Why Every Business Needs Digital Marketing

Published on: 02 April 2018 Last Updated on: 15 October 2020
Digital Marketing

If you want your business to grow at a steady rate, you must be able to reach your target audience as quickly as possible. In this day and age, this isn’t possible unless you have an active social media presence that your customers know about. Today, a business without a sound digital marketing strategy is doomed to fail. Several types of research show that if your business, whether new or old, isn’t visible on social media, will become a flop. If you aren’t already tapping into the potential of Facebook, Twitter, and other social media marketing, you should seriously start thinking about the potential leads and customers that you’re losing because of it.

Social media has changed people, the way they function, and the way they do business with each other. When social media was first setting its root, no one believed that it could be beneficial for the world of business. But today, in a matter of a few years, digital marketing has proved to be so influential that no business can do without it. The truth is that social media has become necessary and we incorporate it into our daily lives every chance we get. To keep up with the way businesses are revolutionizing because of social media, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms are coming up with new techniques. These platforms keep up with the demands of their users because they know that without these enhancement sad improvements, they would not only lose relevance but also their loyal users.

Using social media platforms is essential for your business and will help you grow even further as a brand. When used right, this platform can be a cause for your company’s success and this is why it is growing even more popular as a tool for businesses around the world. If you think that these platforms for businesses are a passing fad or trend, think again and look around at the possibilities they have created for other businesses and brands. In fact, there are many English tuition Singapore companies that are benefiting from social media and getting students from all over the world.

Here are a couple of interesting facts that will have you intrigued about social media and all it can do for you.

  • 8 billion people use social media in one form or another
  • Adults (18-34) are most likely to follow a brand on any social media
  • 71% of customers with good experience with a brand are more likely to recommend it to others
  • 50 million small businesses use Facebook to connect with their customers
  • There are approximately 500 million tweets per day

So now that you’re fully aware of the potential power that social media networking websites hold, let’s talk about why you need to benefit from this powerhouse and the benefits that it can bring to your business. In the next section, we’ll talk about the importance of implementing a good digital marketing strategy for your business.

Why is Digital Marketing Essential for Your Business?

Marketing Essential

Digital marketing for your business will come in handy on many fronts. When used correctly, it has the potential to change the fate of your business for the better and can bring you all-rounded success. So without further delay, let’s look at the several ways in which digital marketing can have a positive influence on your business or brand.

Social Media Brings In Targeted Traffic and Boosts SEO :


If you have a website that you spend a lot of energy and money building, you must also be looking for ways to promote it so actual customers visit and pay attention. Designing and developing a new page on your website may not be as challenging as having people visit it. However, if you do want your landing page to be noticed, you have to work on your social media because that makes a world of difference. When strategically placed, social media has proved to bring customers to websites that were previously only getting a handful of visitors.

One of the things that help you bring traffic to your website is SEO. And digital marketing helps you with SEO as well. If you have a killer content strategy for your website’s SEO, it will help you in earning a spot at the top in search engines and proper social media marketing will help you drive it even further.

Social Media Helps You Stay Ahead of Competitors :

Social Social Media Helps You Stay Ahead of CompetitorsMedia Brings In Targeted Traffic and Boosts SEO

The biggest mistake you could make is to skip on the benefits of social media and let the competitors get the best of it. One of the things you need to be crystal clear about is that if your competitors are on social media (which they probably are), you need to join the bandwagon as well. If you don’t want to fall behind and play catch up later, you need to get serious about digital marketing the minute you start your business. This won’t just help you get recognition as a brand, but will also help you get the potential customers that you might have lost to competitors if you didn’t participate. Being active on social media networking websites can help you turn friends and followers into traffic for your website. If you’re an English tuition Singapore company, this particular tip can help you a lot.

The best thing about social media and digital marketing for small businesses is that it brings equal benefits for all. Though a few brands will have bigger budgets than others, all companies will initially start off with equal footing when they enter the arena. You can find examples of many small businesses that made it big just because they were attentive, clever, and knew the best tactics in making their content catchy. Digital marketing will also help you with your competitors because unlike traditional media where you often miss news about your competitors and even your products, social media will help you keep track of everything.

