The Definitive Guide to Market Your Business on Facebook

Published on: 26 April 2018 Last Updated on: 15 October 2020
Business on Facebook

Social media has penetrated deep into the life of humans in almost every possible parameter. As the rise of smartphone and tech gadgets are more frequent, the exchange and flow of information have become extremely easy.

In a recent survey conducted by a top American university, it was clear that people who own a web-enabled phone spends around 2 – 4 hours while checking their feeds and news on their social media platforms. That’s a huge amount of time and gives a great opportunity for businesses to grow and reach a maximum audience. An active and decent social media page helps greatly in strengthening your brand without being annoying (Inbound marketing)

For example, if Jim’s feed is filled with the last night’s birthday party that he had attended then popping up the latest shoes from Jimmy Choo won’t look bad. Here’s the deal, are your sales even after spending millions in marketing aren’t justifying your ROI? Are you still searching for the big Marlboro epic ad campaign that changed the whole horizon of how cigarettes were used to take by the people? Stay on as we are about to explain the tricks that will benefit your business insanely. Here is the definitive guide to market your business on facebook:

Step Number One: Optimization will sail you through:

Have you noticed one common practice often used by most prominent brands on social media? They are appealing even to the people who aren’t even interested in the brand or page. What draws them towards them? One simple approach is optimization!

A Username Matters the Most:

Username Matters the Most

Let’s learn this with an example.


Now, ask yourself, which one you like the most? The second one is easily understandable and it makes more sense than its counterpart. Always try to claim a vanity URL as it serves the purpose well.

Keywords Can Get a Deal for You:

Including relevant keywords is the fundamental practice of SEO. Using specific keywords can end up all the results of a query on your page. Make it a habit to add potential searchable words and a brief description of the business that you’re operating.

A Category Matters the Most:

In order to reach a maximum number of people and elevate your profits, one should avoid placing their business in an improper set of categories.

A specific category would help you in getting placed on the Facebook Graph Search. The most common ones are choosing ‘Companies & Organizations’

An Image Speaks More Than Words:

An Image Speaks More Than Words

It’s a proven fact that the majority of people would first see the cover and profile image and then decide if they want to spend time on the page reading content or not. Making images to speak about your business is perhaps the best approach that can grab you multiple customers and boost your “likes” count instantly.

Participating In Groups Can Boost Engagement:

Bragging about being the best is possible the biggest false marketing approach that you can ever adopt. Instead, you should concentrate more on contributing to the industry by providing important tips and tricks. This will help you in elevating your engagement and fan base, probably a vintage approach, but surely not a lame one.

Don’t try to be in a rush and declaring yourself as the best option for the people. As deep inside you know, you’re not.

Organic Vs Non-Organic Likes:

Users cannot be fooled! Read this one more time. Users cannot be fooled! With easy access to information, the once used to innocent users or customers are now your worst critique, who is capable of ripping apart your products within a matter of a few seconds.

Often time’s marketers buy Facebook likes in order to show their credibility to the potential user or customer. Buying fake likes can make the credibility of the organization into question as it shows a lack of transparency and integrity.

In August, last year Facebook announced its plans about disabling more than 80 million fake accounts that would surely be a big blow to the face of the people who aren’t following the right approach.

Facebook Ads:

Facebook Ads

For quite some time, Facebook has expanded its horizon from “Connecting The World” to “Helping Reaching your Business to Target Audience”

They give more exposure to your brand by featuring your content on the user’s feed and give an opportunity to them so; users can place their order as well. Choosing your campaign objective will help you meet your advertising goals.

To create the best possible Facebook ad, you can use a good spy tool to see which of your competitor’s ads are working best.

How to Meet Your Objectives Using Facebook Ads:

You might place a doll face or video on the whole Ad campaign, but it doesn’t matter if you haven’t placed your most important content on the first page. Then, it’s almost certain that you won’t be able to make it big.

“Place your Most Important Content on the First Page”

Use Call to Action Button:

Placing a call to action button at the end of your Ad is like a perfect ending to the story. “Shop Now” “Claim Now” are some of the most important Adjectives that helps in converting potential leads to regular customers. Let them know why they should click on your ad!

The Final Statement:

There could be tons of important features that can help you to boost the business that you’re operating, but the above-mentioned ones are the most relevant in terms of building a brand and reaching to the more number of people.

We hope you had a great time going through our article and will surely implement these strategies in order to gain maximum profit from your organization.   

