Friendships Up in Smoke? 6 Ways Addiction Affects Relationships


06 October 2021



If you’ve suffered from long-term substance abuse disorders, you likely understand how damaging drug and alcohol dependency can be to your close relationships.

People who abuse substances often behave erratically and irresponsibly, leaving loved ones in the wake of drug-induced rage, mania, and recklessness. Unfortunately, addiction frequently severs relational ties, leaving addicts alone and susceptible to further drug use.

Though it can be challenging to remedy broken relationships, you can perform damage control by making amends and extending an olive branch to those negatively affected. One of the critical steps in rehabilitation is reaching out to those you’ve hurt, apologizing, and attempting to rebuild the trust you’ve broken. If you’re unsure whether your friends and family are at their wit’s end, read on for six ways addiction can affect your close relationships.

Behaving dishonestly

One of the most difficult relational obstacles to overcome when living with a substance abuse disorder is dishonesty. Unfortunately, many addicts rely on secrecy and deception to conceal their drug and alcohol use and absolve themselves from judgment.

Chances are your addiction is tied up in shame and guilt, and keeping the severity of the situation concealed can feel like the only option. However, once your loved ones notice unusual behavior or catch you in a lie, they may feel hurt and upset at your dishonesty, negatively affecting your relationship.

Isolating yourself

Isolating yourself

People with substance abuse disorders often begin isolating themselves from friends, family, and partners, pushing people away to continue their drug and alcohol use. Sadly, long-term use can significantly impact your emotional states, turning you into a completely different person when inebriated. Though every addict copes with dependency in unique ways, many find their priorities lie in getting their next fix, disregarding those around them to keep their habit alive.

Emotional dysregulation

A common symptom of addiction is emotional dysregulation, which can significantly impact your close relationships as you experience outbursts and engage in reckless behavior. Unfortunately, your friends and family often receive the brunt of your mood swings and callousness, leaving many loved ones feeling resentful and unwilling to continue the relationship.

Losing trust

Losing trust

As people fall deeper and deeper into substance abuse, the trail of lies, deception, and betrayal they leave behind can be long and winding. Unfortunately, broken trust is difficult to remedy, and many people engaging with addicts find themselves frustrated and disheartened by deceitful behavior. Though you can rebuild bonds by taking actionable, rehabilitative steps, like apologizing sincerely and committing to sobriety, distrust can reinstate the bond present in once strong relationships.

Abusive behaviors

Unfortunately, drug and alcohol dependency and abusive behaviors often go hand in hand. Though many addicts find treatment before stuping to toxic behaviors, others blame their behavior on substance use, punishing those around them through emotional and physical violence.

Drugs and alcohol prompt irrational behavior and can ignite fights quickly as anger builds into rage and resentment. Sadly, those living amongst heavily addicted individuals often experience mistreatment and trauma during outbursts and drug-induced mania. Additionally, frustrated family members can also act out, punishing the addict in unhelpful, abusive ways.

Wrapping up

Addiction and substance abuse disorders can significantly affect your interpersonal relationships as you engage in erratic, potentially dangerous behaviors. That said, by getting help from a professional treatment center and taking actionable steps toward recovery, you can attempt to rebuild broken connections and trust.

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horse riding

Horse Riding As a Hobby

Horse riding can be categorized as a sport or hobby. However you view it, it is an activity that is loved by people who enjoy it as a hobby. For most of them, setting out on a horse-riding session is the perfect combination of deep relaxation, exhilaration, and adventure. During a horse ride, you choose your pace – whether you want a full out gallop or a sedate trot. Engaging in horse riding gives you the feeling of freedom and a sense of control as well. Establishing a relationship with your horse is essential since horses have different personalities. From a horse’s back, you are in a perfect position to soak in the beauty of your natural environment. You can pause and have a view of the beautiful valley or mountain in your area. Riding alone may be a philosophical experience, but riding along a friend is all fun, for you and the horse. Horses like to have company and will often challenge for the front position. This leaves you and your friend with one option – hold on and let the horses lead your way. Even as you do this as a hobby, there are several benefits of horse riding you accrue. Benefits Of Horse Riding Physical Benefits Horse riding is a physically demanding activity that can help you maintain fitness. It also helps develop balance as well as improving coordination. Through its physical nature, horse riding increases joint mobility, strengthens muscles, and boosts blood circulation. Additionally, it enhances sensory integration as well as the visual perception of the surroundings, and also prevents cramping of muscles.  This is an important reason why you need to select a horse saddle that is comfortable and allows for adequate circulation. Horse riding helps stimulate internal body organs similar to other exercises like walking and jogging. This facilitates the proper functioning of the liver and the digestion process. It is also instrumental in burning calories. Increasing the speed and duration of your ride will increase the intensity of the activity, helping you burn more calories. Mental Benefits Horse riding plays a huge role in the development of positive traits among riders. As a horse rider, you must first learn how to take care of the animal. That teaches you responsibility to look after your horse, even when it falls ill. Learning how to ride may also be challenging since it requires discipline, patience, self-control, and dedication, which helps a rider to grow mentally. People who live their lives horse-riding are constantly learning, which helps keep their brain young and active. Through constant exercising of the brain, horse riding can prevent memory loss. Emotional Growth As mentioned earlier, horses develop relationships with their owners and their surroundings too. Many people find solace when riding on their horses and although it can present its challenges, there is always a moment of relaxation and unwinding. Horse riding also develops a bond between people who like to ride together. For people who crave solitude, horse riding can also be a perfect activity to indulge. Horse riding is an exciting and beneficial hobby to riders. Apart from enjoying fulfilling rides on your horse, you also profit from the various benefits that come with horse riding, including physical, emotional, and mental benefits. Read Also: The Importance Of The Domestication Of Horses How To Train Your Kids For Horseback Riding

