Four Things Marketing and Public Relations Firms Want to Tell You

Published on: 07 January 2019 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
Public Relations

When you start a business, you will not always be available to handle all the tasks, and even if you are available, you may not have the capability to do it on your own. Therefore, apart from hiring employees in different departments, you might also require to work closely with marketing and public relations agencies who will help in placing your company in a better place than it is today. Public relation is a wide term that entails a lot of activities, and this is one of the reasons why you might need it in your business to have access to information in the wider market. These agencies have a lot they can tell and do for you concerning your personal life and your business. However, to get the best services from a marketing and PR firm, you must consider the qualities they possess to ensure they have an effective PR strategy. Here are some of the reasons why you need to listen to PR agents.

1. Presentation Of New Ideas:

New Ideas

If you rely on your ideas alone to grow your business, you will find that you are doing the same thing you started with and therefore achieving the same results you were achieving then. However, if you consider working with a marketing or PR agency, they will first understand your business operations, and then provide you with new and more creative ideas for growth and success of your business. These people tend to be more exposed to the outside world because their work entails gathering information outside there and then use it effectively to advise business people. They will also train you on better, effective and safer ways of telling your story out there without ruining your image and reputation.

2. Developing Brand Identity:

Consumers tend to trust brands that are well established, and a marketing or PR firm can help you in building your brand identity. With their skills and experience in building other brands out there, they will also improve customers’ recognition by identifying your key and unique selling points and build them from there. The building of brand identity include getting people to understand your products and services, the difference they make to people’s lives and why they should buy from you. Good communications on Behrman is one of the things that have kept some businesses alive even if their products or services are not better than those of their competitors.

3. How To Effectively Communicate:


Communication is key in everything you do whether in business or personal life. This is the reasons why a PR agent will tell that it is not what you say, how many messages you send or how long your message it but how you say it. Anything you say to the people will be open for analyzing and how you say it will determine whether you are building a good image or ruining it. A good PR agency will help you to develop or outline your vision, mission, core values and goals in a way that they will be attractive and compelling. Why don’t you work with a PR agent who will help you in becoming an effective communicator?

4. Your Relationship With Media:

Relationship With Media

Media can either build or ruin your brand or business, and this will depend on how you relate with them. This is one of the core services offered by marketing and public relation agencies whereby they help you in building a good relationship with the media. The agencies always have contact addresses and access to the media people and therefore know the kind of stories that would be accepted and how to win an interview or a page coverage on a popular magazine. Featuring in any of these is a great achievement. However, you must know how to apply due diligence and a high level of creativity for you to produce a compelling story to be featured. Public relation agencies have mastered this art and therefore will help you achieve the best when it comes to media relations.

It would be very hard for an entrepreneur to succeed when working alone and that is why partners such as marketers and public relation agents are required to help you in the success journey.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Cold Calling Script for Successful Sales Persons