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Growing Business

Tips on Selecting a Storage Solution for Your Growing Business

As your business grows, so does the need for secured professional data storage. You will have to store information in the form of graphics, e-mails, audio files, document presentations, spreadsheets among other forms. As a business owner, you should understand that you need more space to store your data when you develop new business systems or applications, generate new database records or create more files. In most cases, choosing a reliable storage solution is difficult because there are numerous professional companies offering such services. The following tips can help you determine the right storage solution for your business: 1. Assess your current and future data storage needs : Since your business is growing with time, you should first consider your current and future needs for storage. You should start by determining whether you have the minimum storage requirements for your device drivers, applications, documents, etc. Of the space you have left, you need to determine whether it can sustain your storage needs for the next five years. You can manage your business storage needs by restricting the number of storage employees can use, but you cannot sustain these restrictions for a long period of time. 2. Consider your storage options " Your storage option can be determined by the type of business you are running, your storage needs and your budget. Hence, it is very important to consider all the options to avoid making a mistake or invest your money wrongly. If it is your first time to choose a storage option for your business or you are not familiar with the options, seeking professional advice is highly recommended. However, you will have to spend some money, but it is the right thing to do instead of taking risks or depending on trial and error. Flash memory thumb drives, external hard drives, network-attached storage, and online storage are some of the options you can choose from although cloud storage is a form of online storage that increases the performance of your network, makes data easily accessible to your employees and guarantees data safety even in case of system failure. If you are not sure about the storage option to choose or even the pros and cons of the options available, you can visit to learn more about these storage options. The site offers a range of information mainly about cloud storage to help you make the choice. In fact, if you don’t know the storage option to choose, you can seek professional advice from the site. 3. Develop a plan : Finally, after making up your mind that you need a data storage solution, you need to develop a plan. The plan will help you make the right choice, spend wisely and exhaust all the option(s) before you make a final decision. Consulting with a trusted IT advisor is the first thing you should do to benefit from their vast experience, knowledge, and skills. Secondly, you will have to research on your own because you cannot rely solely on opinions and ideas from other people. You will have to dispute them, argue, ask questions and give your opinion. Prudent business owners do not wait until they need more storage to look for options. Instead, they start planning in advance to avoid making mistakes and explore all the available options. Even if you are looking for a viable storage option, you don’t have to spend a lot of money because it can affect your business. In fact, you should remember that you will spend more money as your business grows because you will have more storage needs. This means that you need to be very considerate when selecting a storage solution. Read Also : 5 Steps On How To Market Your Business Using Social Media Why Every Business Needs Digital Marketing Make Your Business Popular Online

Influencer Marketing Campaign

5 Steps to Building an Influencer Marketing Campaign

Brand influencing existed before social media, but (intelligently) centered more around events than individuals. An example would be a group of young people enjoying a brand of beer at a football game while also encouraging the other fans to drink it. There are, of course, many other examples of individuals outside of social media being used as brand ambassadors (athletes wearing branded hats, musicians using only one kind of guitar, etc.), but in the world of social media where these potential influencers have 24/7 access to their fans (and vice versa, just as importantly), there is almost endless potential for these individuals to drive business revenue through their influence. The vast majority of those individuals who successfully influence branding outside of social media tend to be very popular individuals. With social media, if you reach out to the right influencer in the right niche, even if they only have a reach of a few thousand followers, they can help your brand grow and sell. Here are five steps to building a solid influencer Marketing Campaign, even for small, niche social media markets. Have Realistic Goals One of the many appealing things about an Instagram marketing campaign is the price tag range, as there truly is a deal out there for every company and every potential brand influencer. Some goals for every campaign should be to reach a brand new audience and to reestablish trust from your current buyers. If you’re a web-based company (and if you’re not, you should be thinking of ways to monetize your good or service via a website), increasing traffic to your site should also be on the top of the goals board. The level at which you measure success in each of these fields is up to you, but some improvements in all of them should be met, even if your only investing $80 into a local influencer with 4,000 followers. 10 new followers on your page and a percentage increase for web traffic are realistic and easily-measurable goals. Match the Message to the Niche For micro-marketing campaigns directed towards the followers of a given influencer (maybe a quarterback at the local college), be sure to create a message that will resonate with those followers. It’s important to do research here, as many influencers get heard due to accomplishments, but take on a much more personal persona on social media. For instance, a person may be famous for golfing but is a huge gamer in his or her free time, and most of the social media posts are related to gaming. In this case, if you could create a message that somehow tied in golf and videogames, your odds of meeting your goals increase by quite a bit. Easier typed than done! Let the Influencer “Sit at the Table” There is no audience with a more direct niche than an audience that follows a single individual’s life through the lens of social media. With this in mind, no one knows what that niche likes more than the influencer themselves. Inviting the influencer or influencer to share opinions on how the message is to be conveyed will not only resonate with followers but will also make for a more passionate message from a said influencer. Take Advantage of Analytics Social media analytics are instant, virtually free, and extremely easy to understand and utilize for the betterment of your campaigns. The beauty of having a sole person delivering your message is that you only have to talk to one person (or, perhaps a small team) to implement changes to that message. This can even be done during a campaign and should be fully taken advantage of. Making tweaks and changes based on audience response is incomparably easy to do on social media. Grow Every real influencer’s goal with social media is to grow their audience. For some, it’s no doubt equally as satisfying to the psyche as it is the wallet, but to most, they know that the bigger the audience, the bigger the paycheck. As a team or individual just starting out in the influencer marketing business, you, too, should be hoping to grow your reach. Finding out what works and what doesn’t is the name of the game with small dealings. Learn from those mistakes, widen your niche, and invest even more working with an influencer whose audience (and investment) is a little larger. Repeat and reap the benefits! Read Also: How To Execute An Effective Video Marketing Campaign A guide to Running your Instagram Marketing Campaign