Social Media Strengthens Customer Relationships :

Social Media Strengthens Customer Relationships

Know why digital marketing and social media are so cool in today’s world? It’s because it gives you and your customers the to interact freely with each other and knows things that weren’t obvious. As a brand, it gives you the opportunity to show your human side to the public and target audience so they can feel more connected with you. It also tells you a lot about the customers’ likes and loves and also gives you the chance to get a sneak peek into their lives. If you play your cards right you can use these networking websites to connect with journalists and other influencers to give your business the much-needed boost.

Another advantage of using social media to improve your brand is that your messages aren’t taken as marketing tactics. This is why customers are often a lot more receptive to them and are more likely to hear what you have to say. It also helps you to target and retarget ads according to location, industry, purchase history, and even education level. When you target ads according to these characteristics of the user, you’re a lot likelier to convert these people into solid leads and even sales.

Social Media Improves Brand Image :

Social Media Improves Brand Image

Finally, though digital media has a lot of other perks, we’re going to talk about how it affects positively on your brand image. When your customers are facing problems with your product or services, you get to know about it immediately. This, in turn, gives you a chance to rectify the mistake without having to go through a long and tiring process. Several studies have shown that customers appreciate brands that respond positively to customer complaints and don’t run from their responsibilities.

When you’re active on your social media and show a united front, it helps your brand build loyalty. Brands that have active profiles have a proven record of customers who’re loyal to the brand and their message. It will help you become a corporation and associate trust and reliability with your name. This is one of the best techniques for English tuition Singapore branding because it helps you get noticed.

Digital media marketing is essential for your business because it helps you make the mark in this millennium. If you don’t have an active existence on social media, this is your chance to start.

How Should You Get Started?

If you haven’t started to represent your brand on social media, your brand doesn’t really exist. Digital marketing is important for your business because it makes you reach customers far and wide so you can start interacting with them in the best way possible. So now that you know most of the benefits of adding digital marketing to your brand’s marketing techniques, let’s look at a few quick ways you can get started.

Set Your Goals :

The most important decision you’ll need to make before stepping into digital marketing is the goal or objective you want to get out of it. Though this is an all-rounded marketing strategy, you need to specify if you’re trying to generate revenue or using it to provide customer service and build customer relationships. The reason why you need to answer this question is that the type of content you post or share will directly affect the outcome of your goals.

Content is King :

Content is King

We have all heard it but no one really takes it seriously unless they’re in too deep with digital marketing. When you know what your customers are looking for and what they need from your social media profile, you need to make it a point to create content that’s informative and important to them. Remember not to give up because, with continual effort, you will come out successful. Also, bear in mind that content isn’t just about the same old ‘text’ and written information you provide. Instead, experiment with your artistic side and create cool memes, infographics, and other such visually appealing content to keep your audience busy and satisfied.

Incorporate Your Marketing Strategies :

All your social media accounts, as well as the other marketing strategies you use to promote your brand, should be integrated together. You should have a consistent tone of voice and cross-promote your campaigns both online and offline so the efforts work together without any glitch. However, one thing you must remember is to focus on the quality of digital marketing and not necessarily the quantity. Posting 10 things on social media that don’t do a lot for the customer will be of no use. Instead, focus on bringing in quality so you have 1000 highly engaged fans instead of 10,000 who aren’t interested in what you have to say.

Have a Schedule :

Once you have started your social media and have a good handle on it, you don’t need to spend a lot of time managing it. If you stick to a schedule and ensure that you devote that specific time for the marketing, you won’t skip on the activities that keep things going. So for instance, if you have an English tuition Singapore page on Facebook, you can spend an hour each day to look into it and answer queries for customers.