Cold calls are still of great importance even in the modern virtual world. If you are looking for business, one of the most effective sales tactics is cold calling. It is part of the outbound marketing strategy for your business and can deliver great results. A recent survey by DiscoverOrg on 1000 sampled senior executives in the IT industry reveals that 60% of them attended an event or took an appointment after receiving an unsolicited email or cold call. If you fear cold calls, then these tips will not help you to eradicate your fear. However, they will give you a more successful experience in making cold calls. Focus on the Goal Most beginners think that cold calling only deals with making the sale. However, this is not the case. It deals with getting an opportunity to make a sell. The primary reason behind making a cold call is setting an appointment for making the pitch. You can use a cold calling script to help you focus on the goal. Research Your Prospects and Market Before Making the Cold Call Your cold call has to target the right audience. Market research can help you to focus on the right audience. Gather a lot of information about the company or individual you will be calling in advance. This step will give you a significant advantage of being in a position to talk about their business and needs when you make the call. Gartner Group states that an enterprise that has an average of 100 to 500 employees will have approximately seven people making the purchase decisions. Therefore. It is critical to connecting with the right individuals if you need success in your cold calls. Leverage Contacts on Social Media to Enhance Your Chances of Connecting Statistics from Vorsight reveal that if you share a LinkedIn group with the person you are calling, you have a probability of 70% of making a successful cold call. What applies to LinkedIn can also stand to the other social media platforms. You can increase your prospects of receptiveness when you are connected with your audience in social media. Therefore, make sure that you work towards establishing of extending your presence on social media. Prepare Opening Statements for Your Call It is good to organize your thoughts before making a call as this will assist you to avoid the common mistakes while opening the conversation. Making such errors can make the individual you are calling to terminate your call. At this point, the cold calling script comes in handy. This document should act as a guide, and you don’t have to read it out. What Should Be in The Opening Statement of the Cold Call It is essential to organize your conversation on the cold call in a logical manner. You need a greeting, an introduction, reference point that talks about the prospects, advantages of your products and services, and lastly a transition to the dialogue or question. Prepare a Script for the Remaining Section of the Call Put down the benefits of your products or services and reasons that will make your prospects to buy them. Put down some of the possible objections and how you will answer them. It is easy to meander or leave something out if you don’t have a cold calling script. Once more, you will not be reading out the script when you call. The most important thing is to prepare a framework for your cold call in advance. Be ready to answer tough questions about the products and services you are selling.  Forbes Insights report that 58% of potential buyers assert that sales representatives cannot adequately respond to their questions. You can get yourself out of this script by preparing an excellent cold calling script. Request for an Appointment During the Cold Call Set the appointment that you request during the conversation at a specific time. For instance, you could ask the prospect whether 11:00 a.m. would be good for him/her. You could also ask your audience whether you can meet them the following week. It is good to get your prospects committing to a meeting in your initial conversation. Don’t leave it vague because this will necessitate a second call for setting up the meeting. The phone call may never take place if you are unable to get to the prospect. Note That Gatekeepers Are Allies and Not Foes Remain polite to anyone who picks up the call or whoever guards the inner sanctum when making the cold call. Have strategies that will make the gatekeeper to come on your side. You could even ask something like ‘I am not sure whether you will be able to assist me?’ and he/she will give you the info that you require like the name of the person you need to talk to or the best time of contacting the prospects. You also need to learn the names of the gatekeeper and remain friendly during the call. Send Your Prospects Unique and Small Promotional Items to Smooth Your Way for the Cold Call This step will break the ice and make the brand to stand out from the crow. Sending out such promotional items will prepare the way for a successful cold call. A question like ‘are you the one who sends me this’ from the prospect may seem to be unnecessary or cheesy but it works well. If Possible, Do the Cold Call Late in the Afternoon or Early Morning The best time to reach the decision-maker directly is late evening or early morning. Research also reveals that Thursday is the best day for cold calls and Wednesday comes in as the second. The same research reveals that Tuesday is the worst but this can vary from one person to another. Remain Persistent 80% of new sales will come after you make the fifth contact yet most salespersons give up after making the second call. Don’t be the kind of person who gives up so easily. It is good to learn to try again if you really want to make a sale. Above all, practice, practice, and keep on practicing and you will become an expert in cold calling. You will always get better even if you find no fun in making cold calls. With constant practice, you will develop effective selling techniques. Therefore, get your script ready and the call list and begin to reach out to your phone. There are several people out there who would like to do business with you but you need to let them know about your brand first. Read Also: FinTech Is Making It Easier To Shop The World’s Biggest Sales This Is Why Social Media Is Essential In The B2B Sales Process 5 Actionable Mobile Marketing Tips That Drive Sales