Marketing Strategies

The 4 Essential Marketing Strategies To Help Boost Any Small Business’s Revenue

When your small business needs to bolster its revenue, you may want to revamp your marketing strategy. Although you may not think that your approach to marketing can have a dramatic effect on your bottom line, the truth is that good advertising can help attract new customers, make new sales, and even improve the company’s reputation within the industry over time. Small businesses should look to aggressively pursue digital marketing strategies to ensure a strong online presence. With search engines and social media becoming the most important platforms for reaching new customers, building visibility, and driving sales. Effective digital marketing strategies like SEO, SMM, PPC, and Content Marketing can generate revenues and profits for a small business. However, settling on an effective marketing strategy can seem difficult, especially if you’re a new small business owner. Fortunately, there are four essential strategies that can help any business expand its efforts, gain name recognition, and eventually boost revenue as well. Check out the top options you should consider adopting for your own small business. 1. Writing and Posting Tailor-Made Company Content Whether you’d prefer to write your content yourself, hire the best content writing services out there to help with writing and editing, or hire a new staff member to handle content matters, writing and regularly posting tailor-made company content is one of the top ways to take your marketing strategy to the next level today. A company blog, website, or social media channels can allow your customers to get to know your business better anytime, anywhere. Moreover, having a business book increases business value and it can open doors to numerous off-shoot opportunities for reach and sales. This strategy not only allows you to put out marketing materials on a low budget, but it can also help you: Keep readers updated on news in the company Improve SEO efforts to get additional website clicks Demonstrate professional expertise Hone and strengthen a distinctive, professional brand voice 2. Expanding Advertising Across Numerous Digital Channels If you’re still stuck advertising on a single channel, such as print media, now is the time to consider expanding your marketing horizons. Using social media for business purposes is one modern trend that can help your company reach out to large numbers of consumers at once. If you don’t have profiles set up already, you may want to look into starting company pages on: Instagram LinkedIn Facebook YouTube Twitter 3. Crafting Highly Creative and Strategic Print Advertisements Are your ads exciting to consumers, or are they coming off as generic and stale? If your print advertisements are a little on the boring side, you may have a hard time seeing a strong return on investment. That’s why it’s crucial to craft creative and strategic print ads that grab customers’ attention. For instance, you may want to consider: Advertising in the magazines your customers are most likely to read Strategically placing ads in highly circulated local newspapers Expanding a marketing campaign across multiple print channels, potentially even including highway billboards 4. Boosting Word-of-Mouth Advertising Among Longtime and Loyal Customers Finally, don’t discount the effectiveness of word-of-mouth advertising. If you have a strong base of longtime, loyal customers already, you may be able to lean on them to get the word out about your business. This strategy could help boost overall revenue while generally offering: Low to no financial burden Organic marketing An expanded base of trusting customers In order for any small business to survive and thrive, having strong revenue month after month is essential. However, if you don’t currently have a great marketing strategy in place, you may struggle to maintain current customers, attract new ones and gain name recognition within your industry. Thankfully, there are numerous tried-and-true marketing ideas that can help any small business gain a foothold in its sector and eventually boost the bottom line. If your company needs some financial help and you’re looking to revamp your approach to marketing, try posting tailor-made company content, advertising across several types of channels, crafting creative print advertisements, and boosting word-of-mouth advertising. These approaches can help you reach more consumers and possibly even improve your revenue streams over time. Read Also: Which Marketing Mix Element Deals Specifically With Retailing And Marketing Channel Management? The 7 Most Common Email Marketing Mistakes Content Marketing Mistakes You Shouldn’t Be Making Digital Marketing Classes: What You Need To Know