Outward Mindset

Your Guide to Outward Mindset Development at Work

Has there ever been a disagreement or a heated argument at your workplace? Did that lead to negative feelings and strained relationships? Or perhaps you’ve been lucky and never faced such a problem? Either way, the prospect of interpersonal conflict at work is always looming as people have emotions and can be rubbed the wrong way. Not only does this lead to low morale, but it can also affect the bottom line. This is why outward mindset development is important. Here’s your guide to the why and how of outward mindset development. The True Cost of Interpersonal Conflict at Work You might turn a blind eye to “office drama”, but widespread and sustained interpersonal conflict is not something to take lightly. Employees may not feel happy coming to work, which leads to low productivity, and may not be willing to work with colleagues, which leads to poor team performance. In the long run, interpersonal conflict can also create an environment that stifles collaboration and innovation. What’s more, don’t be surprised if this toxic workplace pushes employees to quit in large droves. While interpersonal conflict may appear unavoidable due to the clash of personalities in an office, prioritizing outward mindset development can help. Related Reads:  Ways to Boost Employee Productivity Inward Vs. Outward Mindset  Before we address outward mindset development, it’s vital to define an inward and outward mindset. An inward mindset is about focusing solely on ourselves and our needs, which has the potential to distort how we see others and the world. In contrast, an outward mindset enables us to better understand others and the world, rather than be stuck in our own preconceived notions. This deep understanding of one another fosters mutual respect and prevents interpersonal conflict. Tips for Outward Mindset Development That being said, outward mindset development doesn’t magically occur overnight. It takes conscious effort to change the way one sees and thinks. Follow these tried-and-tested tips: 1. Enroll in an outward mindset development course Although the change must come from within, a little nudge (for example, by enrolling in an outward mindset development course) in the right direction can never hurt. In fact, learning to recognize behaviors associated with the inward and outward mindset in the context of an organization can accelerate one’s progress. In addition to this, enrolling the entire team is also a good idea to ensure that everyone makes the effort to move towards an outward mindset. 2. Start with oneself even if others don’t change  Oftentimes, people fixate on other peoples’ shortcomings so that they don’t have to deal with their own. However, the way one sees and responds to others is more about oneself rather than others. As such, it’s crucial to recognize that an outward mindset begins with oneself. Making a commitment to change - regardless of whether others do, also reflects the fact that each person is a key part of the organization. 3. Interact with people and try to empathize with them Outward-mindset people enable others to thrive and become their best selves, which facilitates success in the entire organization. Given this, it’s important to interact with people across departments. Increased interaction helps one truly understand other people’s needs, goals, challenges, and begin to empathize with them. In turn, empathy makes reducing interpersonal conflict come naturally. Read Also: Top 3 Reasons to Get Flowers for Your Home Office Why Virtual Offices Are The Future Of Business Tips To Be An Effective Office Manager