Digital marketing is fun and can be made very easy if you simply know how to go about it. But don’t make the mistake of ignoring this essential part of your business because that’ll just make you and your brand down in the long run. Use these tips and find many others on the internet to know just how important it is to know the ABCs of digital marketing.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Public Relations

Four Things Marketing and Public Relations Firms Want to Tell You

When you start a business, you will not always be available to handle all the tasks, and even if you are available, you may not have the capability to do it on your own. Therefore, apart from hiring employees in different departments, you might also require to work closely with marketing and public relations agencies who will help in placing your company in a better place than it is today. Public relation is a wide term that entails a lot of activities, and this is one of the reasons why you might need it in your business to have access to information in the wider market. These agencies have a lot they can tell and do for you concerning your personal life and your business. However, to get the best services from a marketing and PR firm, you must consider the qualities they possess to ensure they have an effective PR strategy. Here are some of the reasons why you need to listen to PR agents. 1. Presentation Of New Ideas: If you rely on your ideas alone to grow your business, you will find that you are doing the same thing you started with and therefore achieving the same results you were achieving then. However, if you consider working with a marketing or PR agency, they will first understand your business operations, and then provide you with new and more creative ideas for growth and success of your business. These people tend to be more exposed to the outside world because their work entails gathering information outside there and then use it effectively to advise business people. They will also train you on better, effective and safer ways of telling your story out there without ruining your image and reputation. 2. Developing Brand Identity: Consumers tend to trust brands that are well established, and a marketing or PR firm can help you in building your brand identity. With their skills and experience in building other brands out there, they will also improve customers’ recognition by identifying your key and unique selling points and build them from there. The building of brand identity include getting people to understand your products and services, the difference they make to people’s lives and why they should buy from you. Good communications on Behrman is one of the things that have kept some businesses alive even if their products or services are not better than those of their competitors. 3. How To Effectively Communicate: Communication is key in everything you do whether in business or personal life. This is the reasons why a PR agent will tell that it is not what you say, how many messages you send or how long your message it but how you say it. Anything you say to the people will be open for analyzing and how you say it will determine whether you are building a good image or ruining it. A good PR agency will help you to develop or outline your vision, mission, core values and goals in a way that they will be attractive and compelling. Why don’t you work with a PR agent who will help you in becoming an effective communicator? 4. Your Relationship With Media: Media can either build or ruin your brand or business, and this will depend on how you relate with them. This is one of the core services offered by marketing and public relation agencies whereby they help you in building a good relationship with the media. The agencies always have contact addresses and access to the media people and therefore know the kind of stories that would be accepted and how to win an interview or a page coverage on a popular magazine. Featuring in any of these is a great achievement. However, you must know how to apply due diligence and a high level of creativity for you to produce a compelling story to be featured. Public relation agencies have mastered this art and therefore will help you achieve the best when it comes to media relations. It would be very hard for an entrepreneur to succeed when working alone and that is why partners such as marketers and public relation agents are required to help you in the success journey. Read Also: 5 Marketing Tips To Help Grow Your Business On Instagram How To Market Your App Successfully Mobile App Marketing Agency

