–2018): During this time, Facebook's advertising platform grew quickly, which raised competition and raised Facebook's fees. Regulation and Privacy (2018-Present): Facebook's advertising model has recently been impacted by worries about user privacy and governmental regulations. Facebook advertising is still very popular, but companies have to follow new guidelines that affect Facebook ad prices. The Truth About Facebook Charging When asked, "Is Facebook going to start charging?" a representative for the company clarified to VERIFY. They insisted that Facebook's parent company, Meta, did not intend to charge users $4.99 a month for Facebook use. According to Facebook's Help Center, advertisers are charged to display ads on Facebook and Meta's other social media platforms rather than charging users to use Facebook. For years, chain messages suggesting that Facebook would soon charge users a fee to access the platform have been present on the social media site. Since 2009, at least one of these messages has existed. Since Facebook was first made available to the public in 2006, it has stayed free. For Facebook and Instagram users, Meta does provide a few optional subscription services and programs. Facebook and Instagram currently offer two different kinds of paid subscriptions. The first is verification. It entails paying a monthly charge in exchange for access to special account features and a verification badge on your profile. Subscribing to Facebook Verified or Instagram Verified on the mobile app costs $14.99 per month. Getting Facebook Verified on the web costs $11.99. According to the Instagram Help Center, public accounts—like those of famous people or prominent organizations—may still obtain verification by applying rather than having to pay for the service. Subscriptions that are account-specific come in second. Users can purchase access to exclusive content from other accounts. Except in cases where you subscribe via a mobile app, where Apple or Google receive a 30% cut, the revenue from these subscriptions goes to the account you're paying. What Does Facebook Have To Say? Meta's Facebook has amassed popularity that is hard to rival as well as hard to tap. It goes without saying that it has had one too many of the questions: "is Facebook going start charging"? On their website, they have clearly explained what in-app expenses or any kind of charges mean from their perspective. Here is an excerpt: "No, we don't charge you to use Facebook. Instead, we charge advertisers to show ads on Meta company Products. This helps us make Facebook available to everyone without charging people for access to it. When using Facebook, keep in mind: You need Internet access to use Facebook from your computer, mobile phone or tablet, and your Internet provider may charge you for this access. Learn more about data charges and connecting to Facebook on your mobile phone or tablet. Using some Facebook features, such as text message notifications, may also lead to charges from your mobile provider. If you add your payment information to Facebook, you can do things such as make purchases from businesses, send money to friends, support creators on Facebook, and purchase ads on Facebook. If you purchase something on Facebook, we may earn a commission or transaction fee from that activity. You can also make purchases through Facebook for games, apps, and other items. Note: Facebook doesn't sell your information, and we don't share information that personally identifies you (information such as your name or email address that by itself can be used to contact you or identify who you are) unless you give us permission." Wrapping Up Is Facebook going to start charging? Honestly, as we navigate the evolving world of digital advertising, it is critical to comprehend the truth about Facebook charging fees. In actuality, a variety of factors, including audience targeting and ad quality, can affect Facebook ad costs. Facebook is still a powerful platform for advertising, even though the prices might change. This is a dynamic environment where the effects of growing Facebook advertising costs can be lessened through innovation and data-driven decision-making. Businesses can continue to take advantage of the wide reach and growth potential of this platform. They can do so by remaining informed, optimizing campaigns, and fully embracing it.If you have thoughts to share or questions to ask, please leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you! Read More About: Here Is How To Delete A Facebook Page Easily? How To Stop Scammers On Facebook Marketplace? Facebook Settlement: What Went Down And What Was The Final Result?


How To Recover Deleted Facebook Messages Using Com.Facebook.orca? – With Pictures

Have you deleted your Facebook messages recently and want them back at any cost? If yes, then this article is for you! Missing important messages can be annoying, especially if you know that it is going to be a tough task to recover them. In this world, it is very difficult to undo most of your actions. But there is a chance to recover your deleted messages on Facebook on both android and PC by using Com.Facebook.orca.  I understand that many important chats and conversations take place on Facebook Messenger. Facebook is one of the most used social media platforms, with more than 2.7 billion individuals using it all over the world.   What Is Com.Facebook.Orca? Com.Facebook.orca is basically a folder that belongs to the Facebook traveler app. In Com.Facebook.orca folder, all plug-ins, cache, videos, audio files, photos, and other varieties of information are stored. However, you don’t have to create or download this folder. If you have Facebook or Messenger, this folder is created automatically. You must view the size of the folder from time to time because it takes a huge space on your phone’s storage.  Thus, if you wish, you can delete this folder by uninstalling the Facebook Messenger app from your Android device. But keep in mind, after deleting this folder, if you wish to recover your deleted messages, you may have to delete your Facebook or Messenger app and reinstall it. This is done to create Com.Facebook.orca folder automatically.  