Video Marketing

Top Ways Video Marketing Will Help Your Business Grow

Unless you have been living under a rock or a remote island, you will know that video marketing is an important part of every modern business. So you shouldn’t be shocked by the fact that video marketing has become a rage in the market. It is expected that online users will cross the 2 billion mark in the next few months. You will be surprised to know that youtube hosts 1 billion unique visitors every month. This means the popularity of video marketing is not hidden from anyone in the world. With several social networks having launched the video ads, the responses have compelled other business owners to join the bandwagon. It is expected that more than 75% of internet traffic will be filled with videos in the next year. As a modern business owner, if you haven't adhered to the idea of relying on video marketing, you’re not modern and certainly not going in the right direction. Here, we will guide you through a few ways; video marketing can expand your business audience: 1. Present Your Product Make a concise video to let your audience know about the product or service you have to offer. Just like there is a difference between reading a science chapter and attending it in the class, the audience develops a better understanding of the product when they have somebody tells them about it. Make sure to educate them about the benefits of your product or service. If you make a good quality video with information about the audience’s interest, you will quickly witness an increase in the number of visitors. We suggest you use a teleprompter which will make your video more professional. Furthermore, as they continue to flock to your website, the majority of them might convert into customers quickly. 2. Offer Instructions In today’s time, customers love to sift through the video tutorial because it guides them about using the product in detail. For example, If you debut with “How to use this shampoo” or ‘How to unbox this phone,” customers will quickly get inclined towards viewing it. This way, you will not only win the customer’s trust but will also satisfy them quickly. Not to forget, customer loyalty is a very important factor in today’s time, so you must strive for it. 3. Explain Why You Stand Out Let's take a simple example to elaborate on this concept. If your company is about to launch a new shampoo, you should know that there are hundreds of shampoo options out there already. To impress the customers, you will have to tell them about how your offering is different from the other. Unless you don’t have something valuable to offer, customers will not put trust in your brand. Visit to get a professionally developed video for your video tutorial. Only a top-notch video shooting firm will sift you through the right way to promote your product. 4. Equipping the Video with Special Content is a Good Idea A modern customer is not only concerned about the core product but also expects the company to value them. So do you have anything else valuable for the new clients? Adding plenty of informational articles on the main website is not going to have a strong impact as much as a video message will. For instance, if you want the customers to know about what goes on behind the scenes in the manufacturing of your product, you can shoot a 3-minute video and give them short glimpses. 5. Explain Your Story Instead of filling the landing page of your website with an abundance of content, it is best to let the customers know about it through a video message. In fact, most people ignore the “About Us” section because it is too dull. Record a video with the chairman of the company, and don’t forget to include glimpses of the journeys of veteran employees in the company. Explaining the founding story of the company will have a strong impact on the minds of the customers. 6. Explain the Vision and Mission of the Company Every stakeholder of the business is interested in knowing about the short term and long term goals of the business. This is because stakeholders have to stay in touch with the company for a certain time. Only if they are in coherence with the goals of your firm will then they decide to stick to it. This is why explaining the vision and mission of the company through a short video can make a difference to the reputation of your company. 7. Video Marketing is the Need of the Hour In simple words, video marketing is not an option but the need of the hour. As soon as a new product or service is launched in the market, customers flock to youtube, and the social media pages of the business to find video messages. If you don’t rely on video marketing, your competitors will stand out to the customers. Secondly, you need to realize that video marketing is cheap and can save on the costs of traditional advertising. Read Also: 10 Reasons Why Audio Streaming and Video Marketing is So Important Movavi Video Suite Review: A Comprehensive Tool to Create Videos