best products to sell on Amazon

How to find the best products to sell on Amazon and some examples

What can you sell online? It is obvious, that you can sell anything online. But here, selling online means to sell a product with a decent profit margin. To become a successful Amazon seller you need to find the right product that has high demand; low competition; and many other characteristics. Once you select a product that has all these characteristics, you can see a decent profit selling them. In this article, some of the ways of finding the best products to sell on Amazon are explained along with some examples. Table of Contents Finding the best product Manual methods of product research Automated methods of product research Popular and profitable products on Amazon 1. Finding the best product There are many ways by which you can find a profitable product to sell. This process of analyzing the current trends in the market and ending up with a good product is known as product research. Product research can be done in two ways namely manual product research and automated product research. These processes are explained below. 2. Manual Product Research This is the process of analyzing the current trends in the market manually through various strategies as follows. Checking Amazon’s bestsellers list – Amazon has its own listings of thousands of products as bestsellers categorized based on their niches. You can just go to this list and check what are all the niches and products that sell well. You can also go through those product listings to find out the special features and characteristics of a product that attracts more customers. The product reviews under each bestselling product will be the bible for you to shape your own product. If you just look at the bestseller list, you will get to see the products with high competition. So, you can go through the sub-categories to find more specific products with high demand and low competition. You can get excellent product ideas from this. Pinterest – Pinterest acts as a great platform for finding different product ideas. It may seem like a social media platform like Pinterest cannot help in developing product ideas. But it is very helpful in finding new products since millions of people are searching and uploading millions of pictures almost in all niches. You can just search your keyword and get thousands of product images to develop an idea from. Contacting your suppliers - If you have traded on Amazon already or you have a product supplier with you, you can get much information on the current trends in your niche. He will provide details about the movement of specific goods and products in that niche. This may help you in developing a product idea that actually sells. Spying on Competitors – Although it sounds like illegal activity, it is legal in terms of an online marketplace. You can look at the strategies used by your competitors; the keywords used by them; their customer service; and many more. You should not try to copy the exact strategies of your competitors since you may not have the same reach and capabilities of your giant competitors. Lookout for bestselling products on eBay – You can get product ideas by looking at the trending products on other e-commerce sites like eBay. 3. Automated methods of Product Research  This includes the same processes of keyword research, competitor analysis, monthly search volume calculation, etc. But all the processes are automated using various free and paid tools available online. An example of automated product research is the use of Google trends. It helps to notify you of all the recent trends in the market along with various numbers and statistics. 4. Popular and profitable products on Amazon Some products are there known as evergreen products that will definitely make more money. These are the products with low cost of production; high demand; and high-profit margin. Some of these evergreen products are listed below. Books – Books are always a great product to sell online. Since the online market place is like an open library and the product is delivered directly to the residence of the customer, books are always high on sales. You can easily get books in bulk from any publishers and sell them online at your own price with a profit margin. Accessories and apparels – Although this category is oversaturated with millions of sellers providing the same cosmetics; jewelry; clothes; and accessories, this niche is always evergreen. It is because of the everlasting need for apparel and accessories in modern society. Toys and Games – Surprisingly, this niche is also one of the bestselling categories in the whole market place. Baby products and toys for both children as well as adults are another evergreen choice to be successful. Electronics – Although it is an evergreen niche, only authorized brands will dominate this niche. Read Also: Beginners Guide: How You Can Grow Your Biz With Amazon Your Review of Amazon’s FBA Wholesale Marketing Course