keep cannabis storage

The Art Of Cannabis Storage: Keeping Your Green Goodness Fresh And Potent

Alright, my fellow cannabis enthusiasts, let's talk about something we all know is essential but often overlooked – cannabis storage. Whether you're a seasoned stoner or just a casual user, you've probably heard the rumors about how improper storage can turn your beloved herb into a sad, dry, and less potent version of itself. But fear not, for I'm here to guide you through the art of cannabis storage in a creative and casual way. So keep reading this blog till the end to learn more… Why Does Cannabis Storage Matter?   Image Source: Now, you might be wondering, "Why should I care about how I store my stash?" Well, here's the deal: cannabis isn't just a plant; it's an experience. And to get the most out of that experience, you need to keep your green goodness fresh and potent. Proper storage preserves those precious cannabinoids and terpenes, ensuring that every hit is as flavorful and effective as the first. Picture this: You've just scored a beautiful batch of bud, and it's sticky, aromatic, and practically begging to be smoked. But life happens, and you can't blaze through it all in one night (or can you?). So, you need a way to make sure your cannabis stays in tip-top shape until you're ready to indulge again. The Enemies Of Freshness   Before we dive into the how-to of cannabis storage, let's identify the culprits that threaten the freshness of your precious herb 1. Light:    UV rays are your herb's sworn enemy. They degrade cannabinoids and terpenes faster than you can say "420." Keep your stash away from direct sunlight. 2. Air:    Oxygen can cause your cannabis to dry out and lose its potency. Airtight containers are your best friends in this battle. 3. Temperature:    Extremes in temperature can wreak havoc on your stash. Avoid storing your cannabis in the freezer or near a heat source. 4. Humidity:    Too much or too little humidity can turn your herb into a crumbly mess or a moldy disaster. Maintaining the right moisture level is crucial. Now that we know what we're up against, let's get into the nitty-gritty of proper cannabis storage. The Essentials Of Cannabis Storage   You might be wondering about the things that you can keep in mind while looking for cannabis storage options. Well, I have you covered! Take a look at the ones below: 1. Choose The Right Container: The ideal storage container for cannabis is an airtight, opaque jar. Mason jars or specialty cannabis containers work wonders. These containers keep the air out, maintain the right humidity, and protect your stash from light. 2. Temperature Control: Store your stash in a cool, dark place. Room temperature is perfect – avoid extremes like the freezer or a windowsill. 3. Humidity Matters: Maintaining the right humidity level is essential. Aim for a relative humidity of around 55-62%. You can use humidity packs (like Boveda packs) to help regulate this. 4. Keep It Clean: Always ensure your storage container is clean and dry before adding your cannabis. Residue or moisture can lead to mold growth. 5. Avoid Plastic Bags: Are those plastic baggies you get from your dealer? They're not ideal for long-term storage. They allow air to seep in and can lead to a squished, dry mess. 6. Label Your Stash: If you have multiple strains, label your containers. You don't want to mix up your relaxing indica with your energetic sativa. 7. Glass Is Class: If you're feeling fancy, invest in some UV-resistant glass jars. Glass is definitely one of the best ways to store weed. They provide an extra layer of protection against light degradation. How To Keep Weed Fresh: The Cannabis Storage Hacks!   Alright, now that we've covered the basics, let's talk about some creative cannabis storage hacks that can elevate your stash game: 1. Herb Humidor: Ever heard of a humidor for cigars? Well, you can use a similar concept for your cannabis. Humidors are designed to maintain the perfect humidity level, keeping your bud fresh and flavorful. 2. Freeze the Grind: If you prefer pre-ground cannabis for convenience, grind your herb and store it in the freezer. This can help preserve freshness while allowing for easy access. 3. Tin Foil Trick: Wrap your stash in tin foil before storing it in a jar. This adds an extra layer of protection against light and air. 4. The Orange Peel Revival: If your herb has become a little too dry, toss a small piece of citrus peel into your storage container. The peel will release moisture and revive your cannabis. 5. DIY Humidity Packs: If you're in a pinch, you can make your humidity packs by sealing a wet cotton ball or piece of sponge in a plastic bag. Just be cautious not to make it too wet. A Guide To Storing Your Cannabis Flower Right!   Image Source: Alright, let's talk about storing your precious cannabis flower. Whether you're a seasoned smoker or a curious newbie, proper storage is crucial to keeping your bud fresh and potent. First things first, choose your container wisely. Opt for an airtight jar, like a trusty mason jar or a dedicated cannabis container. These will keep your stash safe from the air, which can dry it out and diminish its potency. Now, location matters. Find a cool, dark place for your stash. Room temperature is your best bet. Avoid extremes like the freezer, which can introduce unwanted moisture, or a windowsill, where the sun's UV rays can wreak havoc on your herb. Humidity control is your secret weapon. Aim for a relative humidity of around 55-62%. Use humidity packs, like those nifty Boveda packs, to help you maintain this sweet spot. Cleanliness is key. Always ensure your storage container is clean and dry before introducing your precious herb. Any residue or moisture can invite mold, and that's a no-go. Steer clear of those flimsy plastic baggies. They might be convenient, but they allow air to seep in and can turn your stash into a dry, crumbly mess. If you're a fan of pre-ground cannabis, here's a tip: grind your herb and store it in the freezer. This can help preserve its freshness while keeping it easily accessible. Lastly, don't forget to label your containers, especially if you have multiple strains. You wouldn't want to mix up your relaxing indica with your energetic sativa. Keep Your Cannabis Fresh!   In the world of cannabis, the key to an enjoyable experience lies not just in the strain you choose but also in how you store it. Whether you're a seasoned smoker or a curious newbie, understanding the art of cannabis storage is essential to keeping your stash fresh, potent, and ready to deliver the euphoria you seek. So, next time you score a bag of your favorite herb, treat it with the respect it deserves. Invest in some quality storage containers, control the temperature and humidity, and keep your stash away from the prying eyes of light and air. With these simple but effective tips, you'll ensure that your cannabis remains as delightful as the day you first laid eyes on it. In case you were searching about how to keep cannabis and its storage options, I hope that this blog has been of help to you. If there are any queries related to the same, please feel free to let me know. All that you need to do is scroll down till you reach the bottom of the page. Then leave your comments and queries in the box below. Till then, happy toking! Keep Learning: What Is Cannabis Oil And How Does CBD Oil Work? Cannabis Can Help In The Fight Against Drug Addiction The Most Popular Cannabis Strains And Where They Came From