Cloth Diaper Brand

5 Steps On How To Have A Strong Online Presence For Your Cloth Diaper Brand

Parents who care about the environment are using cloth diapers more and more often as a way to reduce their environmental effects. Due to the expansion of social media, cloth diaper companies now have more opportunities than ever to engage with their target audience and build brand loyalty. However, given the range of social media platforms and strategies, it can be challenging for cloth diaper producers to know where to start. This article will provide you with a step-by-step strategy for developing a fruitful social media campaign for your cloth diaper business. It's important to remember that social media is just one part of a larger marketing strategy for your cloth diaper brand. Even though social media can be a potent tool for increasing brand recognition and connecting with your audience, it's also critical to take other marketing channels into account. This covers events, influencer marketing, and email marketing. You may be able to reach a larger audience and strengthen your brand's presence as a result. As you develop your approach, consider how social media fits into your overall marketing plan. Consider how you can build your cloth diaper company by using other channels to promote it. 1. Establishing Your Brand Voice And Visuals Establishing your brand voice and images is the first step in developing a thorough social media plan for your cloth diaper business. The brand voice of your company is the persona and voice that it conveys through messaging. It should be consistent across all media and reflect the messaging and values of your firm. Your brand's visuals are the images and graphics you use to represent your company. Here are some examples of how you can establish your brand voice and visuals for this specific brand: Determine Your Brand’s Personality And Tone The finest nappy for babies in the Philippines may aim to reflect the affectionate and protective traits of new parents in personality and tone. You may say it in a kind, compassionate way with messaging that prioritizes the health and welfare of infants and their families. Use Consistent Visual Elements A strong brand identity must be created through aesthetic consistency. This involves utilising uniform fonts, images, and color schemes across all platforms. For the cloth diaper company, it would be great to employ a soft color palette and sweet images that reflect the company's core principles. Use Graphics That Align With Your Brand The social media images should convey your company's values and messaging. The newborn diaper may have pictures of families and babies together with wording that emphasizes the brand's commitment to local traditions and customs. Personalize Your Messaging Use your brand voice to create a personal connection with your audience. By inviting them to share their personal experiences with your products, you may captivate your audience with compelling anecdotes and insights. This may emphasize how important it is to maintain an infant's happiness, health, and comfort. 2. Choosing The Right Platforms The next step is choosing the social media platforms best suited for your brand. Choosing the right social media platforms for your diaper brand is critical to developing a successful strategy. Your social media campaign's success may be impacted by each platform's unique qualities and user demographics. When choosing social media platforms for your cloth diaper business, keep the following in mind: Audience Demographics: To choose the best social media sites, you must first understand your target audience. Different platforms draw users from different age groups. For instance, Facebook often attracts an older demographic but Instagram attracts a younger one. Instagram might be the best medium for you if your target demographic is young parents. Content-Type: There are several platforms built for different types of content. For instance, Twitter excels at providing brief updates, whereas Instagram excels at providing visual information like photos and videos. If your diaper business creates a lot of visually appealing material, TikTok or Instagram may be the perfect platforms for you. Brand Personality: Every social media network has a distinct culture and tone all its own. It's crucial to select platforms that reflect the character and principles of your brand. TikTok might be a wonderful fit for your nappy brand, for instance, if it has a playful and entertaining nature. Competitors: Finally, it's critical to investigate the social media presence of your rivals. You must examine the platforms they employ and the methods of audience engagement. You can learn from this which platforms are most effective for your sector. You can use it to choose the platforms you want to use. 3. Creating A Content Calendar: Once your brand voice and imagery have been defined and the right platforms have been chosen, creating a content calendar takes work. A schedule for the types of content you'll produce and when is called a content calendar. User-generated content, informational materials, and product advertising are all permissible. It's critical to establish a consistent publishing schedule that matches the vocabulary and style of your brand. Here are some guidelines to assist you. Define your social media goals Research your audience Brainstorm content ideas Organize content by themes Create a content calendar 4. Engaging With Your Audience Engaging with your audience on social media is essential to developing a solid online presence for your cloth diaper brand. It can promote a sense of community and boost brand loyalty. These suggestions will help you interact with your audience: React to messages and comments. Pose inquiries that resemble feedback. Hold giveaways and contests. Share testimonials and pictures. Work together with influencers. Offer informative content, such as advice on caring for babies and cloth diapers. 5. Analyzing And Adjusting Your Strategy Monitoring metrics is essential to developing a successful social media strategy. Metric tracking makes it possible for you to determine what is working and what isn't so you can make the required adjustments. Monitoring engagement metrics like website traffic, likes, shares, comments, and follower growth is essential. Review Your Goals Are you succeeding in your brand's goals that you set forth? If not, it's time to review your objectives and modify your plan. Review Your Metrics Track your performance measures, like reach, engagement, and conversions, using social media analytics tools. Determine which sorts of materials are effective and which require your audience to connect with them. This information can be used to modify your content strategy. Review Your Audience Your audience may change as your brand develops. To make sure you're still focusing on the proper demographics and interests, review your target audience profile. Review Your Competition Keep an eye on your rivals and consider what they are doing right and where they need improvement. Utilize this data to find chances to distinguish your business and enhance your social media strategy. Adjust Your Content Strategy Adjust your content strategy in light of your analysis to suit your objectives, KPIs, target audience, and rivals. This can entail coming up with fresh content concepts. You can also change your content focus or alter the frequency and timing of your posts. Test And Iterate Once your plan has been modified, test your new strategy and keep an eye on your performance indicators. Repeat this process as necessary, testing and fine-tuning your plan of action until you get the desired outcomes. Conclusion Initially, creating a thorough social media plan for your cloth diaper company might be difficult and challenging. You may still develop a strategy that is suited to your brand's distinct voice and values by adhering to these essential stages. Establish your brand's voice and images, pick the appropriate platforms, plan your content, interact with your audience, then assess the results and modify your strategy as necessary. You'll be able to effectively engage with your target audience and establish a strong online presence for your cloth diaper brand by doing this. Read Also: How To Make Your Online Business More Humble By Managing Your Reputation The Online Reputation Management Mystery Revealed Online Marketing : Selling Your Product And Services