tactics to acquire

5 Proven tactics to acquire more quality leads

Leads are the foundation for sales. While we all wish that everyone we come across as brands would convert right on the spot, that's not how it works. People need to "think about it", some need to actually see the benefits of what it is you're offering, and others just haven't been convinced yet. People are in different stages of your conversion funnel, and how they are convinced to ultimately purchase can vary a lot. To convert these individuals, you first need to gather leads, and then impact them time and time over, until they finally buy from you. Everyone is talking about the importance of collecting leads and then working to get people farther and farther down the conversion funnel, but very few people actually talk about how it is done, and what goes into doing it effectively. Additionally, there's a huge misconception about collecting leads that people make. Many people focus on acquiring as many leads as possible, and in doing so, they put zero thought into who those people actually are, which, means neglecting quality for quantity. Then, when they've gathered thousands and thousands of leads, they celebrate and cheer, without realizing that the leads they gathered were completely irrelevant and that the reason for acquiring leads in the first place is not done for the sake of having lots of leads, but to ultimately get people to buy. In this post, you'll learn how to build an email list from the people who come to your website, not by increasing the people who come to your site, but by optimizing the lead-generation process to increase your conversion rate of your visitors. And most importantly, you'll learn how you can improve the quality of the leads you get, and ensure that the ones you do get are laser-targeted to your brand and niche, and thus likely to convert into customers. 1. Create appealing subscription forms : When working to collect leads, you almost always have some sort of subscription form. Through this form, you collect information about your prospect such as email address, name, profession, etc. You've probably come across subscription forms that only ask for your email address and you've probably experienced the type of subscription-forms that ask for your name, profession, habits, and so on, where you're wondering when the number of fields is going to end. We'll go more into detail about the reasons to why some brands choose to do this further on, but now, we're going to focus on improving the format of the subscription form to give it a better visual appeal. When you're working to collect leads, you need to ensure that the subscription form is inviting and encourages people to sign-up. If the form just looks overwhelming and cluttery, you risk making your visitors confused, and ultimately losing them forever. As an example, here's Send pulse subscription form: As you can see, it is clear, concise, and asks for the most important information without coming off as intrusive or overwhelming. An important part of this is eliminating unnecessary elements of the subscription form which can risk confusing visitors. A challenge that many marketers face when they are going to set up their lead-generation form to acquire leads is that they have absolutely no expertise in coding or designing, and most importantly, they have no idea how they're going to create a subscription form to maximize conversions. The good news is that no longer, you need to have coding experience or be very good at designing in order to create a subscription form that performs well. The reason for this is that tools like Send pulse have done all of that for you. The absolute best part is that Send pulse gives you the option you to choose from their many pre-designed forms and then optimize it according to your brand and style. This means that you don't have to spend countless hours trying to figure out the format for a successful subscription form. Because with Sendpulse's subscription forms, you already have access to tried and true formats right at your fingertips that have proven to drive the best results. 2. Ask for relevant information : Here comes the answer to the cliffhanger that presented earlier about including lots of fields where you ask for information about your prospects (and why it can actually be a good thing). You might think that the fewer fields you have that your prospects need to fill in, the better, because obviously, the more people will be willing to invest their time, but that's actually not always the case. The fact is that while having a few fields can increase the number of registrations, it can also mean that many of the registrations you get are of higher quality. This is very relevant considering the fact that 61% of B2B marketers struggle to generate high-quality leads. And remember, ultimately, it's not about how many leads you can collect, it's about how many quality leads you can generate. Because ultimately, these are the only individuals who will do what you want them to do in the future, which is, become paying customers. Now, obviously, there's a fine balance between simply including too many fields that bring no value and having a high amount of fields that filter away irrelevant people, and to find the ideal length, you simply need to experiment and learn through trial and error, but the best part is that the SendPulse subscription forms allow you to add as many or as few fields as you'd like. Even better, it also allows you to add or remove whichever fields you'd like, whenever you'd like. This allows you to have full control over your lead-generation subscription forms, and at the same time be able to change and optimize them with ease within a  matter of seconds. Since you are after quality leads, not quantity, don't be afraid of asking for a lot of information about the people signing up. The more relevant questions you ask, the more certain you can be that the leads you generate are very hot. 3. Include images : Humans are visual creatures, and so I cannot emphasize just how important including visual content in your subscription form is. When it comes to creating appealing subscription forms, visuals play a huge part, and they also play a huge part in people's first impression of it, and if they decide to complete it or not. Just creating a subscription-form with text can be very overwhelming for your visitors, and this means that you risk losing people in the process. If you do, however, include images in your subscription form, you can grasp your audience's attention, and convince them to sign up. Again, if you are designing your lead-gen forms manually, including images, changing formats, and optimizing them can be a full-time job due to its complexity, but using the Send pulse subscription forms allows you to effortlessly upload and store images in any format on their server. The best part? It can be done free of charge! 4.Create responsive subscription forms : Believe it or not, but people are still using unresponsive lead-gen forms. Some just don't know how to optimize them for all devices, others just don't believe or know that it is necessary. But with the increased usage of mobile devices, making your forms responsive is crucial for increasing the number of leads you generate, because if your form isn't responsive, you can be sure that almost 100% of the people who experience an unresponsive form will leave without signing up due to a terrible experience (or because they're just not able to sign up). Manually creating forms that are responsive can be difficult, to say the least, but when using Sendpulse's subscription forms, you don't have to pay a single thought on that, because all forms are responsive. 5. Use subscription formats that are relevant to your needs : The format of your subscription forms and where they are presented have a huge impact on its performance. Sendpulse offers four different types of forms that you can use for your sign-ups, all of which support different needs. Based on how your visitors use and navigate your website, different forms can work differently well. The best part is that using this subscription forms service, you don't have to guess or ponder what might work the best. Simply put each and every one of these subscription formats into practice, and see for yourself which format works best for you. 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