Will Com.Facebook.Orca Harm Your Device? As already discussed above that Com.Facebook.orca is a folder that is already installed by default on your device. This folder is created by Facebook Messenger. However, if you have deleted this folder and wish to reactivate it, then you have to reinstall your Messenger. Now, the main question that arises here is ‘Will Com.Facebook.orca harm your device?” and the answer is absolutely not. It’s just a folder to recover your deleted messages and not a virus that can harm your device. How To Recover Deleted Facebook Messages On Computer? The steps to recover deleted Facebook messages on a computer will differ slightly from recovering deleted messages on a laptop. Thus, the steps listed below are some of the steps that you need to follow for the same. i). Use a USB cable, and connect your mobile or tablet with the same. Now, go to MyComputer, File Explorer, or ThisPC, depending on your Windows version. ii). You need to double-click the device to access the file. Again, double click on the internal storage. iii). Click on a folder named Android and then click Data folder. iv). Go to the Application folder. v). Search Com.Facebook.orca, and double click on this. vi). Then, you will find fb_temp in it. Copy it. vii). First, uninstall Messenger and then again reinstall it. viii). Don’t log in to your Facebook Messenger at the moment. First, you need to paste the fb_temp in the cache folder. ix). Now, it’s time to login using your Facebook account. At the same time, if you get the cache, open the fb_temp file and then select the messages that you would like to be recovered and paste. That’s all set! All deleted messages will now be displayed on your Messenger app, and you can view this at any time you want to.  How To Recover Deleted Facebook Messages On Mobile? If you want to recover messages on mobile, then the steps will differ from the above-listed ones. Recovering deleted messages on mobile is far easier and simpler, and you will love the steps below for sure. i). Go to the File Explorer of your device. Don’t use the default file messenger. It is preferred to take the help of a third-party app, such as ES File Explorer.  ii). Go to SD Card or Storge in the file explorer, depending on your device’s storage location, to recover deleted messages using Com.Facebook.orca. iii). Click on the Android folder and then tap on Data. Again, click on the Application folder and then on Com.Facebook.orca.  iv). Then, you will be able to view the cache, and then you can proceed to open that specific folder. v). Copy fb_temp that you are able to view right now. Create a folder and paste it over there. vi). Uninstall Facebook Messenger after completing the above steps.  vii). You can go to the Cache folder after installing the app—paste fb_temp in the cache folder. viii). Then, again reinstall it using your Facebook account. Soon, you will be able to see and access all your erased messages. Steps To Fix Com.Facebook.orca Error Sometimes, you may face Process Com.Facebook.orca errors as this may have stopped working. The process could end abruptly or shatter whenever there is an issue. This error generally occurs when an app or any technical issue affects the smooth running of the Facebook or Messenger apps. Now, to fix Com.Facebook.orca error, you need to follow the below steps. Have a look! Open Settings on your android device. Find Applications on Setting and click on it. Use the Search bar to find this folder.  In the Application folder, you will get an option of All Apps. Then, search for the Messenger app on the listed apps and then select ‘Clear All Data.’ You may be required to restart your Android device and open your Facebook or Messenger app and use them like before without any difficulties.  Thus, this indicates that Com.Facebook.orca error has been solved. Another way to solve this error is to install the app and reinstall it from your Google Play Store. Can You Recover Deleted Facebook Profile? You can, of course! The company has increased the grace period for deletions from two weeks to thirty days.  This implies that you have approximately a month from the time you delete your Facebook account to change your mind. Facebook later extended the grace period because, according to the company, they saw many users attempting to recover their deleted accounts even after two weeks had passed. As a result, users must now wait up to a month for the account and all of its contents to vanish forever. Frequently Asked Question Q1: Is There Any Difference Between Facebook Katana And Facebook orca? Facebook Katana is a codename for the Facebook applications on Android devices. Orca is for messenger applications. And Facebook. Katana is the code name for a Facebook application. This is the difference between the Facebook Katana and the Facebook Orca. Q2: Can Anyone Retrieve The Facebook Secret Conversations? Any type of secret conversation has the keys for encryptions. It can disappear after a certain time. But Facebook can still have access to the decryptions. The secret conversions of Facebook can be retrieved. Q3: How To Know That Someone Has A Hidden Message On Messenger? If someone has hidden messages, you can easily tell by seeing their message bubbles. Usually, the message bubble's colors are blue. But when you have the secret chats, the colors turn black. By seeing the colors, you can tell if the messages are hidden or not. The Final Thoughts Facebook accounts are reflections of our lives, memories, and relationships in the wide world of digital interactions. Even though it might seem difficult to recover an account or even a message that has been permanently deleted after 30 days, it's important to keep in mind that there are procedures and safeguards in place to help. Make sure you are always aware of the consequences of the decisions you make online. In the event that you encounter a comparable circumstance once more, consult this guide and act quickly. Always remember to stay informed, stay connected, and protect your digital memories. Now, you know pretty well how to use Com.Facebook.orca to recover your deleted Facebook messages on both your computer and PC. So, now you know that there is a secret folder (Com.Facebook.orca folder) lying on your Android device. Hence, the above steps will help you to get your lost messages on Facebook easily. Read Also: How to Plant Grass Seed on Hard Dirt? YouTubNow: An Honest Review Top Easy Way To Fix Avast UI Failed To Load Error 2 Easy Steps to Change the YouTube Channel Name